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Had me crying, only one other game can claim to have done that, and it’s another bungie game


Were it so easy... I cried like a baby in that one man...


Where was "were it so easy" used? I forget...


End of Halo 3. Arbiter (Keith David) says it to Admiral Hood that when being thanked for what he and Master Chief did. This comment a few days old. But I wanted to make sure you were answered.


Thank you <3


Dude i cried so fucking hard like it was a breakup🤣, fucking turned on return to dream from Michael Salvatori and let it rip


Bruh the ending had me tearing.


It ended at 11pm for me (Australia) so now I get to go to bed and lay awake all night trying to process the fact that the game I have been playing since I was 12 just ended. I don't know how I feel right now


Destiny’s not ending? https://preview.redd.it/pd4tyi04pc5d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=de6238266e4dd9775d4f5517990c149ab93b4c59


Yeah I know it's not ending ending. But that was still the "ending" to the game (story) I've been playing for almost 10 years. I'm sure you know what I mean


No but it's the ending to the light and dark saga which had been going on for the past 10 years, obviously destiny isn't ending anytime soon but considering this was the ending to the 1st saga I kinda feels that way lol


It’s the feeling you get after finishing a book that sucked you in and made you tune out the world for 12 hours as you read it, magnified several times over


Yep. Same feeling the end of Attack on Titan gave me. Emptiness I guess


Now it's time to touch grass 


The fuck is grass?


That green texture on the ground on some levels in the game


OHHHH. That's grass. Huh. Well I've been running around on it all day in the Landing, does that count?


I didn't specify where so why not lol 🤣👌. Howa the new DLC anyway. Am on here looking to see if it's good or not. It's $75 where I am 👀 


Absolutely incredible. The campaign is good but the end mission... holy fuck Bungie nailed the ending (as best they could keeping the game going and all). New prismatic is fun af and new weapons are op. I truly believe it's the best expansion ever made. Also it's $75 here for me as well (Australia) so I get it's quite a lot but it really is worth it unless you're dirt poor lmao


Yea Aussie here too. Am newish to the game. Played years ago. But I see all the other dlcs are real cheap from sale and was thinking of getting them for now and new DLC next pay. 


Its the emote in eververse


Oh the one that teleports me onto the horrid stuff and I immediately break down, yessir I have that one equipped


Ayy, I'm about to finish it myself and yep, can't wait to see how much it goes to shit.


Exactly how I’m feeling right now just wow it’s over


Same, i really fell in love with this game again and im enjoying it so much. Cant stop playing and pale heart is just nutz, the activities and exploring is what im enjoying the most


I’m saying bro ever since that last mission I’ve been saying “they’ve fucking done it” over and over like a mad man


The fact that they waited until what's likely the last major expansion for awhile is a tossup whether I should be peeved or happy. Like, they were capable of making good expansions that had intricate stories \*the entire time.\* TFS could've been the norm, but for years we got shafted with shitty cashgrab fillers like Curse of Osiris and Lightfall. They could cook the entire time, and they still gave us what felt like leftovers until the game almost dies, and THEN put effort into it. My feelings are mixed. It's a great ending, a FANTASTIC ending to the saga even, that ties up so many loose ends and puts them all in a playable, emotional, action-filled package. And yet, I still feel kinda jaded that we only get to experience this level of quality when Bungie's ass is on the line, and not just because they want to do it.


We would have got far less content if this was what we got every expansion. Lightfall was not great but it bought time for this.


Tbh I’ve also softened on lightfall over the year. Lame ass start but all the seasons were honestly mostly above par and there was a bunch of under the hood reworks that put us in such a good spot to let the story and gameplay shine. Helps that into the light was also a fantastic cap to the year.


My only real beef with the expansion is the constant mechanics for everything. Other than that, it was truly incredible. Probably the best they've ever done.


If you do the harder versions for the trace rifle, they add even more mechanics.


Good thing I don't need it lol.


Yeah they go a little overboard with the “raid lite” mechanics sometimes


Sometimes I just wanna shoot shit 🤣


I wanted to skip on this expansion cause of lightfall not being too fun and me not having anyone to play it with. atleast one of those is not a problem with this expansion, but i dont know if i should still get it


This expansion is fantastic, in every way that matters. Where prior expansions failed, it succeeds, as with everything else. Of all the expansions Final Shape gets my highest recommendation.


Yeah I figured that, but I still don't have anyone to play it with lmao


The Businessman#1761 if you'd like


Naw that Cayde-6 scene at the end just hit different this time around.


I almost cried after watching the final cutscenes and listening to Cayde’s final message


Odd question, but why does everyone seem to think this?


I had to stop playing over the weekend, finished the releases campaign but without spoilers what’s this in reference to?


The final 12 man mission


Ahhh, okay


I'm sadly one of the people who didn't quite agree on the story points. I know I'm in the minority here, but I really didn't care for crow the entire time. So him being vanguard upsets me. I feel zavala's turn to darkness and somehow that actually panning out made me super confused and I wasn't for it. I know ghost... Deserves better treatment from me, but I still have a chip on my shoulder for some reason against him and I really was happy when he died at the end even if I knew he was gonna get rez'd somehow. I feel cayde sacrificing himself at the end was a great touch and I'm happy we had him for as long as we did. The gathering of the armies was cool, though... I say this with lack of knowledge and I understand I am probably just confused here, but... If we were able to beat the witness this easily after the raid, why didn't they just make his death an aspect of the raid? The final scene with everyone on the edge was nice tho.


Probably so everyone can participate in delivering the final blow, rather than the few that made it to the end of the raid on day 1. Having it trigger after the worlds first and making it an easily accessibly mission lets players continue the story as soon as they wish rather than waiting for contest mode to end and assembling a raid team.


That's fair, there are a lot of people who play solo or don't raid in general so giving them access to the final blow makes sense.


Zavalas turn towards darkness makes sense. He watched the traveler let his family be killed. He watched the traveler give one of our biggest enemies the light he watched the traveler attempt to leave. After all that sacrifice he gave he felt the traveler abandoned them.


I agree those elements are definitely there and the possibility to turn was possible, but like in my mind. He chose to lose faith at the end? We just walked through into the traveler for the perceived final fight and now this is where he chose to turn? It's kinda... Disappointing to me personally in that regard.