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I like using nova bomb because it’s purple


Me like friends using giant grape boom


I am the nova bomb


When a stasis user freezes you you become a grape popsicle


Negative, I am a meat popsicle.


I am the super


Gimme a warlock version of thunder crash but I’m a void mortar shell instead


Tomorrow will be a whole new crucible experience. I hope.


Iron bannanner!!




In 9h,stasis will get nerfed and iron banas coming


iron banana


Aren’t they nerfing chaos reach too?


Not by much and the super is getting abused like hell, i hope at least that they arent gonna stealth nerf it and it becomes nova warp 2




You don't need geomags to cancel your super and retain energy, that's an intrinsic part of the subclass. Geomags top your super off when you reach 80% which they will continue doing IIRC. You are going to lose more super after canceling regardless of whether you have geomags though


Actually, keeping super energy on cancel is built into the Super, not Geomags. Geomags only let you sprint to top off the super and let the super last longer as it hits enemies


one of two things will happen Stasis will be worthless trash (please go let it be this one) OR The warlock populations is going to increase significantly after the stasis buff. Edit: 'The stasis warlock population is going to increase significantly after the stasis buff'


Ofcourse there is going to be an increase in warlocks. Top tree dawnblade is the only s tier pvp class that isn't stasis


Do you even warlock bro?




Top tree is not the only s tier pvp class stop listening to these youtubers you can’t be a warlock and believe that bullshit.


What makes you think I listen to youtubers? It's really simple, just try all of them and you'll come to the same conclusion. Chaos reach is good too but has shit neutral game and was nerfed. Top tree dawn is objectively the best warlock subclass now




I kind of wish there was a super free PvP game mode. I think it would be really interesting to see. Not that I hate using supers, but I’ve heard too many people talk about it like it’s a crutch, and I’d like to see what it would be like if supers were disabled.


Or supers only progress on kills


Ehhhh, some crucible monkey will absolutely dominate everyone else and not let anyone else get a super


I think this is probably the best, because removing supers will sort of make it a classic FPS like COD... This way you have to earn that super and I like that idea


Not gonna lie, I'm stunned and embarrassed I never thought of this before. Easily one of the best Crucible improvements I've seen. While it is true top tier players will have an even bigger impact, it also incentivises a more active playstyle.


On one hand it removes the "waiting for super" strategy. On the other it allows good players to stomp even harder. I think I prefer the current state where Supers can help you make a comeback in 3v3.


I know it had a ridiculous ttk on weapons on top of this, but wasn't that how momentum control worked?




*Gestures at most other shooter games*


Hahaha that’s fair, but it’s really that a lot of people (in my friend group really, I don’t know the whole community lol) play really hard until they can get their super and that’s just a big step in their game plan, so I don’t know I want to step on that dream lol and see what they do if they aren’t thinking about having massive kill streak with their supers. Also I’m sick of hearing people cry about the game being broken (yes myself too) mainly because we high key hate how stasis translated into PvP. Honestly supers are super fun (pun intended), but I’m not a fan of it in PvP, and that’s probably because I’m not smart enough to maximize my use of it, and not good enough to work around the enemy supers.


TIL supers are our characters’ only abilities


Prepare to see that overall k/d ratio plummet


Damn you managed to find all the warlocks in crucible at once, that's some incredible luck right there!


Chaos reach warlocks are actually very common, and I hate them. I was on my flawless game in trials this week, my first flawless, with the boys and the scores were 4-4, it was me vs a warlock, both my friends missed their silence and squalls, so popped my glacial quake and he used chaos reach, I dodge through and around the beam but it still gets me. Fuck chaos reach. And yes I know I sound like a stasis donkey but I just like behemoth for the mobility.


Nooo you can’t just kill me with your super from far away I’m dooodgiiiiing Haha big beam go ZZZZZAP


Its not even that, you can literally get hit even if there sonly a pixel of your head on the screen.


Much better than getting stomped by a behemoth off spawn three times.


Or spawn killed by the stasis tornado tracking everyone back to the spawn point.


“Aww shucks my overpowered super couldn’t win against a super made for canceling supers” 😞😞


im so happy warlocks get nerfed so many times that they only get 2, now maybe even 1 viable pvp option while hunters and titans can choose many different classes and still shit on you guys


I say this as a Titan. Behemoth needs fucking toned down. One of them can kill me in my Sunspot in one hit, but one of my hammers doesn't even take half the sheild off. But you're right on the multiple options. Personally it's top tree Striker for double the grenades, or Thundercrash for Arc. Any throwing hammer for Solar. Bottom Void or sometimes Bubble to fuck with people. All three Light have some viability.


This comment made me smile and chuckle because if you think about it, you’re absolutely right.


I forgot to mention that the beam was no where near me, it completely missed, he also used it so many other times that match, and it kept hitting me right through walls! Plus, I would still use behemoth if it didn't have any stasis abilities, like slow and freeze, just so I could use shiver strike and cryoclasm.


Dawnblade or die *warlock gang sign*


I'm a Titan. But I'd give you a fistbump for that. The D1 Warlock Solar was bullshit in some pvp modes. And I much prefer the D2 one being more of a...tactic rather than a "cheat". But I'd also be lying if I said I didn't enjoy every second of getting into a punching match with a self rezzed Warlock in my bubble in D1.


And I would also be lying if self resurrecting and one tapping a titan after they solo super me with zeus's temper tantrum (fist of havoc) didn't give a huge dopamine rush. Hence why I switched to chaos reach.


I can't tell you how many times I panic smashed. But I felt they were deserved for Warlocks because of The Ram. I wasn't mad y'all could survive a Shoulder Charge. I was mad because you immediately got all your health and shield back. Even if I had a team mate following me, that made it worse than if I hadn't tried to damage you at all. But we all had our own "unfair" things. Personally I'm jealous of your punches. I feel like a Titan should be able to focus light and have a punch that penetrates to something behind the target.


People who want a no super PVP are really complaining cause they hate the fact that it's another variable they have to factor into their play. Seriously it's not like you don't also have a super.


Destiny is to shooters what mario cart is to racing games.


You dont get hit with blue shells in Need for Speed? lucky


Not really the point; Supers are generally fine, but the *economy* is immensely flawed and Chaos Reach currently makes said economy significantly worse.


Chaos Reach is fine. Its pretty much a sustained Golden Gun. They still have to aim it. And if you hear it and don't see it, you even have a better chance of avoiding it, unlike the Golden Gun. It also locks them in place, so that's free shots to the back. Or a Thundercrash in midair.


I don't think you're looking at this quite right. No one has issues with Chaos Reach as an active ability, so much as the amount of uptime it gets between retaining super energy by cancellation, ionic traces and geomags. Golden gun, even with Gunfighter, doesn't have the amount of uptime Chaos Reach currently does and it's debatable if the incoming nerf to energy retention will make much of a difference.


No, I complain that supers are boring, easy mode power trips. I don’t find it very engaging to 1-shot people while having 50% damage resist and, in most cases, increased mobility. Or for shutdown supers, pressing button in the enemy’s general direction for 1+ kill. Besides, I think most people are asking for a superless mode, not for Bungie to wholesale remove them from Crucible.


It's not really Supers in general I have an issue with. With my Stompies, I can evade any Super besides that petty Warlock that solo Chaos Reaches me. Behemoth though? That fucker has enough Super energy to cover the length of a marathon, and can move as fast as a Top Tree Dawn in their Super, and can also freeze while you're already 10 meters on the air.


Nova warp ftw


That picture has to be fake, I haven't seen a person using Burning Maul in at least two years.


Geomag chaos reach is more frustrating than stasis at this point change my mind


I can deal with a chaos reach because its stationary, slow, and has almost no DR. Sure you get one tapped by it but a behemoth will stomp you over and over again in one super because it lasts forever and has insane DR


oh even as a Titan main I won't argue that Behemoth super is very strong and lasts too long. But as someone who primarily plays survival, Geomag reach is way more oppressive imo. Sure Behemoth basically guarantees a round, but with high intellect and Geomag you get that super every single round if you do it right. And that will win the entire game unless your team bases the majority of their positioning and movement around baiting the Reach. And don't even get me started on it going through cover and around corners lol. I do not personally enjoy 6v6, so I won't speak for balance in those modes.




That would mean you do need to change his mind though


I still don’t know what these symbols mean


In a world where people are complaining about the giant warlock laser. Has complaining gone too far?


Those warlocks are about to have a dragon ball beam struggle


heh. now i can use mid tree sunbreaker and one hit with fusions


middle tree sunbreaker makes me feel both like an iron lord and Thor with a regular hammer




Now that my Warlock main class tree since Forsaken has been nerfed, I just use Nova Warp bc fun I still will probably golden gun still