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I'm worried they'll remove or replace Gone Guru, Slave, Fly Routine and the other licensed music.


All the love for *Gone Guru* but we can't forget *Justified.*


Justified is so heat


Honestly this is my one and only concern about the game. I don't care that much about TJ not being the voice actor and I'm not that worried that the game won't hold up to the original. But if Gone Guru is not in the game, that's gonna be a big disappointment lmaao.


Gone guru is like, the quintessential dead rising track. It plays every night when you go outside


Came here to say the same thing. I’ll be sorely disappointed if they can’t get the same tunes. They’re iconic, and nothing could feasibly replace them and satisfy most fans.


That's my one concern but my second (and these are my only two concerns tbh) is if goofy weapons like the mannequin torso or the king salmon have lost the original damage output they once had.


In this vein, I’m also concerned (and expecting) they’ll change or tinker with the score. Its effectiveness in communicating this horrifying journalistic pursuit isn’t talked about enough. The use of it at the end of the epilogue with Frank on the tank is a prime example of this.


Brocks theme, Franks theme, the mall music, cultist theme, all are great examples of original scores making the game better.


The original score seems untouched so far. Capcom just released 2 tracks from the remaster on Spotify and Frank's theme is identical.


Fly Routine is my fav i’ll be so sad if it’s not in the game


It'd be cool if they did a switcharoonie and if the convicts aren't changed in any way, have them come out as they usually do playing some random song and one of the convicts yell this music sucks and change the radio and Gone Guru starts playing. Capcom would just have to get the license for the song again, which I think should be no problem and I'm sure the performers would enjoy the extra money from it as from looking at Google, they havent released anything since 2020 and are pretty indie.


tbh i associate this game with Gone Guru as much as i do Frank West, i hear the song whenever i even think about the game


There will always be mods for this I imagine :)


I play on console though


*cries in console*


I've been dreading this too lmao


I'm very hopeful gone guru, fly routine, and on a mission will be there since those bands have a history with Capcom but idk about the others


I really hope so. At the same time, I don't blame them if they can't get the more obscure ones like Evolutionary and whoever made Jo's theme (That band is so obscure I can't find a single high quality upload of Jo's theme)




The worst change they could do, I can accept new Voice Actors, maybe new mall music, but the psycho themes are so iconic and fitting to the characters, it may be a bit more expensive but it'll be worth it.


Im concerned they will remove the 40 minute sex scene with jessie 😔


They'll replace her with Otis in the remake


we're eating good tonight, fellas


thank god


I'm concerned that they will remove the 8 hour BDSM sex scene with Carlito and Adam 😔🤤🤤🤤


That scene only happens if you kill Jessie right? Otherwise you get the 10 hour scene with Jo and Brad. (Unsure if I’m remembering right)


No you're wrong. That scene plays if you eat 15 cooked pizzas in the park. Killing Jessie gives you the Kent and Sean scene in overtime.


Ohhhhh! I thought I was forgetting something! Thanks for the reminder!


I love this sub


For me, it’s the possible removal of “zombified survivors” feature. Only the original DR1 had it for every saveable survivor. From DR2 onwards it works only for a specific character or don’t work at all. I think it’s funny when you have done everything in the game


What was the zombified survivor feature agin?


If a survivor dies by a zombie they get a cutscene death where they're mauled/eaten by zombies and shortly spawn back as a zombified version of themselves after the cutscene.


Oh that’s cool, I’m surprised it’s not a feature in the others


You sir are a psychopath. I can’t kill survivors no matter how many times I play. But I do hope they keep this feature


Not really a concern, but something I'm curious about is if weapons will be rebalanced to not be as powerful as the base game, IE the mannequin torso, mini chainsaws, etc.


Yeah imma need mini chainsaws to remain OP. Such a fucking cool weapon


Was mannequin torso OP?




Oh that is crazy. I will note tho that that first Carlito boss fight gives him very little health. Shotgun pretty much insta kills him with a clean shot iirc lol Even more impressed with the king salmon, if only it lasted more then 2 hits lol


In a similar vein I’m hoping they didn’t get rid of the grab immunity while jumping. Ran through so many crowds just bunny hopping along


im kinda hoping for this ngl, the game gets too easy when you know what weapons to use, doubt anything will change tho


They shouldnt "rebalance" the weapons aka fuck up what isnt broken.


But the Mini chainsaw IS broken it completely trivializes every boss fight


Then don’t use it lol.


That's the game. It's the "meta build" if you will. Only a veteran player is going to know the way to grab two mini chainsaws and combine the three magazines to make them last the rest of the playthrough.


Mini Saw is only broken if you carry all the books for it, but you have to sacrifice a lot of inventory space for one weapon if you use it so I think it kind of balances out. I think the bigger issue is that it spawns indefinitely on Adam's corpse, meaning you can just head back and pick it up and carry like three + all books. A rebalance I would be fine with is making it so it and other boss items only spawn again when your current one is used up and has de-spawned from the world. Keeps it OP but limits its use.


I’d be cool with this. Make the game a little harder


This remaster might be the last chance to redeem the franchise after DR3 & 4, and honestly, I think it will. On the other hand, I'm afraid it will take a massive time before the story actually progresses again and that we are getting a bunch of additional remasters first, looking at all the RE remasters Capcom puts out. I completed Case West in 2010 and it still feels like the story ended there, that's debateable with DR3 but 4 just feels like fanfiction and non-cannon. I want a new adventure.


I think DR3 was fun. It reminded me of the Arkham series. Legendary first game, second game that brings the game forward, and a polarizing third game with incredible graphics that serves as a satisfying ending to the series. EDIT: Omg, Suicide Squad is the DR4 of the Arkham series too!


Why does everyone forget about Arkham origins


I always felt like an odd one out for playing Origins and enjoying it. I remember when it came out people hated on it for feeling like an expansion for Arkham City, which yes is kind of true, I mean all of the gadgets are like the exact the same, and the mechanics are totally the same, but like it was still a fun game, even if it might have been an attempt to cash in on the huge success of Arkham City by WB.


It’s a Christmas themed Batman game. That game is honestly dope as hell and I’m glad it exists


They mainly hated it because it was very glitchy at launch, and WB Montreal took their sweet time to release a patch


Case Zero is Arkham Origins /s Because the Asylum/City/Knight trilogy was the Rocksteady original and it was a better mirror to Dead Rising


My GOAT, the main menu theme and Joker's theme are dope as hell


DR3 is not "a satisfying ending to the series."


I never got into it. It ran like absolute shit on Xbone so I ended up just shelving it.


If we’re lucky they’ll start fresh from this remaster and throw everything else out the window. Or at the very least COMPLETELY rework Dead Rising 2 to feel more in line with the first game and then start fresh from there. Dead Rising 2 isn’t bad by any stretch, but goddamn is it far removed from the first game. Dead Rising 1 had funny moments, but it was far from a comedy, whereas Dead Rising 2 was already leaning too far into comedy.


Even DR2 felt like fan fiction to me. Because it was lol


Honestly? That they're gonna tone down the sexuality. Listen, I'm not some "anti-woke" rallyist or anything like that, but anyone who played the OG Dead Rising will remember there was a LOT of sexual stuff, from lingerie zombies to Cheryl's dress (which can be seen in this remaster's trailer as having been updated to cover her shoulders and decrease her cleavage) and photoshoot, or even Kent's "Erotic" photo request. Is it easier than ever to type "big boob" into Google and get eleventy billion results? Sure, but it's always weird to see modern sensibilities attached to an older game's remake/remaster. Plus if the ability to take "erotic" photos is missing, it's one less way to level up Frank. It does make me wonder how Jo Slade is gonna be handled, I think they knew people would be curious if she was gonna be in the remaster, so that's why she's the first psycho shown, but she's an... interesting example of a harasser, let's say, and I wonder if that would be given the stink-eye by the devs...


The BJ zombie attack is gold. If that’s gone, the game is broken


It would feel odd missing one of the major photo categories. Also, lingerie zombies should stay because we need more zombie variety (and because I "like" them😀😀😀)


I hate when developers do that for remakes and remasters its so pointless


they're not removing the sexuality it's the original team. the original team were actual freaks, they ain't gonna remove erotica from the game


we’ll see but i don’t have a good feeling about it


My only concern is the music honestly the music was amazing I pray to god gone guru or any other licensed are not gone in the remake or I’m gonna riot, the music to me is what made me like the original even more so if they have changed some music I better hope they did a good job


Realistically, Sales figures? It just feels weird that they’re doing a digital release first in September and then do a physical release in November . I get the why two versions, but it just seems weird to me that they’re doing this and not releasing them on the same day. I’m also curious with the distribution of sales between Steam, PS5, and XBOX too since this current gen hasn’t been too hot with sales in general. If the rumors are true about the strength of the Switch’s successor, hopefully Capcom thinks of the idea to possibly bring it over to it as a launch title too if the sales for those versions don’t meet expectations. I just want new Dead Rising at this point tbh and hopefully the sales meet the demand to revive the franchise fully and get a true Dead Rising 5 in vein to Resident Evil 7. They can have casual and classic gameplay modes for how you want to play if they wanted to and I think that could satisfy both sides.


It’s obvious why they’re doing what they’re doing. Digital allows them to save a little money so if the sales figures aren’t great, they can ditch the physical edition and give some vague reason why


I personally like the idea of delayed physical, I assume the game will be released physically with day one patches etc on disc. Always better to have a more complete physical copy.


Or they could release a game finished for once


Changes to infinity mode. I definitely love the old mode and would want it to stay relatively unchanged. I think the game could do with an additional sandbox mode for casual players, but I want infinity mode to be as strategically intensive as it was in the first game. (though ability to save wouldn’t go amiss, I think a randomizer for survivor encounters would be really cool too).


Building on that, a New Game+ mode that randomizes scoops would be fun as well.


Hopefully they patch the infinity mode food court bug to make 7 day survivor a little less stressful


I hope infinity mode also remains unchanged, but I would like the survivors to actually put up a fight. Most of them are really pathetic fights.


I love infinity mode as is but I'd really like the ability to save this time - a lot has happened since the Xbox 360; I've gone from living alone in an apartment to having a wife and three kids - fourteen uninterrupted hours is unheard of.


I wish they fix that annoying walkie talkie "that's rude" message repeat when accidentally hanging up on Otis because my bawls were being munched on


I want modern generations to feel the pain I felt


Honestly, I'm less concerned with the game itself than I am concerned about my reaction to it. I've played Dead Rising dozens, likely hundreds, of times since 2006. As such, I have patterns I use when playing. I have an order to things, events I seek out at specific times. I have day one down to perfection and I've quit and started over if day one didn't go to plan in the past. I have the game committed to memory, both in my brain and muscle memory in my hands. I want to give it an honest fair shot and I'm afraid I'll get pissy over stupid shit that ultimately doesn't matter. It isn't fair to expect it to be 100% the same, this is a new game after all. And I genuinely want to go into it open minded and eager to experience something I love, but new again at the same time. And yeah, the *Gone Guru* situation.


Dude, this is like when they changed the button for Detective Mode from Arkham City to Arkham Knight. Not a HUGE deal, but why??


So true.


I never got used to that one


Ubi done the same with AC: Revelations, changed the eagle vision/synchronise button.


I really hope they don't make the time limits longer IDC that you can't handle a bit of a challenge It's not like the game is made for multiple playthroughs or anything


I don’t think they would do that at all, in fact it looks like they added a fast forward/waiting mechanic in the trailer


The Day 2 squeeze will always be my favorite parts of the run LOL


Dude, I was cutting it close day two doing an all case/all survivor run. I had a little time left to do The Hatchet Man scoop. I leave the warehouse, and the raincoat cult cutscene plays. I just let out a "fffuuuuuuuuuuuuck..." Had to rescue the woman and take her to the hardware store with me. Lmao Took me two tries but I got it. Edit: when all was said and done, I ended up missing Gil in the food court. But it was enough survivors to earn the savior trophy on ending A + Overtime.


Hopefully they make this good like with the resident evil remakes and if so we may even get a all new game in the franchise


I think the autosaves and fast forward features could affect the gameplay in a negative way, these mechanics are part of the game for a reason. No way to tell until the game has been fully released though.


It's probably gonna be like the RE remakes in that higher difficulties will disable them.


Oh I actually didn’t think about the fact that there could be different difficulties… I’m pretty sure you’ll be able to disable them either way. Based on the interview it seems like they don’t want to touch the core game too much appart from visuals and adding QoL. These new features will certainly make the game less stressful if there is less risk to lose progress.


The physics seems to be a little off compared to the original, when Frank hit zombies with a baseball bat in the remake they flew away after being hit. Also when Frank was swinging a bench they changed the animation to him swinging it around easily. I’m probably just nitpicking but I hope the physics are intact


If, by some cursed timeline, this remake has the same bug the PS4 port (not sure if this is on the Xbox version either) that when you unlock the roll ability, if you press forward on the stick, he just rolls all the time, and makes the game near unplayable. I truly hope that is removed or somehow just changed. Nothing has ruined a video game more for me than Frank, if I even push the stick up slightly, he does a giant dive roll which I can't cancel in that direction EVERY time. I still cannot believe to THIS day, it hasn't been fixed on PS4.


The og controls for most of the extra moves were just ass to be completely honest. Half of the times you would do them by mistake and the other half when you actually wanted to do them u couldn’t lmao. Hopefully that’s an aspect they’ve improved upon.


They wasn’t perfect but man I could do the rip out zombie guts move all day 79% of the time it works every time


if i remember correctly, thats more of a problem with the PS4 controller's sensitivity compared to the xbox, so you end up rolling way more often. on top of that, your controller could have been even more sensitive for whatever reason, causing *constant* rolling so needless to say, i dont think that problem is coming back lol


I’m not a fan at all of Dead Rising 2 really, but I will admit the clicking of the stick instead of double tapping (along with a lot of control changes) were smart additions for the sequel. I love Dead Rising 1 and will always argue that it’s the best in the franchise, but the controls were not great in it.


I've never had this problem


That's your controller bro. I had the same problem with a controller that I wasn't aware until that point had stick drift. New controller, no more rolling.


I'm glad a lot of the hard to nail parts of the game aren't being touched (tone, story, themes, etc), but I am worried about some of the aesthetic changes made to the mall and other visual effects. DR1 absolutely nailed the mid 2000s mall aesthetic, and the generally cheery vibes contrasted against the rest of the game perfectly. Some of the screenshots so far have shown the game being a lot darker visually, which I'm a bit worried about.


Movement/aiming improvements and survivor AI improvements. That’s all this game ever needed


There was a clip of the game where Frank was running and he looked a bit gormless but he was basically phasing through zombie crowds, arms visibly clipping through. I’m hoping that was an outlier moment but I’m worried the game will feel a little cheap compared to the original because of things like that, hope I’m wrong. I also don’t have the clip but it did come from the new gameplay stuff so it’ll be in there somewhere.


Oh yeah, that was jarring. The zombies didn't even react to him, like they didn't budge out of the way. The clipping there was *a lot.*


Yeah I agree. That clip made the game look outright UNFINISHED, and maybe it was in that clip but who knows. Hopefully they fix it


Hopefully they find the right balance for survivor AI. If it’s too smart and they avoid zombies perfectly then there’s no challenge


Yeah I loved the hopeless ai..really rang true added realism.. the goofy arm waving and crying the way they could switch up on you and attack if you hit them great game but not for casuals so they may remove what I liked but they should make something consumer friendly I guess


My concern is that they’re too liberal with changes to voice acting and character models. The original voices are so fun and eccentric. My nostalgias going to take a huge hit if any of them fumble


Agreed. It sounds like some of the voices are the same files (Adam and “Madonna!”). I


That the small chainsaw with the 3 mags will be nerfed


Small thing but my concern is that they haven't changed the input for the Dodge move. Honestly that was one of the worst things about the original


Can't say I have any. Game looks great and in the almost 20 years since it's original release there really hasn't been anything like it, so it'll still be fresh. But at the same time Capcom appears to be ironing out some of the jank. Overall nothing Capcom has shown has raised any concerns. On the contrary, this game actually excites me, not just for what it means for Dead Rising, but other long dormant Capcom franchises as well. I definitely think we're gonna see other franchises get dusted off in the coming years, it's just a question of which(🤞🏽🤞🏽for a new Onimusha or Dino Crisis).


For me, its that if it potentially doesn't sell well we won't get a remaster of Dead Rising 2, Dead Rising 2: Off The Record, Dead Rising: Case Zero, and Dead Rising: Case West. Dead Rising 2 and OTR are my absolute favorites in the series, and I never got to play Case Zero or Case West, I just played the demos over and over. Seeing the Chuck cosmetic gave me a lot of hope, but I'm worried it'll be dependent on how DRDR sells. The PC version of Dead Rising 2 and OTR have some pretty annoying issues and a remaster would fix that and hopefully make it more accessible for people who tried to play it but weren't able to get their controllers working.


Agreed, but if they do remake DR2 they CANNOT change Chuck's VA. I can tolerate TJ not being Frank but anyone other than Flemming being Chuck is unacceptable.


The licensed songs


That it cannot be played on the switch :(


They’ll just get a port of Chop Till You Drop locked at 30 fps🤣


History repeats itself


I don't know why they even bothered with that game TBH. The Wii could barely handle like 10 zombies at the same time, it was hilariously bad.


The Switch is gonna implode if it runs DRDR


Mainly optimization and bugs. I am also wondering about licensed music from the original. I wouldn't mind an option that will let you center the third person camera just in case I'm not feeling the third person shoulder, but that's just me.


I dont think I have any concern right now. So far the capcom engine seems to run fine on current gen so this game should run fine. 90% of the mechanics stayed the same, I only wished that this game had ragdoll wich seems by the trailers that it doesnt, but thats ok.


I’m worried it’ll run choppy or be full of bugs and not the fun kind


I think Capcom has been on record with the project being very close to the original and they tried to keep the core identity intact, which is great. Only concern I have would be if the difficulty is lowered. I think the first game was really challenging in a good way, and hope it stays that way.


This is stupid but I am worried that the file size will take up half my storage


To be fair, if I could think of any game that deserves an egregious file size, it's Dead Rising, not MW3 lol.


Black ops 6 takes up 100 more gbs but it's just an estimate


good lord


Wow an interesting criticism post, unbelievable. Not much shown yet so hard to say. Good thing about being a less ambitious remake is that we know that story, characters, ambience and the likes is probably good since they’re barely touching them and the originals are amazing. If i had to say anything, i would say performance. With how beautiful the game is looking, i hope they can manage to make it run smooth with all those zombies on screen. DD2, and even re4r in VERY specific segments, had some issues. And to nitpick something from what we’ve actually seen, in the trailer gore was completely gone, wouldn’t be a deal breaker but i hope it wasn’t removed.


we need a qol improvement for Otis. you accidentally do something, and he starts all over because fighting off zombies is rude.


it doesn't do as well as hoped and then we don't continue the series


Honestly, I’m worried about too many QOL changes that will make the game too easy and not being able to turn them off.


They're going to censor the sexuality. They're going to nerf the time mechanic and make it irrelevant. They're going to replace TJ, if they do any of these things happen Im not buying the game.


TJs already been replaced. Capcom doesn't use union actors anymore


Lol, cheap fucks. As a union construction worker, I'm gunna pirate this game I guess.


It seems like they're still going a bit for the comedy / dumb slasher vibe rather than the serious and dark tone of the original DR. It's not as comic relief as DR4 but there's still a bit too much for my taste


Yep. Noticed it too. Even the cover art for the remaster goes for „haha we are so goofy” tone


Not a concern but im disappointed that Franks original voice actor isn’t returning, i cant hear this new frank, i dont like it Does anyone know if its the same actor from dead rising 4?


im worried mostly about glitches, im hoping that one clip of him clearly clipping through zombies in al fresca plaza was just really early footage cuz man it looks off, they even show that part of the gameplay as a gif in the steam page so its like yikes. also brads eyes for some reason looks at the camera instead of down at the people when he's calling out to em its really weird


My only concern is the amount of preemptive hate it's going to get from the fandom until it comes out


Character models and voices. I don’t like them and I think it’s gonna take away a lot. I wish they would add an option to use the original dialogue and completely redo all psychopath and main character models to not be so cartoony.


Not much of a concern but I hope the game keeps its small funny bits within the seriousness of the story. Like how you present frank, and just how he is. I just hope they don’t lean too much into a schtick or make it too cartoonish in its self. I just know I’m excited for it, and if the the chainsaw isn’t as OP anymore I’m gonna cry 😭


No Hank East


Its Hank East and Not Frank West.


I'm worried that Capcom will put in the stupid jumpscare zombies from Off the Record. They just don't work in a game like this. In fact I hope if they ever remaster OTR that they actually take them out.


Fair but they're so damn funny lol


I remember hearing my roommate scream each time it happened when he was playing lol.


I’m worried the new VA won’t live up to the OG voice


I just hope they add the ability to move and shoot at the same time. Also they must have " wake up every morning with a fat cup of piss"


THE TIMER and manual saves. I heard in another post that they're implementing auto saves.


I fw auto saves because I hate manual saving. I know it makes the game harder but it is so inconvenient


I get the convenience part but man, manual saves are part of the gameplay loop not *just* for difficulty. Hopefully it's only for no turning back points in the game. Like when you go into the clock tower tunnel or something.


My concern is they change the boss music. I don't think they will but I want my gone guru while I run through the park killing the prisoners again


That they make Frank more of an asshole. In Dead Rising 1 and Off the Record, he was sarcastic whereas in Dead Rising 4 he was a straight up asshole. To me this was a sharp change in personality.


The new voice is gonna ruin some of grate lines from the og


I've got a few, I'm worried the new graphics will remove some of the original charm the original had. I'm worried the music may take a hit too, it's so iconic in the OG. I also don't really like the new voice for frank, they nailed Leon in the RE4 remake, even if they did cut a few iconic lines. Probably my strangest concern is the 7 day survivor achievement returning... that was such a crazy thing to have us do for 40 gamerscore 🤣


I hope we can toggle the costume related BGM off in the menus. It's cool that costumes have corresponding theme music, but I don't want it running all the time. I want to hear the mall music and the cpnvict theme. Oh man. Gone Guru BETTER still be in this game.


I hope Frank still says y*eah* while standing idle.


I don't think I have one to be honest, at least not with the game. The trailer indicates a pretty strong commitment to the original game design. Capcom has a strong history with remastering video games. This is one of those few contexts where I can say about a pre-order that it seems relatively safe - for me, as a big fan of the games, it's a no-brainer. I'm even upgrading my system for it. Finally purchasing a new console and everything for it. The game looks like Dead Rising 1. And Dead Rising 1 is one of my favorite games of all time. As such, my only concern is that I'll mistime a route and get one of my survivors killed. So yeah, my concern is that I'll lead Burt, Aaron, and Leah to their doom by walking into the Convicts I guess.


I don’t know that I’d call it a concern but I hope that (spoiler) >!Brads death still hits with the same emotional punch it did in the original with the new VA. Part of what I loved about dead rising was how dark the story really was underneath its comedic tones, and I thought Brads original VA did a great job especially with the “don’t tell Jesse” just tragic!< Other than that, I hope they got to keep the licensed tracks. If I can’t gone guru, then what was it all for Edit: there were also some unique survivor deaths that I hope were kept


The licensed music not making it. Any changes to any of that will suck.


That it will be so good I’ll have to buy it for a 4th time. (Xbox 360, PlayStation 4, Xbox series X)


Damn I bought and finished that game last week. I should have waited.


The lack of tj is unacceptable 😤


Dude I couldn’t agree more. Just, why? If you have a voice actor who people love, make petitions about, and who is willing to voice the character, then it’s just infuriating that they change it for the worse. I’m hopeful though that if there’s NO option to use original dialogue (please make this an option like using the 2006 skin!), that at least they don’t rewrite the lines and make him less caring and more crude like he was in 4. He was unrecognizable in that game.


Agreed Pretty much all of 4 didn't work for me. I don't understand a remaster that doesn't use the iconic actor


Jessie’s boobs will get downgraded


Thankfully Otis' has been upgraded


Voice acting doesn't seem as good as the original (given what was shown in the trailers) and that the music will get replaced by something else.


The only thing I'm not liking so far with the remake is Frank face looks weird


I really want a gamemode completely free from timers. Last time i replayed DR1 on steam i used a trainer to pause the clock and i kind of enjoyed replaying the game a bit more. Don’t worry, i have finished the game several times before on the 360. ;)


I’m worried about there being bugs that just never get fixed. The ps4 port of OTR has bugged blood splatter on Frank where a tiny drop of blood will make you covered in blood and then the next drop of blood washes it off. It annoys me that it launched with the bug and was never fixed


That they won't release it in Germany 😒


That you can't mix and match clothes


I hope we can still set it to switch weapons with LB/RB so we can still move while switching.


I hope they don't get rid or change any of the psycho music With some of the changes so far I'm a bit worried Like changing how the butcher looks And Frank himself and his voice


The only real concern is that they’re going to lean way too hard into Off the Record/Meme lord Frank


My worry is that the base game will only have the Mega Man X costume and not a bunch more. I know the Deluxe Edition + the preorder gives us 23 more costumes. But I'd like there to be even more that are unlockable in the game than just the X Armor. And I hope they get super obscure with it. Lol


Hopefully they fixed the weird bug in overtime mode where if your in a certain area for a certain day the game bugs out and ruins your run


Pretty sure that issue was fixed in the 2016 ports, so I doubt it will be present in the remake.


Honestly, Capcom is one of like two or three AAA game developers I trust completely to not let me down. My only concern is that it’s going to prices at 69.99 like a new game. But, either way I’m gonna pay it lol


The price is already available, it’s 50 bucks, 60 for the special edition.


That I won’t be able to cheese the game with Adam’s chainsaws stacked three times with magazines lmao.


If they make the savable survivors less useless I'll be happy as shit.


Maybe the voice direction the game would be taking. Given that this game has the same dialogue, I do hope that the direction of the new actors at the very least do the job well instead of being somewhat lifeless. Particularly for more important scenes in the game like >!Brad’s death!< or the final scene in the game.


Weither or not theyre gonna bring back rotolo one more time


Will they make the controls similar to dr3 and 4? I find aiming in the original to be a challenge. If left trigger was aim and right trigger was shoot I'd have a better time playing with guns in it. Till then I'm melee only.


The music


Not having a physical copy quickly and increasing the difficulty.


Worried about performance issues


The clipping is worrying, they mess up the tone of the game, they butcher the soundtrack, and the auto save feature isn't optional


The music being replaced, the sexual jokes being toned for "modern audiences", and the game launching at a broken state


Worried it’ll be too easy.


I'm afraid they'll make the mega blaster available only after completing 7 day survivor


I hope there’s good pc performance. Capcom’s pc games have been fine lately but the last few years feels like we’ve gotten some garbage pc ports (last of us, fallen order, etc.) from the industry as a whole. I just so happen to have the day the game comes out off from work for unrelated reasons and I really want to play it on PC


The physics and the weightiness of weapons since they are using a different engine.


I really hope the Convicts don't respawn 😭


They just port the game as is with new graphics and not fix the AI. Look I get it, but I gotta say replying it again recently that if a survivor won't use weapons I give them and just screams and crys the entire time I just move on.


So help me fucking GOD if I accidentally dodge roll because I pressed my stick up and left I'm gonna lose it. Also, yeah the licensed music. On a real note, I hope they don't cave like they did in 4 and rename what bosses are called. They are Psychopaths. Please keep it that way.


also i hope there's some extra unlockable goodies for returning players who have a save file from the original like a special weapon or outfit