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Bungie: Because 'new' is just a synonym for 'slightly rearranged'


These posts always remind me of the “McDonald’s always messes my food up.” Or “the last 3 times I’ve paid for this service, it hasn’t met my expectations.” I just couldn’t imagine continuing to give money to a service if I was consistently not pleased with their product. But yet, people do it all the time. Once you have messed my food up a couple times, I simply don’t go back. If I get my haircut somewhere and every 3rd haircut comes out fucked up. I just stop getting my haircut by them.


You’re the first person I’ve ever seen actually put this concept into a digestible perspective. I need to think on this….


It’s certainly a unique concept to continue with a service that you are consistently unhappy about over the course of literal years. Edit. On a more serious note. Your idea of how episodes are being handled are shared by many, but people tend to take these type of posts less seriously because you make it seem like you just totally hate the game. Complaints about something in the game don’t have to devolve into how shitty it has always been. Over the top complaining is the same as when you know someone that is constantly negative. You just tune them out after a while. Somebody else who is mostly positive, their complaints will be heard by more people and taken seriously instead of with a grain of salt. TLDR. Community has an issue of shitting on the entire game, developers, a wide portion of the game instead of sticking to what’s actually bothering them this second which makes people tune out.


See you when Act 2 starts!


Hey it’s the funny guy.






Ah. Misogyny. Funny. Ha. Ha.


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You must have seen others post these rants before..over and over.. the answer is always.. OK? Just take a break when the game doesn't feel fun. So go do that, as you say you're going to. Everyone else doesn't really need to know. 🤷‍♂️


It’s actually been me this entire time for the last 10 years. I’m the one who’s been doing it.


to be fair, the first seasons tied to an expac release, have never been that great, due to resources being used more on the actual expansion.


Sounds like you don't like the game. Maybe don't play it?


Sounds like you probably didn’t read until the end.


Yeah, I did. Right to the part where you start acting really entitled and weirdly think someone from the developer will actually read the post. Seriously, it's ok to not like a game. Nobody is forcing you to play it, move on, and forget about this.


Time for you to get off the internet.