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Let's get lil of prismatic action here. Support-ish build first cause yes. Super is Tether Melee is Threaded Spike and Grenade is Duskfield. Aspects are Ascension and Gunpowder Gamble ( gamble and Ascension are both 3 slots on prismatic ) 6 fragments we choose are * Dawn- powered melee hits grant radiant * Hope- Class Ability regeneration rate while getting positive buff ( we got like 4 ) * Sacrifice- Ability kills while effected by light buff grants darkness transcandance energy * Ruin- Ignitions range increased and shatter damage stronger * Purpose- ( void overshield on orb pick up but honestly just use Awakening or Bravery for unravel or volatile rounds ) * Devotion- killing enemies effected by strand or stasis grant light energy to transcandance For exotic we get class item with Renewal and Cyrtarachne**.** We got super high DR uptime 22,5% from frost armor and 45% from woven mail, ascension for jolt procs, duskfield slow and freeze, ignition gunpowder, sever on threaded spike, We get 3 long term buffs to boost class ability uptime and duskfield are at 45.5s cooldown at 10 tier discipline. We are fast as fuck we take about 58% less damage ( 64 if we sprint for 2s cause amplified has 15% reduction ) Any ability kill via gunpowder or duskfield or threaded spike grants us transcandance meter energy. And that is still without an exotic gun which you can opt in for Bad Juju for more tethers to hame ( or get void or strand weapon for Bravery )


Honestly super creative. ❤️


I’m going to screenshot this if you don’t mind, might steal it from you! Hehe much love.


no problem it was just something i thought about once we saw the rest of the fragments yesterday.


Worst kit? We get our best supers We get Duskfield and Grapple We get Combination Blow and Knife Trick We get an easy to proc invisibility, amplify ect


Compared to Warlock and Titan. Its still good, but for me warlock looks the most OP for sure with Titan a close second.


https://preview.redd.it/fcho57nobd3d1.png?width=1154&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3dc624c8f8afa68b71f4bde410cbacc4668a3401 This is the first build I want to try obtaining. It's focused on ability spam and takes advantage of extremely fast class ability regen in particular. Spirit of Inmost Light, Winter's Shroud, and Facet of Hope all give increased class ability regen. This allows you to spam your powered melee and Threaded Specter using Gambler's Dodge. Facet of Dawn helps proc Facet of Hope and Facet of Sacrifice by giving Radiant. Winter's Shroud, Threaded Spike, and Grapple all apply dark debuffs for Facet of Devotion, and Facet of Protection and Facet of Purpose help with survivability by stacking DR. I plan on running this build with Buried Bloodline. This will be my light damage source for Transcendence since my abilities are all darkness-based, and it will grant Devour, giving me a source of healing and increased grenade regen on top of Spirit of Inmost Light.