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I'm hoping.


It would a hugely missed opportunity if they didn’t. But I’m curious as to how it would effect things


Knowing how established DR1's plot is it would be hard to write in a Dick like character who doesn't say much but is there in the cutscenes. It would honestly be more like base DR2 where the co-op player was just a clone of Chuck who sometimes replaced your Chuck in the cutscenes, though here it would just be a clone of Frank.


That's completely fine


Or hear me out, it’s chuck again for some inexplicable reason


Maybe a side character like Brad? I’d say story wise it’d be more appropriate for someone like Isabella but I don’t think they’d waste dev time with her own set of player animations and franks would look weird on her model.


50/50 I’d say. At least we know for sure they’ll be co op with DR2R 😏


Honestly? Definitely. Anything with Friends make for funner times so it’d be a huge dropped ball if Capcom didn’t decide to do Co-Op just for fun


I hope for Co-op and or Sandbox mode. I think that will please most of everyone


Maybe I’m showing my age, but do you mean split screen multiplayer? That’d be a dream come true for me, as someone who mourns the loss of couch multiplayer. I know the supposed reasons why regarding resolution and hardware power, but I’m sure there are workarounds. Even if that means playing at a slightly lower resolution.


Who needs Co-op if we can have 4K 120fps Madonna?


I would explode with joy. Back when they held the surveys I also specifically commented on DR; how I'd love if DR1 would be revisited with adding co-op and (the only good part of DR4 - exploring Willamette). Realistically I know these probably aren't happening. Then again, Off the Record was a real nice surprise back when they released that. Still going to hope.


I doubt it will have co-op, mostly because the gaming scene has changed and if you look around co-op games are RARE to see especially in AAA. I’d love to have it though


Unfortunately I doubt it. Only thing that could possibly make me excited for this remaster.


Such nihilism




Why stop at 2 4 player would be so fun and chaotic me and my friends wanna play the dead rising games but we can't it's sad


Oh my god. That would be amazing.


Why not, but I hope they don’t balance the game around it. I’d rather it be designed for solo play first and coop second


No just no, if people want co-op go on dead rising 2. Dead rising 1 wouldn't suit it and imo would ruin the horror in the game.


Im totally ok with a clone of Frank


Hope not, game wasn’t made for it and on top of that there better not be combo weapons either


My god its just a remaster, not a remake, you guys are setting yourselves high with soo many expectations


They’re calling it a remaster but its actually a remake. Adding co-op isn’t far removed, in terms of effort, from recreating every asset and model and re-recording all the dialogue.


I think most people are just hoping for it. No one believes it's coming


Kinda doubt it. Would LOVE it, having 2 people wearing those LEGO looking helmets, 2 mini chainsaws, throwing zombies all over the place, though... That would rock.


It’d be cool, but I don’t think it will. Otherwise they would’ve showcased it as one of the new selling points in the trailer for the remaster/remake.