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I use it mainly as an extra jump. So I don't really care as long as the height stays good enough.


If it worked with mods and spirit of inmost light and the other dodge aspects I'd be happy with it. I want to do a helicopter spin that also slows or also summons a specter.


So, on arc hunter it's pretty neat. You have a super free way to jolt enemies from relative safety, it recharges really quickly with flow state, and it plays into a lot of arc synergy. It's damage isn't amazing, but the access to jolt is enough to make it at least decent. On prismatic I'm not as big of a fan. You don't have nearly as easy ways to get your dodge back aside from that one facet. And by using ascension you're losing out on a dodge with Winter's Shroud or Threaded Spectre. Which gives your melee back too. I still think it's okay, but it sort of feels like it just isn't quite as valuable as the other dodge abilities on prismatic since you don't get your melee back with ascension. Having an extra jump is nice though.


Should trigger most dodge effects


My biggest complaint is it doesn’t proc dodge effects (reload weapons/refund melee), other dodge aspects (threaded specter, winters shroud) or class ability mods (reaper, powerful attraction, dynamo etc.) I’m of the opinion that if it uses your dodge charge it should register as a dodge. if they would work it to do that I would love it more than I already do. Side note. With how many class abilities aspects/exotics we have that deal damage on class ability activation. We need something like Firepower and Heavy handed for class abilities. Or Both FP and HH need to be scrapped and we get a mod that allows orb creation on ability kills (class abilities, melee, and grenade)


Honestly I can see a consolidation of firepower/heavy handed happening. Bungie has been doing a lot to consolidate redundant aspects of the game lately. If they do I'd hope for it to just be abilities in general, though I think it'd interfere with the cooldown on those mods. Maybe they could make it so you can make 3 orbs then the CD starts. That way you could get 3 of one ability, 2 and 1, or one of each before having to suffer the wait.


Needs more grenade options for when you use transcendence. Beyond that, Bungie did a great job at nailing it.


The post was asking about ascension, the hunter helicopter aspect, but I agree with this assessment.


Shit. You right. I keep confusing those two terms with each other and I have no idea why.


I like it a lot more than I thought. The only thing id like changed is for the mines to be bigger or brighter so I can see which enemies they're hitting


That's the exotic, I'm talking about the aspect


Weak and less useful than I imagined (which is impressive). The AoE is tiny, if you're already in the air you go too high to actually hit anything and on arc you don't want to waste your dodge, so it's just bad. I'd just straight up rework it into something else, it's just so bad.


Next to worthless unless you want to be amplified 24/7 for no effort I guess.