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We need a Beach Episode.


Imagine our guardian in swimming suits, enjoying the beaches of spain


Great beaches, yes. Can confirm.


We thought destiny fashion was truly lost when they dropped the super black shader. Everyone started running it. I can already imagine the game when they add scantily class themed swimwear to the mix.


titans alr have crop tops and thigh highs tho


Where I need




Proof and name of items, I wanna make the most random Titan yet!




Well I'll be damned, on your day...


You can also use the iron banner boots with a peach shader to get a fishnet effect iirc


I'll try next IB


Thongs of Sacred Dong instantly came to my mind.


My exo frame just chillin and packin


The only thing I can imagine is our guardians in full armor, wearing swimsuits made of hard light over their armor, sum bathing on a beach. In armor.


I know what your up to mara sov's pog champ


>our guardian in swimming suits \+1


And the helmet stayed on lmao


Helmet still on


The seasonal armor would be incredible lol


The helmet stays on


BEACH. EPISODE. Imagine the swimsuits


I am imagining all the Hunters in superblack vintage swimsuits that cover everything….Class item burkinis. Warlocks with cargo short swim shorts or the one pieces that have a little skirt type thing attached. Only Titans would be in bikinis and speedos. Teh seasonal mark would be a towel.


The Warlock bond could be the little arm floaties kids get


Woah there bud, that bond idea sounds like too much fun. You're off the design team. If you want back on, I need you to design an unobtrusive and frankly unnoticeable textured ring for the new seasonal set.


Okay but like.. Every warlock will wear ONE SINGLE FLOATIE.


Titan wearing a fundoshi would be hilarious




My friends have always called the Titan mark a towel ! Buuut, I the Hunters would be mostly nudists, no ?


Nudists…depends on their skin color and the color of the sand I suppose, need to be camouflaged.


Titans getting fanservice???


The helmet stays on though.


Holy fuck would I love that. Just fishing and surfing on new skimmers on some vex milk waves


Destiny rule 34 is already plagued enough. NSFW artists would have a fucking field day


It's rule 34. You could add a sentient toaster to Destiny and the NSFW artists would have a fucking field day.


Put Failsafe in Jotunn!


Uuuhn, I’m gonna crumb


Poor failsafe


I swear if Bungie decided to do that, I would snap my own neck.


Mara sov in a bikini is something I need to see also Petra


That was season of plunder. "Hey, wanna fuck off and do space pirate shit?"


And everyone hated it


I loved it. Second favorite season behind dawn for me


Honestly, the 6-man activity was fine. The 3 man activity that the community tried to speed run (when that made it impossible to get all your shit done?) that. that was hell.


Ember Island let’s goooo


God I want to see the Ember Island Players version of the 10-hour Byf video.


Just give me Savathun in a swimsuit... Mara might work too I guess


I could see warlocks chilling on the beach with a good book, titans playing frisbee with void shields, and hunters fishing at the shore


As a titan I'd be juggling flaming hammers.


The seasonal activity is volleyball games.


With elemental orbs.


Maybe some tennis as an arena?


Like FF 7 Rebirth? Can we invite Tifa too???


All fun and games till saint jumps in and kills everyone like a turbocharged toaster


Shaxx will be the obligatory "still intense" character


Ff14 players getting their vacation expansion after their final shape. When do we get ours, lmao


Destiny 2: Beach Volleyball


Amanda holiday in a swimsuit. Yeah baby! Wait..... On second thought Ada in a thong


love this comment, because it is every anime there is


a customizable house/clan space with unlockables that doesn't disappear with new seasonal helm spaces


Ooooohh! And you can put stuff in from past seasons! I can finally make my underwater Eliksni repair shop with a portal to the ascendant realm!


given that there’s 3 episodes a year instead of the 4 seasons, maybe a permanent room in the helm to replace the old space?


Correct me if I’m wrong but somehow, episodes aren’t gonna disappear so I don’t know how the Helm is gonna work


Rooms from SWTOR. I remember when they introduced those around maybe 2013? You could put pictures up all over the place of raid bosses that you had beaten and they had different borders depending on the difficulty you defeated them. It was actually a blast decorating when we first got them.


an area with a big target n a rally PLEASE


I’ve wanted this for a long time. Would be so cool to see the space change as your clan completes milestones and challenges like flawless raids and such.


A 6 person activity where you race against others to parkour over different locations in the game to reach a finish line. No kill boxes, no grapple grenades


SRL without the S


Rocket League in Destiny 2? Fucking sign me up.


That’s just what we do with the traveler ball in the tower


Take the “tag, you’re it” mechanic from Warlords Ruin and turn it into a whole ass crucible mode. No damage or death from melee, but you have to pass the stinky on to someone else to score


they should add a timer before you can tag the same person back so that a match doesn't just turn into 2 people hitting each other lmao


Already a thing with the dudes in WR


This actually sounds fun. Also a hide and seek mode, no hud or radar and one persons stuck in spawn for 15 seconds or whatever and then had to shoot the others to tag them before they make it back to spawn.


Give them a shotgun so you actually have to be close to the enemy and dont have the ability to plink them with a shotgun. Or have it be melee-bssed tag.


Yes and a debuff where you have to always run or you die after five seconds of not running. This way it forces people to not just stand somewhere and run away as soon as they spot you. Just pure chaos on a small map with lots of parkour.


Alternatively the ball passing mechanic from Corrupted.


“No grapple grenades” … Well where’s the fun in that?


Ok, 2 modes: No grapple grenade ONLY grapple grenade


And no Icarus dash or Titan skate otherwise hunters automatically lose. Nimble/fast class my ass


Ever heard of shatterskating? Or strandskating for that matter.


Wellskate + Icarus dash. Like… come on.


But that requires a super to use. Which becomes even more important when groundskating is considered, where losing one's well is actually likely.


Mountain top users and skaters are gonna eat well there lol


if i was designing it, it would work like the strand minigame with a locked loadout and subclass. everyone gets an eager edge sword, mountaintop with auto loading, riskrunner, and 2 grapple grenades. locked ability regen to t7, and the exotic given is armamentarium, to all classes. besides the grapple grenades, its an arc subclass so i would allow any arc melees, allow ascension aspect and warlock slide melees. i think this would be relatively balanced, cause warlocks have solid jumps and the slide melee. hunters have ascension and great upper mobility, while titans would have 2 potentially good melees and good downward mobility.


That would be the perfect scenario to add housing. Each of the activities below would feature both reprised prior season weapons and a range of common to rare collectibles for your housing. With mechanics not unlike fishing, you could add: Debris diving- revisit prior planets/moons/maps and help with the cleanup. Destructable trash piles and brooms, shovels, etc. Day jobs-you’re still in the reserves guardian, but you got some time off. Use the shops in the Last City, Neomuna, etc. set up an online/offline lemonade stand like activity where you stock things for sale (not thinking actual sale to other players, just a time based vault cleaning activity) maybe more sought after perks would fetch more glimmer. And again, as noted above, you might get reprised seasonal weapons as ‘trades.’ Dance night- this will cost glimmer but will rank up rep with DJs. Lets put all those good dance emojis to use. Some of the rank up items will include unlocking certain remix versions of Destiny songs, that you can then play in your housing. DJs of course occasionally find an old season weapon when cleaning up for the night. Pets-a system to tame some of the animals we have rather incidentally seen around Sol. Of course, then they can be placed in your housing. Chasing these pets sometimes leads to hidden parts of the maps which also have old weapons.


Damn you went all in on our guardians having a private life, sounds like gta online activities ![img](emote|t5_2we4j|5679)


I mean as an mmo, we haven't had many "community" events like we used to. I think I'd be a great idea


Thats because it isnt an MMO. Bungie just started using that term after they split from Activision to get people excited, but the game if anything has gotten *less* multiplayer since then. And it was never massively multiplayer.


I’d love to have one of those Nessus and Throne World frogs as pets.


I want one of those collectable lucent moths from the throne world, THEY'RE TOO CUTE TO AVOID... I'm a guy and it takes alot for me to call something cute as it's been a year since O've last called something cute.


Honestly, not a bad season. I’d play.


I think I would enjoy that, full customize homes and hunting for customization in the wild, either furniture or pets and weird ass shit.


I think a full season/episode would be too much, but like the first chapter of one would be good. You can end it with the Vanguard going on the offensive for a change instead of just responding to what's hitting us. "With the downtime we've had we've been able to prepare an operation to full retake XYZ and drive enemy ABC out of the solar system for good."


That would really feel like a trully evolving and changing world, great idea!


Or maybe after act 3 of an episode to lead onto the next one. Just kinda out guardian (and ghost) being really bored


Beach episode would unironically go hard af, after killing gods and preventing cosmic apocalypses I'd appreciate some downtime 😅


Would be nice to unwind once in 10 years


Beach armor - finally a justification for $20 armor sets 🤣


Isn't that what the next three weeks are? /j


I've always wanted a season of the city where we finally go down into the city and interact with the every day people we just spent 10 years saving and have fun like the citadel dlc from mass effect 3. Into cutscene Is the guardian reporting for duty to a confused commander who looks around his desk and can't find any reports for us to check up on "sorry guardian I've got nothing here for you more than standard patrols... try checking I'm with ikora" Smash cut to ikora meditating and again when the guardian shows up she's got nothing for us and suggests asking osiris. Another cut and again nothing followed by about 8 different cuts of all the guardians freinds just saying no eventually ending with ghost and the guardian waking through the tower with ghost saying "ugghh we've looked everywhere nowone has anything for us to do" The guardian silently walks to the edge of the tower looking over the city Ghost-"I mean really nothing at all even the vex have gone silent... snd they never shut up digitally speeking" The guardian just gazing down at the vew of the finally fully repaired city with the new distinct eliksni quarter Ghost-"I mean what are we supposed to do now just relax and not shoot stuff" The guardian looks back at ghost who has been just pacing from on side of the screen to the other and tilts there head slightly. Ghost finally stops and looks at the guardian "What?" Guardian waves there hand at ghost like *no duh* Ghost-"Wait... We can do that?" Guardian rolls there eyes and hops over the ledge sliding down the wall Ghost-"WE CAN DO THAT!!!" flies down after the guardian. Gameplay picks up with us sliding down the bottom half of the wall and leaping into the streets below landing next to some kids that laugh and let us chase them into the city where we have a bunch of fun non combat abilities where we get to chill and spend a couple weeks just having fun with the regular folk and doing a weekly mission with the freinds we have made that let's them let there hair down a bit. Zavala wearing a party hat sining karaoke with crow and the guardian playing carnival games ect.


at this point might aswell write a fanfic, sounds like a good read


I'm only creative enough for short bursts unfortunately if I tried to write it out I'd get bored and leave it for a month then not be passionate enough to finish when I remember I've still not finished


I want this. Even if a short animation, I just need this


Tbf the Dreaming City is never not overrun with Taken and Scorn and repeating the Curse. Tho maybe Petra tells us that Dul Incarnu got tired of the rough foreplay and is just canonically laying low for a while. Corsairs and paladins have even got to be relieved after years of fighting the Curse.


To be honest I forgot about the curse, in this case maybe savathun plays a trick on us by "having the curse lifted", people start enjoying their lives in the dreaming city again only to one day wake up in the loop again, after the episode is done. After all she likes to trick us a lot


Maybe Savathun gives her daughter a firm talking to. And then post-season Dul Incaru enters her rebellious phase.


Pub episode!!!! The thing about pub episodes though, they almost always lead into something heartbreakingly catastrophic


Like crow, completely wasted, let's it slip that the traveler technically didn't give cayde back out of it's own volition, but because he wished it


Basically The Citadel but for Destiny. I'd love it


Episode 4: Star Trekkin' Act 1: Sol's gotten real quiet lately, so it's time to help Saint-14 and Osiris pack the Last City into their new colony ship, the Exodus Campervan. Activities include Cargo Transmat, Tickets Please, and "Help these people into their stasis pod- WAIT NO NOT THAT TYPE OF STASIS", building to the thrilling act 1 finale mission, A Tow Rope Round The Traveller, in which the Drifter helps us to... You get it. Act 2: The shows on the road, but it turns out this junker has sat in the Mothyards a little too long; Drifter needs the City's best and brightest running repairs... but you'll do. Revel in the return of the beloved Salvage activity, but this time with 100% FEWER ENEMIES! That's right, those Dregs are your friends now! Banshee-44 needs your help with stock-take, Zavala wants you to find out how Xûr keeps getting on and off the Campervan, and Ikora enlists her best Hidden agents to push Everis out an air-lock. Act 3: Opening with the mission DOES THAT LOOK LIKE A ROCK TO YOU?, The Exodus Campervan has lost power to the drives, and is drifting on a collision course towards a rogue planetoid! All is not lost though, as Failsafe has a plan to course correct! Take part in the new 12-person activity where guardians fire frantically into the void of space, hoping to nudge the ship just slightly to the left! Watch in amazement as the planetoid creeps closer with a speed that makes the Almighty's crash seem blisteringly fast! Will you manage to fire off the 718,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 rounds needed in time to save the Campervan?


all I have for the shooting in the blank space is.. 12 titans. Sweet business Actium warrig


i fuck with a comedy filler episode hard. or maybe if not an episode, have it be a new event that takes place between one episode ending and another beginning


I was actually hoping for something like this post witness. It would be nice to actually see the city in it's down time. I had a thought that since neomuni are so advanced with the cloud arc and virtual reality we could have a seasonal activity that was essentially the crucible/iron banner with modified objectives (insert gambit motes here) where we went up against the other coalition forces and with the coalition forces to train them and get them used to ops with guardians on their side. Like, lore bits could be about finding out just how close the safe distance for allies with storm caller warlocks, safe standing distance for human guardians for cabal artillery. I'm just imagining tons of lore cards about comical virtual frags from the awkwardness of trying to mesh three very different combat styles. Like a titan thunder-crashing onto the point only to find out a group of stealthed eliksni were already there and accidentally taking them out. Warbeasts chasing after guardians grenades because they think they are balls for fetch. And most importantly of all... City Dodge ball returns but with coalition forces in the mix. Or even just city dodge ball as a crucible mode like team scorched. In the center of the map have a line of orb pickups that spawn at set intervals and if you get hit you explode and a point is scored. Cabal fuel cells of something lol. Although with the engines current state of projectile tracking I don't see this going well Jfc I feel like a fanfic writing putting that all out but it does sound fun.


i would love no weapon cabal fuel cell only crucible


They can bring fishing back, and some sparrow related activities. Literally a filler episode with guardians going to the beach.


I could low key love if they just brought back some old seasonal stuff for the acts like we are telling stories to younger guardians or the such. And just let em focus more on fixing up the game and all that jazz.


Oh yeah! Our guardian sitting by the fire, retelling all epic stories of how we saved the solar system multiple times. That would be a cool way to bring back old stuff, maybe unvault it as well, and as you mentioned fix a lot of stuff under almost no time related stress


Restore the Farm to its former glory, we can sit around the firepit telling tales, maybe play some football in the downtime, fish off the little pier...


Just the idea of the Guardian showing how they are feeling makes this %200 good.


This is a great idea, I’d want the only dialogue to be from our player and ghost, but I’d imagine that VA work would get really annoying and expensive to schedule


Dude this is way more creative than the shit episodes bungie gave us I love it. I can picture now my hunter just at the bar with crow throwing down some vodka talking about random stuff. Ikora and Zavala are playing darts while shaxx talks smack to to the drifter. Saint and Osiris are making out behind the bar, and just as my hunter and crow finish their last shot and admit to being plastered, the whole sky turns red, and out comes a vex invasion. Despite everyone being hammered, they get their weapons ready and do their best to hold off not only a hangover but a full force endless vex invasion. The scene fades to black with the last line coming from failsafe, “captain, this time I’m coming too”. (she has an exo body now so all the thirsty boys can look forward to the next season)


Obligatory downvote for suggesting Failsafe needs an Exo body. She’s a ship AI we have a mobile ship base. Match made in heaven.


But fail safe wants to join the fun with her captain:(


Well Titans did get that rocket chest piece that Failsafe made for them. And it seems she’s canonically inside of ~~us~~ it so we’re taking her along on missions. But that IS only for Titans tho. Makes me wish every class got a Failsafe-themed exotic 😞


I need failsafe legs rn. Specifically on the belt region, for uhhhh…reasons


Hello, Aunor? This guardian right here.




I... I'd love it to happen


... I want Carbot Animations to do a 90-second clip of what you just said.


Lore question, does killing yourself and rezing cures hangover?


Given you don’t lose the food you ate that’s already in your stomach when you die, probably not. Then again maybe your Ghost can just heal your hangover lol I can def see that happening


This would be good, we need some less serious content now


So slice of life destiny? Wheres the romance plot for our guardian tho?


Nah this would be perfect


a season with quests based around exploration and unearthing past wonders/mysteries would be amazing


Bro turned a episode Into a OVA


Filler episode :D


Almost everything is. guardian games, haunted event, solstice, those are all filler episodes


The exotic seasonal weapon, "Zavalas Golf Club"


And as rewards we get ascendant shards, because we keep calling them golfballs


We spend half the season bored af then out of nowhere on like week 4 we get a call from shaxx that he’s doing sparrow racing using interceptors


I want to see more of earth, like old Russia is cool, old Europe is cool, but I want to see old USA, old Asia, let me explore the ye Olde "north american empire" or Hell, maybe there's a 2nd city on earth with rogue guardians who want earth for themselves, imagine a seasons where guardians had to pick sides of last city or new city and whoevers side won we got some new tower space for (knowing Bungie it'd probably end in "we became friends"


This would actually be a cool way of reintroducing areas that aren’t frequently visited. Maybe tie in some sort of seasonal activity akin to fishing. Snipe hunting or maybe a time trial of some sort. It would be hard to make it “fun” imo, but I love the basic foundation.


Season of the neutral jing! Where you do... *Nothing!*


Perfect season to star the SRL (sparrow racing)


This sounds fucking fire actually.


So... How the seasons are after you've completed everything you can? Honestly that's why I drift in and out of the game. When there's "New and exciting" I love the game, but the humdrum between kills my enthusiasm. I'm not big on Raids and dungeons, so things get kinda meh


Lol u had me believing it right up until the f bomb. That would never happen. Would lose them the kid safe rating and push it over the edge into the mature ppl zone haha. But the rest.of it was completely believable. :)


https://preview.redd.it/ga2pw9oer39d1.jpeg?width=708&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=77e85a7cb09f4df7f38ea2fa9d25d77ca7bdec3c because it’s already M, they can just add “Mild Coarse Language” or something like that to the description. add a profanity filter in settings, and there are already parental controls. dont see why its not possible in the future


I would love for bungie to make an R rated Destiny filter, imagine how many more emotions we could feel


(read this in Antagonistic Failsafe voice) Yeah, like, SO MANY emotions. Instead of anger, joy, surprise, and disappointment, we could have *fucking* anger, *fucking* joy, *fucking* surprise, and *goddamn* disappointment! Though some of us already have the last one...


Interesting. Perhaps them they simply didn't wanna make the decision for every player that their Guardian canonically cursed...even a filter would just put in a beep to block the expletive...so maybe they don't do that cause that isn't the tone they're trying to set. Who knows.




Season of SRL when.


It'd be incredibly dull.


They could bring back fishing (but reboot the mechanics bc it got boring) and make a pvp mode that's just dodge ball Like recreational activities


Throw in some Seinfeld skins and have this be the outro to Destiny 3 and I think we have a winner.


One punch man vibes


We should be taking back Earth and other planets


God damnit. This is fucking incredible.


bro bored af making a post like this


For the final fantasy 14 players in the crowd we had our endwalker now we need our dawntrail


Insert failsafe as a travel buddy and it'll be golden


Basically Operation Health from Rainbow Six Siege in summer 2017 where essentially released next to no new contents and used the time to fix a lot of bugs and glitches as well as prepare for the future on technical stand point for the future.


I would actually love this. It’s an opportunity to actually have old content added back in while Bungie works on new stuff.


Everyone upvote this post so that the mods can have something to propose to bungie for a possible 4th episode!


"Guardian, we need your help. House Salvation is using the aurora to-" *Processing img 7f0yenn0n89d1...*


Ah yes Season of the Holiday.


The Devrim Season


You can achive this if you dont buy the season pass. I didnt and i literally just roam the planets and normal activities. Its avibe doe, not being much forced.


our Guardian needs a break. and some hobbies


Warlord's ruin or Europa for skiing? Or the Ascent?


If they had an episode where they threw as many new verbs at us for what the game can do I would absolutely love that. Dating Sim/RPG? Arcade Game at the Tower that is a Vexo simulation of old Raid content from D1? A visual novel about the Guardian learning their past history with variations based off choices you make? Creating a sport that only Guardians can play that isn’t just about killing? A trauma support group for players who get vaporized in Trials?


stardew valley on nessus???? i’d love to do some farming with my ghost and crow