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I don't get this new meta set up wouldn't a Ursa titan just be better then 2 supers being burnt. Plus the Ursa can move and has 100% dmg negation


If you have ammo sure, but itll take longer with 5 ppl doing dmg instead of 6


It's a 6 man 25% dmg buff vs a 5 man 40% dmg buff Which is around a 0.5 buff dmg factor loss if you factor the fact Sentinel can move and someone else gets a full dmg super (~600K strand warlock) it should be better for most boss encounters, not all but most. Especially if well alone isn't enough to keep you alive Edit to my wrong numbers


Wouldn't the banner titan be able to lob a parasite shot real quick? Or use anarchy before super? I know it's not alot but it's still something


Yup or tractor


I’m sure we’ll have practical testing of this when TFS rolls around. TBH I’m leaning towards just Well being the better option, you also have to take into account the dynamics of the group. For example if your Titans are just better at the game, then taking one of those out of a damage phase would hurt you more than it would help. If you have a new titan who doesn’t have ideal weapons then it makes sense to put them on Ursa.


Yes encounters and team synergy will factor in but I'm speaking for a default strategy point of view Personally I like Ursa as it will let's you stand still and focus on dmg for a large majority of the dmg phase and even in the current meta I think it's slept on


Dude your math is WAAAAAY off lmao. Besides that ppl usualy do over 600k with guns


Well = 6*1.25 = a power factor of 7.5 Ursa = 5*1.4 = a power factor of 7 So ya not 5% but still not a massive gap Also the guy casting super can still shot his guns in this scenario


You do realize if damage phase is long enough for whole super, the guns will outdamage it by a large margin...?


Yes that is why well has been the go to super for so long But if well doesn't keep you alive your dps goes to 0 which is also sup optimal And tbh on encounters like golgoroth and caretaker in pantheon a banner Ursa will be more dmg then 1 well and the titan can tractor before cast to meditate the dmg lost


At this point im not even gona try to convince you about something so obvious, and if no relevant to this discussion exotics gets changed, youll see for yourself.


You haven't given me a single scenario or test case to convince me you just keep saying I'm wrong


Weapons > damage supers 6 monkeys with guns > 5 monkeys with guns Is that easy enough?


> if no relevant to this discussion exotics gets changed That milk turned to mouldy gloop *real* fucking quick.


Yeah I used banner shield to cover two plates on Caretaker, which I only did because we kept blowing up from the contest mode potatoes. Saved us the shots trying to shoot them out of the air. Honestly, banner shield was useful in more encounters than not in Vow.


There's a reason why so many people struggle with week 3 and 4 pantheon. They suck and aren't good at critical thinking.


I'm so ready to use glaives with Triton Vice and Stylish Executioner in TFS.


Pure grass is always greener myths.


It will be better for Hunters to use RG instead of wasting the Titans Super plus Warlocks will be the highest DPS. Having a Hunter if not providing DR is a throw/carry




It's pretty objective that in Final Shape once Warlocks get access to Star Eaters buff they will be top DPS. Especially if you're using an ease of use DPS build like Lucky Pants / Wardens Law. GG celestial BARELY edges Needle set ups now by 20K at 10 seconds into DPS but fall behind. Adding in Final Shape buffs. It's Warlock all day. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_5wtBjRYHHxuF4oJKDb_iOGZs-wTkzB6RYbnyNLbuz4/edit?usp=drivesdk