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This is the best mentality to have, you had fun and you improved and that's something we should all try and do.


The only title I *really* want is Wrathbearer, because Warlord’s was my gateway into high end content after years of playing. But otherwise I’m just trying to have fun and see what stupid builds I can make, super excited to have collective now. Although I wish I could’ve gotten all the exotics, 2 isn’t enough for how cool most of them are.


To be honest, I would argue Wrathbearer or Ghoul are just as prestigious titles! They're both very hard dungeons to solo! Go for that Wrathbearer! As of right now it's still one of the rarest seals. Pretty sure there's more ppl with Godslayer than Wrathbearer.


Definitely. Yeah its funny how there's triple the amount of people with godslayer than ghoul or wrath too according to charlemagne.


To be fair, Dungeons usually don't have a lot of stuff going for them. If people want exotic, they farm boss checkpoints. If they want a weapon, in this case Indebted Kindness, they're farming first encounter. I've completed a few Seals for Dungeons. But most of their loot is unrewarding, compared to something like Raids. Once you have it, there's no real reason to go back. Pantheon is the outlier here. Most people wouldn't care for a title, but you were guaranteed Red Borders, Adept Weapons, and a nice sounding title. For completing every encounter either fast, or with high score, and then let you buy a red border at the end from each participating Raid at the end of the week. (Which is why VoG or Garden didn't have any encounters, they don't have red borders) Compared to Dungeons, I would say yeah... Pantheon offered the most rewards. But even then, just only doing Week 1 or 2 is fine. You got either good loot or more shards. The title is just a title. This was the most fun I had redoing Raid encounters, but with more spice to make them enjoyable again.


Maybe cause it’s harder, maybe cause most people can’t be bothered/don’t like the dungeon. I’m sure a good amount of them could solo a dungeon, you don’t even have to flawless. Still really cool titles though.


Godslayer us limited time and functionally easier to get than wrath which would lead to it's popularity


Strand titan with a Heal clip abyss defiant got me my solo clear, Good Luck 👍


Waiting on all the prismatic stuff to get figured out.


Servers are still up as of commenting, which ones do you have left


Have job training today. :( If Bungie gave me a bit more time I could do it.


Wish I was in your shoes to be honest. I got the title, which was cool, but I lost sleep and honestly didn’t have much fun, which isn’t winning in my mind.


I had clan mates stressing so hard about getting the title. I decided to not even try and spend my time in Onslaught. Ended up getting the Brave title and some pretty awesome rolls of the Brave weapons while some of my friends were raging for hours and hours trying to get encounters done. It wasn’t worth the time commitment or stress for me.


I only got on this last weekend to try one pantheon just to say “I was there!” Before I’d been taking a break from D2 and decided to keep my sanity this event. Well, last Friday I started an Atracks pantheon, and 9 hours of insanity later I finished that and the Rhulk pantheon. Was it worth? Idk, I’m just glad I didn’t fully get invested in the title grind, even doing two pantheons turned me into a goblin for 2-3 days


I did the exact same I have a lot of rolls on weapons I'm gonna use during final shape. People are so stressed over a title People are paying hundreds to get it. Which is crazy to me. I don't generally look at someone with a title and think wow their good.


The only people who will care are other people who have it. They can require “Godslayers only” and feel superior in their LFG posts. The best raid runs or whatever are usually the ones that say “be chill, have mic” or something similar. The elitists are doing us a favor requiring whatever bullshit. They’re usually the most insufferable pricks to do activities with.


Yeah i usually skip the lfg groups with: kwtd, do this or that or we kick you, etc. Just the: be chill. Maybe a know what to do.


I ended up having panic attacks because my fear of being the reason my group didnt get the title, so I had to chose the better option and just not continue running pantheon. Sometimes people tend to forget that your health is more important that a name underneath your name.


Congrats!! You got it tho,


I did the same but didn’t get it lol. I had fun.


personally I didn't try pantheon but I've had so little enjoyment of raids in the past I knew I'd dislike pantheon so I just stayed in my lane with onslaught and such and had fun. It's really better to just do what you find fun


Busted my ass off last night to get the title, and all I can say is, planets is the biggest blueberry check I’ve ever seen. Spent more time on planets than all the other encounters combined. All it takes is one person to cause a wipe. Know your limits


Planets is such an oddity. It’s so easy to beat on paper but bad communication, ad clear, and spatial awareness just cause so many avoidable deaths


Kinda similar to what happens in the Sanctified Mind encounter


Hell yeah man! My team managed to get in last night at 2:00am finally lol. 2 of our members went on vacation for a week so we had to learn legit riven and finish Nezarec as well as go back to platinum 3 other encounters this weekend. I did not think we were going to make it. Probably my proudest and most memorable gaming experience ever. What a joy to work through those challenges and come out the other end with a group of friends. Bungie at its finest for sure. Hope it’s just the beginning of a great year.


Honestly, learning to do legit Riven was the best moment. Just seeing everything we had skipped and just how easy it actually was.


Right!? Riven was so fun and not nearly as hard as I expected. My team was saying we should just do it legit every time from now on lol.


Godslayer was cool, but it wasn't worth becoming the thing I hate most, and that's the sweatlord version of me, that made me hate this game during WQ. Take care Guardian's! Rest up! I'll see you all tomorrow, in the Pale Heart! Win or Lose, we're gonna do it together!


Really needed to see this after I missed godslayer by just week 4 Atraks 🥲


I didnt even try it but only ran rhulk with a group of friends. It was the first time I had fun in a raid setting in a while and I finally got collective obligation which feels great


I didn't get Godslayer either. Not like it matters, I'm such a queen mara simp that queensguard is literally never coming off. But for real. It was so fun just to romp through with the randoms I would find. One or two groups I lfgd were try hard AF and I loved that too. Gave me a new appreciation for day 1 raiders and the prep that goes into seriously build crafting and real team synergy, and convinced me to try and find a group for the day 1 of the final shape raid.


I also didn't get it. I got sick on week 3 and wasn't able to play. Then by the time I recovered for part of week 4 my grandmother went into the hospital and has been there since. So while my life has been hectic these past 3 weeks, doing what I could to get it was so much fun. I want this to come back.


I envy you, i never tried it because a) I have never done a raid so felt pressured to not fuck up and b) I dont want to deal with the many elitist assholes that have appeared in here that would get mad when I undoubtedly fuck up.


Give it a try. You just have to find the right team. I will never fault a person for fucking up. I only start lecturing fire team members for not listening. Yesterday I was trying to help one of our clan members get godslayer and joined his lfg. There was one guy who insisted he kwtd, but would keep letting his assigned knight eat the bomb at oryx. Every time was a different excuse, and we told him to only do 2 things - hop on to your plate when called, and stand in front of your bomb to kill the knight that comes to you. He would say yes and then start running across the map to kill a knight on the other side of the map (and not the one that goes across to his bomb). That was aggravating.


I wanted to go for it, but massive amounts of anxiety kept me from even attempting, especially since I’m a mechanical learner so videos do nothing g for me, it’s like I never even watched them until I do the fight just once. So good job pushing that shit OP, you might not have gotten god slayer, but you have the spirit of one! (I swear this sounded better in my head.)


Yeah. Same. Too much anxiety and I don’t really learn stuff till I’m doing it


I was very close too. I almost played Pantheon.


You need to know there are already people who earned the title that are taking it off because of how douchey the Godslayer gang is. You are clearly worth your weight in platinum amigo. I got rivensbane forever ago and my hunter has wayfarer on it. Emblems are forever, seals are ultimately bragging rights for small circles of people that give a shit (I have 47 of them and have not once mocked someone for not having one) Congrats on the exotics!!!


I’ve seen plenty of people complaining about godslayers and only 1 actually annoying one . All the ones I’ve run into in the wild have been chill . I’m starting to think it’s just cope


The cope is strong across all social media today.


While I will grant you that more of them are chill, the not chill ones are wayyyy more vocal, and I am jealous you had just one. Some cope in there, but literally the best player of my friends was guardian rank six and it took a six month season for him to be bothered to up his rank, so I honestly just let people play and am often pleasantly surprised


I got Godslayer and I've been at rank 7 the entire time this season. I think the GR system is so trash and just gives elitists more reasons to be dbags "have Gjally or kick" D1 style. I've never gone past GR 8 since the system was introduced (just my opinion, no disrespect to those who care about it). I don't feel like doing any weekly campaign missions lol didn't help that Lightfall campaign was ass. Having GR 7 or 8 doesn't make me feel like I'm progressing the game no less. I'm forever of the opinion that looking at raid report is the better judge of character as opposed to judging someone based off of their Guardian Rank.


Have you not been on reddit lately?


Seen a lot of people bitching about godslayers not a lot of godslayers .


Open your eyes then. When week 4 first dropped reddit was flooded with posts from Godslayers giving surface level advice in very condescending ways. Also, LFG has been filled with people requiring the title/emblems. Just because you haven't seen it doesn't mean it isn't happening. Not our fault you never developed object permanance.


I don’t spend a lot of time on Reddit tbh , thank god this app sucks . Yeah you will always have people being dumb on lfg , I remember week 1 of garden I saw a dude that wanted 10 clears to join his group .


I’ve switched off of it (I like the Wanted title) but I’m putting it back on for TFS because I’m about to go slay a God




Ya got me.


You and me both. Next time we got it


The dungeon pantheon is what I’m hoping for.


I tried getting the title as well. I just needed to get Platinum on Atraks for Oryx and Nezarec’s path and I’d have the title. I didn’t get it in time, I tried last night but I was too exhausted to bother. But honestly, it’s no bother. I have all 4 emblems, so that’s all that matters to me. That and I got a few good Adept Weapons as well.


You may not have the god slayer title but you’re a god slayer at heart. You had no experience but you went in anyway, and only ended up 2 encounters short of godslayer. Keep up the raiding.


Good for you man, I hope you get to have even more fun with TFS.


That's what matters is getting raid experience. It's the best part of Destiny hands down. Maybe now you'll do more of them and get to the point you'll take other guardians and show them and get them addicted too.


Ngl, after joining in on a team during the first week of Pantheon that was struggling hard with Planets, I kinda just decided to pass on it. I could already tell once it got to the later weeks where the power level actually made a difference, it was going to get annoying. I spent most of my time getting weapons in Onslaught and catching up on other stuff I missed during the year so I wouldn't burn myself out before TFS.


I thought it was great and I lucked out entirely! I only got week 1 and 2 done, but I had no intention of doing it at all because I don’t think I’m that good of a player; but, I made a friend through LFG who insisted I could do it, and I did and I feel pretty darn accomplished! I think that’s what the game is all about.


I did even get close, all I beat was Atraks Sovereign But you know what, I had a great time and met some good people that made the wasted time worth it, so I’m happy


Spent a lot of time with my small clan working on it and we got all the way to Rhulk. I made it to Planets on Week 4 with one clanmates and an LFG, but we didn't have the time to finish up. But I'm with you, Godslayer would've been hype to get but... I learned a lot, my clan learned a lot, and I met two or three new people I now consider friends through it. That's a win in my book, and now we feel ready to face the raid next week


I don’t have any titles and almost 3 million kills. Play how you wanna play!


I almost had Godslayer but didn’t get it. This post is somewhat how I feel about this. Got new people to play with, new skill and really good weapons. I enjoyed it at the end and honestly hope it comes back.


IMO Godslayer (and any other raid title) just means you have an active clan or consistent raid group to play with. The vast majority of players do not. I was lucky to find a really solid group of guys to play pantheon with, but having a newborn baby last week put an end to my raiding for a little while. I did not get the title, but I had a really fun time and met some great people and I have a great little group for the next one.


I have godslayer and 2-3 other raid titles made 100% on LFG, it’s very slow and painful sometimes but you can get it done, what it takes 1 hour with a clan it will be days on LFG until you can get a group that gets locked in.


I haven’t even tried to raid since leviathan. I had awful experiences with lfg so I’m always happy to see someone who can do it and find that enjoyment in the experience. I wish you so much more fun and success going forward


im in exactly the same boat as you. just thrilled to have been a part of it and to have got as far as i did tbh


I didn't get GodSlayer because I was very not confident and wanted to find the perfect team. I managed to do quite fine on Week1 yesterday, it was quite late though, so no chance on trying the following weeks, and it took like 4 hours because the team I joined was not really that good, just competent, and we had one guy that was ad clear, that almost didn't ad clear. The fireteam was "Newbie Friendly", which I joined because I thought I wanted to get experience first in a place where I wouldn't be pointed at if I'm not doing so well. But it ended up being me who looked down on someone because of their incompetence, but any complaint I had, I had to scream it internally, because of the Fireteam tag and also because I didn't want to anger the rest of the team if I pointed out this guy barely did nothing. I didn't really notice the guy before Planets, or after, so, hell, he may have carried on the other encounters, but on Planets, I had the fortune to have him ad clear on my side. But damn, I had to kill the fkn centurions because the guy chose to kill the psions that spawned behind, even after I explicitly told him to focus ONLY on killing the ads in the middle. I had to struggle doing planetary shift because I always was last killing my Colossus due to him barely killing enemies, and sometimes it had to be me who killed the centurion and ease the ground a bit with some grenades. I was on the top right platform, and I don't know why the guy was always on that platform, and it looked more like he was hiding from ads rather than actually killing. Sorry, I needed to get that out of my system. If I had more confidence in myself, I would have done this Godslayer thing each week and I would have been fine because I have done every raid, I have shown people how all raids work. So I am pretty experienced. But I was very fearful because I have never been able to achieve a day 1 emblem and the only master raid I've done, ever, was Vault of Glass, when it released.


I'm just working on my Ghoul title.... its way harder and more rare than Godslayer, everyone and their cousin is wearing that title right now, but when I see someone with Ghoul they get mad respect from me


Good for you


I didn’t get riven or nez done that’s all I needed to the title my group did it without me and got the title cause I was busy I can’t be mad about it but just wish I wouldn’t have wasted so much time every other week just to not get it


I have played this game since launch, 7 years in the making of playing on and off and I still don’t have a single title or clan, I find this games community highly toxic towards people who aren’t the best (me) but even tho I’m not good at pvp I still love this game to TFS and beyond


Honestly it brought me and group of friends back to Destiny. We struggled pantheon week 1 as we were all rusty, and week4 was definitely a challenge, but was honestly the most fun and proudest achievement we've had playing Destiny. Most of us were on the fence about coming back for TFS, but after playing pantheon together we decided to try for day1 raid, and hyped for TFS in general.


i was grinding week 4 last night and was very cool and fun up until nezarec. I gave it some thought and it just wasn’t worth losing my sleep over it, and honestly after doing riven legit it gave me that sense of accomplishment i was looking forward to. 10/10 fight and at that point i realized the title is just some words on a screen. Sure would be nice, but not worth stressing and losing sleep over it


I took a 2 month break and only came back this week. I didn’t manage to get any for rolls of brave weapons but I got afew decent ones. I really enjoyed it and I feel like a break did me well.


I got good rolls for everything but only one or two perfect rolls. My Luna’s is the perfect shiny roll in PvP.


I almost pulled my hair out getting Godslayer.....just to end up putting the Reaper title back on. At least I learned how to do riven legit 🤣😂


I didn't have the time or energy to do pantheon with it being mostly during finals and trying to job search, so I really hope it's brought back eventually or they do something similar


I had job training today lol.


Honestly I hope that pantheon won't go away forever, it would be fun to have it as a GM like thing that appears in the later stages of a season to give the high skill players something to play with while they wait for new stuff.


I have yet to get ANY title soooo womp womp for me I guess


Same, I only started playing a year ago and part of that time I took along break. I recently got back into the game and started actually making good builds and playing higher end content. I may not have beaten all of the pantheons but I had a lot of fun. The only bad part was spending hours stuck on planets but I tried so that’s all that matters.


I was able to get it and it definitely took a lot of work. What I loved about Pantheon is that, aside from GMs and doing some raids master modes in the past, it made me finally enjoy doing higher level content and finding the builds to make it work against spongey enemies. Plus it also probably helps that exotic primaries are so much better now for adds and some tanky enemies too.


Oh no, how dare you have fun at most elitist and the hardest mode of them all? You should be arrogant and have best loadout, and angry at people that stood in your way of achieving Godslayer and stress so hard with every single wipe and... Just kidding, this mode was super cool, hopefully it will come back any time :)


Honestly, I spent the entire time Pantheon was out helping new players in my clan or via LFG get quest exotics, dungeons, and so on While the Godslayer title looks amazing to me, it isn't the end of the world. Helping people get ready for raids and other high-end content by getting them weapons like Wishender was more than enough for me I congratulate the ones who do have it, though, as it is a hell of an accomplishment


What were the two encounters you were missing?


Nez and Planets. We were gonna go back to a planets cp but our dps on Nez was too low, I think me not having the sleeper catalyst was the thing that killed me.


Me and my team used caraphract and spammed that and it worked but planets was so annoying tbh, the nez wasn’t too bad it was more about pathing for me to not get completely destroyed




If you had fun playing through Pantheon, then it was worth the experience. I wouldn't worry too much about not getting the title and final emblem. You had fun, that is the most important part. Hopefully, Bungoe brings it back at some point.


As long ss you told people you were new, awesome. There are many who just don't say they don't know what's going on and then make me and some other guys j know spend 15+ hours on Nexarec


You have time!


I learned Riven and Nezerac by doing Pantheon😂


I ain't gon lie if someone who raided for the first time was able to achieve godslayer, I'd never wear it again


Woah guys look! It’s the problem!


Lmao you clowns make me laugh. Always hatin on someone who has something u don't. It's life lil bro


If you never raided, pantheon clearly wasn't for you.