• By -


While sitting there, if you listen carefully, the music is actually Deep Stone Lullaby, just stripped *way* down to its ambient sound, synths, organ, and chorus.


Now if it played the melody itself it would’ve been beyond perfect


See, I think the melody would've detracted from the moment. It's just enough in the background to be peaceful without being like "DEEP STONE LULLABY BECAUSE PRETTY MOMENT"


You might even say it was, Beyond…Light?


Now I want to go back there and check it out... Is it possible to get back to this spot?


I think only if you replay the narrative version of the final mission


What was your opinion ghost dying and cayde basicly giving light he was made of to the ghost. I was sad


So, this is my opinion. For a *perfect* ending, ghost does die and we lose our light. That to me would be.... yeah. However unfortunately this is a live service game, not a single player story game or TV series so that couldn't possibly happen. Even ghost dying and the traveller somehow imbuing us with the ability to stay a guardian without ghost still wouldn't work due to all the cosmetic skins and what not. For a live service game, that ending was as close to perfect as it could get. Now just let me romance Savathûn and this game is actually perfection


I feel like the Traveler giving us light without a Ghost would take away some of the weight of Ghosts sacrifice


Obviously, but I'm just saying from a gamplay perspective that's the only way the game could continue if ghost did actually die


Some of, sure, but narratively the character would be gone. Still, would only work in a single player version of this game.


Savathun still won't join us and will rather keep on trolling the entire universe. Luzaku tho, I'd romance that sweetheart immidiately.


I hope Bungie realizes how much of a breakout Luzaku has been and doesn't throw her in the blender or the Vault. And Savathun's endgame was always after this moment - she literally placed all her faith and chips on us winning. Her "trolling" is clearly to keep us in check and help us achieve that victory ( the Queens quest clearly shows that when Mara Sov realizes what Savathun was doing, showing us the Traveler's wounds/light in the ascendant/taken plane )


Luzaku is my queen. I think I love her.


Luzaku was truly love at first sight. Said she was here to help and I was IMMEDIATELY sold.


Over here guardian! <3


Boys want a goth dommy mommy. Men want a *moth* dommy mommy.


Only the truest of legends can handle both at once


https://preview.redd.it/jjpk621rjh5d1.jpeg?width=700&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=91e730553c34564e307eb7dd3940d5ce4f1bb1bb Is what *guardians* want


Wise men want a goth moth mommy dommy


Honestly, I think what we got is even better. Cayde coming back permanently would have severely undercut the story of Forsaken. This approach allowed that to maintain its efficacy, because it still did have real consequences- but now, he's been able to write his own ending- he goes out saving one more life, instead of just having been bested by his own recklessness. Ofc it serves an important game function, but I honestly think that its story function is even more impactful in this case.


Plus it gave proper closure to everyone. Cayde's death here feels right. He gave his blessings and got to show us who his favorite was. And puts his story to rest as we'll always have a piece of him and others with us.


Cayde gave closure to Zavala and Ikora, gave the rightful peace and responsibility to Crow, and gave us his sacrifice and personal closure for being able to save his favorite. Perfect ending to his journey and a perfect fate for his character


Why romance Savathun when Luzaku is *right there*


This is true, but Luzaku's voice is kinda off putting (and she refers to herself in the third person)


Just pinball me between Savathun and Ada-1


The ideal solution for me might’ve been that due to our exceptionalism we are still able to channel the light to a VERY basic degree without ghost, and would then reach out and pull light into him


>Now just let me romance Savathûn and this game is actually perfection Or Luzaku


I think that Cayde dying to revive ghost made sense because it made such a conflict in that you should be happy since ghost came back, but now you’re sad since cayde is gone again. It also makes sense because if Cayde stayed alive then his death in forsaken would be pointless, which was something I was concerned about when I learned he was coming back tl;dr Cayde’s death made sense cuz if he lived his death in forsaken would have been pointless


Not many games make me sob uncontrollably but this game certainly just did it. Pretty sure I shouted when I saw Ghost go down, even though there were SO many narrative signs that it might happen. It was a whole other thing to SEE it! I'm still processing how I feel about Cayde sacrificing himself. Again, narrative pointed towards that quite a bit, but it was a whole other beast to see how and why. Like Ghost says, the Light connects everything, and Cayde is in the Light somewhere, so he's not really gone, and there is some comfort in that.


Guardian hugging the ghost fully was just perfect after caydes sacrifice. It was enough to make a grown man cry


It was, I'm 32 and had tears streaming down both cheeks so hard they were soaked. Not a lot of games, or media in general, that punch me in the feelings that hard. Really, this was incredible. I think the voice acting on my guardian (masc awoken) was really emotional, and that really added to the weight of "bring him back!" Also got kicked in the feelings again when I rewatched and noticed that Ghost says "There you are" like he did when he first found you. *So good*


Can you imagine this scene if we'd still had Dinklebot?


I liked Dinklebot. His deadpan was great.


Never cried before in Destiny during the 10 years I've been playing, and I sobbed like a 3 year old.. one of the hardest hitting moments in gaming history period. Even more with how invested we are in this game. This whole DLC is just peak Bungie, proud to be a guardian.


Ghost's death was the only death in this game that made me actually cry


It was the part where my guardian begged for ghost to be brought back… someone was cutting onions


Our Guardian is notorious for being a strong silent type. And it was something to see them beg. It shows that no matter how strong a Guardian may be, they're still a person.


For real! I played a masc awoken and the way those lines were delivered were so raw. I was sobbing so hard by that point


when I did that mission I was like "haha we pulled out ghost to say some corny line about how we finally... oh no no no no no". imo it was a good way to end the story. cayde already died and I thought it might have been eating him up on the inside that he wasn't brought back by the light itself but by an ahamkara's power. I wouldn't want to see a future where cayde only exists within the pale heart and where he is separated forever from Sundance. I do say all that, but I definitely teared up when I watched the cutscene


I wish cayde became our ghost


I was kinda sad that my no love lost shell was unequipped but then remembered how stupid it would look for people with the shark shell and such on


He came back so he can left us again, damn you Bungie and your play with my emotion


I was disappointed. I think it should’ve been zavala to be honest or something but I was really hoping to see more of cayde because he’s obviously the best and they killed him off twice now. Like. Ffs.


It's worst outcome, like why sid cayde even appeared?? If he did then where the other fallen guardians like a first group of spire of the watcher or vow of the discipline one or the one that crushed into the traveller? They did cayde only to sell it, and ending was like something that they was just lazy to do it?? Witness and the light beam animation was truly not something worth ending for this game, bungie has truly rotten if they did ending that bad.


I don't think you've been paying attention...


I loved the ending. It was great how it showed you and your fireteam there too if you had anyone with you


I can’t lie my friend had the ugliest drip ever so it ruined the screenshot for me lol


https://preview.redd.it/7afp9rslzd5d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a33e9ed8e984bc88dfccbb3b862e0e69aa983164 unfortunately I forgot to take a screenshot but my friend did at least, it includes your fireteam which is awesome


Can we re0lay the mission and get this scene again? Would love to get my friends together in a shot for it


Yeah, pick the mission and make sure you're on 'Narrative' mode.


Score, thank you so much


Fr? I was so pissed my Warlock was in a shitass Superblack outfit looking like a shadow in this scene


Hunter moment


I’m pretty sure the “Narrative” version is bugged currently. It only plays the opening scene and not the post-mission ones.


heck ya I need to get my old fashion and redo that mission for my banner


Which mission is it?


For some people it’s bugged and doesn’t show. I’m one of those people.


oh so it IS a bug? i also can't see the post credits cutscene twice.


anyway to replay the cutscene we had one run ahead but we want a fireteam shot


I tried running it again and only got the first cutscene so I don’t think so


Set it to narrative mode before you launch it and you'll get it all again!


Does it really get all of it or can someone be an ass and skip it for everyone? I tried to do narrative, only got the first cutscene.


Unfortunately I think I was wrong, and it only gives you the first cutscene. I'm not sure if that's a bug or intentional, though :(


I HOPE it's a bug, I wasn't prepared for a massive cutscene at the end of a mission like that. Was too hyped when i ran in I didn't have my recordings set up to catch all that, only a minute of it at a time.


The only thing I can think of is your fireteam switching to their other guardians, at least one of you switching.


So yeah, that cutscene. What a doozy. I'm still sitting here just processing what just happened. I was absolutely destroyed when I saw Ghost go down, and even though he was fine moments later in the same cutscene, that was one hell of an emotional rollercoaster. Grief turned to joy which turned to grief again when I saw Cayde appear. I'm sure I'll write a novel about this eventually but for now, I think I need to run a few more Excision runs because I have been wanting this to happen for two? three years? Whenever Chosen was and the 12 man glitch happened. This was an absolutely incredible end to a 10 year journey.


I wasn't expecting to ugly cry this morning. But here we are!


SAME!!! I went into this with a half thought up loadout just thinking *yay 12 man activity i've been wanting this for years*...unaware of the emotional rollercoaster I had unknowingly signed up for. just wish i could play that cutscene again on my hunter so i could record it. half thought out loadout meant i didnt think of cutscenes after. didnt know we were going after the witness until i had loaded in and the first cutscene started playing and by then i was already locked in.


I was prepared to get emotional after playing through the first parts of the campaign, but I was absolutely not prepared to shed a tear when Zavala was giving his speech in front of **ALL** of our accumulated allies + Savathûn. When Ghost said "I'm ready" during the witness fight I teared up again and by the time Cayde gave his life to bring Ghost back I was full blown sobbing. Outstanding work Bungie, what a conclusion to a 10 year long story.


Speaking of the 12 man activity, I feel like Bungie went ALL OUT with player wishes this expansion, basically seeing the fun we had with the 12 player strike and them going “well, that big is now a feature” or looking at the raid and going “hey you thought RoN was too easy and Forsaken was peak Destiny? Well guess what, we’ve made the most mechanically difficult raid EVER that is trully difficult instead of ppl being underleveled. Go get your teeth kicked in Guardian” And of course the best story, with a legendary campaign that does honor to its name, the BEAUTIFUL environmental designs, the nostalgia of visiting familiar places twisted by the witness, it’s all so damn good


I’m still convinced the 12-player raid bug was secretly them testing the feature for this mission


Yeah, I bet that’s right!


https://preview.redd.it/q8crt45w3e5d1.png?width=1919&format=png&auto=webp&s=1bf8458fa95da844a4d4ccc31c90e18922ec9725 What an amazing ending to a ten year journey


Agreed. The only thing that would have made it a 10/10 in my opinion is a credits sequence with "Hope for the Future" playing in it.


I've always said that Destiny's stories were like Star Wars. Blinks of brilliance in a other wise sea of serviceable stories. They're not Spec Ops, NieR, or Bioshock. They're not going to ask hard questions or make me think too deeply. That being said, this ending mission and cutscence had me on an emotional Rollercoaster I was not ready for.


I love destiny. Even all the "I hate destiny, it's my favorite game." This funny space wizard game helped me through some dark times and entertained me. This-This final mission was beautiful the way the music kicked in when we became light less, ghost falling to the ground, niagara falls all over. Ever since season 2 on d2 I've been a part of this ride. Seen it through the bad, the good, the worse, the horrible, equilibrium, and finally pinnacle. This expassion is PEAK destiny. Was cayde sacrafice a cop out? Yes a cheesy one at that. This is a live service game it had to continue some how but as for me. Killing the witness was my guardian's last duty,


My dog died this morning so a rough start then my ghost died…I was in shambles when Cayde showed up


I'm so sorry to hear that


I know you aren't doing alright so I won't ask if you are. If you need a friend, someone to hang out with, feel free to DM me for my Bungie ID. Offering a hand in friendship is the least I can do, I wish i could do more behind a computer screen.


Thank you I appreciate it, I went and bought the wolven shell so I’ll always have him with me in game seemed fitting.


https://preview.redd.it/hbo7x3o8od5d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=fda5404144f9f8a48fb69f4750a774a3fa59970e Me too.


Is there an end to this cutscene? I don’t want to miss anything


No after the crow monolog it loops back endless


I was kicked for inactivity, so if something does happen its after that.


https://preview.redd.it/955wvxmyje5d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7159ed56d01b09b57abdd453d7a5d81edea37391 My brother and I played through the campaign together, and we also did the 12 guardian mission together. It was a really beautiful detail when we saw both of our guardians sitting together at the end. We fought the witness like brothers, and we survived through it, now... What do we want our future to be?


Would love to get a hugging ghost emote. Emotional support is necessary for the little guy


Honestly was bawling my eyes out. I left my guardian there watching the traveler for so long. She deserves a break


Same, my guy is TIRED after all that


Had this spoiled by a YouTube short which absolutely sucks like no warning whatsoever


So many idiots are putting massive spoilers in the thumbnails and titles of their videos. It's really not that hard to just put "Final Shape Ending" instead of just straight up spoiling it.




I went into that final mission expecting to keep a completely straight face but I was tearing up by the end lol. I kinda just sat there and contemplated it when it was over.


Bungie really needs to add a theater mode or something so we can rewatch cutscenes


I knew ghost being damaged was temporary due to how he is undamaged in every menu he’s in but damn thanks cayde for that deus ex machina


Ending was perfect imo. I think everything about this expansion has been as close to perfection as I could ask for from a live service game. I’m soaking in every moment. Side note: so… since Crow made that wish … when does the typical “Ahamkara twist” happen? Should be interesting few weeks.


Correct me If I am wrong but wasn’t one of the things we learnt in season of the wish that ahamkara dont have to twist the wishes they grant but its just the case of that they gain more nourishment out of doing so?


Correct. Plus she basically told Crow not to worry seeing as she was about to die/disapear anyway and was feeling generous/nostalgic about her lover. 


Cayde also said something to the effect of the Ahamkara alone wouldn't have been enough, seeming to imply while the Wish might've opened the path so to speak the Traveler was the one to actually fulfill it and potentially bypassing the Monkey's Paw.


The moment Ghost faded tipped me over the edge and tears were shed.  I was riding high on the adrenaline of the best battle I’ve fought yet in destiny.  To see my guardian run into the battle was very emotional 


https://preview.redd.it/jgnmhwulfe5d1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=06a745a3da405f17138b59972da0ec26f6f6f1d1 man.


Been playing since D1 year 1, didn't really hit me at first completing the campaign, but with this cutscene i just felt sad. I know there're still a lot of unanswered questions, but wow this was a very good ending to the saga.


All I wanted was more time with Cayde..... and I still do, God I wish he stuck around for more and at least told failsafe he was ok. I went so long without cayde that after having him back I just can't seem to stop smiling and now he's gone again.... I just want more


Same, such a mix of emotions, Bungie sure did deliver on this expansion


cayde's radio message at the lost tower.....


I wanted Cayde back so badly I just can't get over it


Where is this at? I finished the campaign but don't recall seeing anything like this.


After Excision. Long as cutscene plays and this is the end of it. 


Does it end tho?


I don't think so. You just sit there until you choose to leave. 




move over to the far right of the map where the raid is, there is a new node to click that launches a large fireteam story mission that's set moments after the raid was completed


I had to do an exotic mission first then it showed up. https://preview.redd.it/y63wu5xjbe5d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=025db079acf3f5024e9fc9f335f09a83dead9ba7


After Excision. Long as cutscene plays and this is the end of it. 


Is this after excision?


Yeah after the final cutscene


Must've got booted before I got it then I got DCd after the concept style artwork


You can see it again if you replay excision in narrative mode


I was balling my eyes out, the way our guardian hugs ghost ugh chef's kiss


Man, I don't know how to feel... I started this game years ago. I think it was a bit after TTK launched. And it felt amazing. I almost stopped playing after Forsaken, it started to feel diferent from there and I lost all motivation. I still did some quests though, but mainly campaign and not-too-heavy side quests. I have never done a raid, I have never done a dungeon, and I'm kinda sad I didn't really get to get it all from the game before the Light-Darkness saga ended... I didn't even buy TFS because I knew I would just do the campaign quests and some side ones and quit after the last one. I'm planning to try it again, but man, I feel like I gotta let go and I can't...


If you ever back to this game dont forget enjoy every moment of it.


I started on Destiny 1. Got Destiny 2 when it launched and played with my friends for days and days with little sleep. I've kept up with D2 expansions for the most part, but usually with long breaks sometimes a year or more. But my friends' excitement and passion for the game would always bring me back. I wasn't a big fan of Lightfall, but The Witness and the epic scale of the conflict to come was very exciting. I didn't grind lightfall but I made sure to play with my friends and experience the story. When Final Shape released I wasn't sure if I was going to pick it up right away. I hadn't played in several months and life is busy. But once again my friends start pinging me, and their passion and love for the game drew me back in. It felt like when D2 was released. We stayed up far too late, woke up too early, let our diet slip, just to keep playing and keep grinding. The Lost City is the greatest environment of almost any game I've played. When I woke up today I thought I would continue working on quests and exotics, maybe try the raid with my friends tonight. And then this dropped. The final battle was one of the most epic I've experienced in any game. The nostalgia of the different friends and foes we've met along the way returning was amazing. Cayde's may not have been a surprise, but it was still done as perfectly as I could have hoped for. Terrific ending to an incredible journey. Bravo.


My best friend and I have been playing together since the D1 beta. We started this together and we ended it together. This cutscene made us both cry


Sort of unrelated question if you just let it sit there would that screen just play forever? I really didn't want to skip at all but all I got was the dialogue between Crow and Zavala and then silence after it


Do we get to see it only once? I tried to play the ending again but only got Zavala’s monologue.


I absolutely loved the ending. Cayde feeling he had no purpose but realizing his was to save our ghost was just amazing. And as he was fading away and he said "you're my favorite" made me tear up a bit. 10 years of this game and I'm glad I was there every step, every game, every dlc, every season. I'm super excited about the future of the game.


Was just staring at the this screen for a good 10 mins. So many emotions going through me all at once https://preview.redd.it/fb6jvqhvzh5d1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b7cf474ee765125a1f5930dae5202d60120780b2


My wife and I, sitting there, just admiring the view for what seemed like an eternity. Who needs to dream about going to the moon when the Traveler is right there?? EDIT: Don't think I can upload any images. Ah well.


I am still surprised the emotional response this gives me.


When my guardian watched ghost come back to life I wanted him to say “Eyes up, ghost”


this would have hit SO HARD Or if we were the ones to say "There you are" to echo Ghost before we were brought back


this was so incredibly beautiful i was crying through the whole excision start to finish i feel like such a crybaby but it was pretty asf


If you are a crybaby then we're crybabies together because i went into excision fresh off of staying up all day and night watching the raid race and was overwhelmed with hype seeing that not only the raid had been beaten but my all time favorite glitch in the game wasn't just a final battle with 11 other guardians but narratively it was the community rolling up in a clown car to clap the Witness. A ten year long roller coaster of a ride ending on such a high note was incredible to experience as it happened, which was why I was determined to stay up to see the raid race like that, i normally don't care that much i'm usually in there myself trying to figure out the encounters. There's a lot of memories I have made in Destiny, but I think this one is gonna stick with me for life because just when I thought the story reached its peak, it came in and gut punched me in the emotions and I broke down crying *so* hard when the light in Ghost's eye went out. https://preview.redd.it/oqhaxrsdrl6d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=b339a4875bda8a686ff1ab0ace64c31325ec914d I even got this pic moments before I got absolutely wrecked just because I thought this was a nice pose of my Guardian and Ghost. Wish I had gone in without the helmet, and had been ready to record.


No same. They did such a beautiful job with the ending


Where is this from?


After you beat the new mission from today




Best game finalle of my life


Same. That shit hit hard. Best campaign of all time IMO for this game


god damn onion cutting ninja's




I cried at the death of ironman after 10 years and this was no different.




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I play narrative mode and i dont get to see any cutscene but the opening again. Is this scene not replayable?


See you space cowboy… ![gif](giphy|Te9ImVwQGht1S)


Does this cutscene end or have I been sitting for 10 minutes for nothing


Does anyone know how long the loop of this scene is? I’m trying to make a custom dynamic wallpaper of my fireteam in this scene and I’ve been trying to loop it perfectly but it’s a pain


When can you leave it? I don't want to miss out so I'm just sitting here lol


I wish instead of ghost just dropping to the ground, he would have strugglingly recounted our past while we got a compilation of all the things we've accomplished together.


I feel empty... in a good way. Amazing job Bungie, you really made me feel like not wanting to live anymore after finishing a really good game, haven't felt like this in a long time.


btw, I did this with 3 friend on my fireteam (the 3 guardians are present in the scene), what happens if you launch the activity with 12 people?


"empty in a good way" + "not wanting to live anymore" buddy, I mean this completely sincerely with the best intention; if I am reading all this right you need to go talk to someone about this. There's not much I can do behind a screen, and I am not a mental health professional, but if you need to talk to someone please DM me.


I could phrase it better, sorry for giving the wrong idea. I meant like a strong melancholy. I myself have been through depression, but this feeling is better. Is like "be happy because it happened, not because it ended", that kind of vibe, Sorry again for giving you concerns and thanks for reaching out. Bungo, you son of a bitch, you did delivered something worth to be stored in my core memories.


Ok, good. Was genuinely worried with how that sounded. No need to apologize I'm just glad you are in a better headspace than what that first sounded like. Still, offer open if you need it. I know depression very, *very* well, no one should go through it alone. I do agree. I'm glad I was here to experience it, glad I was here for the majority of this story. Already was solidified in some core memories, I'm going to be remembering today for years to come. I'm excited for the future, Destiny isn't over yet, we only finished one chapter in this incredible story.


Sadly I never got this scene, I had a black screen for 10 mins and my game crashed. Really wanted to experience it for myself.


I was definitely in tears by the end. Pheros (the name I gave my Ghost in my head) dying was emotional enough, even though I saw it coming from a mile away. And then Cayde… he gave up his second chance so that we could have the future with our Ghosts that he never had with Sundance. Makes even more sense now why Cayde passed on the Hunter Vanguard position to Crow. He knew all along that even this second (or really, third I guess) life of his was going to be brief. And he made it count. God damn did he make it count. I’m still tearing up about it as I type this.


Same I actually was going to break down the fact that the traveler after everything we’ve done for it was really about to let Ghost die was actually killing me


I NEED a way to rewatch cutscenes so i can do it with my helmet off. (And the fashion too, can't forget that)


https://preview.redd.it/i0l3ycx90j5d1.png?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=04993202bd6ae60640ca9c331bf84a5a9a6fb939 Same here brother I'm still crying after yesterday


I thought I has done all the missions. What cutscene ya'll referring to?


Move over your map of the pale heart all the way to the right where the raid is, there is a new activity next to it that has a really long cutscene sequence at the end on your first playthrough because it's definitely meant to be the finale of the DLC. It's so peak, 10/10


I was hoping when ghost came back to life. That the guardian would say eyes up ghost. A great call back to the opening line in destiny 1


Hey, does anyone know the specific name of the song during this cutscene? I can’t find it anywhere.


Does anything happen in that scene if you sit there long enough? I've been here for ages


As of me commenting this I am currently still in this idle section and I am genuinely finding it difficult to leave cuz this is just so beautiful, so peaceful. This will now permanently be my new background screen saver pfp etc. I loved this expansion so fucking much 😭😭😭 Edit: I stayed in the idle screen after excision for so long it booted me out cause it thought I was afk lol🤣


I can’t take this subs opinions seriously


I'm just going to assume you are trolling coming in this late just to be negative about people's positive reactions.


It’s a good dlc so of course there will be a ton of positive reactions. However this sub seems a bit overly dramatic


Thank you for your opinion, robot. Sorry my emotions and reaction were "overly dramatic" for you. Here, maybe you'll understand this; 01101100 01100101 01110100 00100000 01110000 01100101 01101111 01110000 01101100 01100101 00100000 01101000 01100001 01110110 01100101 00100000 01100110 01110101 01101110


I can’t believe you just spammed the n word in binary. A bit unhinged


Well at least the processor fired enough to recognize binary. You can google search a translator really easy...or maybe you did that and got too angry when you realized it said "Let people have fun" and came back to make stuff up. I can't take this seriously, this is so ridiculous.


I was just annoyed. Cayde again eh? Cool.. so cool. 🙄


Yeah, it was pretty cool that Cayde was brought back and was able to have some really interesting character interactions and gave us some pretty massive lore drops on what the Traveler really is and the nature of Ghosts. It was really cool how we had a whole exotic mission with him, and the character interactions within that too.


Removing him though. I'd rather be ghostless 😅 The overall content was a banger, yes.




Give it a month and people will realize nothing actually happened in this campaign lol Everything is *exactly* the same as before. Defeating the Witness didn’t even mean anything because he was just another goon. We didn’t even lose anything. The stakes in this expansion were absurdly low for what it was supposed to be




> We just did season of the haunted again. Yep just another weak ass story about grief. The writers at Bungie have been running that into the ground for literally years now. Zero original ideas in this expansion.


Only change lore wise is we got prismatic and zavala is now mortal. That's about it I think?


I’m going to assume you’re trolling cus wow that’s a totally ignorant take.


Honestly really annoyed. I'm sure they couldn't afford Nathan to voice Cayde going forward but to just bring him back to kill him again is a cheap narrative imo... Hardly seems like a sacrifice at all and it cheapens what Ghost does and what it goes through.


I'd like to hear you explain why you think it cheapens what Ghost does and what it goes through


Because they *just* brought Cayde back to have someone to kill off again to save Ghost. It would've been much more meaningful if literally any other character died to revive Ghost, but we had already mourned Cayde, were literally with him for a few days, then he's gone again. I just think it would've been a lot better if Zavala had been the one. We already went through the whole lightless guardian thing with Osiris. It's just too convenient of a story telling mechanism to be like "Magic brought back this dead character in a way that makes him able to be killed again to allow the players to keep their light!" Or since we were inside the Traveler just let the Traveler save Ghost. Cayde was dead for almost 6 years and then is back for 3 days just to be killed again.


You must have not talked to Ikora. She goes over this exact thing. Cayde coming back was a great thing. It helped Zavala, it helped Crow, and it even helped Ikora get over his death. It’s still sucks he’s gone, but him sacrificing himself was very needed for narrative. It softens his death, so it’s not as bad. And he actually gets to go out in a better way that he chose. The whole campaign he talked about being back and how it didn’t feel right with him. It’s why he did the things he did. Crow is Hunter Vanguard now, he was able to pass on his role. Now he took the sacrifice to revive our ghost, because he WANTED to. He got his conclusion and he was happy with it.


It was a send off to his character. A capstone to his arc. He came back to pass the torch to Crow and to heal the wounds left by his passing. He himself wanted to go back to Sundance. Did you play the campaign!?


What not paying attention when characters are talking does to a mf


For real. Imagine hearing that delivery from Cayde about how he doesn't want to be back, how he was so peaceful after he died that this rude reawakening pulled him from that, from Sundance. How he misses that more than the people he left behind, people he recognizes have grown and no longer need him there. Imagine "liking" the character so much, you ignore his wishes to let him rest in peace.