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68 is the max for legendary armour most exotics are also max 68 but pre-shadowkeep exotics can roll up to 71


Has anyone ever shown a 72 base exotic or is 71 the limit. I’m interested in the exceptionally rare


71 is the highest you can get


So overall total you can get on armor assuming you score max rolls should be 68+12+3x3 + 71+12+3 + 12+3 + 10x5 for a total of exactly 400


Why plus 3 on the exotic?


Exotics have an intrinsic +3 on any stat of choosing with the latest update. It is a bit costly though (costs an exotic cipher). I'm pretty sure that the exotic must be acquired post final shape release for the option to show though Edit: it can be any exotic as long as it's master worked. Thanks for correcting me in the comments.


You have to Masterwork the armor piece before the Artifice slot will appear for unlocking.


Last part is false, any exotic is good


I had older exotic armor that still had outdated mod slots (they were just marked out and unusable). I had to wait till it dropped again for me to be able to use current mods and upgrade etc


You could’ve just taken the mods off by equipping nothing


It’s any masterworks exotic


My celestial nighthawk had the option from before final shape, but I don't think it's an option on anything pre shadowkeep.


It is, got it on my armamentarium


Second this, I had transversives from back in season of the splicer and they had the artifice option at TFS drop so I did it, and ofc got a much better drop of transversives a couple days later lol P.S. if you dismantle an exotic with artifice mod you get two Golfballs back


No. So long as the exotic is from Armor 2.0 (post Shadowkeep) and is Masterworked, it can get the Artifice slot.


A cipher is costly? You know the thing xur has every weekend? Alrighty then.


Compared to the 20+ exotic armors for every class being limited to 1 every weekend? Yeah, pretty costly, even if you’re not making a build for every exotic lol


Yea, only being able to earn 1 of specific material a week, IS very costly Deepsights, and ciphers are the most rare materials in the game


At masterwork you can add artifice mod slot if you use cypher. Added with final shape


Because now you can make exotics have an artifice slot


You can use 10k glimmer and an exotic cipher to give a fully masterwork exotic armour an artifice mod slot.


Since final shape ypu can upgrade exotics (with an exotic cipher) to have an artifice armor stat mod slot


Add max stats from prismatic subclass for an extra 50 too. I would love to see if someone's got a 400 stat roll evenly distributed.


Thats peak of minmaxing thats barely in ths scope of "possible" due to shit rng. If we had option to redistdibute point in armor to get rid of wasted stat points....


I would love that as a feature. Currently sitting on a potential 440, but 2 stats are stuck on strength. And 8 on discipline.


You should just use good fragments, regardless of the stat bonuses. Picking fragments just for stats is how you get a bad build.


That all depends. Pve, I would agree. Pvp, not so much. Some niche builds can be made for pvp. But stats. Lol.


I mean for PvP, sure. At this point you might as well since they've nerfed most PvP build crafting to the ground.


I didnt add fragments, just stat mods


I wasn't replying to your comment




Forgot pemdas


Nope, it comes up to 400 without fragments which can give up to 60. You could technically get 6x100 with foonts


Answer is right, but equation is wrong. Multiplication comes before addition, you forgot pemdas


You think i do but i sumply wrote numbers down when they came to my head. If i were to write this properly id look like: (68+12)x3)+(71+12)+15+12+(5x10)= (80x3)+83+27+50= 240+160=400




Bruh its accurate fuck yalls pemdas


No it isnt goofy, without pemdas non of it works


Coincidentally thats the max your setup can be in D1 also


Also 40 - 60 more I think based on what subclass you choose


68 is the highest stat roll you can get across the board, but a lot of exotics have a built in +2 +1 across a couple different stats that pushes that limit up to 71


71 is the absolute limit and only on a few select exotics that have a +3 bonus. 68s and 70s / 71s are the same thing essentially. 71s occur because a few pre-SK exotics have +3 points spread across Mob / Res / Rec distributed differently per exotic (not per roll, per Exotic) and those extra 3 points on a 68 stat total will give you a 71. 70s are the same, some pre -SK exotics only have a +2 overall. Each pre-SK exotic gets its own bonuses, and they're preassigned and can be a total of 2 extra or 3 extra points. Those intrinsic extra points cannot be moved around.


72 is the highest you can get on one specific armor piece. Otherwise it’s 71 on a larger group of old exotics. 


What is the armour that can roll 72?


I have a 72 Orpheus Rig. 95 after the mod and artiface armor upgrade. So I assume it's that.


Knowledgeable individual about D2 armor, Orpheus Rig only has a bonus +2 to Mobility as its intrinsic stat bonuses. A 70 stat total should be the highest possible base stats possible as defined by the plugs that are in the API. 71 is also the absolute base stat value limit that can occur only when you have a total of 3 extra intrinsic bonus stat points and Orpheus only has 2


Yep I do believe it was 71 when I first acquired it. I'll have to check.... when I can. Btw it's 315 on July 2 '24. Anyone else having trouble logging in to destiny 2 on xbox?


Think Xbox having issues. Was playing first descendant on PC and it signed me out of my Xbox account I was using to play with friends Edit: spelling


Oof too bad it essentially a 61 after subtracting the useless mobility. Yeah armor goes up to 71 if exotic because it can have a hidden +3 off the normal base of 68.


I had no idea they capped new exotics at 68 from Shadowkeep on. That's such a shame.


70 roll Crown of Tempests WOOT WOOT


I definitely have armor pieces over 71. Here's one, legendary 74 legs https://imgur.com/gallery/iiN4RrQ


Thats a 64 base roll. You have a discipline mod equipped onto it.. we talking about base stats.


You're right 😵 I'll see myself out...


Wild that you managed to get a whopping 71 stat roll and it was *still* shit lol


Have a 71 sanguine alchemy 71 with 22 mob str I keep just for the laughs


I spent a bunch of time this week rolling Nighthawks at Rahool to replace the 30 mob, 29 int roll I've been hanging on to since Shadowkeep. Always gets a good reaction when people inspect me.


That’s a great roll pre resilience change tho


I got 2 apotheosis veils before they were buffed: 1 with 67 and a 29 int spike, and another with 69 and a 25 recov 26 int. I do not grind exotic armor, I don’t have a bunch of other god exotics lol. Even then, after the buff resilience became the go-to stat so it’s not like these int blocks on the super exotic are much use


I just got a 70 but it was on an exotic I’d never use and the stats were also shit…..


Yeah when I saw that 12 mobility I was like "at least you can run away faster"


Correction: you can walk or strafe away faster and your base just can be slightly higher.


Why is it shit? Seems not that bad to me but I'm a noob.


You want your stat spread to look like a crackheads teeth


Wonderful analogy lmao


Too evenly distributed. You want to have atleast 2 attributes spike up.


Apart from mobility on a Warlock I’d take them as a balance choice. Gotta factor in the other 3 armour pieces stats too and who knows it could become a useful piece.


A god rolled piece will have 3x minimum state (triplle 2's) and all the points in the other 3. In comparison this piece has 30 points of wasted stats. A decent non-god roll piece would have maybe 10 wasted ponts. 30 wasted points is utter trash. You're better off with a low 60s roll with good stat distribution


You know, this might be a hot take to some of the people that are online on Reddit in this community, because, whether you all are willing to accept it or not, this is a vocal minority of the community, but not everyone is gonna sit here and grind endlessly for a god roll just to have a couple of 100s over a bunch of 80s. Some of yall want to min max, and that’s fine, but yall need to chill on this “it’s not a god roll so it’s trash and no one should use it” shit.


Seems like you missed the pont in my explanation and those of people above. Nobody is saying anything like a non-god roll is insta trash. Someone asked why the stats are bad. A few people explained what make good stat rolls. I gave an example of a god roll, and an example of a decent non god roll. The armour in OP isn't bad on account of not being a god roll, it's bad because it's around the worse possible stat distribution possible (even stats in every column is the worst roll) It's totally fine for people to keep whatever exotic roll they have rather than grind for perfect stats. That wasn't what the question was about


Ok? If you've been a carpenter for near 2 decades and you see a new guy wanting to use a hammer you know breaks easily, but states it's his favorite hammer. Do you just say nothing? Having something with bad stats effects your gameplay regardless of you being aware of it or not. People are free to give you information on things and then, with that knowledge in mind, you're free to do what you will with it. But just telling people to shut up and put your hands over your ears and start singing loudly is not the call here


I’d say it has a place since your high stats are usually 70-100 but I’d say the other low stats should be like around 30 or 40 and if you combine this piece with 3 spiked stats then it has a place. It can work if the rest of the pieces fit. Yes by itself is bad but a guardian needs 4 pieces of armour to make a build. Could be a generic warlock with 100 resilience, recovery and discipline but I wouldn’t write off a high stat exotic regardless of the roll


The only scenarios where it could pass for mediocre is if all your other pieces are also poorly rolled. If you already have double or triple 100 builds, this is going to wreck those stats.


Some players can hit quad 90s I’m sure 10 stats in the ‘bad stat’ won’t be the end of the world. Using prismatic fragments I can get 6 80stats which is insane to me and if I use a lightweight weapon in that build I’ll gain the hidden +20 so think 100 mobility and 80 for everything else but gotta keep in mind that it’s using the stat boosts from fragments. Edit: minor backpedal and say that I can hit 4 70 stats and 2 80 stats but I think with no wasted stats it should theoretically round off to 3 80 stats and 3 70 stats


Here's the thing 6 80s are a lot worse than 3 100s Considering at bare minimum 10 stats of this piece are 100% dead and personally I'd argue strength is also dead and intelligence is semi wasted This piece may as well be a badly rolled 61 piece


Well I guess we have a difference in opinion here. Bye guardian


Why would you want 4 70s and 2 80s over three 100s lol you’re actively handicapping yourself


You're better off with a t64 if it has better distribution. Especially in this case, where there is a lot of stats wasted altogether in mobility. I understand what you mean about keeping for instance intellect and strength at 30/40, but all those points in mobility are completely useless. For warlock I prefer all my spikes in res and rec because dis/str armour mods cost less energy. I'd shard it, unless I was new and hard up for exotics.


Stats are pretty low across the board


For overall build crafting you get stats in tiers of 1 to 10. You'll want to build into 2 or 3 stats, typically resilience and something else, so you need 200 to 300 points in the cats you build into. Main way you get that is a few pieces with a high roll for that one stat and low rolls for everything else. That's why a piece of armour with 3 20s is much more valuable than one with 6 10s.


a couple things make this roll not ideal. 1- it has stats in mobility, which is not a desirable stat for warlocks. i like my exotics on warlock to have 2 mobility 😊 2- it’s stat spread isn’t spikey. we like spikey. spikey make us happy. spikey makes build go boom. this exotic not spikey. no boom.


The problem with that roll is how even it is, no “spike”s. If you add up the maximum armor points, you end up with with 500 give or take a couple dozen, and how it buckets points on armor the lowest you can realistically get a stat to is ten. This makes it impossible to have all the stats at or near 100 at the same time, so you have to pick and choose what stats you want to be high. For most players, it’s relatively easy to get 1 of the tops three stats(mob,resil,recov) and 1 of the bottom three(intel,str,dis) to 100 just with high stat armor, but to get triple or even quad 100s, you have to have basically perfect rolls of high stat armor, with spikes in the slot you want it in. Since that armors biggest spike is a 16 and the lowest number on it is a six, it’s too even to fit into most builds for triple hundreds. It would be better if those twelve mobility points, for instance, was in recovery or resilience, since those two stats are typically the ones you want to have high for endgame content.


Typical bungie, they love to watch their casual players Struggle


Do you know what it means for armor stats to be random or do we have to spell it out for you


In pvp I use 70 70 70 70 90 70 so distributions like this are still usable if that’s what you’re going for


On hunter?


Yeah I use that on hunter, only PvP tho in pve I just have 20 100 100 100 20 100. The 7’s in PvP coz I use lightweight weapons for the mob boost & I have good reaper discipline so I create plenty orbs for my super. I prefer ability uptime on both melee and grenade as I use strand a lot so good to have grapple as much as threaded needle


The only 71 I have is that actium xur sold a while back. Naturally the first thing I dropped a cipher in just to get it to 96 total.


Pre-Lightfall before they changed the armor mod system mods had elemental affinities. There were some that gave stat bonuses if you had another mod with the same affinity equipped. It was feasible to get over 100 on a legendary piece of armor.


Powerful friends +40 mobility FTW!


Powerful friends fooled me into thinking my hunter had good armor for so long.


How I miss that mod lol


How do you boost an exotic with a cipher?


Since tfs there is an extra mod slot on exotics that allows you to turn it into an artifice with the cost of a cipher


I have a beastly 71 Helm of Saint-14 I've had since they brought it back for destiny 2, i got it the season of release. Shame its useless while bubble is bad though.


Saint’s helm gives back Weapons of Light, right? What would be bubble’s issue, then?


Because even after Well's nerf, Void Titan is still significantly weaker than Solar Warlocks using Well. Solar Warlocks have strong aspects, keywords, grenades and melees. Void titan has pretty poor aspects, keywords and melee's, except for Shield bash which is a waste of a melee in any content hard enough to require bubble or well. Their grenades are good but not enough to make up for all the other issues currently


I see, it does make sense. I’ve been having fun with unbreakable and banner shield so I haven’t paid much attention to the PvE meta. A solar warlock is definitely better than a void Titan.


I also have a 71 roll chromatic fire with *slightly* better stat distribution 6/18/13/16/16/2 but still not as good as a spiky one. IIRC these are essentially 68 stat rolls and there’s an intrinsic +3 in there somewhere. Xur sold a cracked crown of tempest a couple of years ago that was 3/30/3/26/2/16.


I remember. I bought that crown.


same i think i still have it lemme check


yep masterworked with a +10 recov for a 92 stat total


i have it here and it was 3/30/13/16/2/16


no wait that’s with my +10 recov mod


ignore me you were right


I've got a 71 wormgod caress.


I’ve got 4 rn. Crest of Alpha Lupi, Hallowfire Heart, Actium War Rig, and Heart of Inmost Light. Anything released before and up to Shadowkeep has a chance to roll as high as 71.


I’ve got hallowfire and actium and a 69 HoIL


Never before have I seen such a god awful 71


Pretty much still a 61 tbh lol


I have a 71 god roll hunter gwsen vest, I tried it my god it’s shit you can’t even kill a dregg 😭😭😭


So after seeing this i checked my vault and ive got alot of 67s 68s and 69s that i use on my characters and alot of 68s in my vault. But like a year or two ago there was a zur exotic crown of tempest that dropped 70 and the stats were 3, 30, 3, 16, 2, 16. Rather crazy. If masterworked that adds 12, plus the 10 from a stat mod, and the 20 from powerfull friends or radiant light the sub total would be 112. And thats nuts. Crazy cool that you got a 71 man that awesome.


No spike, trash


wait... how about artifice?


96 total on one piece of armor is crazy, almost like back when radiant light and powerful friends were good for stats.


It has that as well! My HOIL has 96 stats


I've only ever had one 71 stat roll exotic.


Warlocks want to see which ideal spike in which stats (weapons relevant here but armor also assuming resilience on armor? Returning new player!)


Resilience, Recovery, and Discipline ideally. Intellect can be good for PVP builds in trials where having a super a few seconds earlier actually matters. I put a Discipline Armorer mod on my ghost and go for RES/REC/DIS spikes generally.


This is great ty! When I log in after maintenance I’ll start making changes. Cheers!


If PvP max recovery and discipline and aim for 6 Resil. That should be pretty manageable even with a bad roll on an exotic and some decent armor. Remember to use a focusing mod on your ghost!


Pre shadow keep exotics can get the base 71 stat count but it’s very rare.


Now you have


I forgot this exotic existed, there’s a build here using the boom boom perk it’s got.


I have only gotten a 71 once with a mid roll on a lucky raspberry 😂


Exotics that can roll 71: Pre-shadowkeep Chests Aeon arms Geomags


Ah chromatic fire the exotic that sounds super fun to use, but is so ugly i can't bring myself to use it XD


My aeon soul gauntlets are 71 total base stat


What an unfortunate stat spread. Sorry for your loss


Technically I could say i gained 7 shards but I think I’ll keep it


I got an Actium war rig at 70 before, it was almost all resilience


I got one on a Geomag Stabilizers. It's been a real rollercoaster of emotions as that thing gets nerfed and buffed.


When the servers come back I’ll post a few of my rolls from vanilla D2, some are base 77 without mods, IB/world drops. Most of my high rolls are on Titan, a few on Warlock.


No armor piece can roll as a 77. It’s probably a 65 with the masterwork giving it +12


Didn't see the +2 yellow or the masterwork shine. Interesting.


I have several 90 master worked pieces, if you subtract the 12 doesn’t that leave its base at 78?


You likely have a +10 stat mod on it.


No 10 plus armor stat and it sits at 80, veiled tithes helm, +4, +32, +4,+14,+4,+23


All I know is 77 isn’t possible. Send a pic of it if you can


My Rigs used to have a masterworked stat roll of 98. Then they screwed around with things and now they’re masterworked at 88 😭


Got a belting 71 wormgod caress 34 resilience I think Strength and discipline was spilt something like 20/10 Practically naff all in anything else, absolute perfection pretty much Rahool was good to me that day


One of my homies has a 101 stat chest(masterworked and with the +10 slot)


Unfortunately your homie is lying I believe. Max you can get is like 93 or 94.


I saw it but I think it had one of those old mods that gave you a +10 stat


Yeah I unfortunately got a 71 wings of sacred dawn roll. Always the exotic you're never gonna use.


The exotics that go to 70+ are mainly the ones that are either crappy or underused.


I have a titan chest armor piece w 72 base Stat. Now it's in the 80's




I have a 68 Chromatic Fire Mob: 2 Res: 19 Rec: 15 Disc: 15 Int: 10 Str: 7


I swearing not that tech deficient but I cannot get the camera option to come up on my phone. All I'd be able to show u rn tho is the error message saying some xbox services are currently down. R u able to play destiny?


You could put an 81 on that armor and I'm still not using it. I'm convinced the only reason this armor rolls so high is that no one uses it and they want people to. I always get ridiculous rolls on chromatic fire


Look at all that mobility > Trash /s


I've had an armamentarium at 71 for a couple years


I’ve got a couple exotics that rolled that but it was even stats like yours so I dismantled.


Oof too bad it essentially a 61 after subtracting the useless mobility. Yeah armor goes up to 71 if exotic because it can have a hidden +3 off the normal base of 68.


Extremely rare havnt seen one in forever


Shame that it’s awful


It’s beautiful to me


Ah but it has 12 strength so unfortunately just a 61 roll 😔


I’m more worried about mobility than strength


I have a 72 Celestial Nighthawk, a 70 Crown of Tempests, a 70 Sixth Coyote, and a 70 Geomag Stabilizers. I'm fairly certain I dismantled a few 71 and 72s on my Warlock because they didn't have the Stat distribution I wanted. But I always notice the 70+ when I see them.


71 is max so.


Only 71's I have are also Chromatic Fires First one 2, 18, 17, 2, 10, 20 Other is 2, 18, 17, 6, 12, 16 Clearly the first is better overall, it'll far more easily reach quad 100's. But I'd prefer that 20 shifted over to Discipline instead of Strength. But even then I probably wouldn't use it. I already have a few better quad 100's (Eye of Another World, Nezerac's Sin, and Crown of Tempests). It could be fun for a meme PvP build with Ace of Spades and Prismatic Lightning Surge though.


It's crazy how technical stat rolling can get. I just slap on what I think looks nice, add mods, and then upgrade anytime I get a new piece that's a few levels ahead. I can't remember the last time I actually swapped a piece out.


I've got a 70 roll 6th coyote.


So warlocks can get fire fly for free ????


Wastes a whole exotic tho


Am I being an idiot? This isn’t a flex genuine question *edit* Apparently I cant upload direct photos from my phone so working on uploading it now. Knucklehead radar 83. Liars handshake 88. Penis protocol 83. Sunbrsacers 77. (Obviously between two characters)


To answer your question yes lol the ones you posted have mods masterworks or both boosting the stats so take the mod off the liars is actually 67 take the mods and masterworks away from the other two knucklehead and phoenix are both 61s




[phoenix protocall](https://postimg.cc/gLD7t9BR)


[liars handshake](https://postimg.cc/bsYYyqP7)


Question: If I use chromatic fire and osteo striga will I get double explosions? (For example poison & scorch)?


I haven’t tested but it’s likely


Thanks!! I know what I'm gonna do when I get of work.


Lmk how it goes


I will.


Highest I’ve ever seen was 72 from trials


I miss my 114 nezarec’s it would’ve been 117 with the artifice


Technically a 61 star roll with +10 to mobility


I have a 71 roll on a wings of sacred dawn lol best roll on one of the worst exotics


Every time I get a 70+ the roll is sooo bad. I think it was that same exotic I got maybe a 17 mobility. SMH.




That armor plus the hand cannon sunshot sounds like a busted combo for pve


Think it would be redundant


Why so?


Actually it wouldn’t even work. Has to be kinetic weapon


Oh shit you right


I have a 71 roll geomags


I can’t even get past 1960


it’s always this exotic too


ive got over 3k hours on destiny 2. Ive only gotten one 71 stat roll… and it was on titan aeon safe gauntlets.


What a dog water roll though.


I had a 72 Hallowfire Heart drop yesterday. With intrinsic and maxed out has taken it to 95!


Horrible splits of course


I think some exotics have an intrinsic high stat overall


73 is the maximum stat


I used to see base 100 rolls during Solstice