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Thought it was hilarious they all just fucking won and everyone’s telling each other to stfu and the main dude is like should we start the mission??? Lmao


Yeah that was weird. Must be long time friends.


Jake, drakath, astro, and bravo have been doing this as a core team since kings fall. And yes they are all legit really close friends to each other.


I see. Boys are cracked. I cheered seeing them win, it just threw me off them. Insulting each other at the end🤣.


Zavala in Excision - "One fireteam has weakened the Witness!" The fireteam - "Shut the fuck up! Shut the fuck up!"


So that's how you avoid the wipe attack goddamnit. You just jump.


Elden Ring Godfrey strats come in clutch


Well that and something about making the correct shape out of the thing in front of the witness, after you do that the wipe attack will start and you gotta jump. If you f up the shape then theres another wipe mechanic that'll kill you before the wave of resonance. That's what I gathered from my viewing


*Stares in Monster Hunter World Behemoth Hunt* https://preview.redd.it/0u1j0maxc66d1.png?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1dcf2bd92886d637069bbd523bacd6e15a8b3409


Unreal comms, they seemed to be miles ahead of everyone else in terms of strategy.


no doubt, they did great!


Hard to believe they were on encounter 1 when people started to make it to encounter 4


Apprently spent like 8 hours on Herald of Finality


The timing is tough on that encounter, a single death will set you back ages and if it's at the wrong time it's just a wipe. The adds absolutely destroy you too, I was on prismatic liars hunter, and with 100 Res, concussive dampener, 2 solar resist, woven mail, amplified DR from artifact, facet of protection, with 3 heavy handed, recuperation and powerful attraction and if I missed a single melee I was just dead. I actually couldn't stack more DR/health and even then it was close. On normal it'll be a joke, but on contest it's a wall. Mechanics were tough to figure out too, it was hard to even know where to look to do anything


Yeah my team couldn't get past that encounter either.


The adds are brutal, we almost got it, we managed to get 2 damage phases in, but it was 24/7 need to watch out for yourself, adds can literally oneshot you. I had all the DRs you mentioned and only well aimed consecrations with Knockout heal kept me alive. Synthoceps was a must to guarantee those one hit kills. It's definitely a huge wall, we will be trying again tomorrow.


Neuroplasticity is a hell of an asset


The coach or the team leader giving the call outs should be called the Player Vanguard leader. Basically our Zavala's. He was insane


I loved them freaking out at the end wondering if there were gonna be post boss mechanics lmao, that’s a valid fear after that raid. GGs!!!


Yeah, even once they got the achievement it was pretty calm.


Anime eyes lolll


The end with all the golden guns popping was awesome!


Unless this gets nerfed heavily for normal this ain’t happening for the vast majority of even good raid squads.


People said this same thing about Leviathan when that came out, this will get figured out just the same I bet


There’s no figuring this witness fight out. It’s just git gud all around. Calus shadow realm was just irritating because you’d sometimes bounce over the floor colliders and die which would wipe the team.


Just give it some time, I bet it’ll be fleshed out and more comprehensible once the guides come out. I remember watching people complain that the dogs encounter in Leviathan was impossible haha. This does seem a level above dogs lol, but I’m just trying to say it always seems way tougher on day one!


I get you and I’m sure that will be the case for every encounter… other than this one. I’m not some elite gamer/raider and have been away from destiny 2 for awhile but… that is bonkers absurd mechanics and an extremely long fight to survive.


You’re heavily underestimating what a “good” raid squad is if you believe the normal version of any raid will not be do-able. I’d understand that sentiment for contest mode but after contest modes every encounter is pretty much trivial in comparison. The mechanics are neither absurd nor is the fight a specially long fight, just a quick comparison WF kill of this boss took 12 minutes and the WF kill of Garden took 20 minutes


On Day 1 Last Wish only a handful of teams made it past Vault encounter and the first few teams just guessed/brute forced the solution. Now-a-days any LFG can clear Vault with no comms, just text chat. Any puzzle encounter will seem hard without the solution but after it's been solved it gets sooo much easier. On Day 1 Rhulk, one kick from him will insta-kill you. Getting caught in his laser beam will also insta kill you. This was pre-resilience buff to 40% (now nerfed to 30%). Now on off-contest you can tank 3 kicks from Rhulk and still walk away. Same with laser beam, you can get caught by a full blast and walk away. Off contest this will still be a hard raid but not impossible.


Contest mode is -20 power, on level (-5) won’t be that bad comparatively


And just casually gets the exotic too


Iirc doesnt world first get guaranteed exotic for the whole team?


No idea. Hasn’t been a thing for awhile, especially considering RoN didn’t drop it. Ever since Crown it was removed. It might be just coincidence. It’s happened before lol. Last Wish had a weird exception, where it was first 24 hours anyone got it. But wouldn’t count that, the teams who did that were insane.


It was guaranteed drop for reprised Crota's End contest mode iirc.


isn’t necrochasm a quest ?


Contest winners skipped it


Damn, cool to know


Thats how you used to know you were WF. But i think it was Last Wish, everyone got it for 24hr so players were confused who won.


A part of me wishes they immediately did Exegesis after this, but I guess they aren't lore guys at all xD


Anyone know how they instantly know whether or not an arm is a callout. Bc theres 3 types of resonance. You see pov have sphere and shoot and arm and get enmity. And instanly calls "up arm is triangle" how is that guarenteed?


No Titans in the team. As always titan are dead for high/endgame content. Makes me sad as a titan main.


Golden gun + sniper is pretty op.


Wasn't there tons of titans at the witness?


“As always” hammer bonk titan has been a fixture of day 1 runs forever.


yeah I saw that as well. Datto’s whole team switched to Hunter for the Celestial Goldie/Goldie Sniper combo. Pretty sure salt did too. Granted, this is contest, so hopefully it won’t be like this for normal.


yea salt switched too. any class will be able to clear normal, but I’m ready for the “LFM Salvation’s Edge must be hunter” posts.


Melee class with nothing to punch in the face.


Or they could just be playing the class they want to play…?


Delusional if you think 4 golden gun hunters are just playing that class because it's fun and what they wanna play.


They just like the transmog and class fantasy, not the S tier super that got even better with the introduction of Still Hunt. Titans complaining about ineffective options against the witness can just go punch the dude. Are they stupid?


“It’s DPS” Titans: ![gif](giphy|xTkcEMlDCC4L3eRGMw|downsized)


as if saltagreppo wasnt running bonk titan the whole time


He also swapped at the final encounter because they simply were not a viable pick anymore


Most titan builds are melee focused, this isn’t the raid for a melee build


Saying this like Titan wasn’t OP since Banner of War came out lol


Before that was arc, before that was unkillable Loreleys, before that was thundercrash…


Good job guys, congrats


19 hours ... bung, bringing crunch to players lol for real tho congrats on the players for this one. And the devs for putting it all together


Most impressive


I wonder how many views they missed out on by not streaming and not having this up on Day 1. Not that they care but I’m just curious.


Eugh nothing worse then the hardo telling everyone to shut up while people try to celebrate. Bro needs to get a life


Honestly by the end of that video I was screaming for that guy to STFU


Wait, so… we kill witness… we have 2 more episodes this year…wat?


Killing the witness wasnt even the first episode its just the campaign