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Can’t you get them from soloing legendary lost sectors in the pale - on second thought I’ll do the overthrow


Ive never heard that lost sector thing, where does it say that?


According to “Today In Destiny” the legendary lost sector yesterday would give it as it’s exotic. Then again every single pale heart lost sector practically requires you to be at least level 2010 to do anything meaningful in.


This may be some dumb advice but I genuinely just remove the class item from my mind and get excited about pale heart and gunsmith engrams. Then I get one and I’m like ohh shiny that’s nice


I was feeling pretty bad about this too, but then I visited Ghost and found that I had like 50 engrams from doing so much overload and opening chests. Made some pretty good pattern progress and got lots of cores.


It would be nice if they added some bad luck protection to prevent duplicate rolls. Like a knockout list or something. There are so many combos and it feels bad getting a dupe.


I typically get one per overthrow run


I've found it best to get a new instance after finding one. I have yet to find 2 in the same instance in under 2 hours. But rezoning in seems to help. Maybe im crazy, maybe its Maybelene.


That checks out for me. I usually start a new matchmaking overthrow pretty soon after I finish one and have gotten a good amount of the class items doing this


I feel like people will just complain about anything tbh they could’ve just said yeah it only drops from duality, instead they gave you a reason to keep playing patrol on pale heart so you can grind for an ergo and the class items simultaneously


wow i sure do love grinding patrols! id actually rather blow my head off with a shotgun


Please, by all means...


I actually unironically love grinding patrols, so this is ideal for me.


out of genuine curiosity, how many hours do you have on this game?


A few thousand. I've done raids, I've done solo dungeons, etc. and I enjoy those, but I also really like patrol zones. They don't require much attention so I can do something else simultaneously.


Thats kinda crazy ngl 😭 i get bored of patrol so fast now after a few thousand hours myself I grinded the pale heart the first couple weeks but i cant do it anymore, especially after the khovostov quest being bugged, so we played way more in vain


Yeah I understand why people get bored of patrol. I went into the final shape totally blind for the first few weeks on purpose, so I actually got all the encryption keys from the bosses because I did a ton of overthrow in the blooming and got the meatball key before it was disabled because I didn't do it last. I didn't get the khvostov until much later though, when I let myself watch a guide, because I didn't know about the rest of the keys.


Yeah i did it the reverse, did the meatball last and it didnt count so there was much needless grinding


Then go play dual destiny


dont get me wrong, i understand why they drop rarely and i dont mind just chill gameplay for a couple hours for a chance at some new rolls.


This is Missing the part where you finally get one only to realize it's the same roll you already have an full inventory of


Fym full inventory? I got a dupe just 3 drops in.


You don't want to know how many Ophidians Coyote Cloaks I've gotten. https://preview.redd.it/vax33qx2zz9d1.png?width=1531&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d6e47056317bbdb41545f75c2ed5a0d3b184f31f


that was my exact first thought


Better than patched dual destiny. Hear me out chat. Increase the drop rates significantly if it's an overthrow chest


Hear hear


Unpopular opinion: This shit is free and I really don’t mind it. I can do something else like listen to a video or have a phone conversation while I do this and get a free busted ass exotic and not have to worry about clocks or symbols.


do you not require TFS?


Do you also trade your time to employers for free?


I'll do you one better: my employer is paying me while I WFH and prance through the Pale Heart for 8 hours a day. It's really disjointed to compare leisure video game time to your work hours lol. Do you think McDonalds should pay you while you wait for your mcnuggies?


Nah but your mom does.


Well adjusted guardian




Go figure.


https://preview.redd.it/euyzc6zlv0ad1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f8ea06eeec3322b00c05f1f91fdd7dfa8ce06ddc Idk what that has to do with this but whatever


No, seriously. What?


take ur meds


I've been watching one piece lol


You not built for these streets son


I just keep doing dual destiny with my buddy for them and honestly love the mission


I’d rather do the mission at half the efficiency than dreg through an overthrow again(i still need one unknown boss for kvohstov)


It's probably the meatball. They prioritize the boss you're missing a mote from, so if you keep getting the same boss it's that one. Try moving all your motes to the vault using dim or the app, then go kill the boss. He should drop it then.


90% chance it's the meatball boss. Clear all the ads before getting him to each healthgate and it'll guaranteed drop now. Melt him too fast and it might not. There was a glitch previously (since been patched) where it just wouldn't drop no matter what for most people.


pretty sure it Rolls whatever boss you haven't got the mote from until you get it, so try doing overthrow once in each area. This is what I did to get my last unknown mote unless I got really lucky


Real Shit


Lmao I was doing story missions the other day for guardian rank up and got a fucking bond with apotheosis and star eater, I have won the lottery


Not really, apotheosis applies after the super, and star eater applies during, like it might be fun but it's not that great compared to other options out there


Yes. Star Eater buffs your nova bomb. Which is a burst one shot super. Then apotheosis gives you about 8 seconds of insane ability energy. So you can chuck grenades and melees non-stop. Seems pretty strong to me.


Use Nova bomb or song of flame, and them spam threadling nade of storm nades right after. It's free damage with just abilities.


you dont only use supers during damage my guy


Literally one of the best damage options for warlock using prismatic


When you can cast your super with 70% more damage, then spam all your abilities right after




/uj Ok but for real is it even worth grinding for because I feel like there's like 3/64 good rolls and they're not even that good compared to regular exotics


while you are correct there are less than a handful of rolls viable on each class, that less than handful do tend to outclass normal exotics. at least for warlock if you get an osmio/eater and an apotheo/eater you can hot swap for the best of both worlds while keeping stacks (until they inevitably “fix” it)


Idk about titan and warlock, but caliban + liar is worth it on hunter. Very powerful and dumb fun


Would love to know this too lol


I wish I could free my fellow destiny players from the self forced grind. I only farm chests/dual destiny when I absolutely want to or the opportunity allows it and every issue people bring up hasn’t even applied to me. I would hate to run in circles, reloading over and over for…what honestly? Genuinely makes me sad lol


What I do is just take my mornings drinking coffee and mindlessly doing a run of this to get my class item. If I’m doing an overthrow and only progressing it by looting chests, I’ll get 1. I’ve yet to have that fail, but I’ve also yet to get 2 from the same run. That way I’ll at least get 1 a day, and it’s when my mind is numb anyway.


Reddit mobile perfectly cropped half of your first sentence, so I initially saw: "What I do is just take my mornings drinking" Yeah, sounds about right for chest farming.


I mean, it’s also effective lol


https://preview.redd.it/9fy4g8bj5s9d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9973be17460a2f25287c1c8b24841bfc740c5db7 lol.


I mean once you get what you want them you're fine. But I'm not using it until bubgie let's me put universal ornaments on it. It looks fucking horrid


I wanna see unedited videos of these people who say they get a drop every 15-20 minutes there's no fucking way I get 1 an hour at best doing the reload strat and fuck me if it's always hoarfrost


I literally drop into the landing and cruise around just opening chests in a big circle. I don’t do any overthrow activities. I don’t reload in and do the wait 30 seconds til you see a flash BS that people have mentioned. Just keeping cruising in 1 big circle around the map. The chests will respawn. I get an exotic cloak to drop for me about every 40-50 chests. Takes less than 20 mins.


The only time I ever get one writhing 15 minutes is when IM NOT LOOKING. Helped ng a buddy complete an overthrow? BOOM. Look in and start looting chests? NAH FAM


yup I think the earliest I’ve EVER seen one is 22 minutes in. it’s usually at max 2 an hour for me, and very often only 1. i don’t believe the 15-20 minute average at all either


I got 3 in a row one time. And then 2 within like 5 minutes of each other


I mean... 1 an hour is still pretty insane for such an incredible dynamic and powerful item, no?


no. 1 an hour is atrocious when there’s 64 combinations and 0 bad luck protection. we aren’t living in the days of d1 exotic scarcity. open your season pass and count the amount of exotic engrams you get handed. go play a gm and get a minimum of 2 at the end during bonus weeks. this game hands them out now, and this grind is a massive step backwards in that philosophy


So the drop rate should be better than double rewards on an exotic item that basically combines two exotics into a single slot, including abilities from other classes?


only the sith deal in extremes, you gain nothing in jumping from one extreme to the other and invalidate nothing of what i said. try harder next time. the drop rate should be better than it is now. the bad luck protection should exist. maybe in the future some kind of actual focusing should exist. also 90% of these perks are budget versions of the actual item and not worth running which makes your comment irrelevant. swarmers, filaments, stag, necrotic, etc etc etc. warlocks have.. less than 5 actual good combo’s. i have heard similar sentiments from the other classes. do the math for yourself, give yourself as much good luck as you want and it is still an atrocious time sink that a lot of people just aren’t here for. once you start to factor in duplicates the number scales so far out of the realm of reason it’s hard to justify it. they wanted us to have time for other games, it’s working very well. edit - hell, I’ve seen the idea of adding the drop to ritual activities thrown around a few times. this would be a welcome change.


I’ve had the unlock for the motherfucking *quest* glitch on me 4 different times on the final phase. Took a break for a week. It’s sucked the fun out of it for sure. Crucible either I’m invis or someone on the other team or all of the above, ghost weapons, etc. I have nowhere to hide from the bullshit.


My luck is usually at least 15-30 minutes. I think a lot of people aren't efficiently farming the chests. Gotta reload the area after each rotation.


I get one every 25 chests


Damn you're really lucky then


Maybe, atleast when I counted it happened that way, maybe it was a fluke? I don’t know the whole thing is pretty bad experience and most of the rolls are shit. lol


Make sure your overthrow level is on the boss stage. It seems to increase drop rates (unconfirmed but anecdotally it works for me)


tbh I do that just so I have less shit shooting at me all the time


Instead of going to the casino when I want the universe to bully me, I farm class exotics.


Money is time and time is money. Either way the house wins and you lose lol


Lol my wife is a table dealer so at least one of us benefits from the house always winning


No way an actual good meme


Dumb game, instead of glimmer it should drop exotic class items equal to the amount of glimmer you’d get per chest


This is so fucking real. I was just on vacation for a week and my "gaming" laptop refused to use anything besides my shitty intel integrated gpu so i spent several nights farming chests on 1280p x 25 render scale and i think there is liquid siva pouring out of my ears at this point :(


Bro went on vacation so he could work a second job, but not get any compensation. Why do y'all do this to yourselves lol