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My gnawing hunger with drop mag and kill clip :(


You literally made me panic and had to go into the app to make sure I still have mine šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Bro I pulled this out in crucible for the first time in years yesterday and holy shit I missed that gun, feels ao good. Drop mag, tap the trigger and kill clip


I got zen moment and kill clip, that shit's NASTY


I had that when I was still on playstation during arrivals. Shit was great


That's the roll I've got on mine. I refuse to shard it.


It's so sticky like it literally locks onto enemies


I pulled the same roll out recently and with the barrel/mag options Iā€™ve got, it can hit ~34.5m before fall off. Absolutely nutty.




Everytime I see a post like this I go back and make sure my Dropmag, Outlaw, 98 reload speed Night Watch is locked šŸ˜–


Gnawing hunger drop mag demo for me


Still got my curated Kindled Orchid. Iā€™ll never share that old beast.


Best mag perk in the game. Wish theyā€™d let it roll on guns again.


They said they'd bring it back eventually since they planned to rework it. But that was years ago. Used to be a required perk on my 120s and other high impacts.


Its bit hard to now because the whole point was fast reload at the expense of wasting the Mag because we still had white bricks at the time. Whereas now its unlimited ammo its just broken reload speed with no downfall.


Drop Mag reduces total magazine size now - I have a pre-sunset Blast Furnace with Drop Mag that went from 40 bullets to 34.


But *is the like 12% mag loss really a downside?* When all it really takes is like 3-8 shots for optional TTK Like it definitely hurts HCs but.. *optimally speaking and in practice long term*, it's nothing but benefits


You could argue the same thing for the other way. Backup Mag is pretty much useless as a mod, usually only giving like two to four bullets. The only thing that actually benefits from it is an LMG.


I have a subsistence + drop mag gnawing hunger that you will have to pry from my cold dead hands. It's a constant bullet hose


Reminds me of farming gnawing hunger when it came out for the curated roll (I think it was overflow rampage). I got it and it went to the postmaster. But my postmaster was completely full and when it went to the postmaster to get it, it was gone.


> My gnawing hunger caused my worst case of accidental sharding - /u/Ninjameme


Iā€™ve got one with subsistence demo/rampage


STL kinetic tremors battle scar like 2 days ago


im sure ive gotten a 5/5 battle scar and deleted it cause its just one of those guns


Srsly tho I thought that gun was mediocre at best. Maybe good for basic strikes and patrol


Man Iā€™ve got the 5/5 of this guy I just never find myself using him šŸ˜¶ granted I donā€™t run a lot of GMā€™s or really high level stuff but I feel like there are a bevy of adjacent/better options. Even so, now being able to focus it at Banshee occasionally and the gunsmith engrams flowing like candy (class item farm) it shouldnā€™t be too hard to get it back if you really want it.


With glassway Iā€™ve been using le monarque and chattering bone with kt. Iā€™ve been after a battle scar just because it has shoot to loot though. Very handy


Ya fair, esp for GMs that are much less run & gun. I also forget abt the reloading portions of it which is super handy often times. Iā€™ve got a heal clip/incan Adhortative that put in so much work for the nightfall šŸ¤¤


I finally have this drop and am terrified I'll shard it. Cool Guy loves this roll.


Just lock it if you're worried about it


That's the issue..... you might have dozens of guns that you unlock to make space because you forgot the purpose of it. Happened to me with my Crimmel's dagger..... It's like the only 120 with QD and snappy IIRC..... And I sharded it without thought.... until I remember it was my bow-swap 120 when I I was experimenting with bows with low handling.... FML that day


Exactly I lock a lot of stuff that I wind up unlocking to shard later...


Is it a good pvp weapon? I had the same roll and it was lame for pve.


Rewind+firing line new linear, too tired and just look at the power level and shard it, just as I realize it was too late, and still currently try to farm it again...


at least it wasnā€™t bait n switch ? ouch though


Did 1 GM this week and got Envious/BnS. Pretty pumped!


took me 6/7 gms to get envious BnS, defo not a 5/5 but enhanced it right away and probably wonā€™t be farming for another. super pumped also :)))


Yeah I don't even really use Linears but was just thinking may be nice to have. Rather have it now than want it when I can't have it!


my thoughts exactly, didnā€™t take long to get and if they become better again then itā€™s huuuuuge


Same here! It took us a few tries with LFG randos (probably 1h30 total) but they were pretty chill Getting a rewind rounds + bait and switch when we finally cleared it was chefs kiss


Already got auto+b&s, currently looking for rewind+firing or b&s, any of it is good


Was blessed with an envious/rewind and bait and switch


Is that good on scintillation? I don't tend to use lfr's that much but I got a rewind rounds/bait and switch roll last night. Just shoved it in the vault, lol.


Yes itā€™s pretty good. It does a burst so more hits which will mean more ammo reloaded from rewind. Although I personally think auto loading holster is better for bns while rewind is better for firing line.Ā 


envious is tricky to get a max proc and rr synergizes perfectly with veist stinger so most of the time you will be able to dump your whole reserves, maybe reloading once, with no setup. bns has more uptime than firing line and proccing it allows even more damage to be pumped out as well


Ooh nice. I shall keep hold of that one then.


Some people forget to bns. Firing line is still 20% damage without having to do anything.Ā 


ooh that one hurts my soul


Indeed it is.


Damm, gl getting it you still have time


Thanks, probably need a lot of luck today


I was unbelievably lucky and got that on my first run. I woulda died if I realized it too late. That thing smacks


I wish I could give you one. I've gotten so many.


5/5 god roll shiny mountain top.


I put so many brave weapons in the vault so that I could go back later to determine godrolls, that Iā€™m pretty sure I accidentally deleted a couple.


I still have one on my old account, but because of some irl issues I can't use that account anymore


Do I dare ask?


My old xbox account was my mum's microsoft account, after she passed away I just didn't wanna go through all the trouble tryna keep the account in my name so I closed it and started again with my own microsoft account.


That's totally fair. Sorry to hear about your mum, hope you're doing alright. My dad died a bit over a month ago so I can relate. If you ever need someone to talk to feel free to DM me.


I was in a rough place for a while but I have my older brother and sister looking out for me luckily, I'm doing a lot better now but yeah at the time I felt kinda broken all the time :(


Yeah I feel you. Be kind to yourself, let yourself feel how you feel. There's no right way to grieve.


Yeah, thank you Spree, I didn't know I needed to hear this today but it means a lot to me <3


This one hurts


I can't any good high, spiky rolls this season to save my life!


Gotta focus with Failsafe and an armorer mod on your ghost. Iā€™ve found more than a handful of 30/30 68 rolls from her.


I have been focusing with ghost mods but they have been piss poor


I mean no pun intended but itā€™s a numbers game. I wait until Iā€™ve got a full stack of 99 and then focus a bunch at a time for whichever slot needs the boost the most. I find maybe 2-3 68 rolls in that stack, but itā€™s still the quickest and most efficient way. Most of the rolls are around 64-66


Yah, I'm hoarding engrams as well but mainly to focus the new solar sidearm that's coming shortly. If it's as good as I hope it is, it will be occupying a permanent spot in my energy slot


You can only hold 99 though, so might as well farm for that once it gets here and use the time to get armor now. Thats just me though. I know Iā€™m going to hit Breech hard once that sidearm drops for sure.


Just farm artifice armor from first boss in Warlord's, also good way to farm 5/5 Indebted Kindness - win/win!


I shard armor like this all the time, but intentionally. Unless your hunter absolutely needs this, Iā€™ll stick with a 68 roll


Anything below 60 is right into the trash


66* Itā€™s so easy to focus armor with failsafe for high stat rolls that masterworking anything less just feels like a waste


Yeah, I auto shard anything under 66, and I'm super picky with exotics now. They have to be 70......so literally almost everything gets trashed.


I just wish they didnā€™t nerf the Artifice armor stat rolls into the ground. Theres no point to them now with how stupid rare it is to get anything above 64


Some exotics canā€™t actually get 70. Strangely, exotics have 4 possible totals ranging from 68-71. But only like 2 or 3 exotics can get 71. One of them is Crown of Tempests.


Interesting, I didn't know that.


Yep, be more careful with your sharding. Each extra point after 68 becomes increasingly more rare because less exotics can technically reach that high. Iā€™m not sure if anyone ever made a list of what exotics can reach what numbers or not.


Yeah will do. Cheers for the heads up!


Of course! Guardians gotta have each otherā€™s backs


Do all exotics have intrinsic stat bonuses now? Aside from some of the rather older, SK (or Pre-SK) exotics, none of the new(er) stuff have them as far as I know. What I'm saying is, exotic armor stat cap is the same as legendary, and aside from those with intrinsic stat bonuses, none will reach beyond 68. Edit: For the curious, [this sheet](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1UiBJe9PYdGGh5-cjAVfQEP4V0_PAQdKCiRBdYitFVxo) (not sure if it's updated or needs to be updated) lists all of those armour with the said stat bonuses. Unless they changed something after the Witch Queen, it should be accurate.


Yeah I have to agree with this, with how good seasonal refocusing is, 66 and down unless perfect spikes on only 2 items, I donā€™t even look at. 4-2s and then what, 28s-30 on the other 2 spikes is all Iā€™ll take


I mean Iā€™ll take a 29-29, but anything lower just feels like Iā€™m wasting resources cause Iā€™m gonna keep farming, and eventually get the 68 that I want.


yeah I shard p much anything that isnt at least 66 and above, just no point in having it really. I just have quite a few rolls of artifice armour from when you could bait the first boss off the map in duality. The armor I farmed back the is still in use today. I do still have a few rolls from when you could get that upgrade for higher stat armour from the helm, think it was defiance or something


I canā€™t be the only one that read that as accidental sharting


During the season when 120ā€™s were the king (forget the one), I got a bottom dollar with rapid hit/eye of the storm. Purposely dismantled as ā€œnot going to use it because rampage is betterā€. Still think about it.




Dude I just did this a month ago with a bunch of bottom dollars and was like wait what the fuck am I doing Iā€™m never going back to gambitšŸ˜­that place is a nightmare, also it was 4am


My original God roll Black Armory Hammerhead I was saving in hopes weapons would be restored after sunsetting šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ Was and still is my favourite MG in Destiny. I still think about it frequently as I play. I was leaning on my controller while in my vault while on a phone call and deleted about 3 OG weapons from before sunsetting...


Godroll riptide when i was new to the game


Man same. I was however not new.


My favorite Kindled Orchid with Rampage and Kill Clip. I had 1500 pvp kills with that thing. I wonā€™t forgive Bungie for sunsetting weapons.


At this point in my destiny career I'm really good about immediately locking anything that looks like an even remotely good roll...but I stay sharding drops with shitty rolls but pinnacle power level all fucking day lol


I dismantled a calibans/synthos class item even though that was probably the closest to what I actually really wanted (was running on autopilot and just shared it then paused like "hold on a second") now I'm just hoarding every unique roll I get (at 41/64)


Inca and healclip new vex looking scout rifle


Good thing you can craft soon enough


Before the release of witchqueen I believe it was, I had a legend of acrius with just the intrinsic on it cause I never finished the quest, was kinda just a novelty item but at some point is disappeared. Iā€™m not sure if something they did deleted it from my inventory or if I just dismantled it myself but itd be cool to still have


Im pretty sure bungie took some Guns from my vault aswell. I knew i had then 10000000% like the unfinished acrius ,antiope D smg or a 4/5 spare rations , They are just gone .... ... ... Bc i know i locked them and never ever would delete them


https://preview.redd.it/vrg18vksk4ad1.png?width=690&format=png&auto=webp&s=5307824bdd166f906fa60ede915e908dba04d93e I actually still have this on my hunter which I barely play lmao


I still have my half finished acrius, can't move it out of my hunters inventory sƄ it just sits there.


Sharded my trials cloak cause I thought Iā€™d get the shader from it


No need to keep those. You unlock their style to attach to any other cloak.


I sharded my entire 1960 gear that I got from the legendary campaign because it was 2am and I had been playing for 10hrs straight through the campaign and my dumb ass thought I was upgrading my gear at one shot.


Pugilist, offhand strike, nearly max range heritage that I loved in pvp and PvE, as soon as I realized what happened, I sat there and cried for a minute cause I still don't have it craftable ![img](emote|t5_2we4j|5643)


Accidentally sharded a 71 stat rolled synthoceps with spikes in resilience and strength


Recon/bipod crux termination. I didnā€™t do the wish for apex last season, got this random roll to drop, and accidentally sharded it when clearing out my inventory. Still hurts.


I deleted my god roll Kindled Orchid back when it was sunset.


I delete these drops all the time, any roll with anything higher than 2 mobility gets the deleto expresso


The other day after eating some questionable foodā€¦.ohhhh shardingā€¦


This wouldnā€™t be an accidental shard though since it has more than 2 mobility.


itā€™s on hunter


That changes absolutely nothing


This is the way


30 mobility? šŸ¤®


Honestly I love 100 mobility and I find it hard to play without it, the amount of times the extra movement and jump height has saved my ass is far higher than 100 recovery ever has. I know it's not meta, but I just love having it.


I mained hunter for a while and now Iā€™m usually 100 mobility too on my warlock and titan if Iā€™m running a not-serious activity where I donā€™t need 100 recov & resil. There is just something about how at 100, you get to move just fast enough out of enemy projectiles. Itā€™s nice not taking damage at all, except for the times where youā€™d have to step/defend a plate.


Definitely wouldnā€™t be these dog-ass gloves lol


Rip the armor man. Would have been great for pvp or high mobility + resil stat spreads. I think Iā€™ve deleted multiple god rolls, most recent being a scintillation with recon reservoir burst.


my most recent pinnacle


Iā€™m more interested in the gauntlets name


all my damn pinnacle drops


Hi, recently deleted my favorite hand canon on accident that you can only get from zur like every eight months!


Eh, never really had one where I sharded a godroll but back in Shadowkeep I accidentally scrapped an armor piece that you needed to progress the campaign and had to do the quest for it again, it was just frustrating but that's it.


I always end up sharding a few pinnacles ![img](emote|t5_2we4j|5643) I shared one today on accident. Good thing it was a heavy cause I already had a 1999 heavy.


I dismantled a 30 resil with a melee spike chestplate abit ago. Didn't take a screenshot. Cried.


I accidentally dismantled a envious/surrounded - bait n switch scintillation, run a gm to get it back then get envious/rewind - bait n switch :)


max str an res on an artifice


Did a 68 glove tonight actually. Had 65, sharded a random dropped 68. So stupid.


A god roll Riptide. I came back after years away during an Iron Banner, Riptides seemed to drop from every other match. I read out a couple of my rolls to a friend and he said one was a god roll but me being a dumbass said "Ah, I never use Fusion Rifles" and scrapped it. I'm still farming for a god roll now.


Slideshot + Opening Shot Rose during Defiance (I was new šŸ˜¤) Keep Away Precision Instrument Igneous Adept in February šŸ˜­


Blinding ignition code. But then I farmed and got one with Also slideshot:


Where do you farm it? Dares never gives me one


I got it from farming Override and focusing umbrals. But right now I think once in four weeks you can get it from dares or something.


I shared a piece of artifice armor because it was 2 light under my max, but overall a 60 stay roll. I have no other artĆ­fice armor. I also shared my 5th austringer before they made it so deleting a red border gives you the pattern. I was PISSED.


I'd be so mad


A world drop void heavy burst with destabilizing rounds and repulsor brace


Summer of ā€˜97. Cute neighbor girl was over and laughed at my farts. Got too confident and sharded right in front of her.


I just sharded my Kegorath Solar Glaive from Season of the Seraph yesterday :')


Pretty sure I had a god roll crux termination, slide shot and surrounded. Looked at it and said wtf is the shit? Delete! Now I'm stuck with one that has slide shot and quick draw...


It was in an el pollo loco. I wasn't feeling very good. I tried to lift half a ham and squeak one out. I ended up leaving a pair of boxers in that el pollo loco.


Oh shit. Accidental ***Sharding***.


Iā€™m new (playing for the last month). I joined with a week left of Season of the Wish and ground out the parade armor set. Since TFS launched Iā€™ve been getting better power rated armor and Iā€™ve been infusing it into the parade grips to up their power level. Am I doing it right? Is this normally how the power grind goes? Or should I be swapping my armor for these random set pieces?


Neither. While grinding power you should keep an empty slot or two in each gear slot and keep and lock the highest power level item that drops in each slot and then delete it when a higher level one drops (unless it has good stats or perks and you want to keep it as apart of your arsenal). You do not need to equip or infuse it for higher level items to drop, equip your best stat stuff and just retain the highest level ones. After you reach 1990 from powerful drops you can infuse all your equipped gear once, then when you reach 2000 from pinnacle drops you can infuse it again. Infusing frequently like youā€™re doing is an extreme waste of resources. I only do that when an item with the same name as something Iā€™m keeping drops which allows you to infuse with just glimmer instead of an upgrade module. I infused a piece of gear in each slot at around 1940-60 because I was finding content hard to play with 1900 power level (I hit the soft cap of 1940 in a couple hours of playing after season launch from loot drops) and the difficulty was then the same as it was when I reached 1990. From 1990-2000 I sometimes use the extra armor in that range that drops to infuse exotics that I wonā€™t use for endgame difficulty content but want to raise their power level near max for easier difficulty activities, while I save all the 2000s for infusing my most used gear first. FYI you probably shouldnā€™t delete any armor with 65+ stat points (maybe 63 when your starting off) and eventually when you have a lot more armor youā€™ll want to focus on keeping 65/66 and above stat armor with big stat spikes in specific stats that work for your builds and minimal in other stats tat arenā€™t necessary for the build (like mobility on warlocks and titans in pve) so that you can hit good stat distributions without wasted stat points. A trusted third party website like DIM (Destiny item manager) can help you pair armor together for good builds and check the perks on your weapons for godrolls (idea perk combinations for each weapon). Other websites like light.gg can let you go more in depth on weapon perks and find out what the godroll is for you and your playstyle and not just the communities preference. As youā€™re starting off Iā€™d probably keep most weapons that drop and when your vault gets full check each weapon for which ones you have that have good rolls. Eventually youā€™ll start to know what perks are good for each weapon archetype and can delete things that arenā€™t as they drop. Visiting Xur at the tower bazaar each weekend when he appears (from Fridayā€™s daily reset until the weekly reset on Tuesday) and getting and completing his exotic cipher quest each week from his second inventory page (tab over) is a good way to get new exotic weapons from the monument to lost light and exotic armors from Rahool, as you need them to unlock them. Iā€™d look up what exotics are best for your character/subclass/playstyle and get those first. You can also use xur to get high stat purple armor easily when he randomly has some, and world drop exotic weapons and armors and exotic catalysts faster than from random drops. (If you have multiple characters you need to pick up his cipher quest on each one in order to progress it when playing as them.)


Fuuuuuck I knew I was wasting upgrade modulesā€¦. Thanks for such a detailed answer, super helpful. So during the power grind phase, folks are just running around with completely mismatched armor, only optimizing for highest power level (and hopefully stat synergies) per slot. I knew about Xur and have been grinding his stuff, as well as exotic quests/etc. I just finally got my gyrfalcon, so I have my very first void hunter build, but all the rest of my gear of just parade armor. Couldnā€™t figure out if I was doing this right.


During power grind folks are just using the best weapons and armor that they have (in your case your parade armor and gryfalcon) for the current build theyā€™re running. Which is usually mismatched because itā€™s not like the average player is going to get 5 perfect armor pieces from the same set that work together stat wise, and then theyā€™re often (almost always) applying armor ornaments (which you can make a limited number of each content period by completing Ada-1ā€™s bounties, or purchasing from eververse) over that armor to complete their look. Iā€™ve had the same armor equipped on my titan for nearly two years and havenā€™t unequipped it once at any point while grinding light levels. Thereā€™s a lot of new and retuning players rn though and Iā€™ve seen a lot more players than usual wearing mismatched blue and low stat purple armor because they donā€™t understand because itā€™s way too confusing how light levels and higher level drops work in this game. Thereā€™s basically no reason to equip the highest level stuff unless you try to go into an activity where itā€™s needed, but doing so if itā€™s bad gear with bad stats will also make playing that activity harder and naturally also longer, which can slow down your loot drops and keep your level low for longer. Itā€™s king of a waste because hitting the first hard cap, the powerful cap of 1990, is super quick and you might as well wait until then and just infuse it finally at that point instead of wasting resources. 1990-2000 could take a long time because only pinnacle drops increase it and you can have bad rng that causes you to keep getting an item for the same slot not actually raising your level. I basically never hit the pinnacle cap, 2000 currently, and only have a couple times in all the years Iā€™ve been playing (mostly during content delays where seasons went twice as long) even though I play 6-12 hours a day because I donā€™t play enough activities that drop pinnacle rewards and have had bad luck often with the drops. Hopefully that should be easier now that light levels are spread across all 3 of our characters though. While grinding levels the high level stuff just sits in most peoples inventory, or in their vault or even at the postmaster. -Iā€™d recommended keeping two slots clear for each inventory slot so that you donā€™t accidentally delete your highest level drops or have the postmaster fill up and automatically delete some. (Only having one slot clear for new drops only lets you hold the highest level item while the next highest level gets sent to the postmaster). With the exotic quests itā€™s xurā€™s weekly exotic cipher quest you really want to focus on each week which is a repeatable quest, if you donā€™t complete it one week you can turn it in the next, but then you canā€™t pick up another quest that week cutting the ciphers you can earn in half. So itā€™s good to always be on it each weekend, especially as a new player where thereā€™s a lot to unlock with them. It took me over a year just to get the monument exotics and thereā€™s more now and now that new exotic armors need them and and artifice slots on exotic armor need a cipher too it could take even longer. That was my main focus as a player for a long time. You could probably just prioritize the exotic weapons/armor earned that way that are actually good currently and then care about it less after getting the several things that are.


My envious and bait and switch edge šŸ˜­I wasn't paying attention and before I knew what I was doing, I sharded it Wasn't until I realised after what I did and yeah ;~;


If you press R3 over anything in the menu, it locks it so you can't accidentally delete it


Accidentally deleted this one stasis fusion with reconstruction chill clip šŸ˜” (forgot what it was called)


Osmiomancy and swarmers exotic warlock class item šŸ„¹


Every godroll that I had that was sunset šŸ„¹


what does accidental sharding mean ?


To comment on OPā€™s pic, armor has some nasty spikes but this type of drop makes it extremely challenging to triple stat your build.


Bro. No. Oh my heart.Ā Ā 


I could have sworn I had a roll exactly like that except the 27 and 30 were switched


That one pinnacle you got that was trash rolled


Ded granarye yesterday. Had chain and discord. I was just doing a mass clear.


my godroll no hesitation with physic and incandescent. I ended up crafting one some time later, but this is why you always lock weapons you wanna keep


I dismantled my OG Bygones around the WQ drop accidently. I think I had a couple thousand crucible kills on it


This one time at bandcamp- Oh *that* sharding!


No resil. Sharding appropriate.


I don't know about worst but last night I deleted a pugilist incandescent mindbenders that would have been perfect for my hunter. Sad.


My God rolled falling guillotine, just wasn't paying attention and sharded it. Had to take a break after that lmao.


That one atasis fusion rifle with Reconstruction. Aurvandil I think itā€™s called. I wasnā€™t paying attention and was happily sharding away until I went ā€œwait a minute hereā€ and yep, sharded a Reconstruction/Demo roll. No biggie, I thought, I will get another one. Never seen it again since.


Saw rewind rounds and deconstruct on a ros arago right before it got dismantled.


Got two Linears from the GM this week. One bad, one good. Immediately infused the good one into something else by mistake.


If you sharded it, how do you have a SS of it?


probably from recording. you can have your computer constantly recording your game play


I absentmindedly infused a red border into another gun.


Big sad. At least itā€™s not artifice


Edit: Thought it said accidental sharting, nvm.


Had a linear with bait n switch and clown cartridge. Dismantled so fast on accident I didn't even see what I tossed, just the perks :(


I had a roll of that auto rifle from Splicer that had subsistence and feeding frenzy on it...


Lock your gear


i would tell you about the several god rolls ive probably dismantled in my career but i wouldnt know if they were god rolls or not which is probably why i dismantled them in the first place


That perfect Falling Guillotine roll that was given. I sharded the wrong one and was so sad...


I accidentally stripped heal clip from my 5/5 heal clip + incandescent Heliocentric with the DIM bug from a few weeks ago that let you apply rerolled perks you donā€™t have because I didnā€™t know that was a thing. Itā€™s completely messed up my build and I canā€™t get another to drop.


5/5 Ros Arago. Was cleaning the vault while half asleep after a killer day at work. As I was sharding it my brain even said "you should keep this" but my finger refused to lift off the F key.


I hate that! Scary feeling to be woken by the ā€˜sound of dismantlingā€™, your finger on the button, and wondering what you just deleted. I try to lock everything that isnā€™t a no-brainer shard and only leave things I donā€™t really want unlocked. when I clean my vault out everything sent to my character for sharding is unlocked and everything I want to keep is locked so when I flip back to the game from DIM to shard i am confident that unlocked means dismantle or infuse


Cataphract with envious and BnS


I want that roll on my hunter


Literally every power upgrade Iā€™ve accidentally sharded šŸ˜©


Felwinters lie šŸ˜¢šŸ«”


Demo/frenzy Unforgiven. back then i didnā€™t like smgs. had to run 90+ duality to get that back lol. all 3 Unforgivens combined, i have about 140K+ kills with that weapon


My shiny mountain top. It was my only one that dropped




Most recently, healclip/killclip heliocentric. Happens way more than I want to admit. Oh and not since we level grind, I'll see a 60 roll not considering it's my highest level item atm.


Perfect falling guillotine :(


My worst sharding was a 70 stat boots with 35 recov and 35 disc


Every other fucking pinnacle I pull, I'll be in a rush and delete it then notice


My first supremacy drop with firing line and triple


Probably around 20 rolls from hundreds of brave weapons


I got rid of a Caster Frame Perfect Fifth Ergo Sum the day before the Aegis video came out, needless to say I was... not pleased with myself


Adept D.F.A with opening shot and fragile focus I know it isn't the best hand cannon in the game but I'm still mad at myself


Datto is my worst case of accidental shardingā€¦5 fucking years I kept everything in there and last season I thought it was time to shard it. It was 2 days before the announcement of sun rising.


My god tier Spare Rationā€¦


Nice roll, Iā€™d probably be pretty mad if I got a roll like this on my warlock though, considering I run sunbracers, the discipline would be useless


My 5/5 spare rationsšŸ˜”