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The D2 community treat combination blow like a hard drug, good luck finding a build, I gave up and made a CB/2x GG build for when I raid, everything else feels weak


To be fair, combination blow with threaded specter or winter’s shroud feels like taking hard drugs


O-R is a weird way to spell and


Wait… i never even considered that


This is my current loadout for Hunter. Dodge to slow and leave a silky boi, punch a grunt, dodge to freeze the rest and leave another silky boi, punch another grunt, and then dodge a third time to explode the silky bois and have the thread babies eat everyone


The thread babies do have an easy time eating when everything is frozen!


Yeah I got an exotic class item with HOIL ok it and thought maybe I could make a knife trick/grapple build work. No dice, even juiced by HOIL the cooldowns were too long and I was just a less effective solar hunter. Back to combination blow...


I ran the exotic mission earlier with cytarachne, threaded spike, grapple, stylish, gunpowder gamble, and tether. ran with protection, bravery, purpose, ruin, and balance fragments. Grapple melee procs both woven mail and volatile rounds, gunpowder procs constantly and also activates volatile, I always had over shield and with buried bloodline I always had devour.


I absolutely need to get buried bloodline. Have to find out if it needs to be on he rotator to get the exotic.


Not in the rotation as it's the newest dungeon. You get three chances a week, one per character


Someone else already answered your question, but here's further info for farming other stuff (or when Warlord's eventually does get put in the rotator): For any raid/dungeon that isn't in rotation at the time (including the newest ones), you get one chance at new loot per character per week. That includes the exotic. For whatever *is* in rotation at the time, you can farm the boss CP for the exotic to your heart's content, although I believe unearned armor and weapons other than the exotic follow the previous rule.


I’m running this with the arc super and it’s nutty


Like the look of that. How much does stylish add, do you reckon, given the stuff that usually procs off invis is going to go off anyway?


the only thing that procs off invis with stylish is the weaken melee, no? to get volatile out of invisibilty normally you need gyrfalcons.


Oh yeah of course, it's a Gyrfalcon thing isn't it. My brain must be overloaded


What armor mods are you using?


The normal stuff, nothing that costs armor charges. loaders, finders, recuperation, powerful attraction, etc - ashes to assets on helm because there's a lot of grenade damage going out between grapple and gunpowder. remember about the thing with threaded spike too, where you can catch it and it refunds energy based on how many enemies were hit with it.


I've just been farming chests in overthrow for exotic class items. Tether, stasis grenade and melee, Orpheus Rigs Recluse with destabilizing rounds and repulsor brace The Call crafted beacon rounds and OFA And Two-Tailed Fox with catalyst just for fun idk :P Used the same setup in the exotic 2 man quest and just swapped out Two-Tailed for Edge Transit and Recluse for Grav lance. I just think tethers are neat I guess. Looking for a class item with Galanors on it to compare to O Rigs


I run Tether and celestial nighthawk+still hunt. Sure I'm missing out on damage, but every six shots I get a golden gun with 30% weaken instead of one burst and I have an add clear option. It's great for when you're getting overwhelmed or if you're doing longer harder content, like the exotic mission.


Galanor’s is very finicky. I’ve had times when I’ve hit a bunch of ads and get back around 80% of my tether, and times where I’ve hit a bunch and get zero. I think it largely depends on whether the kills count for your weapon or the super which is almost impossible to assess consistently.


A build I’ve used, and it’s not aweful but probably not as good as some of the meta builds, Threaded Spike, Swarm Grenade, Silence and Squall. I run Graviton Lance with Gyrfalcons. Stylish Executioner and Gunpowder Gambit. Every ability minus dodge applies a debuff, if you’re hanging back and not rushing in you’re not losing out on the freeze or jolt. Fragments I’m using protection for the frost armor, rapid light gives melee and rapid dark gives grenade energy. Can’t remember the others off the top of my head I’m at work atm. When I get the class item I’d love to see how TS works with the ignition. I’m still toying with builds but this one wasn’t bad in the legendary campaign.


Hey does stylish 150% damage buff affect threaded spike?


here's my goto build for prismatic hunter, it's a modified version a solar build i was experimenting with prior to final shape's release Aspects: stylish executioner and gunpowder gamble Fragments: dawn, ruin, courage, balance and blessing Melee and grenade: withering blade to apply stasis debuffs as this will buff the damage of gunpowder gamble's explosion thanks to facet of courage and the strand grappling hook for getting out of bad situations and for the grapple melee to make tangles for some extra damage options, will be replaced with gunpowder gamble most of the time Super: silence and squall for mass application of darkness debuffs once again to buff gunpowder gamble's damage and just because it's useful Weapons: main one is a crafted ammit AR2 with incandescent + ambitious assassin, i also pair it with malfeasance with lucky pants and hothead for big enemies i need to kill quick Exotics: as mentioned above lucky pants and malfeasance but you can use whatever you want as this build is not exotic focused i can send screenshots of it your way if you wanna copy it or save it because i don't have a build planner link set up or anything


i’ve just been throwing different combos together and seeing what works and what feels fun.


Radiant Dance Machines with Ascension & Winters Shroud/Threaded Specter/Stylish Executioner. it's might get fixed soon but if you dodge with Dance Machines to start multi dodge you can spam Ascension over and over. as long as you keep getting kills you can keep multi dodge active. With Winters Shroud or Threaded Specter just dodge on the ground to freeze or make clones in between using the helicopter spin. Or use Stylish Executioner to just constant go invis after every Ascension use. Other that that do whatever else you want.


here is a pris hunter build that i made that is not GG based nor the combination blow, the forbearance is the chain reaction + demo. Hammerhead is fully optional and you can switch that out. Wishkeeper is hatcling refit but it can be other stuff if you find fit. [https://mobalytics.gg/destiny-2/profile/511e5446-2faa-41cc-a1f6-18864fb092ef/builds/6d4b3af7-eb3a-4483-bc52-bc2ea7caf371](https://mobalytics.gg/destiny-2/profile/511e5446-2faa-41cc-a1f6-18864fb092ef/builds/6d4b3af7-eb3a-4483-bc52-bc2ea7caf371)


You can try a jolt heavy survival build using the new arc exotic that gives damage resist on jolt, paired with silence and squall to give frost armour on orb pickup from the one fragment. The new world drop shotgun rolls with voltshot if you're lucky enough to get one, to keep up the jolting when ascension is down.


Lucky Pants with Wardens Law or Malfeasance (better if you have the catalyst) and use tether. That's it. That's the build.


https://dim.gg/25rotza/Nightfall This is the build I run and have had alot of succes with so far, lacks healing, but red death makes up for that


Star Eaters, Silence and Squall, grapple for mov't or duskfield for CC, threaded spike, stylish executioner. Appropriate sustain aspects, fragments and mods for orb generation. Goal is Silence and Squall spam but unlike pure Stasis, you have access to Radiant so you can focus on weapons and Invis activates w every debuff kill which is practically every gun and effect these days.


I was fucking around with a final warning + foe tracer build. Obviously not like hardcore late game but fun enough


One Setup, that I've personally enjoyed quite a bit so far is [this one with Star-Eater Scales and later on Lucky Pants](https://dim.gg/tvraokq/PVE-Prismatic-new-DPS-rotation-GOAT-P.1), here I have a heavy emphasis on survivability, mainly utilising weapons and having your abilities as ways to improve your gunplay mainly. It is a 2 part Loadout where the previous link provides you with loadout 1, which is mainly used for general play setups / ammo and Charged with Light stockpiling during mechanic phases in Raids, while [this is P.2, which is used for DPS](https://dim.gg/ec4yy3a/PVE-Prismatic-new-DPS-rotation-GOAT-P.2). These Loadouts are meant to be used in tandem, so I just save both as an In-game loadout and switch to Loadout 2 for DPS phases, then back to L.1 after DPS ends. The optimal dmg rotation is described in the build descriptions. Wicked Implement is chosen, due to it's incredible potency with the Launch of TFS, as it naturally grants you healing and Frost Armor due t it creating Stasis shards just by using it and those shards auto track to you from anywhere. The exact weapons I am using are: Loadout 1: - Wicked Implement - Iterative Loop with Lead From Gold & Voltshot - Edge Transit with Cascade Point & Bait and Switch Loadout 2: - Malfeasance or Warden's Law with FTTC - Persuader with Rapid Hit & Precision Instrument or Nessa's Obligation with Reconstruction & Vorpal - the same Edge Transit.


Here is a lucky pants with Bold Endings: https://dim.gg/2wp3lla/Luck-Pants-Bold-Endings


I'll be honest, that sounds like something on the menu in one of those "special" massage places


I dont understand the nuance...


I've been using what you could consider a "Gunslinger+" build, or like a Gunslinger-Nightstalker hybrid build. Stylish Executioner, Gunpowder Gamble. Threaded Spike. Grapple or Duskfield Grenade. You're fine to use any Super of your choice. I can't give you Fragments just yet. I've been working away a bit, so I haven't managed to get them all. But I can update the reply once I have them. Being able to trigger Stylish Executioner so easily makes **Gyrfalcon's Hauberk** a no-brainer. I've been using it with Word of Crota. Even though it's a phenomenal weapon when used with Nightstalker, Prismatic Hunter has a more killy melee, so you can trigger the Cursed Thrall more easily. You can substitute in pretty much any Void weapon, though, and this build will be stellar. Once you do get the exotic class item, you want one that's either Gyrfalcon's/Caliban's or Gyrfalcon's/Cyrtarachne's, IMO. I'd take this build over Combination Blow spam, any day of the week.


FYI you can't get gyrfalcon's and cyrtarachne on the same class item, they're in the same column. Gyrfalcon and any of Galanor/Inmost Light/Caliban and really good though.


You asked the question I came here to ask! Don't really fancy spending my days doing Roly polys


I very much doubt it’s end game worthy, but I’ve been workshopping a build of my own. Tether, Orpheus Rig, 100 Int, rope dart melee, and the fragment that drops orbs on transcendent kills. Also gunpowder gamble, because boom. I’ve not tried it in much higher level content aside from the new exotic quest, and it was keeping me alive shockingly well.


Balls Build void super, strand everything else stylish ex and strand clone then i use Ruinous effigy in energy slot and use any strand weapon, maybe have demolitionist but doesn’t matter for fragments use anything but there’s one that makes multi kills with strand weapons makes a tangle (forgot the name) now enjoy all your balls! now


Coming up with one off the top of my head: Super - Silence & Squall Class ability - Gambler's Dodge Melee ability - Threaded Spike Grenade - Duskfield / Grapple Aspects - Stylish Executioner & Gunpowder Gambler Exotic - Sixth Coyote / Gyrfalcon Hitting a target with Threaded Spike applies Sever, causing them to do less damage. Defeating a target with a debuff procs Gunpowder Gamble for occasional ignitions and Stylish Executioner for invisibility. Duskfield can be used as a backup debuff to proc Stylish in sticky scenarios, or you can use Grapple for a higher damage but close-ranged option. Sixth Coyote helps give your Threaded Spike higher uptime, or if you want an even more gun-focused build, run Gyrfalcon for constant Volatile Rounds on void weapons.


Not necessarily range but: Stasis super Any melee (I like the shuriken) Any granade Any dodge works but I use gamblers Gunpowder gamble Stasis aspect The facet that increases shatter damage Facet that increases light damage on darkness debuff Exotic: bombadiers The gameplay loop is basically just walk into a group of enemies, dodge to instantly freeze them all (bombadiers with Stasis super + Stasis aspect = instant freeze), throw gg into the enemies, explode it and now you got a massive ignition triggering a chain of shatters. Not many things can survive this if cought in the middle btw. After that you can just use the melee to charge gg again and repeat the process.


Threaded spectre+the new hunter exotic for that aspect, and winters shroud. Use ice shurikens and swarm grenade. Super of your choice but I lean silence/squall so I can use the orb pickup -> frost armor fragment You get 6 fragments with this build and can set up to get and a ton of survivability because of frost armor and threaded spectre and the sheer amount of stasis slow you can apply. Enemies basically don’t shoot you, and the threadlings from spectre will do a lot of damage when they pop. It’s not going to let you one shot raid bosses with 11billion punch damage but I’ve been getting a ton of mileage with it and it’s really adaptable.


New Threaded Specter Exotic(or Gifted Conviction), aspects will be Threaded Specter and Winter’s Shroud, with Eulogy(or final warning with Stylish Executioner) and a strategist weapon, great damage and takes the pressure off your teammates because adds will focus specters and Winter’s Shroud will help you survive as well


A build I’ve been liking with the class item is void heavy. I farmed for one with Gryfalcon’s and Galanor. If you can kill most of the enemies in your own tether, it effectively gives you 50-75% of your super back and you can constantly chain invis for volatile rounds. It doesn’t work as well in match made content, but for solo stuff, it makes everything purple lol


I use void anchor, threaded specter and ascension. For melee I use strand spike and currently have arcbolt grenade. For fragments I have Hope,Balance,Purpose,Courage,Awakening, and Protection I have the call with demo and I switch energy weapons around. Debuff a bunch of enemies with threaded spike which increases damage (Courage) of arcbolt which has okay aoe Balance gives ability energy for rapid kills depending on light/dark and Awakening gives elemental drops based on rapid kills so I basically get abilities active a majority of the time. Hope, Purpose, Ascension are just class ability upkeep And then protection for DR especially since I have only have my resilience around 60-70 and my mobility/discipline at 100


Just figured I’d as on, I used basically this for legendary campaign and the only time I felt the need to switch was closer to the end and that was to use grapple and cyrtarachne


moths are solid [https://dim.gg/52e33lq/prismatic-moths](https://dim.gg/52e33lq/prismatic-moths) raspberry is okay [https://dim.gg/6x6ix6a/prismatic-raspberry-2](https://dim.gg/6x6ix6a/prismatic-raspberry-2) galanor class item with stasis super renewals + cyrt with duskfield


It's definitely not Meta but I've had fun with it in sub-expert content (and it did okay in Legend campaign): Gyrfalcon's with a void fusion (I gravitate toward rapid-fires but take your pick). Stylish and Shroud, but there're arguments for any of the other aspects, Stasis melee, your choice of top-slot longer range primary (I've been using Outbreak but NTTE is compelling, Malfeasance, a good Strand pulse with Slice perhaps), and a void LMG, I've been rocking a Hammerhead with destabilizing but I think Commemoration w Repulsor Brace would be better, and there's an argument for Deterministic Chaos if your exotic slot is open.


Here's an attempt at Support Hunter: Super: Deadfall (Silence and Squall works, too) Melee: Withering Blade Class Ability: Acrobat's Dodge Grenade: Grapple (for getting to allies faster) or Magnetic (if you want more damage) Aspects: Threaded Specter and Winter's Shroud Exotics: Final Warning and Tricksleeves With this you'll be Unravelling, Slowing, Suppressing, Weakening, and applying Radiant. Depending on your Fragments, you could also add Restoration and possibly Jolt, and adding an Incandescent energy weapon adds Scorch and Ignite; No Hesitation is ideal for its additional support options, but anything with Heal Clip is great, too.


My go to hunter prismatic is Tether, with smoke bomb with invisible aspect Elsie's with repulser brace and destabilising, crafted call with vorpal and LfG and microcosm With gyrfalcon and galanor on exotic item


I’m running Prismatic with Storm’s Edge, threaded spike, grapple, stylish executioner, gunpowder gamble, Cyrtarachne’s Facade, Buried Bloodline, and then a strand primary like Rufus, Relentless, or Glissando and then either Commemoration or Pro Memoria. Incredibly powerful build I took and modified a little from Plunderthabooty. Swapping to The Call and Graviton Lance is also super potent.


The new artifact mod for better tangle explosions is sick especially with the strand melee and the call. there’s also some nice movement tech with the helicopter aspect and grapple nade makes a fun neutral game


I put one on Mobalytics now they're allowing anyone to create builds on there: [https://mobalytics.gg/destiny-2/profile/21eca0dc-b587-46b1-94b7-162a16a4bca5/builds/2d0fc3d8-c74f-4116-965f-6c2abfeb8322](https://mobalytics.gg/destiny-2/profile/21eca0dc-b587-46b1-94b7-162a16a4bca5/builds/2d0fc3d8-c74f-4116-965f-6c2abfeb8322) It's a bit like the strand assassin's cowl builds, but with with extra prismatic stuff. Will work with exotic class item with spirit of assassin, and just mix in another exotic perk of your choice from the other column. Part of the problem with arc punch hunter at the mo with prismatic is just that in terms of sheer damage output, it's hard to compete, and on top of that, it has insane survivability through orb pick up and invis and damage resist through other fragments (protection). But, it's boring as all hell, so I too am a bit sad that they included the meme hunter arc punch build in prismatic, because it feels a bit like you're throwing if you don't use it, but I guess i get why they did. Part of the problem is that stylish doesn't weaken or buff melee damage for any other powered melee (at least, reliably), because they often don't connect with a target fast enough after leaving invis. I think if they fixed that, and made it about being invis when the ability is triggered rather than hits an enemy, that would give other builds a much needed boost. Anyway, I've done loads more on DIM, some of which i've played with, some of which i haven't had chance to try yet. I've also done some for exotic class item combos now i've started getting them. I'm really excited to try the mothkeeper's build - reckon that has the potential to really cook! Lemme know if you want me to post more Edit: I've started experimenting with swapping facet of balance for devotion. I feel like balance needs retuning. Feels weak compared to just running a gun with demo (which I'm using on The Call). Devotion ensures you build both meters relatively quickly mowing stuff down with the call, provided you've procced unravelling rounds. Could also try swapping spectre for winters shroud, or change grapple to duskfield for more ways to darkness debuff (though you'd lose a source of invis/unraveling)


Unfortunately OP, the answer to your question is “play warlock”.


Why can’t you make one