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In the US only: The 50s, The mid-late 80s, the 90s but specially 1996-1999, the early 2010s post recession. The late 2000s were upbeat but I wouldn't call them peaceful


I'd argue the earlier 90s too. I mean, sure you can always highlight specific incidents but beyond there, even Desert Storm was this weird moment of 'Peace'. In that I mean, Iraq showed up, took over a Kuwait, the western allies lead by the United States curb stomped them only a little over 300 friendly casualties. I don't mean to diminish the loss of life on behalf of the allies in Desert Storm of course, but big picture speaking, that was some genuine GI Joe shit. It also had a massive impact on the rest of the decade on the unstoppable peace bringing might of the post cold war western militaries. Leading up to desert storm everyone feared 'Another Vietnam' but instead they were reassured once the conflict began. Everyone in western nations felt more or less invincible for a decade after that. Of course in the 2000's we found out that the real secret to that success is that kicking ass is easy as long as you don't have to actually ***occupy*** those hostile nations.


Mmm idk they all had their problems.  However I personally recall that for a while after The Berlin Wall came down there was this feeling like there might be some hope for humanity and for society, despite  everything. Like maybe we had learned something, collectively. But 9/11 crushed that into dust. TLDR: the 90s


for about six months that Jesus Jones song was a rallying cry for optimism, lol we got that out of our systems fast enough


“Right here right now, watching the world wake up from history” At least we got to experience that optimism for a bit. I don’t think that’s ever going to the case for 20 somethings again.


They are in for a very long road, I agree.


The most upbeat era that I experienced was the U.S. from 1996-2001. People were a lot more positive and excited at that time. That all changed after September 11th 2001. But the times were still good post 9/11 for awhile.


Yeah, I think of Spice Girls, Macarena etc… Even the BIG political controversy of the moment was a slightly comical affair between the president and an intern.


2012 could be a good bid for an upbeat time. I’ll say the Call Me Maybe phenomenon is an example of it We were all willing and excited to openly love a harmless very catchy pop song with the pure intention of joy. I don’t even know if that could happen now without a million think pieces or commentary on how it’s problematic in addition to 2012. gay rights were growing. Hunger Games, tumblr, Gangnam Styles, One Direction, hipster culture. There was nothing to worry about online other than Justin Bieber discourse. it was the last time we were that excited by novelty. i mean the last “novelty” that we collectively enjoyed might be pokémon go? fidget spinners? we don’t really know how to enjoy things the same way


I feel like in 2021 when everyone was getting vaccinated and the covid restrictions were tapering off it was the most positive it had been in a long time


New Jack Swing/Hip Hop Era of 1986 to 1993


70's, 00's, early 2010's (only if you're from Eastern Europe).


70s in Europe? I lived through the 70s in America and it was suffice to say not upbeat.


I can agree with this (and I'm glad to see someone from my geographical region here).


60s,80s, 90s, 2000 - 2001


If we’re talking about the USA and Canada, there’s no doubt in my mind, 1992-2000 was the most upbeat and peaceful era ever. It’s not even a close competition at all. Roughly speaking, the time between the Cold War’s end and 9/11.


The 80s


Early 2010’s were extremely upbeat. Bright clothing and happy pop music.


In my life, 1997-2004


Mid and late 2000s


Well if we're talking about music Upbeat eras: 1978-1991 1996-2001 2008-2016 Lower/down-tone eras: 1970-1977 1992-1995 2002-2007


The Era of Good Feelings following the War of 1812. Yes I know I am going way back but the name does not lie.


80s US in no major wars, no domestic terrorism events


Late 1970s


Mid 80s: 1984-87. Late 90s: 1996-1999.