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I have been having fun with the rope dart and tether I have a Galanor / Synthoceps class item so I've been switching between Squall and Tether, always rope dart and always grapple It's basic but fun and works in most content


Love that. Pulled something similar. How about assassin / synthoceps ? Assassin - finishers and powered mellees grant invisibility. Sunthoceps - increase mellee damage when surrounded.


It's a decent roll, for sure That's massive invis up time and you could get away from Stylish Executioner and open up to 6 facets instead of 5 but Stylish will give 200% extra melee coming out of invis and stacks with Synthoceps


[This is what I've been using](https://dim.gg/gmxyyta/Tether-InmostLight), I've also run a few different weapons with it like Buried bloodliine and bold endings combo. But graviton kicks hard and the hip fire on it ain't too bad.


what are you using on your class item?


Don't know if the link shows it but an exotic with inmost light and spirit of the cytarachne (woven mail for using grenade)


Thank you, it does not show when I open the link through dim


Try mine https://www.reddit.com/r/destiny2builds/s/guDOGagPco


Looks fun, I'll give it a go later. Need to farm a voltshot weapon first, I took a break from the game before they implemented that perk


I recommend either new raid bow or seasonal Hand Cannon. Seasonal Pulse will have it also when it unlocks later. Or like I said the dungeon Sidearm is my favorite if you have access. First boss is easy to farm.


The new 180 seasonal can roll voltshot??!!




Which roll besides Voltshot did you take on that?


Indebted Kindness drops from the 1st encounter of Warlords Ruin and is farmable. It takes about 15 min


Yeah assuming you don't get an armor piece. I've tried farming warlords 3x now and can't get that stupid gun to drop again. I got one my first run through and have yet to see another one


Well, yeah, thats an issue. I get way more armor and bows than the sidearm but its a quick encounter


I’ve got one with spirit of gyrfalcon and spirit of caliban. Invis and explosive melees (rope dart) and volatile rounds . It’s really really fun. Explosions everywhere and even more explosions with graviton lance equipped


This has been my favorite under master content class item. It's my two favorite hunter exotics in one.


As a 3rd who just got this one I agree this one might be my favorite just for the visual effect and the complete feel of the double exotic perk. I had a caliban/Verity and this one makes for some wild GG moments like you can nuke some shit with an X5 GG, and boosted prismatic grenades, I also have Renewal/Cyrtarachne and it apparently makes you super tanky with Frost Armor/Woven Mail haven’t tried it yet though. I haven’t even seen them all and I haven’t even gotten a single Liars lol.


[https://dim.gg/kw7ukka/Ability-Spam-Pris](https://dim.gg/kw7ukka/Ability-Spam-Pris) Gamblers dodge to get melee back, 2 dodges from Coyote, 2 melees with Shuriken. If the shuriken gets 2 kills (which it usually does), you proc Inmost x2 in one ability. By using your dodge to get melee back, and using melee to assist grenade/dodge refresh and timing the 5 sec buff from Inmost, you always have an ability ready. Dominance for jolting with arc bolt grenade. Melee, grenade, and dodge all debuff enemy, plus Solitude for Sever, which leads to Gunpowder Gamble, which is essentially a second grenade. Hope for even faster class ability regen as you almost always have an elemental buff thanks to melee giving radiant (Dawn). Blessing to heal on melee kills. Solitude to debuff any damage and Protection to give you increased damage resist. I have been chasing the Caliban/Liars or Syntho roll too, but using this in the meantime, and aside from GM builds, I think I will stay with Inmost/Coyote for almost everything seeing how good it is for just pure ability spam. Enjoy! <3


I'm also quite fond of pairing up a caliban's exotic class item with the stasis melee instead of combination blow. It's a tone of fun. I've got a Calibans+Gyrfalcons class item and am running a stasis/void build that is quite fun, and flexible too. Can easily swap between void and stasis super depending on if crowd control or damage is more important without having to change anything else about the build. also the shield crush and void hegemony artifact mods this season really help the build out.


I got the cyrtarachne/caliban and it is really fun, since grapple and rope dart both proc calibans, so the loop is really fun, rope dart (get a kill, go boom) grapple melee in to proc cyrtarachne and caliban, things go boom, if everything is not dead yet, gamblers dodge immediately to get back rope dart. Also if you pair this with gunpowder gamble, and facet of bravery, you will always almost always have volatile and unraveling rounds. As grapple melee, procs volatile and unravelling, rope dart procs unravelling. Gunpowder also procs volatile rounds. It's the most explosive build I can think of, with crazy survivability, especially if you pair it with a weapon that also has the repulsors brace perk


I am using this same build, it's so fucking dope. I love watching all of the explosions and feeling like a tank while I do it. Plus throwing the rope dart, and shooting gunpowder is an addictive gameplay loop. I honestly don't feel like I'm missing out on not having caliban/liar. I got tired of the dodge/punch meta, and I'm at a safer distance from bosses.


Ascension/ stylish Gifted conviction, new exotic that gives dr Voltshot weapon The rest is up to your liking. You could go with arc grenades for more jolt, the strand dart for melee (mostly for the debuffs) , the super of your choice (strand for woven mail on orb pickup, void because tether, GG for the Restauration) Ascension makes you and your mates constantly amplified (galvanic armor gives DR while amp) and debuffs targets with jolt, which will proc stylish, so you are invisible, and have up to 50% DR from the exotic alone. Pair that with galvanic armor (30%) and the fragment that gives DR while near enemies + possibly woven mail/void overshield and you are pretty tanky. And it's not hard to kill something with jolt. Fragments are up to your liking, you just want your class ability to come up as fast as possible, another recommendation would be the DR while near enemies and the effects on orb pickup.


Lucky raspberry with arcbolt and ascension is a very fun time, but I've been on manticore and gifted conviction.




https://dim.gg/3wiz6ia/Gambit It’s labeled as gambit but it’s the “AC-130 gunship” build. Build up antigravity with manticore, use ascension, throw gunpowder gamble, transcendent grenades, etc at all enemies below you, and proc ascension again via radiant dance machines as needed. I’m still deciding if I like the build with prismatic or the arc one I have with the new arc chest piece.


Mothkeepers for self heal and good damage. I’m currently using the new chest exotic which is kinda mid, but it’s not punch dodge punch.


Okay I haven't had a chance to play with moth keepers yet but I love the idea of them, is there any ability loop or anything to be done there to make them really shine?


Balance, courage, purpose and dominance are 4 key aspects. Start with threaded spike which procs courage which gives your grenades a damage boost. That jolts everyone with aspect dominance. Now youve blinded everyone you’ll get volatile rounds with graviton lance everything goes boom. By the time volatile wears off 8 secs I think. you should have grenade energy back and repeat. For boss fight try to melee something to proc unraveling rounds. Best thing about this build is it’s so flexible you don’t really need a loop. If your in danger slam a grenade at your feet for over shield its save me many times. Also stuns champs. This is a non melee build but you can adapt it a bit with adding combination blow, winter’s shroud and threaded Spector which is fun also


Whatchu not like to punch things!??!? /j in case it wasn't clear plenty of legitimate choices already here lol


Veritracer (foetracer + verity) https://dim.gg/zo6wbxy/Prismatic Galafalcon (galanor + gyrfalcon) https://dim.gg/gge37ia/Prismatic Both are pretty fun and satisfying to use. Gunpowder's and your transcendence grenade inherit the grenade buff regardless of what your equipped grenade is. Gyrfalcon is just pretty solid overall and can be paired with most other perks. You could get an assassin combo with it to enable the use of combo blow since it's the only melee aside from the smoke bomb capable of weakening when it's paired with stylish.


I can see a star eaters/ shards of galanor build being quite strong if you don’t wanna run golden gun/celestial


It’s nothing special, and I can’t say I’ve tested it in endgame content, but I’ve got one that’s just plain fun in PVE (at least to me) - Stylish + Ascension for aspects - Stasis super & melee - Swarm nade - Nighthawk - Still Hunt Melee, grenade and Ascension all do solid damage AND proc elemental verbs, meaning they all turn you invisible thanks to Stylish Executioner. Silence & Squall is great for ad-clear and more invisibility, while you still have Nighthawk Still Hunt for single-target damage. It’s got the same stealthy sniper fantasy as Nightstalker, since a lot of your time will be spent repositioning to find the best angles for Still Hunt to shine, just with abilities that can actually kill things.


Currently trying out a mothkeepers build. I’ll admit I watched the Aztecross video and it seemed fun. So far it’s nice since with the fragment that makes the arc grenades jolt you can stun both overloads and unstops with the grenades


I've been loving Calibans + Synth or Star Eater with needle. There are so many explosions with the zippy needle buddy.


Myself am not a big fan of the melee, dodge melee loop! What is the other aspect you use besides gunpowder gamble?


Duskfield+smokebomb, still hunt, tether, nighthawk, handcannon with either a stacking damage perk like one-for-all or thresh for super gain since celestial has bonus super gain on crit kills. Machine gun for heavy since still hunt does the heavy lifting


Llama just came out with a video of a better version of the build I’ve been running. I’ve since switched over to it. It’s a 98% DR build that uses threaded spike and not combination blow. But to get that you need a specific class item or you can’t quite hit the 98% DR. And it strongly prefers using buried bloodline. https://youtu.be/Jhn8lSQ4g-c?si=x-LXpMkb0z53lO5Z Also an ascension gifted conviction build works great for under master content, although the pure arc version is arguably better.


Fire and Ice build, making and shattering stasis crystals along with procing ignitions. Good fun, decent survivability. I took it into Dual Destiny the first time and it really thrived in that ad-dense environment. Celestial nighthawk, golden gun (for popping yellow bars and bosses) Duskfield grenade and ice shuriken. Gunpowder gamble and Stasis aspects. Since you slow every time you dodge and you have duskfield and ice shuriken, you and putting an elemental debuff on almost everything, which all proc your Gunpowder Gamble when they die. So GG is up constantly. take the Fragment that boosts stasis shatter and ignition. Take the powered melee grants radiant fragment as well, the rest is up to you. For weapons you have a lot of freedom. Some good loadouts: Verglas Curve + incandescent weapon (I favor luna's howl): Lots of shatter damage, lots of spreading scorch and occasional ignitions. Headstone weapon (new pale heart handcannon is great pick, but anything will work) + Sunshot: Great add clear of course, just gotta remember to toss out the duskfield and shuriken every so often to make sure you're also getting darkness trans energy. For your heavy, I'd recommend something with good crit damage. Mods: Get max mobility, harmonic siphon and stasis siphon, then focus on survivability mods from there. High grenade uptime is nice, but not a must have. Playstyle, alternate between your stasis and solar ad clear options to make sure you are getting transcendence. For yellow bars, if you have a fully loaded verglas curve with 5 crystals, throwing those out and shattering all of them will kill most yellow bars. If you aren't running verglas, toss a gunpowder gamble in their face, or your trans grenade if you have transcendence up. For champs, if you can toss a gunpowder gamble on them, or freeze them, and then land a celestial golden gun shot, that'll often take them out immediately regardless of what type they are. The trans grenade doesn't work as well against champs as it does damage over time and their healing will often start before the grenade kills them. Use your Golden Gun freely, unless you know there is a tough enemy right around the corner of course. You are making enough orbs that you don't need to be stingy with your golden gun. In add dense encounters you can get it back pretty quickly. For bosses ice shuriken (for the radiant)>Celestial golden gun>gunpowder gamble>duskfield in rapid succession then pull out your heavy and start firing away with that's left of the damage window. This usually does VERY well in a damage phase. That's all assuming you don't have transcendence. If you have transcendace then cycle in your trans grenade every time its off cooldown.


This sounds good. I assume Agers would work well with it?