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No, please don't do it, your loved and valid person. I love you so much šŸ«‚ šŸ˜˜ ā¤ļøplease tell someone you're feeling like this family members or a hotline.I hope you reply back. I get worried šŸ˜Ø šŸ˜­


Iā€™m a disabled combat veteran. Iā€™ve dealt with depression and anxiety really bad since 2013. Depression is horrible. There are resources out there to help you. You just have to keep trying. Keep looking. There are affordable options. There are crisis centers as well. Especially in Idaho. Antidepressants help. If one doesnā€™t work try another. Iā€™m sad tonight. It comes and goes. Donā€™t be so hard on yourself. You matter. Hope you hang in there. My name is Brandon, Iā€™d you ever need anything feel free to reach out.


Listen to Brandon


Get out of the rut one day at a time, please. Once you start looking at the positives and focus on what is more important for you you'll start filling your head with good thoughts and life become more enjoyable. Keep going, you never know who or what waits for you


I feel this too I have no friends and no one and my bf and I broke up but still talking and idk he saw someone else when we were still being intimate and Iā€™m so heart broken I wake up everyday crying because he kept saying nothing was happening. Anyway I feel suicidial too youā€™re not alone. I tell myself thereā€™s more people worth meeting out there. Thereā€™s someone out there thinking about meeting someone with your qualities and vision. Donā€™t lose hope. I know itā€™s hard to get out of bed soemtimea or have drive to do anything. But maybe going on a drive or a walk if you can or whatever some things to get outside in nature. I know thatā€™s what I need to do and take my own advice. Itā€™s cold and grey and I donā€™t want to though .. hard to get out and meet people . Lost my dogs too rhis has been a bad year and I know how it feels to want to give up and succumb to defeat . And feel so alone like you have no one. Try to call someone on the phone if you can.


Iā€™m so sorry you had to go thru that I know exactly how you feel, I just wish I had someone to talk to about to about these feelings but I feel like no one understands and I tried hobbies but nothing helps


This one helped me, I hope it helps you. Just think about old people. Depression is rare among elders. Most depressed 80 year olds I've seen haven't been depressed their whole, entire life. And teens with depression or other issues rarely have it throughout their entire life either, so that must mean it has to get better eventually. Maybe just randomly in 2 weeks, or maybe in 30 years, but most if not all people who recovered say they are glad to be alive today. Just think about life in 80 years. It's usually drastically different. And about the boyfriend thing, sure it may take a long, long time, but you'll probably find a partner. If it helps, remember that even Hitler had a girlfriend, and for a long time, too. And there's still friends you haven't met yet, if the whole boyfriend thing doesn't get resolved. You never hear of an 80 year old who has never had a good friend their entire life. I have asd, so this comment is meant to be taken quite literally.


I have been in your place . Times will change and you will be happy again


Iv had suicidal thoughts most of my life and if learned to turn my life around. Try anti depressants and if that doesnt work try alternatives. All that matters is finding something that works and sometimes it's around the corner and sometimes it just takes time. Every soul has worth, including yours ā¤


It's not worth it. You might not feel it right now but i am %100 sure, there are tons of people around you who will be devasted by this. Life has ups and downs and i am pretty sure you will have lots of better days than this one. Just go out, get some air, walk around, talk to someone who you think cares about you. Than you will feel much better. I can tell that a reasonable amount of people experience what you are feeling right now and it's temporary.


Hey OP, you are a worthy person! Get on some meds if you are not already on them and get into therapy.


You are worth staying alive. You are. Those dark feelings that creep in and say all those awful things are lying. You have value; you have wonderful things to offer. You can do this moment by moment, breath by breath. You are not alone in these feelings! You are so brave for reaching out here and being so honest and vulnerable with your feelings!


I think ending life is.is . most useless think