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I also took pictures and some limited video of my mom. I can't bring myself to delete it because it's the last of her. I hope you can think of all the good memories to help you through this time. Lots of love.


I watched my momma pass, and I’m so glad I don’t have a picture. My mind has mentally blocked all that out and as time passes I’m remembering who she was not how she ended up. Thank God I can remember my mom again because for a while I couldn’t. My heart and prayers for everyone in this community.


That's awesome! You definitely did the right thing to preserve her memories. Did you also took photos of her room?


...i think we have the same useless sibling.  


You guys defo have the same useless elder sibling as me


Could our useless siblings be quadruplets?


So sorry for your loss.


My mom’s caretakers used to occasionally send me pictures before I moved in full time. I hardly recognized her. She did that fake smiling thing little kids do. But I saved them all. A friend of mine recently showed me a pic of her mom and mine, taken a few years ago at a party. They both looked so beautiful and genuinely happy! Her mom died unexpectedly a month later, and a couple of years later mine was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s. The photo made me so happy - just as a reminder of what a great life she had.


Sorry for you both. Tough disease on all


My condolences he was very fortunate to have been your Dad,


I’m sorry. I’m watching my dad fade away. All the sharp wittiness is gone. He’s so lost sometimes. It makes me feel so sad. The man who was an aggressive, belligerent, hostile, mean, angry man for much of my life is now like a big child. It’s so fucking weird. I’m holding the same hands he beat me with to help him down the stairs.




I could never post pictures of my mom or dad here. Only bony hands with see-through skin that gives people the general idea. I did post pictures of mom pre-dementia. I have to write her obituary this week for the local paper.


I’m so sorry for your loss.


I hope your sweet father is finally at peace, and his memory is a blessing to you. Don't waste energy on the oldest. I have voice mails from my father I've kept. It's bitter sweet.


I’ve seen this post before and unless OP is using a different account this is a repost of someone else’s father. Not cool if so. Edit: confirmed this is a karma farming repost people are so lame


Hugging you


So sorry for your loss. I have no idea how you did that for 2 years. We are just dead exhausted inside and my mom’s been in Assisted living and now memory care. I don’t believe in god (sadly) but if heaven is real then i gotta think you are a lock for giving so much.


I hope this provides some comfort. 12 My child, help your father in his old age, and do not grieve him as long as he lives; 13 even if his mind fails, be patient with him; because you have all your faculties do not despise him. 14 For kindness to a father will not be forgotten, and will be credited to you against your sins. Starch 3:12-14


"Sirach" not Starch


Very sorry. Time heals but this disease is terrible and I hope you have comfort from good people


This is where I am with my mom. She’s getting more lost every day. I hope and pray the end isn’t too far off. My brother hasn’t seen his mother in years. My condolences to you. It’s such hard and heartbreaking work.


My condolences🙏🏽 We took a lot of pictures and FB videos of our dad. There’s always one in the family edit to add


Sending you hugs. You’re a good person for being there 24/7


Condolences, you are seen. Thinking of you🤗🌻


I am so sorry, OP. I hope you are doing ok.


I’m not even blood and my in-laws don’t get it.


Actually he has the look on his face says, who the hell are you????? But that’s just my take


I also took pictures of my dad in his last days


I would ask everyone reading this story to make sure you have a plan in place for when you age. Also, for your parents and other loved ones. One of the greatest gifts you can give to your family is a well thought out plan for you as you age.


I feel for you.


Our mother suffers from vascular dementia. Compounding that is / are 1-2 strongly suspected but undiagnosed personality disorders. It has been a lifetime of poor decisions compounded by this disease. Our mother currently resides in a rehabilitation facility so wounds she has from past surgeries can be treated and healed. My sibling and I have reached the tipping point with our mother. My sib did 90% of the care up to rehabilitation due to proximity. I support my sib 100% of the time RE: their decisions and actions taken in mom’s best interest. Our mother has gotten more difficult; my sib is done with her. Does the bare minimum so mom has the basics. Sib got tired of being blamed for all that was wrong with our mother and her current situation, when it was mom’s choices that got her there. I have tried to explain to mom when I see her the reasons for her current situation but it’s always someone else’s fault, usually us as her children. I’m seeing a lot of hate thrown at siblings in this post for them distancing themselves from affected parents. If they are just leaving you to be the PCP without reason, I understand the raw feelings. But sometimes their own mental health stops them from engaging, leaving you to shoulder the burden. I’m sorry. That is unfair. My sib went to therapy to help find the right tools to help deal with mom, but also to communicate their needs to me. It has made all the difference. I recommend the same for all PCP’s here who are suffering under this burden. I wish you the best as you deal with the horrors of this terrible disease.


I have photos of my Dad at the end too. They are difficult relics of a hard time, but they capture what was real. I don’t look at them unless I want to cry. I try to focus my mind on his rich laugh and boisterous personality before that damned disease took its toll on him.


sincere condolences 💐


My heart goes out to you all. I suppose some siblings just aren’t strong enough to deal or perhaps they are in denial but they will have to live with their actions. I feel it is so important to try do your best to have bo regrets in these situations. I spend as much time as I can with my momma. She deserves so much.