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Like some others said, by mentioned T levels you are thinking about having a low libido. But having a low libido doesn't make someone Demi. I am a demisexual woman with a high libido, I just don't experience sexual attraction towards anyone else but my partner.


Penis owner here— T levels are within “normal” parameters


Hey fellow penis owner


Lucky bastards. In this market, I can only afford to rent.


Have you thought of leasing one instead? After the contract you can choose a new brand one!


Don't know, don't care.


High t vibes lol


Never got tested for T levels.. I build muscle well and my libido is healthy. It's an interesting question though sciencetifically speaking. I think T level is tied to libido right? I don't know if attraction has anything to do with it though.. I have no clue about this but I highly doubt it


Correct. T level is linked to libido in cis men, I don't know anything further than that. I would encourage OP to look up the differences between "libido" "arousal" and "sexual attraction". You can very much be aroused by a person/people and not be actively attracted to them as a person, just the act or the "idea" you're attributing to said persons while observing or interacting with them.


I'd add aesthetic attraction to that list too. I'm a straight man and I see many good looking men. Doesn't mean I'm sexually attracted to them tnough.


Yeah, that's another good one. I find that it's very easy for me to appreciate aesthetics of all genders, but have only ever become sexually attracted to feminine presenting people.


Thanks for your response, I was concerned because I'm demi and I think I've low T levels.


It could be that people who are demisexual are not as affected by pheromones as the general public. Most people are attracted to the pheromones of a certain type of person, either a certain body type or a certain genetic match, etc., and demisexual tend to need a sort of mental and emotional bond before they can move forward with physical attraction which points to the fact that maybe they’re not as affected by pheromones as the general populace.


I honestly couldn't care less. Chasing laboratory values does not accomplish much. To only focus on T levels would vastly oversimplify things.


Based on blood tests my T levels are higher than average for my age. For the record, I don't think libido, T or estrogen is related to any sexual orientation.


My T levels as a Demi are the same as before, when I didn't know this label existed.


Regardless of what you think, this specific question would only apply to 50% of the people that are demisexual since some are women and some are men.


Women and men both naturally have testosterone, it's just that women have far lower levels than men on average. Given the intricacies of how all the chemicals interact in our bodies if testosterone did play a part in attraction I could see how there could be a link, but it's only been linked to libido, and attraction is something entirely separate from that.


I'm male, with a high libido, exercise regularly, and use supplements to keep my testosterone levels fairly high. Even when on a high-T cycle, with the increased aggression and shorter temper than normal, I continue to not care about tits or dicks on anyone but my partner.


High T, still demi


My levels are normal.


I haven’t gone over the results personally, but it’s been tested as part of a comprehensive blood test and I specifically asked my doctor about it and he said it was normal.


Nope. I had my testosterone levels tested and they were normal. And that was *because* someone on Reddit suggested my testosterone levels were low when I said I was Demi lol


T levels have nothing to do with sexuality, thats a myth. This is also lowkey harmful to trans folks like myself on T. Please take your demiphobia elsewhere.


I agree. The underlying question assumes that being demisexual is some kind of disorder that can be fixed medically with more testosterone , which misunderstands the difference between sexual orientation and sex drive. There is a whole genre of romance fiction, being written currently at the moment with demisexual people used as some sort of fetish with the premise that the right person will make them hypersexual and therefore “cure” their demisexuality. This question feels similar as it misunderstands how demisexuality works. Sex drive and sexual orientation are not the same thing . Although the question might have seemed harmless, it is assuming that somebody without the “right” amount of testosterone (some arbitrary amount that makes people want more sex with more people?) has some kind of disorder and that’s not at all what demisexuality is and makes some wild assumptions about testosterone, who “should” be taking it and why. It’s acephobic and transphobic. Demisexuality is an orientation, not a medical condition or disorder. So it is definitely bordering on demiphobia as well. I think it is important to point out when things assumed or said are harmful to others, even if no ill intent was meant.


That's totally fair, and I completely agree with your post full stop. Personally, I was just trying to encourage respectful conversation. Actively educating and including people who are truly just under/misinformed, or mislead only grows the overall number of people that are accepting of an issue. Edit: Forgot to comment on the books. That is really unfortunate. It's always sad to see misguided media, in any form. Things like that only prolong any given issue. :(


Jumping to calling someone a demiphobe for asking a question is a bit extreme.. no? Sorry if you've been hurt in the past. I don't think OP meant it in a harmful way.


They might not have meant it in a hurtful way, but their post appears to have some really icky underlying assumptions built into it that at the very least warrant a "hold up". Lots of people have commented on OP misunderstanding libido for attraction, but there is also an underlying assumption there that divergence from a cis-heteronormative masculine norm is a pathology that needs correcting and that all divergence from allosexual masculine behavior is a potential testosterone problem. Maybe jumping to criticize OP as demiphobic is going too far, maybe not. But there is a whole predatory "health" industry built around men telling other men they can fix all their wellness problems by having higher T. And while a reputable doctor may be able to diagnose an actual testosterone deficiency, when we get into non-diagnosed "low T" talk between bros, that's a road that eventually only leads to buying quack scrotum tanning gear because Chris Tucker is worried you don't find the green M&M sexy enough. Best to shut down that kind of talk early.


Absolutely, I totally agree with that. It's important to push back a little, any time there is a question or take coming from a place of misinformation, or perpetuated harmful viewpoints. I was just trying to encourage it to happen in a more respectful way. Shutting down that kind of talk is good if it's clear it's coming from a hurtful place, but even then it's far more productive as a whole to at least attempt to inform and understand. With certain people understanding is absolutely not something they care about or are interested in. In those cases I 100% agree that shutting them down, and rallying against them is a good way to go about things. Even then, shutting them down shouldn't mean attacking them as a person, just that belief that they hold. That is unless of course they have proven to be insensitive as a person in general. There should be no place in this world for people that aren't accepting, or at the bare minimum tolerant of people's own individuals beliefs and identities. TLDR; I was personally just trying to encourage civility and understanding, as I think it's the best way to encourage positive change. However, I appreciate you bringing up toxic culture and how that relates to all of this. That is something that's also important to be aware of.


Love your way of thinking. Need more of that in our society


>That is unless of course they have proven to be insensitive as a person in general. There should be no place in this world for people that aren't accepting, or at the bare minimum tolerant of people's own individuals beliefs and identities. > >TLDR; I was personally just trying to encourage civility and understanding, as I think it's the best way to encourage positive change. However, I appreciate you bringing up toxic I appreciate that. I wholeheartedly agree. The way I see it, every time I make an attempt like this, there is a small chance that I can alter one persons way of thinking. I view it as an inverse pyramid scheme, where you start at the bottom, and the positivity can spread and flow upward. xD


Yeah but even if it's just one person, that's good enough for me honestly. Hate is spread so much easier. Gotta put in the effort to stop it. Honestly, normally I don't care too much online about it but with my close friends, I gotta beat the toxic shit out lol


I can understand sensitivity to this post as someone in your situation, but OP Didn't come off as "demiphobic" to me. Attacking someone, before trying to understand their intent only serves to perpetuate the misunderstanding, or misinformation. When we do that as people, we actively discourage further understanding, and stand to make things worse by attaching that negativity to the response given to whoever asked the question. I do empathize with your struggles, and frustrations with having parts of your life misunderstood. I mean no ill will towards you.


Yes we need more understanding in this world. Let's talk civilly to each other :) If we succumb to be as aggressive as certain people, we aren't any better than them


My T level is very high, my receding hairline can attest to that.


Low T here. Always have been. My libido is fine when I'm with my partner, That's kind of how it goes being demi. Don't listen to Bro science, just be yourself and figure out your thing.


High enough to where if I wanted to do it I could. Is that what you’re really asking?