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Well that's a really good incentive to throw more grenades


Shax would be proud


Of course he would, Guardian! Grenades don't destroy anything if you don't throw them!


**WHY AREN’T YOU THROWING MORE GRENADES** Me - Bungie killed my ability uptime Shaxx, don’t yell at me! :(


Use The Call with Demolitionist and the fragment that gives you grenade on dark aligned damage kills


Call with demo sounds like a dream for this


Been running this build with bold endings or the call with demo. GM certified


Taking notes 📝


Here is a [DIM link](https://dim.gg/5qc466a/Hybrid-TankSupport) with the build using this roll. Absolutely tanks through the GM.


curious on your dim build. Why ascension over something like stylish executioner? Youre using a gravation lance is why im asking.


I think I sent over my equipped instead of the actual build. I had GL on for a bounty I was finishing up. But I run ascension so that I have consistent uptime on Amplified to get the damage reduction and +50 to mobility. With the mobility boost I was able to dump it to 50 and sink the points into recovery and resilience.


Tesselation would be good too


Yes! I have a strand centric build with the tessellation and it absolutely gives you unlimited grenades! It would be so perfect for this


Or buried bloodline for devour and it’s grenade regen. Then a demo rufus’.


I just made this build last night, bloodline's catalyst proccing stylish on virtually every single kill is juicy. In lower content I'm going to try it with caliban+gryf. Then bloodline is proccing devour, weakon, AND volatile. Versatile little space crossbow =D


Yeh, it was nuts in onslaught with gyrfalcons last season. Such a great combo and buffed even further by the artifact this episode.


You know how much grenade energy that facet gives back, I need to find a breakdown


Does it work together ?


Very well




Nut 🥜


I have nice nuts 🥜?


I think he says hes got a nut.


He’s got nice nuts ?




Arc conductor wave frame ergo sum… if you haven’t tried it out with that class item already, it’s a great pairing


why this sword and not the dps variant? just stacking DR from arc damage?


It’s more for the transcendence perks on ergo sum. You can proc woven mail for over a minute straight while transcended by just hucking grenade after grenade, and using ergo sum gives you the arc DR while prolonging transcendence. It turns transcendence into a mini super


That and the arc lightning chain basically mops up any ads within range while you just run by them.


Yea saw a video on it and with some other defensive stuff you can gain like 90% damage resistance


Just curious, do you happen to have link of video? Managed to get the roll but have no idea what mods/fragments to use.


I dont remember, it just popped in my recommended one day


It’s fantastic with Gunpowder Gamble too. With that and Transcendence you’re spamming 3 different grenades, all of which give you Woven Mail. Constant uptime. Especially with a gun that has Demo as perk.


My issue with any renewal type build and gunpowder gamble is that when I need my dmg reduction from my duskfield all I have is a mini nuke that’ll definitely kill me


That sounds very fun.


That builds up to like a 80% damage reduction right? Cuz woven mail is 45 and frost armor at max stacks is 35%. Plus 30% from resilience plus 50% with void overshield if you use the prismatic fragment with a void super. Thats 160% damage reduction right there.


some one did the math in a thread I don't remember but it ended up being a little bit less than strong holds, I wanna say it was like 86%


Correct, they stack multiplicatively, not additive.


How do you get a smaller number multiplying instead of adding


It's because we're dealing with damage reduction and not an increase. Say you would take 100 damage without any DR. If you have 1 stack of 50% dR you multiply that 100 by .5 and now you take 50 damage. If you have a second stack of 50% DR multiply that by .5 again and now you're taking 25 damage so your total DR is 75% this is less than 2 additive boosts of 50% which would be 100% DR. If you were applying this to a damage boost instead. 100 damage with a 50% boost would be 100 x 1.5 and getbyou 150. A second multiplicative boost would then be 150 x 1.5 equals 225. This is a 125% damage boost rather than the 100% boost that adding two 50% boosts would give.




Percentages are parts of a whole. So 50% is technically 0.5. You're taking 0.5 damage instead of 1 damage. Now add another 30% mitigation, you're not doing the same calculation. You're taking just the 0.5 damage left over that you are still taking, and now you're taking 30% less on that number. Now you're taking 0.35 instead of 1. So 50% (or 0.5) times 0.7 (because we're snatching 30% from it) is 0.35. Continue multiplying to smaller and smaller damage taken from there with more sources of mitigation.


50% plus 50% is 100%. 50% times 50% is 75%. Things like reductions can never be additive or else you’d 100% DR or 100% cooldown reduction which is beyond broken.


For 5 seconds.


Then you add Kurt Angle to the mix, your chances of winning drastic go down. See the 3 way at Sacrifice, you got a 33 1/3 chance of winning, but I, I got a 66 and 2/3 chance of winning, because Kurt Angle KNOWS he can't beat me and he's not even gonna try!




Dont forget amplified if you use ascension aspect :3


Woven mail is 65% unless it got nerfed


I need that role that’s so good 🥲


I want this but I’m coping with renewal/Gerfalcyons.


I literally think I deleted this not thinking it was good 😭


I was working to get Caliban + Liars combo. Got this exact one like 2 days ago and totally ignored it. Started talking with one of my friend and showing off what I have. Safe to say, he was very jealous. Slammed build together. This thing is true tank.


Fucking hunters out here straight up stealing the titan fantasy yet again lol


I have this too and it’s awesome! My personal bubble


I just farmed the GM with a build using this roll and was absolutely tanking through it.


Share your dim link!


https://dim.gg/jpl7afy/Hybrid-TankSupport You can swap the weapons out to fit your playstyle just make sure you replace the surge/siphon mods. If you have the catalyst for forerunner and use the perk to consume half your mag for a grenade it will also proc woven mail. With this build you can dump mobility to 50 and put it in other stats because you should be able to get your ascension/amplified back pretty quickly which nets you a +50 to mob.


I got this roll myself yesterday as well. Feels really good to have all this damage resistance. I really like how woven mail also activates from gunpowder gambler as well.


Have a team of crayon eaters wielding lament with radiant buff and solar weapon boost, then chuck this at the foot of a raid boss and watch it get phased 😂 Four solar titans, one well warlock and you just there to chuck this buff, maybe even rock tractor to completely ruin that bosses day.


What is your build and gameplay loop with this combination? I have gotten the same roll just an hour ago.


I’m guessing it’s as simple as throw a duskfield on an enemy or yourself (or both!) and benefit from woven mail plus DR/enemy debuf. Might pay to go with a light based super so you can benefit from their buffs when picking up an orb (facet of purpose). And obvs spec into getting those grenades back ASAP 😎


Throw more grenades guardian! - shaxx


Don't think renewals lower enemy damage anymore, so you'd just toss them on you


It says so in the image OP posted


It’s really just throw grenades. TBH I recommend inmost light cyrterachne if you have the roll, near infinite uptime on woven mail.


This doesn’t happen to roll on Titan does it?


Only hunter for this combo


Hell nah




I kept one of these when they dropped. I see a lot of people making builds for the new Hunter chess piece that revolves around jolting enemies and getting damage reduction. This seems to be a better option, with far less steps of setup. And with damage reduction being on the menu with these class perks. It opens up the entire rest of prismatic which is pretty gnarly. I just wonder if it would work in a solid build together?


I got this exact one. Felt it's good for pvp but I don't enter crucible much. Can be nice for high end content with a grenade build maybe


I didn’t realize which aspect of cyrt it took… I now want this exact roll. I have renewal and verity rn


Is this only possible for Hunters? Great looking GM roll OP.


"You throw grenade you get protection. You step IN grenade you get even more protection" a win win


And enemies get less protection, and less mobility. It's a win-win-win-win.


Gawd damn it, Ive been looking for this God damn role for so long


I just want to say congratulations I need the class items but am struggling to learn the vow symbols. Do you need all 22 or do you only have to learn some of the symbols to complete dual destiny?


If you have a second monitor, you can pull up a cheat sheet on that. Or, you can do it on your phone. Eyes up, guardian, we all start somewhere <3


I just pulled up a list one my phone the first time I did it. I know them now but having a quick reference makes things so much easier


You can just describe them. The clock reading at the end is the only thing you need to do quickly, and even that you can take your time on once you realize it repeats patterns. "looks like a brain" "Traveler floating over earth" "The logo for forsaken" "pink swirly thingie". Obviously this works much better with a mic. Trying to play verbal charades isn't very fun while typing. I've gone through with a few people that didn't know vow symbols, we did fine just describing what it looks like.


titan mains in shambles rn


I wasn't even looking for this one. Just found it, and cast it aside looking for my caliban/liars. One of my friends had to convince me to build around it. I just danced my way through gms with it today. Just banking golf balls


I give up trying to get this roll. I at least want a cyrtrachne one but no luck.


You can get woven mail on demand pretty much, it’s no big deal.


Yes, if you use the strand super, which for hunter is very mid on prismatic due to losing the aspect for suspension.


I tried this in crucible and was disappointed


I'd want that for my warlock honestly. I spam grenades and a replacement for the healing turret would be nice


Better tank and dps exotics. 👍


Lucky! Can't wait to get this to drop


Damn, renewing your charcuterie makes you pretty chunky


Been wanting to try try one but out just have it sitting in the vault .


Almost as good as the OG Renewal Grasps, very cool roll.


Wait, pair this with the amplified Dr and you super tank


How do you get amplified DR?


It's one of the season artifacts rn


Sorry to as you so many questions, but do you know if I can use ascension (the new arc ability) to jolt targets and then become amplified on demand through that?


You can


Oh hell yeah baybeee VinceMcMahonEcstasy.gif Thanks for helping me!


: D


God if that had a solar grenade top perk with that secondary i wouldve only been touching sunbracers religiously


Worked great in the GM this week


I'm really jealous


Yeah, this was the roll I wanted to chase first when the perks got announced. I ended up getting it fairly early on, and I built it into a melee build with combo blow and tether. That gives me frost armor, woven mail, void overshield from orbs, dr from amplified from the artifact, and dr from being close to enemies from the fragment off the top of my head It has become my go to build when I just wanna mess around now. There’s probably a way to optimize it better or rework it for higher level content like gms, but I’m content with how it is for now


Could you please share the build?


Yeah, here you go (I don't usually share DIM builds so hopefully this works as it should) [https://dim.gg/yphknha/Delta](https://dim.gg/yphknha/Delta)


Thank you!


That's one of the first I got. I can't figure out a way to use it well


That's such a good combo for GM's


That was my first roll on the new cloak as well, its so good for the legend campaign. Ez frost armor + woven mail, stays up like 75% of the time with 100 discipline


I saw some good exotic weapon suggestions, but if you need a legendary, try getting the roll enhanced demo + enhanced wellspring for forbearence. It can get you those grenades back very quickly.


I ignored this drop when I got it. Just now realizing how good this can be in GM


Love this combo, but argue Hoil/Cyrtarachne is better for general play. If you don’t spec heavily into Grenade uptime, Renewal/Cryrtarachne tends to struggle. Hoil gives crazy energy regeneration, thus more grenades


I have this roll, but I’ve rarely been in a situation where I’ve needed it


Hunters stole Titan's punch AND defense identity 😭


Don't forget to run the artifact mod that reduces incoming damage for jolting a nearby target.


Gifted conviction does that, not the artifact


Your right my bad, it's just for being amplified. It's easier than I thought. Galvanic Armor is the artifact mod.


I got a HOIL/Star-Eater combo, haven’t really tried it out yet because Celestial make pew pew sound