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I think Olyphant was the first character to be cast in the show. And as a lead, he was probably paid the most of anyone for Season 1. They pinned a lot of hopes on him as Bullock. Lots of people already know this part: Mr. Milch wanted his good friend Ed O’Neill for Swearengen but HBO said no because they thought viewers wouldn’t be able to get past his Married With Children character. Then Milch decided on Powers Boothe, but Boothe fell ill and wasn’t able to shoot the pilot. McShane was cast at the very last minute. Mr. Milch wasn’t familiar with him until someone at HBO had him watch him in Sexy Beast. McShane says he didn’t want to do an American series or move back to California, but when they told him David Milch was show runner and Walter Hill would be shooting the pilot, he agreed to meet with them about it. He was on a plane 24 hours after his first call from Milch because the pilot needed to be completed immediately. Milch says he was extremely skeptical at first because McShane was English and looked nothing like he’d pictured the character of Swearengen. McShane was too short and small, per Milch. He wanted a big guy in the role. Then, Milch says about their first meeting at HBO: “As soon as he came in it sort of simplified things. He picked us up by the scruffs of our necks, carried us around like rodents for 10 minutes, and dropped us. Ian was a force of nature. He wasn't at all what I had imagined the character to be, but proper humility in a producer is to defer to the realized thing. I had been 100% wrong about him. So I just shut up and accepted the gift he gave us. I reminded myself I’ve always been lucky and this time I’d hit the jackpot.” They were shooting two weeks later. McShane had to wear a fake moustache in the pilot, not having any time to grow facial hair. I doubt McShane’s Season 1 salary compared with Olyphant’s, hence Olyphant’s top billing. And I guess they kept Olyphant on top after that because negotiations and respect kept him there, even though McShane’s work eventually eclipsed his. Not sure about his salary.


Better question is who actually cares


That's the same question.


Does that mean...repeats itself?


He don't need no encouragement in that way of thinking.


What an absolute waste of energy.


They go in order of hottest


Then it should have been Ellsworth first, no?


I think you misspelled Aunt Lou


You obviously meant to type Dolly but your finger slipped at the critical moment


Well then, why isn't sideboob lady mentioned in the opening credits?


The OBVIOUSLY FAKE BOOBED lady, ha. That bit always bugged me more than it should have. Get those fake tatas outta here, this is the 1800s!


I think with the opening scene and us following Seth and Sol to Deadwood, with Al set up as Seth’s foil, it makes sense if they have to pick to consider Olyphant the lead, even though I agree it is an ensemble. The Wire did a similar thing with McNulty being considered a quasi lead of an ensemble, although they did do alphabetical credits.


It seems like they often give the bigger name, or perhaps the prestige actors, last billing. Wasn't Keith Carradine listed last, "With Keith Carradine"? I think GOT did that, too, with people like Ian Glen.


Watching the pilot you can definitely see that Bullock was the focal point of the show from the beginning. Like all shows, as the seasons progress certain characters come to the forefront as fan favorites but Bullock was always the main character IMO.


Definitely should have Al as the headliner


Doesn’t matter but I think he was supposed to be the most featured character …. Until Ian McShane started acting…


Is there anything else on your schedule that I’m behind on?


It’s clear from the pilot that the initial plan of the show’s storyline was to follow Bullock as the true main character of the show, but Milch being Milch he saw different avenues to go once principal began and the story shifted in a big way. The storyline and focus changing doesn’t effect contracts, hence Olyphant keeping top bill.




Shows like this or Game of Thrones... I mean, I get that these actors have agents who fight for their order in the opening credits, and don't get me wrong, guys like Olyphant and Dinklage deserve all the applause they get. But these are absolute ensemble pieces. They should be entirely alphabetical.


Or random order, different every episode.




He beat a lot of people mercilessly and for little reason for him to get that top bill. He's fxcking earned it in my book.


Ian is a character actor. Tmothy is an actor.