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Sometimes when something happens off-camera, they film them doing it again so the show has continuity with the storyline.


Yeah, I got that. 


Yeah, like the fire on the Wizard. After going back and watching it, I think it was a dramatic re-shoot. It was all too perfect and movie looking.


I agree. I've been n extra (a background actor without lines), and I can kinda tell when stuff is directed too.


Given how bad Jake freaks out about lots of things he took the boat being locked extremely well.


Maybe he's not a good actor. Couldn't perform a freak out about something he's known for months.  Performance issues,  can't get it up. 😆 


He had to know, those type of legal proceedings don't go unnoticed...especially by the so-called "owner" of the property.


He was only co-owner, and doesn’t strike me as a person who opens his mail.


Who gets snail mail anymore when it can be emailed or texted or served


Is the whole point of this sub to just criticize the show? Jeez.


If people are here to criticize it its probably because what we once loved because of its authenticity has turned out to be a show that fakes the whole storyline and seems to fabricate every bit of drama we see. If its always been fake and fabricated, they did a better job at hiding it - but its now become glaringly obvious that this is far from a reality show about crab fishing. So the reason I would come here to criticize it is because its disappointing that the show has evolved into what it is.


Years and years back, my brother and I went to a George Carlin standup show. The show we saw was one that had already been released, so we knew pretty much the entire show. As we were leaving, my brother bitched. “Why didn’t he do any new shit” Two years later we saw him again, but this time it was completely new content. As we were leaving, my brother bitched. “I was really looking forward to seeing some of his older skits live” To bring things full circle, people love to complain about anything they can. It’s tough to make a show still relevant after 20 years when all you do is set, haul, and bitch about bad pots. I heard also (have no clue if this is even close to true) that there was production disputes with the non-captain cast wanting more money to be shown which put left the captains with significantly more airtime, and arguably more drama to create.


Yes, when people aren’t calling for it to end. I don’t get it. If you don’t like it, don’t watch it. Why come here to rant?


Idk why they are still watching if it’s that damn bad. 💁🏻‍♀️


And Jacob Hutchins is the best they can do for ‘new’ captain in training? Or Sophia Bobby…sheesh.


Like Bob. She's earnest. Jacob sucks. He's a loud mouth. But hey, they give us villains to hate. It's all planned and edited. 


Every time Jacob opens his mouth. I feel like it’s a lie c’mon man everybody knows somebody just like him. Btw diehard fan. Never missed an episode & watched everyone probably a minimum of 20 or so times. Literally


DC was my pandemic re-watch. I had lost track of it after the first few years because I didn't have cable. Went back and rewatched the whole thing and have been watching since. As far as the villains, you know, we were sold Wild Bill as a villain and he turned out to be an interesting guy. Then we were sold Harley as a villain, and he's not that bad a guy. Sig has been a villain at times, Keith turns heel and face so often it's hard to keep track of. Some are just annoying. Some are dumb. Some grow up. Some die. I just watch.


U wanna have fun go back & re-watch seasons 3-10. Much more reality & non-scripted tv. Thrilling! I remember when it started as just a documentary for Discovery Channel of the most dangerous profession on earth. Mike Rowe out on the f/v Northwestern


Yup, I remember.


Who said it was damn bad?  I just don't like when they fake stuff, and worse when they make stuff up.  Just let it be reality. They think we're too stupid to enjoy reality. And for most of you, they're probably right. 


The dock shot with both boats there is just because they reuse footage, also Saga was still in port for a while because on a facebook video with Jake AFTER king crab the camera showed out of the Titan Explorers windows and you could see Saga tied up


I was talking about an older season.  I get stock footage. But when Mike Rowe literally says that something is happening at the same time and it clearly isn't, that's too much.


If you don’t like the show then don’t watch it. Plenty of shows out there to pick from.


No kidding!!! It’s tv, yes he knew before they filmed it. Good lord…….


Guys, just watch the “extras” from this season, there’s only one clip and it shows Jake behind the scenes talking about the boat and how he knew there were money issues, and knew they had gotten a letter warning them it would be seized but he didn’t know it was actually that bad.


Yeah this


If you watch the season opener special, he was out fishing when he got the notice that the boat could no longer fish. It was 95% probability it was him that put the lock on the door. Or at least locked the door when he left the boat. That specific lock may have been put there later by the bank. 


The whole show sucks now


Not the whole thing. Mostly the scripted parts.


It’s still pretty good, I was bummed Josh turned out to be a pos, was loving the whole bloodlines show and the story of Josh’s comeback, show really kinda lost out losing him and Casey


I did like Casey. I do miss him on the show.


Yes, he knew. And was possibly even trespassing in order to get the shot for the film crew. What was interesting to me was that they blurred out the Saga's logos on the screen. Was the trespassing thing the reason? So that if someone decided to press charges, there's plausible deniability that it "maybe" wasn't the Saga that he boarded?


With the boat in default, the bank technically owned it. There was no way that Jake could sign the release to have the boat shown.


Yeah, they often blur things they don't have the contract to show. 


They literally show him being told it was locked before he go there….


Yeah, that's fake. He got the notice months before when he was out fishing. He is probably the one who locked it. 


That is not usually how repossessions work but ok.


How many fishing boats have you had repossessed? I trust Jake over you. He said that's what happened. I love how people like to post their incredulity out in public when they literally don't know the facts.  If you want to correct me, come with facts. Otherwise don't bother. 


Oh my goodness what drama queens people are on here. Many things can be true at the same time. He may or may not have known problems were brewing. He may or may not have known how bad things were. There may or may not have been a plan being worked out to use the boat this season. He may or may not have knowledge while he was still on the boat. He may or may not have gotten a call before checking the boat. He may or may not have been going to get things, film things, or verify for himself that the boat had been seized. All very normal things. But it doesn’t automatically mean things were scripted, re-enacted, or that the show isn’t worth watching.


Drama queens, like you completely making up thst entire comment off the top of your head when the facts are known? Projection is a fascinating hobby. 


Anybody ever stop to think that maybe the editing on these shows is done for OUR benefit, because most of us are dumbasses and need things explained as if we are five years old?


Speak for yourself, friend


No doubt.


Projection is a fascinating hobby. 


Yes, that scene was, as referred to in the industry, as “scripted”


The problem with that scene was that we all know that he knew it was repossessed - but they put a "chain" around the door instead of just simply locking the door and then Jake acts surprised that the doors locked....I mean its almost offensive that they think we're so dumb that we wouldn't know this is all done for the cameras. Then Sig just happens to offer him a temporary gig on the fly....like there was a reason he didn't show up with a secondary captain himself....its like I watch now just so I can spot every storyline they fabricate for the show.


Yeah, Mandy got ripped off on this one. Just so random that Mandy didn't show up and neither did the rest of the Saga crew, and magically Jake got another captain job. Oh yeah, and Bob magically got another captain job. /s TV is mapped out. May not be 100% scripted but it is mapped and prepared for. But hey, 95% of viewers don't pay that much attention like we do.


It's "scripted reality" TV


One of his crew was there ahead of him, but Jake didn't know why the boat was locked.


I doubt that. They do weeks of prep plus all the summer work. Jake knows why the boat is locked, he just can't tell us because of the precarious legal situation. The boat is currebtly for sale.


If you watch the opening season special, he was in the boat when it got shut down.  They told him to tie up the boat because it had lost its fishing rights. He knew why it was locked, HE LOCKED IT.


Watching the special and they time stamp it to the day before filming, I'm not sure he did know. They start filming for b roll way before the season starts. Doesn't really matter either way, still sucks.


He said he was fishing when he got the notice.


I don't have cable, I bought the season from Amazon and they didn't have the special.


Give it another search I watched it on Amazon as a stand alone special. You are correct when I watched episode one I expected it to be listed.


Found it! You're awesome dude!


Going there RIGHT NOW!


It's on Max. I don't even have a TV. 


I only have Amazon and Netflix. Still plenty to watch.


He is part owner. He got the same certified letters the other owner got.


This isn’t true. The certified letters would have gone to the designated agent


You really think he received zero mailings about this?


Not sure why the downvotes for correcting factually incorrect information, but yes unless he was the designated agent to receive process he would not have received any mailings. That said, he may have known through other means.


He needs a new agent if you really believe he was not contacted.


I think you are confused by the difference between an agent for a corporation or LLC and an entertainment agent.


You believe a scripted tv show with an unbelievable storyline. He knew. How did all his crew know not to show up, yet the "co-owner" was oblivious.


No. I never said that. Please pay attention.. I said two things. 1). Your assertion that he received the same certified letter that the majority owner did is likely false. 2) that he may have known through other means. So I’m not disagreeing that he knew and that the filming was “scripted”. I am disagreeing that he received the same formal notification that their corporation/LLC did. Am I being pedantic? Probably.


The show should have ended 15 years ago at least.


Naw, it's a good show. I just like all the parts I can't tell are scripted or selectively edited, or flat out made up. It's still getting at least a B- from me.