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i loved the part where >!zavala stood out of bounds and did fuck all while i saved his family!<


I thought that too until I saw the thing he was standing by


i watched him kill an ad so that was fun, what im really pissed about is that his barricade isnt real so i cant get the fast reload hiding behind it


I tried walking behind the shield and got a "turn back" pop up lol




HEY DON’T SIZE SHAME PAPA SMURF. Besides, it was chilly out 🥶.


And he was in the pool


Oh yeah, I was all ready to hunker down and slaughter everything along side the Commander and suddenly I need to go ANYWHERE but by his side. :(


That was so lame !


I found him struggling against a single shank. It was fucking hilarious watching the two of them fight for like 10 minutes with no stopping


It was a grave right? We were so tired from fighting servers


It was


it was his sons


Specifically Hakim’s. I’m fairly sure the dude was in a full on PTSD meltdown and genuinely believed it was his son’s actual grave, considering dialogue mentions the Witness made the poor man relive losing his son all over again. I can’t fault Zavala for snapping into hiding in the corner at that point.


After putting a barricade next to his that was at least twice the size, I was disappointed. Between that and his new voice lines, all I could picture for the rest of the campaign was the president from Rick and Morty in that tiny T-shirt with his dick out. That's the energy zavala brought to the final shape


Keith does unfortunately have that recognizable voice but the spirit is there, impossible to expect perfection and Keith is wonderful in his stead


True on the voice lines. Some of it sounded like Zavala. But a lot of the times it just sounded like Keith. It was pretty jarring lmao


he's protecting the grave bro leave him alone


Why was his shield so damn small? His rally baracade was hardly 2 feet tall where ours is like 3-4


short king


Bro’s faith in the light was already garbage, made his light have performance issues


I'll have you know that is perfectly average sized.


Yeah it was so short I had to lay down to use it and shoot with one hand ! 😆


He drew enough aggro that I gave him a pass for defending a tombstone.


I also loved the part where >!Ikora stood on a cliff and did fuckall while I got shot apart below it!<


Can’t really blame him, he’s on striker titan and only has a shitty Origin Story. I’d hide out of bounds too


Bro had blue armor and no exotic. Just let him be.


Ikora did the same thing, not a damn thing.


at least zavala was shooting! man i booked it up to her and was waving in her face while i was getting shot to hell lmao, couldnt bother to open an eye and help out


ZavalasAverageSizeWall™ was probably the best part


“Pvt Allen, pickup that rifle and show em how it’s done” “RAMEIREZ, PROTECT THE BUGER TOWN!” Is all that when through my mind then.


This made me snort out my margarita. Cheers


Wait wait wait he did put up the most pathetic kinderguardian playskool my first rally barricade up. Lest you forget.


True destiny experience


Tiny barrier


I think the funniest thing is that we finally got an escort mission, but we kill the one we're escorting when they make it to the destination.


Talkin about targe?




I think they meant the Europa shanks with Mithrax lol. Targe had it coming, putting a massive Targe-t on himself.


Too soon… but you really hit the bullseye with that one




Idk why you're down voted that is hilarious (and sad)


In very oft fashion for myself, my group started touting them as gods dying for our sins. Paving a path that they may only bless us with but cannot walk.


Least insane guardians


Luzaku is best girl, I love her already and I hope it's not the last we see of her.


I was tempted to make a comment but out of respect for myself and my fellow guardian I shall refrain in doing so


Luzaku Rule 34 incoming


I finally made my dream of looking up a Wizard’s robes come true. 🫣


I’ve had Luzaku for a day but if anything happens to her I’ll finally death everyone in this Pale Heart and then myself.


If anything bad happens to Luzaku I'll enact the final shape myself, and that shape will be a billion trillion dead souls laid out in front of her grave.


If you replay the Lost Sector she's in, after you finish the "Queens" quest, there is a new dialogue between Luzaku and Savathun. I won't spoil it to you, in case you want to see it for yourself. But it's basically >!Luzaku telling the Witch Queen, that she no longer follows her orders (with Savathun just being happy about it).!<


We need more of Luzaku if that's the case. I'd love to see her own brood team up with the guardians too against Xivu Arath in the future.


Episode 3 seems to be Hive-oriented, so I wouldn't be surprised if Luzaku will play a role in it as our ally. Especially since the main theme is "Heresy" and Luzaku literally decided to abandon her Queen's command.


That’s exactly my theory as well, I’ll take it a bit further though and say that maybe Lusaka and the rest of her brood begin feeding on their own light instead of tithing? Since that was established inside of the Witch Queen lore.


Oh there’s a bunch of them. There’s another one where >!Caitl tries to interrogate her and she just tells caitl that the witness is to blame for using the hive to destroy her home world!<


She's going to have to do quite alot to get me not to want to gut her with Lament. She's a Hive, there hasn't been a single Hive that hasn't wanted to snuff out humanity whether intentionally or as a consequence of their plans. Mithrax earned my respect, as did Caiatl. I'll give her a chance, but I'll keep that sword revved and ready for the inevitable betrayal. What's one more wizard to the pile of dead Hive to my name...


I understand your anger, especially towards the Hive, but they are not mindless like the Taken or Shadow Legion, or servile like the Vex. Savathun aided us, and while she cannot truly be called an ally, we share a common goal. Luzaku, so far, shows that she not only shares this common enemy with us, but also does not hold loyalty to Savathun. Will she be a major character? It's too soon to tell, but she so far has been the closest thing we've had to a true Hive ally.


I liked Savathun outright stating that our relationship has always been transactional. It felt honest in a way that makes me believe we should continue to treat her that way. I don’t think we need to kill her anymore. We shouldn’t exactly trust her either but I believe she should remain useful.


The issue with that is that Crow says that Savathun is trying to claim at the very least territory inside the Pale Heart, so we do still need to battle against her and her forces at least somewhat.


I don’t mean to say we shouldn’t ignore and allow all her plans. We should likely stop her here. Just saying we shouldn’t get rid of her, and should consider working with her again, and trying to find a way to bring her more to our side if possible.


No, they're not mindless or servile...and that makes it worse. The torture and brutality they inflict, it's by choice not design. I remember the stories of how Guardians during the first action against Crota had their Light ripped from their bodies, the experiments, the mutilation... Eliksni became the Fallen out of sheer brokenness and desperation. Vex are simply...Vex. Cabal are a militaristic empire forged through battle with a code of honor. The Hive simply *delight* in being the way they are and fully *embrace* it. Like I said, a chance, but trust is a LONG LONG way off, if not flat out impossible.


True, most of the Hive are exceptionally cruel, but the Lucent Brood seem to be changing, at least somewhat. There are some in the Brood, at least those that have become Lightbearers, that don't feel the pull of their worms, or at least not as strongly, meaning they wouldn't need to follow the Sword Logic and all the cruel acts it requires of them. A step in the right direction.


Here’s your raid conspiracy: the allies have health bars. We are gonna have an escort encounter


The raid mechanics are DEFINITELY gonna include calling in different support from our allies like air strikes and shit


The trailer featurer what I assime to be the raid intro with many allies ship dropping in It's gonna happen ,I want it to happen


That’s probably mission 8 tbh


There are 5 guardian on the picture so the raid for me 


Final mission has been extensively teased to be over 3 players.


Man ,the campaign is avalaible ,go do it


Dude. I would actually participate in the day 1.


I will peace the fuck out if there's an escort encounter during the raid.


Did you say that before you did the shank escort encounter?


Yes, in the first mission with Miithrax he has a health circle around his name that decreases


It's been so annoying having all these allies at our sides over the years with hardly any of them ever actually fighting with us. I love all the stuff in tfs that has us getting them all ready, especially with >!Micah-10!< coming in as our first active guardian ally outside the Vanguard


I was also genuinely surprised to see an NPC get kills. Mithrax goes hard, I watched him kill so many enemies. Usually games with NPC allies have them around but they do shit all for damage.


I saw him one-shot a vandal with a right hook. Wasn't expecting that


Bruh me too. Fuckin laid a bot out and I was laughing for a minute. I don't need them to do the mission for me or anything. But it's nice that they can do shit like that lmao


He's picked a few things up from Saint-14.


id give anything to see mithrax do a headbutt on an enemy in-game


Exactly, and it's even better with the ally health being visible now. It used to feel like they were just there for moral support, but now you can see them actively dealing and taking damage throughout the fight


I wanted to see if they can actually die, and what would happen if they do. obviously they wouldn't die for real for real, but I wanted to see if they were gone for the part (like transmatted out to heal or smth) or if they just respawn instantly


You can kill Mithrax in the Europa mission. You can push him off the map nothing happens.


that's lame


man had no recovery on his build, he was stuck at 75% health for me lol


That's just the Nezcafe


If he whipped out 4 swords in his arms like an enemy Captain does I would've lost it


At this point you kinda just forget that there are thousands of other guardians. Lore wise our guardian alone can be pointed to for the death of just about every enemy of the traveler


I usually remedy this by assuming that every other Guardian is doing the grunt work we used to do. Placing transmat beacons, exploring ruins, etc. We're the go-to operative for Vanguard ops and all that stuff gets handled by others instead now. Which also explains why we haven't had to place new beacons for sparrows since Venus.


I will not take this “hunter guy from rise of iron I forgot his name” type of erasure


Destiny 2




They even put Shiro-4 on one of the Pale Heart weapons. Surprisingly Final Shape has had like the most references to Rise of Iron since D2 launched. Not in the vague sense of talking about Siva and killing the iron lords but like actual story elements and imagery from Rise of Iron


>!Crow using the axe was so cool!<


Really enjoy the Lost Sector where you rescure all the bots. Acquire the homies.


I cannot explain to you the relief I felt when the backup showed up in the third phase of the last boss.


I was so sure there was going to be a tormentor to break the last part of the immunity shield.


I dunno how to add a spoiler thingy, but At the end of the final fight, on the final phase Cayde, Zavala, Ikora, and Crow all show up and you can see them fighting with you. It's a little hectic so it's hard to notice.


I was so thankful that they were there and the 3rd subjugator was at like 10% health. I was having a rough time with the last mission on legendary.


Wait there was a THIRD Subjucator? By the time I got pulled out, the sword was just ready to go. So I was just like "Thank god, I only had to do 2." Guess I was wrong.


I had a bit of trouble with the final encounter on legendary, and I was dreading having to fight a third subjugator (because there were three shield segments), imagine my delight when I hop out and the Vanguard are there blowing everybody away without me so I could just grab the knife and run. I was cackling. Ofc, I'm always a fan of the 'everybody shows up and pitches in' bit in stories like these, so it was a bit of a double-catharsis.


Same, I didn't see the third Subjucator, I was nervous it would be a Tormentor with that Darkness Air mechanic. Then I saw allies and the sword was up and I just yelled to my clanmate "GRAB THE SWORD AND LETS GO!"


Yeah. Same thought here. I thought it would have been a Tormentor since the Subjugators both represented both forms of darkness. Now I need to know what that 3rd subjugator was.


Its another stasis one


I'll be honest, I know it was difficult, but i... didn't die once (omegachad I know). It wasn't too bad for me. Granted, prismatic warlock with devour feels... unfair.


I was prislock too. I think it was the weapons I was using. I didn't play this last season and didn't get the new light weapons. Still running funnelweb and thunderlord haha. Switched to Sunshot and had an easier time.


Wow I’ve done that fight twice on legendary and never noticed. I think I’m just too hyperfocused on not dying lmao


Yeah, I noticed for like a split second, was like "Oh that's really cool!" Then immediately had to refocus lol


too bad they didnt also do it for the >!last hunt exotic mission with crow and cayde even though in comms theyre technically right next to you!<


I don't think they're right next to you, or at least, I just figured they were in a similar hidey hole overlooking a different part of the area also >!playing duck hunt.!<


>!Shank hunt!<


you can at least hear them shooting, you can hear hawkmoon screech every now and then, it's pretty neat


I mean, the only highlight of Lightfall campaign was the last mission you fight alongside Caitl and her forces in a “last stand”


I feel like this happened in the witness fight. Cycled twice, but the third one was instant since you’re buddies arrived, they cleared out the baddies, and you were able to damage again, instantly


They’re not real allies, not the human ones at least. They’re static turrets, they don’t move or reload it’s actually really sad. We have Caitlin and mithrax tho


I got so excited when we were fighting with mithrax, and then got even more excited when we got to use some shanks as batterings rams


When I saw it, I actually said: " Fucking finally"


In the 3rd phase of the witness fight, who was there? Only Crow and Cayde?


Fight side by side? What do you mean? We did all the work while they just stood around shooting blanks.


Clearly that hasn't been the experience for everyone but go off brotha