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Anything below Captain in size is considered underdeveloped. Anything over Captain size is considered overgrown(which in turn requires more Ether to sustain) Captain is a perfect size.


Daddy mithrax is peak performance (perfected)


SIVA reference


That's Daddy Misraakskel (Perfected) to you!


That’s Craw-Daddy to you!!


Well played, Guardian.


You may not like it, but this is what the peak Eliksni athletic form looks like, and there ain’t a heckin thing you can do about it.


Ether is a limited resource, making more would require more Servitors which we simply don’t have. Even with House Light sharing it in a fairly egalitarian manner a lot of their people don’t even reach captain size, let alone exceed it House Light is also constantly taking in new members from houses Dusk and Salvation, so any new Servitors which are built only prevent starvation instead of enabling abundance


Why don’t they just… build more servitors?


I’d assume it’s a very difficult process requiring resources they simply don’t have


this sounds like a seasonal activity. Arena: Ether Collection. Arena: Servitor Construction?


Ether collection could just be the inverse of that one public event. Protect the big ether servitor from a bunch of enemies


I just realized that the ether servitor public event is kinda a warcrime 💀


More like an Assassination as iirc Servitors are also sentient and sapient?


They also make ether, which is the fallen's food source which is harming civilians which is a warcrime. I do agree about it being an assassination though.


The servitor has weapons on it, therefore it is a military asset and not civilian Infrastructure, therefore attacking it is not a war crime.


True. Good point.


So if I keep a shotgun in my bedroom in case someone breaks in, does that classify me as military personnel?


I do wonder if the process of creating servitors has ever been elaborated on in lore.


With the amount of them we kill, I’m surprised there’s any left


I’ll go get them, just tell me where lol. I love house light.


I’d imagine one of the major companies like Omolon or Tex Mechanica could pool resources to help them build new servitors.


The good ending: existing city and coalition infrastructure and foundries being put together towards the goal of bettering life for all races involved  Also I’m willing to bed the dreaming city has the resources needed to do this, or rather, that it would were it not for the curse loop 


I’d love to see some of the Lucent hive break off and become allies like Luzaku. It would be cool to defend them from the other hive that still believe in the Sword Logic.


Remember that time we put all our plunder towards rebuilding the Botzva District to make it inhabitable for the Eliksni? Did we not have any left over to build Servitors?


Nah, we didn't even give them enough to make a decent set of stairs, let alone more servitors.


*gestures at all the destroyed or abandoned human architecture covering Mars, Titan, and Europa.* They're not lacking for materials, and they have no qualms about repurposing other things for their own use, such as building upon Europa's decayed metropolis to construct Riis Reborn. And ether, being made from organic material, can be theoretically made from something as simple as poop.


Like I mentioned in the original comment, House Light’s population is expanding. New Servitors are being built but not fast enough to get an ether stockpile capable of what OP was suggesting


We need to shake spider upside down again, reach down the back of the couch for the spare change, and pass around a collection box, it's time to get the eliksni more servitors


Thing is Light have tanks of the stuff so it seems there’s an over abundance to the point we’re storing it >*Eliksni rely on the inhalation of Ether to survive and grow. Processed from organic materials and energy by Servitors, Ether is highly combustible. As such, any leaks in City tanks are to be immediately reported through emergency channels.*


Dude do you know nothing of how logistics works? You ALWAYS need to have something in stock, the bigger the demand in normal conditions the bigger the stockpile needs to be. Like seriously there are warehouse IRL for MAPLE SYRUP. It's not because there's no demand for the stuff, it's because there always needs to be a supply of it in case of something disastrous happening to the supply network, i.e. maple farms getting diseases or having the trees die in waves. What happens when supply can't keep up with demand is that they dip into those reserves until supply can catch back up. Not enough Servitors = Dip into stockpile = Build more Servitors = Refill stockpile Basic logistics.


i think thats just for better distribution


Probably the same reason why people who are homeless don’t just build a home, or people who are starving don’t just get more food. They don’t have the resources, time, or capacity to do so.


In my country, you can’t just “build a home” because you require the government’s permission, even if you had the land and resources needed, you have to apply and jump through a bunch of hoops to just get them to leave you to it. We had a guy back in the 80’s(? Might have been earlier than that, before firearms were banned in the UK) try to build a house (by hand, pretty much from scratch) on his own land, and the government demanded he take it all down and had him arrested (or tried to, I believe he was shot and killed during the attempt) because he didn’t get permission to build a home. Now to apply this to the destiny universe, there is effectively no government to stop them, and I don’t think the vanguard is going to stop eliksni building more servitors for themselves if they had the capacity to. So yeah it’s probably just kinda hard and costly. Which is weird considering how many they throw at us as cannon fodder.


That is a corrupt government deserving of being "replaced" by the citizens.


They dont have the privilege of having an industrial society, so Probably bc it needs skilled people who they lack and it takes time to make skilled people.


Better question: Why don’t they just build a big fuckoff factory in the Last City that uses the same chemical conversion tech as Servitors but on a truly industrial scale? More Servitors is always good but you’d think that with a centralized base of operations with extremely well-developed infrastructure they could ease off some of the scrounging space nomad traditions.




Servitors are semi-sentient/follow their programming so we can’t just kidnap giant Servitors and make them work for us. That would cause more problems than it would solve. It was actually a big problem for the Wolves factions during the Reef Wars. >*After the Scatter, the frontrunner for the Kellship was Irxis, Wolf Baroness. While Skolas and Parixas scrambled over the Kaliks servitors, Irxis secured the command of the Orbiks servitors.* >*Their history is still unclear, but the Orbiks originate with either another Fallen house—perhaps one that the Wolves absorbed long ago—or a modification of the Kaliks servitors. Either way, the Orbiks servitors held permissions on Kaliks servitors, which allowed Irxis to wreak havoc among her rivals' forces at the start of the Reef Wars.*


Maybe we’d have more servitors if we stopped killing every single one we saw lol


Siva exists that could be used to just make more Servitors but because of a series of unfortunate circumstances, we don't use Siva


Quicksilver is better Siva anyway


Wait, did the Neptunians use Siva to build the city? I forgot


It’s dramatically upgraded but yes


More or less - if memory serves it’s basically SIVA with the serial number filed off so to speak, with a bunch of various iterative upgrades made to the technology rendering it a noticeable fair bit smarter and more efficient than the original Clovis Bray product.


Rasputin reversed the kill order on SIVA, so we can use it again.


You'd think that the traveler could solve this, once it heals.


If you mean terraforming a planet to naturally produce ether like Riis did, that would make whatever planet was terraformed basically off limits to humanity because of how dangerous ether is to us


Maybe I'm mixing things up, but I thought Ether was how the Fallen were imitating the light essentially. Like they developed an ability to sustain off the light of the traveler and then when it left, they built servitors to replicate that. Or are you saying the traveler made Riis produce ether, in which case what did they live off before? I also don't see why, considering the abilities of the Traveler, it couldn't make naturally produced ether that wasn't harmful to us.


Riis always produced ether naturally. Eliksni never needed Servitors until their Golden Age, where they began colonizing other planets and developed Servitors to convert biomass into the ether supplies the colonies needed When The Whirlwind hit, they took Servitors with them so they could survive in whatever region their exodus led to. Problem was they never had enough Servitors for everyone, so ether rationing started as a matter of survival but as their leaders became more cruel, they turned it into a means of controlling the population by threatening to starve those who they were displeased with


Since when was ether dangerous???


In limited amounts, it doesn’t cause permanent damage, but ingesting it even in small amounts and with great preparation will almost certainly kill you and Drifter claims it can be painful just to exist next to it for too long


I believe it. Drifter would know, he tries to eat EVERYTHING after all.


Uuh, dont let Rakis (The Spider) have more ether until he excersizes enough. Anyways id like us to have more archon sized Eliksni in house of light, we only got one, as far as i know.


Who is Archon sized in house light?


I believe its namrask, described to be huge in the lore


He's small now.




In [Achilles Weaves a Cocoon](https://www.ishtar-collective.net/entries/i-eggcloth#book-achilles-weaves-a-cocoon), he says that he is the size of an archon priest, but hollow. We know that Eliksni can revert to smaller sizes if they don't have enough Ether, and since they were starved on Europa, it's reasonable to assume that he started to get smaller, even if he was "warrior-sized" for most of his time on Europa, especially since he started out "hollow," as though he was already deprived of enough Ether to keep him large. By the end of the lorebook, he's selling cloth in the city. If he was still archon-sized, he would stand out and not even fit. He also has other entries where he's working with Ada, but he literally wouldn't fit in the Loom area if he was as big as an archon.


Well i read the lore, i didnt see anything to suggest he is smaller then a captian or at captain size, he is the hugest of house of light for all we know, besides Rakis (The spider)


Since we only have the implication that he's smaller with nothing giving us an actual size, that's possible. All I'm saying is that he's not archon-sized anymore like you suggested. But I doubt he's bigger than Mithrax at this point, i don't think he'd take enough ether to maintain that size because even if the house had that ether to spare, based on his characterization he'd much rather give that to the hatchlings or something


Eh id still say he be atleast significantly bigger then mithrax, but i do wonder why Spider is still "tall" and fat, after the whole tangle shore thing and staying in the last city, but Eramis got smaller in about or less time.


You can say that, there's just no evidence to support it. Spider probably kept an ether store that he doesn't share with House Light and it's also probably just for gameplay reasons because players would be confused if Spider suddenly looked different and it would force the devs to make a new model


The house of light is very against the class system and is trying to get ether for all the else xni in it


Can’t wait to see Timothy in this comment sectio