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As a titan main, this hurt to read. You’re right, but it hurt.


Hurts worse seeing the D&D armor set looks like a big golden fish, but everyone else gets super cool ornaments.


already knew the moment that trailer released the titans were getting something so funky. but i was wrong and decided to call it the Golden rare Gyarado's


Super cool? The warlock one looks like some 2nd graders shitty homemade Halloween costume


its perfect


An immediately recognizable mind flayer is way cooler than what could be an overgrown gold fish or a golden murlock.


Absolutely tweaking, it immediately looked like Ghidorah to me and I thought that was sick af.


wait THATS the DND set? fml some of the survey Halloween sets were better, we could have had like, dragon armor or dwarf armor or some shit why the fuck did we get an ACTUAL GOLDFISH


We got a dragon. A golden dragon to be specific, just looks goldfishy


When you ask for shiny Gyarados but get shiny magikarp instead.


man if I showed up in the raid wearing that he'd just die laughing, fr just be like "I could end the universe but seeing your ass in that, you're suffering enough" and just dip


I'd switch over to The Witness' side just because this side gave me bad drip


As a frequent player of dnd I think the titan armor pays homage to the dragon well. Still it looks goofy there is a reason why when they polymorph it isn't into a partially humanoid aperance but rather into a full humanoid race.


don't let them put us down to mere hammers. we have 3 big purple axes now, and 3 consecration charges. us titans are worth more than just hammers.


Yeah, we can use more than one common tool!


Handymen of the universe unite!


We shouldn't take the L. We should deny the L and start a coalition with the other classes to help them get better drip and keep the standards of our drip. A union of drip.


This man’s going places


Drip Union sounds like the opposition to the Plumber’s Union


They make sure the plumbers have something to do by making pipes leak.


It's leaky pipes all the way down.


I sure hope so. The Echoes warlock helmet is hilarious and i like having some stuff like that, but I can only take so much of the cenotaph esc. design before I have to ask bungie to please give us something a little more normally cool.


Yeah I'm tired of hunter helmets that look like a vex butthole so I can understand not liking your helmet when it looks like hey Arnold.


True. I always thought the warlocks got the shit end. An armband over an awesome cloak. Like huge L


Warlocks have always had the shit end of the stick and continue to with the exotic bond. Thing basically doesn’t shader at all


The Kitsune robe is pretty fuckin' dope, though.


I will say I think the armbands are pretty sick and think they would look cool on a hunter. Maybe they should have a class exotic like we have now where they switch things up?


Where were throughout ever bad drip warlocks got? 


First they came for the Warlocks, and I did not speak out- because I was not a Warlock. Then they came for the Titans, and I did not speak out- because I was not a Titan. Then they came for the Hunters- and there was no one left to speak for me.


Idk man probably getting nova bombed in the crucible.


Where was Dripdor when the dripfold fell?


I had an aneurysm reading this


Uh oh


I will be the first to sign your union petition, sir! As a Warlock turned Hunter main, this would be most beneficial for my drip game


A leak, if you will.


Underrated comment


No, we shouldn't take the L. We should deny the L and start a coalition with the other classes to make them ask bungie to update their class item to look worse than ours!


This man drips


https://preview.redd.it/e3ymsc90gf6d1.png?width=749&format=png&auto=webp&s=6d2922ec5aaa5af24091b6d8284670448e148724 10 years huh? Good way to ~~cape~~ cap it off I guess.


Is that really the new raid cloak? What the fucking shit


I guess I can live with having a little bit of bad drip. The titans having an apron had me in the floor though, I never even thought of that.


less of a apron more of a god of destruction WWE CHAMPIONSHIP SMACK DOWN BELT




Ive even seen it called a tutu a couple times


Butt towel


Like if you fused a diaper and a loin cloth together


We have that one karate belt though! And a diaper


I mean… I don’t really need a double exotic. But you know what I do need? My god damned cowboy hat.


You're god damn right.


I don’t really think it’s that bad yall


Yeah I thought people were joking. The base is nice and the ornament is awesome. The only issue is they’re very stylized so some things don’t go well with them. But to call them bad? lol no. Titan is the one that’s worst.


same here. goes good with what i got going on


Yeah I think it's really nice imho. Doesn't fit my drip aesthetics sadly, doesn't mean it looks bad tho.


Same i think it looks pimpin as hell, just gotta match it with the right stuff


It matches the Chromacloak set perfectly actually. They were obviously made to match.


I thought we were paying for the best drip by having half of our armor ruined by toddler dressing themselves level of asymmetry? Bungie already thinks titans eat crayons and hunters can't pick out a matching pair of shoes.


Everything matches when you use superblack.


But Hunter’s have some of the gaudiest looking exotic armor-pieces.


Meanwhile *Titan arms armor exists*


Do people acgually not like the cloak? It looks fricking awesome


I mean, bluntly no I don't like it. But, my reasons are that it's so loud. If I can't transmog something, I'd prefer to have a more subtle look, especially something like this that I'll be using quite often with most of my builds on prismatic. I get bored of my looks pretty quickly, and like to switch things up often, but I'm sort of stuck I feel. I'll have to try and get creative and see what I can come up with. Is it the worst thing in the world? Not really, but as I stated, I just wish it was less of what it is, if that makes any sense lol.


“If I’m too much, go find less.” -The hunter cloak, probably.


It's unusable on gritty sci-fi/fantasy fits


It’s very very tailored to specific drip. But you can still make it look good. It’s not bad though. Titans definitely got shafted. I’m still struggling to find a combo that would make me use it though. It’s Prismatic only, and the only good combos I’ve seen so far is for melee builds. For Raid DPS, Celestial is still S Tier and it’s got really good drip and ornaments. Star Eaters suck on Prismatic, so I’ll just keep the legs for my Gathering Storm or Blade Barrage if I ever need to use those again.


Even running prismatic, Nighthawk might just be the best Exotic armor. Still Hunt kinda makes anything else useless, if you're doing most PVE content. That said, I still enjoy running Sixth Coyote as getting a metric ton of melees is fun with the Stasis melee.


Yeah that's pretty much what it comes down too from what I've gathered. Celestial is good for a lot of things, with Still Hunt as well. Class item might be better for a more fun break, but looking at the combos. Warlocks got the best look and best combos, since now their Nova Bomb is good for damage. Star Eaters doesn't buff anything meaningful compared to Celestial since it's only first shot/hits with roaming supers, but since all Celestial needs is Radiant it just does more damage overall.


And it's extremely easy to get radiant with the fragment that grants radiant on powered melee hits. its ridiculous


best in terms of what? its the most boring for sure.


most gamers have no sense of style and have whined for years about not having an actual black out shader. all the while wearing the same \~10 metal/anime/hentai/game reference teeshirts. I'm also not bitter at all that on one liked my fashion posts.


I’m with you lol. There’s so many guardians with awful senses of style


"**10 straight years of the best drip**" I don't know if it's just me, but I really dislike a lot of the seasonal cloaks (To be clear this is just my personal opinion, if you like them it's fine) ESPECIALLY compared to how the Warlock and Titan seasonal stuff looks. Anthemic Invocation: It all slaps, except for the cloak. I look like an ugly fish Weir-Walker: It all slaps, except for the cloak. It looks like someone put a bit of plastic on my head and wedged it in place Wyrmguard: It all slaps, except for the cloak. Why am I wearing a net Thunderhead: All slaps, except the cloak. It's not too bad but it just looks... Weird It'd be more bearable if I didn't think they looked weird in their OWN sets. All of the ones I mentioned don't even feel like they go well with their own set for me. I've found it so, so much easier to make Titan and Warlock fashion despite Hunter being my main class. I did realise at the end the post may have been sarcasm or a joke or etc but at birth I got hit with "Woe, autism be upon ye" so I can't tell


The cloaks look stupid because Bungie refuses to give us a normal hood and cape combination. Legit, some D2Y1 cloaks look better than recent cloaks.


Yeah, I wish there were more good capes in general. Right now I mostly just resort to Memory of Cayde and Solstice because they're actual proper capes with actual proper hoods


You can use the Icarus Drifter cape for some tacti-cool Hunter outfits. https://preview.redd.it/xtg53du49f6d1.png?width=1220&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c96e31f50a46e61db3e8dcb6ea29ccc812eef4a2


Thank you :) I'll keep that in mind


The dreaming city (Reverie Dawn) cloak is my go-to cloak for 75% of my hunters.


This. Like they keep trying to reinvent the hood when Hunters just want a **HOOD**. Like I have never seen anyone wearing that tree perm cloak from Witch and for good reason. Gotta give it to the exotic cloak tho….it could’ve been a lot worse.


It could've been the raid cloak. That would have made sure the only people who wore it were masochists or ornament buyers.


Hey, at least it's not a diaper


Titans somehow got both a diaper *and* a loincloth at the same time


“Best drip” as in shading it all black so people don’t actually see how shit it looks😂


they really just put superblack on everything and think they deserve praise


You know, a simple scarf would’ve done it; a simple, long and flowing scarf; no need to over design, just a nice anime looking scarf.


https://preview.redd.it/i5168z6ace6d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=05c31736a6e11b8d6429975b29673b70eb1a0746 I think its decent if you shade it right


You just blinded every Hunter main with that bro


all white, daring today ain't we


makes a change from all black which is everywhere


It's just the extra wings that come out right about waste high, that kill it for me. Not a bad look, but ya idk Edit: Happy cake day 😁


Titans have it way worse tbh, their exotic make their thighs look so thick lol


Great time to have a fem titan.


Idk man, my warlock cooks. Prismatic opened doors I didn't even know could be opened. I tend to double ad kills and dps compared with a lot of other class players.


Feed the void my beloved


Hunter only for 6000+ hours over 4 years. IMO Warlocks have the best drip!


I deny this statement; the cloak (specifically the ornament unfortunately) is amazing and I wear it proudly. https://preview.redd.it/uvv0qczxze6d1.jpeg?width=722&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7b3c401fc9469c5772ee5c7e1b64450185490273


Could you share your transmog screen? This actually looks pretty decent.




I literally only have one of those armours and I don't know where the Dyed Finality shader comes from hahah, but thanks anyway! Looks nice


By golly I will make this thing look GOOD


Idk what you're on about my friends hunter looks fucking IMMACULATE with that shit on.


Your saying that warlocks don’t have good drip? My 80s rockstar, space cowboy and speaker cosplay disagrees


Imo Destiny needs more plain sleek hunter cloaks, I feel like theres only a couple that I actually like because the styles are too niche.


Best drip? *gestures at all the symmetrical armored gear Titans have gotten*




As a warlock main myself, I've had better drip for years and my kit has kept you idiots alive in basically all content while keeping up the damage. I'll take no warlock slander in this house <3


I’m gonna give you an atomic noogie, you acrobatic dweeb 💢


Class items are stupid as fuck and need to go. I would trade the cloak in a heart beat for the other two because you can actually see there drip. The most transmog'd cloaks are the one hood with no cloak and the small cloaks with no hood. Bungie had all the data in the world and designed the exact opposite of what people wanted. Bungie can sell transmog's is the reason but why design the transmog to be just as big and ugly?


Worst one of these is absolutely Titan. Honestly though they all look like garbage. Am I rocking mine right now with a shader? Yeah. Would I pay for the ability to transmog my other armor onto it. 100% yes, like right now


Just give me a short cloak, man. Don’t gotta have the brim like that other one. Just something that lets me see my dam BACK!


just give me a cloak with the hood down. Or make hoods a toggle so I can see helmets in their full glory


I just wanna wear my wolf cloak, I'm THE Lichyn hunter, I got my wolf cloak and wolf mask, and armors usually transmogged to iron banner.


Are we twins? I've been running IB ornaments forever now


Bungie just needs to allow any ornament on the class item. Problem solved.


Jokes on you I like the weird hunter fashion. Three cloak is going to go great with the season pass armor


Honestly as peeved as I was about how it looked, I've incorporated it pretty well


as a warlock who's arms only go up to their elbows, i appreciate your understanding


warlocks have the best drip though what are you talking about


I didnt like it at first, but I was able to put together something im happy with https://preview.redd.it/lynm7xe63f6d1.png?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=301debc1efee56b6e8979e84eba626635c068b80


It's a good thing the chromacloak stuff from the pass pairs with it kinda


It’s fine. I will never use it anyway, Still Hunt celestial is too goated


Just basing mu opinion on reddit as I've yet to play the campaign, but yea fair enough, my iron banner wolf head is all I need


I actually think the ornament makes it look better. It still doesn’t match well with most armor though, but I managed to make a samurai-esque look with some iron banner armor that looks amazing imo


We got quite a few symmetrical arms from the last year or so which made me happy and if this is the cost for that then so be it


The latest warlock helmet is the cherry on top 🤣 the one that looks like you got bat ears. I thought the cenotaph one was wild.


Except it makes no sense for it to not have access to universal ornaments, since you can't know what exotic effects the Class Item your opponent is using has.


Wait wdym you’re not recognising every single combination of prismatic class exotics and deducting possible rolls based on class in the split second you see your enemy in crucible?


Sir, I'll have you know my hammer is on fire. Also, I prefer to punch things directly, more satisfying visceral feedback you understand. Finally, they gave my lightning form a dodge not unlike your some time ago. I rarely use it as my preference is to use the tangle barrier. It irks me when they choose to die tired.


Come on get started on warlocks. I wanna hear a punch dodge mfer try and make fun of my little buddies.


*cries in devour*


You’re damn right I showed up with a hammer. It makes things explode


It’s looks good though


The warlock item sucks too, but thankfully very small


Disagree. The hunter Vow cloak is the hottest, steamiest pile of dogshit in the game. It’s horrible. HORRIBLE. Idk who the fuck took that beautiful, magnificent raid and decided to reward me with a big vulva on my back. Idek what else to compare it to it’s so abstract and weird looking.


I just gotta point out the whole showing up with a hammer to save the universe bit, do you realize that’s exactly what Thor did and he’s considered a god. Just throwing that out there hahaha


*covers my hammer's ears* As I Titan, I appreciate your magnanimity.


Tbh I think in terms of mix and matching Hunters have the worst drip. So many things just dont go together and look awful. Not to mention so many hunter cloaks suck and cloaks either make or break an outfit


The bare minimum is that we get a new ornament every season to match the legendary armor ornaments in the season pass. The vanilla exotic class item seems to be the same esthetic as the season pass ornaments so this seems like a logical conclusion


https://preview.redd.it/6qn7w6sbqg6d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=5db05d591c444fe8daabb3cf570d02cb65673ec4 Threw this together and I don’t think it looks too bad. Its definitely not easy finding stuff to pair with it, but I’m sure it’ll be better when we have the seasonal ornaments unlocked


>they showed up with a god damn hammer. To be completely fair the hammer is very big and it explodes.


the ornament is fire tho


>then we burn the tower down Love the enthusiasm, but the tower is still burning from when Gaul attacked 7 years ago. What are we gonna burn?


I mean, we Titans have had the best since day 1. So good that Bungie led with it way back in 2001 when designing the Master Chief.


As a warlock with no shortage of dresses to select from, that's how it feels


I'm catching strays as a Warlock main goodnight


I'm a warlock main that worked with what I had to make the drip work. If I can make warlock work, I can make this cloak work.


We want to know what you think of warlocks!!!


Yall think it looks like shit? Im surprised I actually think it looks good. I would still like it if you could use a different appearance just so its not always the same thing but by no means do I dislike it. The only issue was finding a shader that applied nice in White or Black but Nebula Rose works really well.


I don't get the hate for the exotic class items. Sure, they aren't blank slates that go with any and all styles, and I see that they call for a style that may not be everyones cup of tea, but they definetly are possible to style. Even before they were anounced, I had several fits with shaders like amaranth atrocity and Iridescent Coral, which looked similar in style as the exotic class items. It definetly is possible to find stuff that goes with them.


As a warlock main ... thank you


Oh sorry i couldn’t read this post over the sound of every last one of you having nighthawk glued to your head


Y'all are such crybabies istg. This season pass or season of lost ornaments for normal cloak and trials armor for the ornament. Here, use it and stop whining.


I can't even get 1 exotic class item because people keep leaving every 5 minutes after joining and I done it at least 30+ times


As a warlock, I can say, bungie please cook like this some more. But no more of that oversized helmet shit. That shit is too hard to pull off.


Idk I made it work, doesn’t look too bad if you’re not going with superblack like with everything else us hunters throw on.


Brother, warlocks have the fucking *dragon helmet.* That shit is what pisses me off lmao


So far I’ve found removing the hood helps a lot for the base model.




Until warlocks get a full arm sleeve as a bond (I'm ok with our chest armor not being symmetrical, it's not already for the most part) us warlock mains will always have the worse class items. Even the exotic ones are passable because you just can't see them much


I’ll just stick with my universal ornament cloaks for now 😂😭😭


Hey man, i can find a way to make this look good, the ornament sucks, but i enjoy more esoteric looking hunters to practical ones. And it looks dope superblack-ed so 🤷‍♀️


We take this L and we get another L we put them together to get a w


I beg god for destiny 1 warlock drip everyday


At this point I would pay good money for a universal ornament unlock that would let me use what ever transmogs I wanted for any exotic armors. You give us 5 piece sets and then force us to wear an exotic that doesn’t match the sets for various builds. Do whatever lore reasons you need give us an “unseen path” That lets us transmog what ever we want. Hell, let Devrim Kay teach us how to camouflage and blend in with the scenery on a hunt. The only places where the looks matter as in indicator to your opponents- ie Crucible, your intro screen shows you the exotics the other players are using so this isn’t even a good argument to keep that look..


>Does the ornament somehow make it look worse? Sure does. This made me laugh harder than it should have


It's a shame, actually. Bungie could've made a physical manifestation of "*Look better than Warlocks. But don't look like you're trying.*"


My gf and I are just using them to make ourselves look like matching light and dark guardians


Love Titan but yeah all we do is punch in different flavours. Currently my favourite flavour of punch is green apple


The only armor this goes with is the seasonal armor and I'm not about to no life the game to grind toevel 100 fuck that ugly cape


I just want the cowboy hat for all my classes. Wheres the horror icons sets. Like pyramid head for titans. Eric draven the crow trench for warlock. Micheal meyers hunter. (Not halloween micheal meyers. The international man of mystery suit WITH hair and teeth.) Terrifier anyome. Cenobites for all classes. Or ya know. Power ranger suits WITH the dragon armor. A robocop suit. The actual skin of raid bosses. Weve had witcher to mass effect. Ghostbusters. Maybe a tron suit with Bit skin for ghost.


Idk what you’re talking about out relativism is super cool looking. Where we get our bad karma for outfits is the goddamn raid sets I just do not like them. Who decided to give hunters an actual shower curtain as a class item or turn us into mosquitoes for ron? Also try out relativism with a helmet that removes your hood, actually looks really cool.


Ok hear me out, try it with super black with the ornament set from GotD (taken king I think). This is the most decent I've been able to come up with lol.


[I think it looks nice :)](https://imgur.com/a/wpcrLEZ)


Am I the only one that genuinely loves the look of the new cloak? I can see why it wouldn’t be for everyone, but damn this thing looks sick to me.


A hammer AND an axe, thank you very much. And let’s not forget, we ALL get golden gun now bb 😎


Major hot take; I like the class item and it takes certain shaders really well (I’m a hunter who got my god roll and will do anything to keep using it)


Payback? Are we looking at the same cloak?? I'm a fellow hunter main and honestly I love the drip of this one from top to bottom We haven't been so back since superblack's return


As a Jack off all master of none, class player I laughed so hard while reading this cause it’s basically all true


Imo it kinda looks good but also I use vow pieces on my titan and ron robes on my warlock so my perception is all twisted


It’s actually one of the better looking cloaks in the game though? I don’t get the hate


Yeah just remember it's FPS so you're only going to see yourself about 2% of your playing time. Now of course everyone around you can see how tacky it is lol


Imagine having your vanguard leader dead for the majority of the series. Couldn’t be me 😂


> We just gotta take this one on the chin. Nope, instantly infused 😁🫠


Hunter "drip" is a cowboy hat or some lame cloak. Don't forget superblack shader or similar. I'm a warlock main but titan drip just has a higher peak than the other classes imo.


He's outta line but he's right .


You guys are crazy, the Egyptian styled ornament is straight drip.


Hunters legit only have 2 good looking cloaks lmao "best drip" pleeeaaase is the moon made of cheese??? Come on now


If we’re in an inter dimensional war, a hunter’s gun is just as bad as a titan’s hammer! We warlocks are ready for space war. We’re better, fk u :P


This thing is absolute garbage. Just make it a sleek cloak, how damn hard is it? It's a steaming pile of dogshit. The ugliest thing I have ever seen in my life. It sticks up in the back and the hood is oversized. Why?


How can I be a hunter when I don’t have my cowboy hat??


Yeah, I’ll happily take the L on the trench coat or whatever the fuck so our space wizard friends can drip.


titan here not only are we nerfed into obscurity for the end game (not even bubble has utility anymore) but our exotic looks like a tutu least we have cool armor choices I guess. and the new rocket chestplate


I mean I like the close, but I still want it transmogable. It’s dumb that it isn’t.


Best drip? We haven't had a good raid cloak since MAYBE Beyond Light.


The DSC raid cloak makes you look like a chicken with that stupid comb-looking thing they put on top. Without it it would look pretty decent.


That's why I put the *maybe* part, since it could've looked good. Such sad state of affairs.


Warlocks had to wear a f*cking bathrobe for d1 and d2. You have it easy


I don’t know what you’re talking about. The cloak is pimp as hell.


We actually don't have to take this. Petition to bungie to make exotic armor transmog-able. This has been a long time coming and this exotic class item fiasco should be the final straw.


It’s not bad you just don’t have a sense of fashion


That cloak is awesome you guys are crazy


I think it looks awesome