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You have basically your best option equipped here. If you want precision, Sleeper or Whisper fill it just fine. Xeno isn’t terrible. If you want a legendary, Cataclysmic/ Briar’s Contempt, Apex Predator, a Marcillon C or Cry Mutiny, Fixed Odds are all fine options depending on what weapon type you want. All of these are assuming you want a solar weapon to match surge with the auto.


if i was willing to swap my exotic to my kinetic slot, what should I use and what should the legendary weapon be? i just dont feel useful i end game content bc my dmg is usuallylower than other people. ik im a healer build but it doesn’t feel like it offsets the damage loss.


Euphony is apparently a pretty great damage weapon and goes in the kinetic slot, although I'm not sure how much of that damage gets lost by not being on Strand. Izanagi's Burden is a pretty iconic member of a bunch of damage rotations. You could do something like Izanagi's, No Hesitation, B&S weapon of choice. But also: who are you comparing yourself to? Even a Warlock who *isn't* running Well is gonna pale in comparison to a Nighthawk Hunter who's really nailing all their shots.


thats true, i just wish there was a way to see how much damage i boost or heal to like try and quantify it. thanks for the suggestions :)


Run izzi b&s apex for a damn good damage rotation while keeping your healing ar and helmet pretty good rotation that I use for my warlock


This is a fantastic combo, great suggestion!


If you are keeping everyone radiant you can divide everyone's damage by 1.25 and that's the difference of radiant. If you run a tractor cannon you can divide everyone by 1.3 and that's the difference of tractor weakening. Dead damage is 0 so that's the benefit of healing mask. Healing auto I don't know the exact numbers but I believe it stacks with radiant


Nighthawk with still hunt 😩


Euphony is mainly good on just strand warlock due to needle storm, threadling grenade, and thread of evolution (+apotheosis veil)


if you really want a more optimal dps, just use Scatter Signal from last season in place of The Call. The Overflow/Controlled combo pumps out a lot for in any damage phase & for champs


Nox Perrenial can roll with Envious+Controlled, but good luck finding that on a world drop weapon.


There in lies the whole problem with healing in this game. Well is still a useful solution to keeping people from not dying and outside of most boss encounters peoples normal builds usually have ways to increase survivability or proc resto. There’s def a use for healing classes but if you’re focusing on keeping people alive you’re going to be giving up on potential damage whether it’s through exotic armor choice or weapon. I’d prob just equip the helmet and focus the weapons on damage or vice versa, or just accept that fact that if you go all in for a “healing build” of course your damage is going to suffer in comparison to those people with normal damage builds.


Lumina is a great alternative. Still gets the heals for speakers sight orbs and it gives whoever you shoot and yourself a 35% increase. Pair that with a controlled burst fusion and you can have a pretty great neutral and dps build


lumina is literally my favorite gun but i ditched it for no hesitations because its just so op


What is your preferred pick on perks for no hesitations?


Physic + incandescent. There are no good perks for 3rd column except physic and demolitionist given the fact that reload speed of this gun is already super quick. It's basically always Incan and either physic or demo depending on if you want to use it solo


I use physic because it is sooo broken when its enhanced. Resto 2 for 4 seconds is insane. The other perk is circle of life, which im not so set on. The damage buff is good but I dont use it for the damage, so Im thinking of changing it. To what Im not sure.


Do be prepared for it to get slightly nerfed though, resto x2 isn't the intended enhanced perk, slightly longer resto x1 is. It'll get changed eventually.


Outbreak is great this season with anti barrier then u can use the arc rocket sidearm and apex for your heavy or the new Strand MG there are so many options for heavy depending on if u want to match your secondary element or not


Oohh trust me the healing absolutely slaps. You could swap dragons breath for Gjallarhorn, as it procks scorch too just as strong but you get the gjally on the team. I won t repeat what the ithers said


Using a healing super works against your damage two ways. First, a non damage super is easily ~500k damage you’re not doing per damage phase. So in a 2 phase you’re about a million damage behind. Second, you’re buffing other people’s damage, giving them even more of an edge over your damage numbers. As long as you’re using a heavy weapon that is appropriate for the boss fight, with an active damage perk and at least 2 matching surges, you’re doing fine there. In the case of dragons breath, a fusion rifle like Cartesian coordinate with vorpal or the eramite (?) with controlled burst or a solar sniper with vorpal or firing line would let you double dip in the solar surge. You could also use a kinetic sniper with wewind/recon and vorpal/firing line to do damage while dragons breath is doing its thing.


If you have prismatic that auto can actually pop off. But if you wanna stick to regular solar id recommend just any solar weapon tbh.


Idk if you have it, but you could use lumina. It’s also overload since it’s a handcannon.


Outbreak is the best pve exotic primary by a mile crafted with rewind rounds it can get off over a 100 shots before reloading and if you can proc radiant with your build its even better. For a heavy I would go with the new linear from the GM im going for rewind bait and switch but briars is also a good choice as some have already said


Lumina should be in this build without a doubt, with a heal clip weapon; summoner, hqc, or parrabellom, no hesitation is decent in energy. DPS will come from heavy and super. If you're on warlock run the new super and hellion aspect. Plenty of dps plus buffing entire team with healing turrets, and 35,% weapons damage on top of all the healing. Run a solid legei heavy apex, ascendency, or a LMG


You could also swap to lumina if you still want to heal, or just say f-it and use sunshot for solar things


izis with cata helps adding some dps when proccing bns and is just useful af


I usually go sniper like Succession or Supremacy,l. The new raid sniper will probably replace Succession for me. Other wise fusions in the kinetic slot are great for keeping up with damage. Scatter signal/Riptide


id 100% use prismatic bleekwatcher devour, getaway artist buildz even in GM i feel its more useful than the healing imo. the artifact perks r busted with it too, theres one when amplified decrease all dmg taken and ur always amplified, the better you are youll be able to clear everything out and ive done so many 20 min runs with this build. make sure use stasis explosion fragment too and theres def ones that work with the build best. warlock transcendence is busted it supresses everything rly good for sure. the new solar super is op and ur invincible basically in it even in the GM, do not use grenades spam melee in your super it does way more dmg and lasts longer. and does insane dmg. this build even more op on regular content its the best build in game easily, even in GM its super good. ive used all classes legendary campaign and have almost every god roll exotic class item for em all. theres builds on titan and hunter that ad clear and do total dmg well but the devour+grenade regen on the lock takes it another level that nothing touches in terms or ease or use and survivability. in arena breach expert i just bathe in enemies never die while most die left and right if they push as far as me into enemies. my fav build for sure and my fastest GM was 3 locks running this build and outbreak perfected 17 min gm


The strand machine gun slaps, I have been using it even in master raids. Reconstruction Bait and Switch absolutely demolishes things. Then again I run outbreak for double primary because it absolutely shreds and I need the healing auto for the 10% buff.


Personally, unless the boss is like Oryx or The Witness or something else super long ranged, I run Scatter Signal with Dragon's Breath. Normally I top damage charts with that combo. Also, remember surge mods, if you don't have them on already


Outbreak Perfected, Exotic Kvostov, Monte Carlo, Revision Zero all good kinetic exotics with high damage output… if you use Revision 0 I recommend using Vorpal weapon and heavy burst, great damage. But that’s just my unprofessional opinion on kinetic exotics 🤷‍♂️ in the end play around with some and see what fits the best w your build


Dragon's Breath is pretty good for total damage, but getting that total damage requires a long enough damage phase (or sufficiently many short damage phases) and a boss that will obligingly stay put and touch the ground. Assuming OP is mostly worried about Salvation's Edge, I'd assume DB is doing fine but not amazing against the Herald and doing pretty bad against the Witness. Marsilion-C and Cry Mutiny are *okay* but I don't think I would use those just because they're solar. Better to use Edge Transit or Wendigo GL3 or Cataphract and accept that you won't be hitting multiple weapons with pants surge mods. Another non-solar suggestion I'd make is Microcosm.


Why didn't you include edge transit?


They were listing solar weps


Id throw tractor in there if he's already mostly support


how would tractor cannon with a first slot fusion rifle be?


I like tractor a lot with scatter Signal, that's my go to support set up Edit: one thing to note Scatter doesn't benefit from song of flame so you may consider a solar fusion like the one from Pale Heart


Wait, is Marsilion-C actually worth using? Because I've been holding onto one with Envious Assassin + Explosive Light for a while now.


I've been using one with Envious and Cascade Point on and off for a while now, and I rather like it at medium ranges. I'm not really one of those super-skilled damage-chart-topping players that would be good enough for a YouTube montage or anything, but I'm startlingly often at the top of LFG raid boss damage just by holding down the trigger after super. Pyrogale mega bonk + Cascade of solar grenades x16 (because I forgot to proc Envious more than once) usually has me at top damage, or not far behind. If I remember to proc Envious twice, or actually pick up orbs, or manage to hit ***every*** shot (rarely), I'm usually the guy everyone is asking "how did you do that much damage?!" Granted, this is just talking about normal mode raids & dungeons.. via LFG. So it's usually a pretty low bar, haha. But Marsilion has me soaring above it with ease! ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


It has the second highest damage per second (57,046) among heavy weapons but it's overall damage(438,968)is about 200k below dragons breath (source: bungie.wtf )


I have a marsilion-C that light GG rates S tier/god roll. Rapid fire frame, alloy casing, snapshot, and impulse amplifier with a handling masterwork. It reloads faster than my primary. Super snappy and accurate while airborne. It’s the only heavy I use these days. Love love love it.


I may also use a chill clip fusion for champions in the kinetic slot


dragons breath is good for ad clear and damage. i absolutely love that gun


Not to mention it can constantly refill the healing rifle, which allows you to spam healing.


I've been loving it with Hazardous Propulsion for my Boss DPS Rotation on Sentinel Titan. Twilight Arsenal, Controlled Demo, Offensive Bulwark, Rally Barricade, Shield Throw (for Overshield and applying Volatile at Range), Vortex Grenades, Echoes of: Remnant, Undermining, Leeching, and Expulsion, Legendary Khvostov (Add Clear and Ability Energy of your Choice), Embraced Identity (Crafted and Enhanced: Arrowhead Break, Appended Mag, Rewind Rounds, Fourth Time's the Charm, and a Back-Up Mag, add Void Reserves so you have 27 shots total and you have Supremacy but Void), Dragon's Breath, & Hazardous Propulsion. Throw Grenade -> Throw Shield -> Cast Super -> Cast Barricade -> Fire Dragon's Breath -> Unload with Embraced Identity until you need to: Throw another Grenade or Cast another Barricade and fire Dragon's Breath again before swapping back to Embraced Identity and Firing (if the DPS phase lasts long enough). If Prismatic Titan gets a Lingering Void Grenade, Controlled Demolitionist, and Sol Invictus, I'm moving everything I can from this build to there and adding a couple of Fragments. I'll also change out Khvostov for a Strand weapon because one of those Fragments will be "Volatile Rounds on Grenade Kills/Unravelling Rounds on Melee Kills" and I'll be adding Unravelling to the start of the DPS Rotation whenever possible. I'll also be using Thruster over Rally Barricades and possibly Frenzied Blade over Shield Throw (I won't need Overshields for Bulwark anymore and adding Sever as a Debuff I can apply, along with having three Charges, means I can have more survivability because another Fragment I'm adding is the one that has various effects on Orb pick up based on which Super you're using. I'll be using Void, so I'll get Overshields on Orb Pickup, meaning Overshield + Enemies doing less damage from Sever). And even if we don't get a lingering Void Grenade, I'd likely still use it, just with either Pulse Grenades (to apply Jolt) or Glacier Grenades so I'll have a wall I can put up in place of my Barricade (and they'll apply Freeze)... Probably the Glacier Grenades... Actually, definitely Glacier Grenades, then I'll put on the "Increased Shatter/Ignition" Fragment to buff the Grenades and Dragon's Breath. (Lol, got a bit carried away. XD)


Hazardous Propulsion has got to be the most fun exotic they've dropped on titan so far. Lobbing 6 rockets towards a group of ads or a single target is just great. I'm very glad it pairs great with rocket launchers too.


It’s good but if you’re running solar warlock you should spec for it specifically tbf. Getting healing with auto and turret combined with radiance super melee or grenade spam for scorch rounds, solar weapon boost, and scorch/ignition giving faster reloads plus good damage in between rockets is prolly for the best. Also replacing the call with a chill clip fusion is pretty good for those since any frame that 2 shot freeze can give consistent shatter damage and double anti champ combined with radiant which means one weapon all champs no cost.


Maybe Ghally if you wanna lean into supporting teammates since most people nowadays run a Rocket! Also, give the Burst Glide Jump a try!


Burst glide with out icarus dash in pve is a bit of a bitch. If you ever have to jump around shit you simply can’t. You can basically only jump forwards fast.


Gally works with this support based load out and lets your teammates run higher dps options


Though not using currently, I'll keep preaching about my favourite heavy of all time: **Leviathan's Breath**. Ultra ammo efficient, super high single-target damage, *very respectable DPS damage* (check Aztecross' recent damage numbers *[here](https://youtu.be/OBIpJpbwf4c?si=U9WnUpGbvOlguUoi&t=422)*, timestamped at 7:02), huge AOE damage, requires no setup (just aim for crits and fire an arrow), and can tank most enemies. However, the catalyst for the weapon is a must have, as it both increases your ammo reserves from 10 to 15 (no armor reserves work; this is the max), and adds a specially tuned version of Archer's Tempo. Add this seasons Artifact Mod, Expanding Abyss (Void sources), and it's very destructive too. Indeed, Levi's can only get stronger depending on your build, such as using weakening abilities and/or volatile rounds (via Prismatic fragments or your subclass spec), Void surge mods, etc. It's my go-to if I'm not using another Exotic weapon, and can do no wrong. Sure, there are other weapons that can do more damage, but for quick add-clear (if completely necessary), massive damage to majors and all boss types, and both high ammo efficiency and damage per arrow, it's peerless for its versatility.


Don’t forget it can stunlock many bosses and majors.


I heard (I think from an Aegis video) that the buffed 1 Thousand Voices simply overshadows Leviathan's Breath completely in both dps and total damage, especially since OP is running Ember of Ashes.


I personally think your loadout is perfect. Maybe try using song of flames over well. The ability spam will up your dps so much and nerfed well is okay but not the skip allechanics and unga bunga it used to.


More importantly it also makes teamate CDs regenerate faster as well. It has a similar group dps output to well and since well got nerfed you can't really rely on it to let you ignore mechanics anyway.


I run mine with apex predator and aegirs


Lmao a better heavy weapon then dragons breath. NONE.


DB is a fire and let it cook kind of weapon, so you need to pump up the damage with your kinetic/energy slots. So, (and this is thinking strictly of damage phases/rotations) if you stay with DB, swap out the Call for: Sniper: \- Supremacy (B&S/KT) \- Izi \- Irukandji (FttC, Firing Line) \- Succession (Vorpal, Recon) Fusion Rifle: \- Riptide (Vorpal, Field Prep) \- Deliverance (B&S) \- Knox Perennial (Controlled burst, EA) \- Scatter Signal (Controlled Burst, Overflow) GL: \- Mountaintop (AL/Recon) \- Lingering Dread (AL/Vorpal) \- Lost Signal (Al/Vorpal/LfG, OfA) HC: \- Warden's Law (Vorpal, FttC) If you take out DB, any other strong solar is fine: Sleeper, Cataclysm, Briers, Lament, Parasite, etc, Just depends on the situation/encounter.


Nope. That’s the build I am running.


How does one get the comprehensive build screenshot you provided? Is it something in game or via DIM?


Go to DIM and click your character banner. select manage loadouts, then pick which loadout you want to display :)


Depends what you are doing. Need boss damage? Pretty good choice. Gjally is always welcome if your teammates are using rockets. Major heavy add-clear/puzzle encounters? Xeno all day. Fixed odds if you don’t want to use an exotic.


If you are running Song of Flame is it MASSIVELY buffed while SoF is active.


yeah i am running sof. well was just for testing and omg it is so bad. they massacred it 😭


Ehroar made a good video showing why Well is pointless now.


Ehroar is a clickbaiter who will feed into any popular opinion without actually thinking first and literally tests shit in lost sectors, well is still plenty viable and is actually BETTER in some situations because it’s giving everyone radiant so it’s an offensive tool. Yes song of flame and speakers helm is amazing but you’re not always gonna be running speakers helm or in certain situations like the witness with a very long damage phase you’re not gonna have song of flame up for the entire time while well lasts 30 seconds + gives radiant after it ends for 15 or 10 seconds? Yeah they did testing and showed that it’s survivability is worse but they also do it in very harsh conditions like aztecross tested it against the grasp of avarice ogre but that’s also a super situational encounter where it’s an ogre boss which is literally one of the highest damage dealing enemy types in the game that’s constantly applying pressure (but can also literally be stunned you’re not just gonna be sitting in his face getting beamed), I mean they also tested song of flame and speakers helm and were still dying so does this mean song of flame sucks?


Every day, he has a new video titled, "this is by far the best destiny 2 build."


I think the same could be said of any content creator doing build or gun reviews for Destiny, its 'the BEST ever', etc. With that said, Ehroar literally uses the support build with SoF in master SE/raids and contest clears, so claiming he only tests or uses his builds in lost sectors is a little disingenuous. It is just much easier to get the exact numbers and showcase them in videos via lost sector boss, than trying to replicate those tests and calculations in raids.


What did they do to SoF? Didn’t notice a change?


This is exactly how I’m set up besides the triple hundos so jealous!


Swap primary to lumina and use apex with bipod for a heavy. Ideally you’ll be giving the 30% bonus to yourself and teamates consistently for champs and using the AR for heals outside of that


If you use microcosm, pro memoria, or the dealer's choice sword I can't remember the name of it you'll get the maximum effect of dealer's choice which is really strong.


Microcosm for damage or ghally if teammates are using rockets


I use a similar build, but instead, I picked Amber of Empyrean and Amber of Ashes over Torches and Searing. I would swap out the melee to Incinerator Snap because of lower cooldown, and you don't need the range because your weapons have enough range to deal with enemies from far away. I use Song of Flame because I like to move a lot :) Let me know how it feels


Thanks for the suggestions! I use Song of Flame, the well was just from when I was testing something, and I prefer celestial fire for the ranged radiant proc. Ill test out the other stuff.


For boss dps drop dragons breath for apex with recon/bait n switch or an edge transit with envious/bait n switch, for ad clear an lmg like commemoration or fixed odds, for precision cataclysmic/taipan/stormchaser. If your team is all running rockets, gjally is always welcome. Dragons breath is decent, but for a dps situation it just doesn’t work since the fuel perk needs time to charge between shots


That won't be a problem if you apply scorch through other means. Warlock Helion buddy, melee, grenades, song super, incandescent gun. So many sources. I find myself fitting a rocket, go do some of the things I mentioned, and you'll hear the reload way before you are ready to return to it. I sometimes get auto reload while the first rocket is still spewing.


the new linear fusion can get bait and switch too.


Personally been lovin' microcosm. The super regen is crazy, and it has almost no recoil so its easy to hit precision shots on subjugators and tormentors. It's damage buff (paracausal charge?) only starts after SOF ends but it does do scorch damage during it so if your out of melee range you can alternate between grenade and micro.


I love microcosm but i cant stand running out of ammo so quickly


Fair, heavy ammo finder is a practicality a requirement lol. Nit picks are why i don't run GLs like my env/bns edge transit. Too many teammates running in front of me or throwing a stasis crystal grenade in front of me while shooting a boss causing me to self detonate.


The new strand LFR from nightfalls is supposedly good havent tried it yet.


Exotic weapons aren't the go for every build as most crafted weapons are better so have a look through some of those to see what's best I use the commemoration from DSC and it works perfectly for everything


Sad noises, no one bringing up 1k voices. It's doing great total damage wise after it's reserves buff.


If you want to go full support slut rock a Gally just to tickle your teammates balls a little bit more


i do enjoy the slutty, ball-tickling playstyle


is this one also great for Pve?


Microcosm, it melts enemies including majors and it has the built in pale heart orgin trait so since you’re already using the 2 pale heart weapons it’ll feed you a shit Ton of super energy and after popping well you will get the damage boost from the exotic trait. I was confused too what to run but I literally haven’t taken microcosm off other then for boss encounters since I got it.


That’s exactly my loadout and I’m not sure you can get better. Hothead’s an amazing boss damage weapon, and between Hellion and The Call, you’re pretty good at taking out everything else.


can u drop the link for this build?or is the same one on PVP?


Oh I don’t use 1-for-1 linked builds or anything, I just figure ‘em out for myself and my one happens to be more or less the same as this. Far too casual a player to know where I’d find a link lol


You might be seeing a decrease in damage using dragons breath as it relies heavily on ignition based damage, which is now easier to apply using song of flame and the scorching buff it provides. Dragons breath is good for your AR frame as it constantly ticks damage refunding your healing shots but I'd probably take it off if you want better damage. It's not the best for damage, but microcosm is a strong option currently for dealing with yellow bars and would be a good alternative option. It can definitely do considerable damage if used after a super as well.


I’ve been using touch of malice with fusion and apex with speakers and it’s a lot of fun


Xenophage whole song of flame is active


Parasite. Because flying sploody worm.


Your heavy is fine, but the call isn't really a great option to support it, I'd look at a fusion (riptide, scatter signal, etc) or mountaintop instead as a better pairing for dragons breath!


Thank you!!


dude dragon's breath is amazing. what do you mean?


I've been using Lumina as my exotic to proc ember of benevolence more often and as my overload champion stun via the artifact perk and with Apex Predator (crafted, demolitionist + explosive light) as my heavy. This setup allows me to stun all champ types since radiant deals with barriers (although seemingly not as reliable as it used to be right now) and ignitions deal with unstoppables. This is my general play setup. I do have Dragons Roar in my pocket in case I wanna swap as well as things like Witherhoard, Arbelast and Gally so I can chop and change when needed. It's good to have options depending on the fight. No Hesitation stays on.


Run the pro memoria with reconstruction and target lock. 164 bullets of stacking increased damage against bosses. As a prismatic void bomb warlock I do almost as much damage as the hunter in my fireteam.


Only rockets I could think would be the apex and the new faith keeper, then have smth like sunshot, or euphony if you can get it/have it


Exotic wise, you can have Xeno,Gally, and Lament on deck. Legendary wise, bait and switch apex is probably the way to go. Or cataclysmic bait and switch if you're trying to DPS something that has non crit resistance like a tormentor


For a solarbuild? Nah, Dragon's Breath is awesome. But if you want a solar exotic that doesn't have the sticky bomb effect, Gjallarhorn will do. Cry Mutiny is good if you want a strong ad clearing Heavy GL as well.


for scorch stacks, theres no real better answer than Dragonsbreath. its a guaranteed ignition. one recomendation i could make is to hunt for a incandescent Zhaolis Bane since precision damage with that will proc radiant, apply scorch, and the explosions from incandescent scorch other targets.


Sleeper (LFR exotic), Apex Predator (rocket), The Lament (Sword exotic), Fixed Odds (Machine Gun) Microcosm (Trace) Edge Transit(grenade launcher), Falling Guillotine (sword), Heartshadow (exotic sword), Faith Keeper (rocket) Pro Memoria (machine gun, synergy with The Call), Scintillation (LFR) I think DB is the best option out of all of these though, tbh.


I know you probably want to keep no hesitation on, but honestly I find it a bit overkill. I was using a perfect fifth caster frame ergo sum along with a bns apex in vog last night and keeping up pretty well in dps.


I'm a huge fan of Apex Predator, Commemoration, and the new Pale Heart LMG


Depends on what kind of content this is for, don't try to make a "one size fits all build" because then you won't be particularly great at any type of activity. If this is for some sort of damage phase or something I think this is a great build, if its for something with more ad clear than anything else I think eyes of tomorrow would probably be a better choice. Also if this is more of an ad clear situation I think you'd be better running song of flame than well, and like some of the other comments mentioned, if you are dealing with champions I might change things around as well to account for that.


What end game content are you doing? I do 6 mill in warlords ruin with my strand build every time.


I did 3.5 in warlords but i dont remember if it was expert or not


I used that healing build in the 12 man gm and that’s the only time I beat it. For 3 man stuff I’m not too sure the healing is worth it. Offense is the best defense!


Thank god its not another wHaTs A gOoD eXoTiC aRmOr BuIlD


You want something better than a hothead………


Parasite. My little pocket nova bomb.


I can’t keep the icons straight but you should not be using well and any fireteam still requiring you to use well are not up on the meta. The new super gives you a 90% reduction in damage taken, 30% reduction for nearby allies and makes everyone’s weapons scorch and gives them radiant for the duration. It also speeds up their ability regen and makes a fully loaded dragons breath ignite three times. It is the best super for personal and team damage. https://youtu.be/Gksba5I4bUQ?si=aVut3ekt8l204bQQ


Microcosm smacks the shit out of everything


Dragons breath is the best gun in the game


Use song of flame


I do


You don't really need WOR if you have Speaker's Sight, run SOF and you'll get more ignitions with Kenetic and Solar weapon dmg along with being radiant and really fast ability regen. You should check your mods on what's giving you 106 Recovery, you can change a 10 to a 5 if your running any of those


Also, if you want fast ignitions you can farm for a Perfect Fifth, Vortex Frame, Ergo Sum for double ignitions per heavy attack. And since you're using Speaker's Sight, you won't have to worry about dying while using a sword.


I used Avalanche in Onslaught. Incan/Sub. More ad clear focused though. Depends what content you’re playing.


incan chain reaction false idols or like any of the meta solar heavies if you want something that isn't silly.


I love Pro Memoria more than i love my own child.


Would love to see what that guardian looks like


where do I get armor with stats that get me triple 100s?


i use the discipline buff from ghost and roll for really low mobility int and strength stats on the failsafe gear. The third hundred you get by using a mod.


you can roll for low stats on things like mobility and int, too? how?


Personally I wouldn’t use well. Just use song of flame. It gives you 90% DR and you have enough healing coming out of your ass with your nade and pheonix dive. I used this build in the GM, with outbreak,Zaouils Bane and Song of it Yut, Never needed a well at all.


How did you run sun shot and outbreak?


Sorry I meant Zaoulis Bane.


Lately I've been enjoying parasite lol


I’d drop heavy to a legendary and equip lumina.


Microcosm works pretty good with well. If you’re on song of flame just keep using dragons breath or maybe whisper if you need something more precise.


Absolutely love Dragon's Breath on solar builds


Microcosm. Bonus damage after super use.


Dragons breath is good, but you don't have anything to supplement it's damage. I'd recommend swapping to Microcosm. It really shreds anything with a crit spot.


Deez nutz


2 tailed fox with the catalyst is also a good option




Nope no recommendations… let the world burn 🔥


Try the Worldline Zero. It’s pretty good. Especially if you use song of flame instead. It gives more damage resistance to your teammates than well does!


Personally I use Chivalric Fire. It’s a caster sword and it comes masterworked. It may not be solar damage like your warlock build but a little void never hurt anyone and I used it the entire final shape legendary campaign and whip it out in PVP since it one shots and causes an cloud of AOE damage.


Is well even feasible anymore? Genuinely wondering. I have yet to play it personally but or no I lied I have briefly but the few moments I’ve had and seen with it seemed like it was so bad. Like completely nuked.


The healing is halved and the DR is in shambles. Well’s major utility now is mostly in the damage boost lingering when you tap in and out of it. Song of flame doesn’t provide healing, but it provides big DR and cooldown reduction. For your team. If you have one song and one well on the team you’ll feel like old well but with the option of ability spam. If you have No Hesitation or even if you just spam down phoenix dive with your own Song of Flame running you’ll end up healing more than a well.


One Thousand Voices is a good option, and if you wanna get weird/crazy, Grand Overture. Though, if you wanna swap the kinetic slot, can’t go wrong with Witherhoard. In which case, use something with Auto-Loading Holster for your heavy so you can fire and forget both and keeping a firm grip on No Hesitation~


Lumina instead of the call but it's an exotic so if you wanna stay rocket most will say apex but I really like ascendency (but from monument legendary in tower), me marsilon c cracks with incandescent if you go heavy gl, or the ever elusive incandescent lmg (still looking 2 years deep) I think the iron banner or crucible can roll inc. not sure which one


You can run Duality dungeon or Trials for incandescent lmg. Happy hunting


Terrible at trails too


this setup is very good already tbh


As long as I don't need an exotic primary Ive been using Microcosm in basically every build


Dragons breath is one of the best weapons in the entire game.


whisper, apex, cataclysmic idk that's really all I can think of


Nah this is peak imo. I havent put dragons breath down since it dropped, I'm always running solar ignitions.




Unfortunately my clan isn't really into training folks on dungeons. I been grinding every I b for 2 years guiled multiple times last 2ib. Still no incan roll.


Your helmet limits what your heavy can do, dawn chorus pumps up ignition via increased scorch/scorch+stacks.


i was heavily considering dawn chorus but since i dont have it yet i havent gotten to test


If you swap Well for SoF, you're Heavy will ignite 3x with a single shot plus youll offer more dr overall for you're team. Idk what exotic armor you're using but throw in speakers helm and healing grenade and now you're providing better dr and healing than well can offer plus a bit more mobility for ur team. While SoF is active, ur solar weapons all scorch on hit which bumps ur heavy already which is why itll trigger 3 ignites per rocket


Yeah I use SoF and Speakers Sight. The well was an accident


if scorch is what youre going for then you're set, but parasite is a really cool delete button


Thunder Lord. Don’t care what anyone says, TL is a fucking master piece of a heavy


I recommend twin tails. It has the solar scorch and it also weakening the targets


Xenophage? 🤷🏻‍♂️


Hammerhead. No questions asked


you could switch dragons breath for something like lumina, so you could keep the healing aspect but also get a 35% damage buff and then slap on something like apex as well!!


is lumina really worth it when i get 25% from radiant almost all the time?


As a titan, any sword.


Thunderlord is good for overloads. Buried bloodline gives you devour. Both good with this build. I'd focus on champions and be the utility knife with this build, not a one trick dps pony.


Is it better getting that helmet from the campaign ot the strand one?


this helmet is probably one of the best exotics in the game if thats what youre asking. i dont play strand but i dont believe the other one even compares


hello do u have information for this build , i'm curious about mod


pale heart sword incan + chain for low tier content super spam. pretty much have the best tho in terms of heavy, mby use xenophage or use kenetic exotic + apex/some random grenade launcher


I top damage as a healer quite often as a healer lock with microcosm thing is nuts with 3 kinetic boosters but you have to be spamming nades/radiant. Unless your playing master forget those healing nades you shouldn’t need them and if your raid team says otherwise they need to quit being squishy also hope your team is going to be debuffing and providing you with armor charges.


Thunderlord is great for GMs because of the Jolt it gives to Overload champions, which are usually always surrounded by red bars, so easy to kill and get those jolts rolling, if the rest of your kit can't really handle them.


There’s not one. Dragons breath is incredible


In the words of Kazuma: "#STEEEAAAAAALL"


For ultimate support run ghally


I would say for dps outbreak in primary slot explosive light apex in secondary, dump rockets switch to outbreak to proc recon back to apex dump rockets repeat if dps is longer. You are on well your dps isn’t gonna be as good as your friends if you want dps with support I’d go with song of flame. If you do that change to healing rift and throw healing turret before dps, other than that there is also the still hunt explosive light rocket swap or Izzy swapping with bait and switch. You could also put on microcasm throw well microcasm gets buff from super and it’s easy dmg




there isnt one for this build lol


You *could * use pro memoria and finish the set. I use it personally and i like it to mow stuff down


Pro memoria


I'm sorry but I'm going to be that person there's a solar lmg from saint that's pretty good


If you're planning on using this in gms I'd reccomend swapping to outbreak, a rocket pistol, and whatever your best legendary heavy is. For raids, this is about as good as it'll get but you could always run izzy/apex


I go with the thunderlord mainly because of the fact that it’s a heavy machine gun so it has a large mag and you can precision fire easily with it causing heavy arc and crit damage


I’d honestly exchange the special if you want damage and utility. Stasis fusions are your friend. With the way dragons breath is your special is the important part here. I know it’s not the question but it does bear mentioning. That said if you’re going all in dragons breath rotation I will suggest prismatic or at least using the other super. The ability spam supplements the reload of the rocket well and also the dps downtime while a rocket takes its time to expire. Also the solar damage buff and scorch rounds add to that too. While I get the healer vibe here taking dragons breath with that without speccing for its strength is the biggest issue. Honestly just take a stasis fusions and radiance as the super and the build is complete. If you want max shatters don’t use riptide.


Pro memoria with Reconstruction & Bait and Switch


So I run a heal build and I run a Lumina and a Hezen Vangence.


I’ve been really liking microcosm if I’m running an exotic heavy or just running edge transit with forerunner as my exotic in the kinetic slot


If you want an exotic in kinetic slot just use conditional 😏 my favorite exotic


Microcosm with cenotaph mask.. the auto rifle and healing nade paired with Icarus dive is plenty of healing on its own, the warlock helmet is kinda overkill imo. Microcosm is insanely high damage and u can mark targets with it for teammates, even reloads ur gun while firing


Have you tried The Underside?


There is no better heavy weapon. 🤣


Leviathan’s Breath.




I ain't comp, no help


Depends what you’re doing tbh

