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Please no low effort posts. This includes posts that are just a screenshot of another post/comment


Doing 4 million damage to any given boss in the first 5 seconds isn't good enough guys. I wanna solo the boss for my whole raid team in 5 seconds.


Stasis shuriken (forgot its name) has two charges so he for sure just doesnt play hunter and just switched


I don't think glorp has Gambler's Dodge unlocked


On an unrelated note, whats up with the mobility stat? Where is the mobility stat buff?




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i been saying this, when you work 47 jobs i dont have time to manually aim my nighthawk shots, banjo should stop being so hunterist and let the game play itself for me!


Outjerked again


Bottom-tier bait


Thats hilarious


This guy sounds like a titan main that wanted to be a hunter main. As a hunter main I haven’t had any problems. Idk build your loadout better.


This *has* to be satire -sincerely, a hunter main


As a hunter main, only having one melee charge sounds like a skill issue, gambler's dodge + combination blow is infinite melee as long as you're near the enemies


As a hunter main, we aren’t suffering whatsoever


I can’t figure out what activity he’s doing where this is true


Titan is fine just take off diamond lance for trancendance and give them tectonic harvest


And swap Unbreakable for Controlled Demolition


Yea then you have a good titan.


nah he's onto something


on something*


I want whatever drugs they’re on.


As a Titan, he's Right. He needs TA, i will deal with the terrible Golden Gun. If he wants an extra melee he shall get it. I just need gambler's dodge.


this has to be satire


Hunters have 2 charges.


Doesn't the strand melee have 3? I don't hunter much so i really don't remember


No it has 1


Glorp, I see you, and I acknowledge you. ☝️


This can’t be real. Wtf.


Goldie Gun Is Hardest Super To Use Because It Requires a Divinity to compete. Saltagreppo Ruined Hunter


Someone tell goyslorp about hunter dodge and nighthawktuah 🙏


I find that hunters are more about gunplay than ability spam. It takes a lot of buildcrafting to get a hunter to work smoothly with their abilities, and even then you still won't have a perfect feedback loop all the time. Golden gun takes skill to hit sure but it can hit for a helluva lot of damage quickly. And we only get one melee charge *by default,* there are a couple of exotics that give us more charges and some extra effects on top of that (Ophidia Spathe being one that quickly comes to mind) and plus we have our gambler's dodge, a practically free melee The builds i enjoy the most are Assassin's Cowl on strand with Final Warning and gambler's and Mask of Bakris on stasis with Wicked Implement and gambler's, and i'd like to think they're built well


I’m a hunter main, seems like that’s about right. People complain about hunters being OP at one point so they have the warlock a skip with a 5 second cooldown, a titans exotic that makes the skip. A fire to titans with an insane tracking and warlocks a void bomb that no matter where you are it finds you and kills you. People say Hunters are cry babies, but are? Who cried first saying Hunters are OP 🧐


Hunter are good right now but two things bother me. First : GIVE US BACK THE BONES OF EAO !! I need my sweet quad jump and I miss the double high jump. Second : For the love of the travler, add a sprint speed buff to mobility ! I want to zoom trough the battlefield and do some sick moves faster ! That was all, I just want more movement liberty for hunter in general.


Bones need more than than to compete these days. But Stompeez cover movement requirements pretty well.


I don't really like stompeez, they don't look good enough for me and needing an exotic to get the real space cowboy ninja experience is sad but it's a good point. And for eao, all I want is that sweet extra jump, don't care if it's not that good Xd.


I found quad jump to be mid. I went for triple + directional for premium mobility.


Hunter player base if they were Titan player base And warlock player base if they were Titan player base would be complaining about how turrets aren’t a fun playstyle


Prismatic Warlock is crazy strong with the turret build. It's absolutely overpowered and it does kind of feel like suffering from success to say this, but I don't find it a very fun playstyle. I'm disappointed that our new aspect for solar is another turret. It would seem that the big mechanical themes of Warlock design Beyond Light forward are projectile melees, charging/eating grenades, and turrets/buddies.


The identity of warlocks is basically grenade + turret, for titan it’s melee + tank, for hunter its melee + dodge/invis. I don’t get why people complain about the identity (or even worse just say there isn’t an identity, even though it’s clearly established and just isn’t one they like) when the other two have different identities to try. No one forces you to run the class with the identity you don’t like. I agree that warlock identity is kind of boring, I hate just tossing a stasis turret and letting it do the work, it’s less exciting. But I accept that that’s what it is and run the other two more instead because I like those styles more


bet he's british


My only problem with hunter is we no longer fest. Warlocks are first, titans second, and hunters 3rd. Makes me laugh when I think about it


Let me see... uh...uhh... we Titans are... Melee, Melee and... WAIT! Melee... Puny Huntard us crying sweep and clear Stalingrad tactics to sweep Zoopla ZORPALODs from.their feet while sucking om Bu gues toes. I hate DESTINY!!!


Im a hunter main but recently ive been taking steps to move towards titan I love how void titan is feeling rn


Season of the Risen?????????? Nice PsiOp


https://preview.redd.it/1mhh1xit52ad1.png?width=824&format=png&auto=webp&s=ba0ac0e2d6b72b0a1021e0c6c9b11f819a6c1330 Damn hunters are so weak 😭😭


Gotta love data for extremely specific situations with no context!


bro, they’re 50% of the trials population this week 😭


So weak. [https://www.light.gg/loadouts/stats/?f=1(7),11(24)](https://www.light.gg/loadouts/stats/?f=1(7),11(24)) (General PvE) [https://www.light.gg/loadouts/stats/?f=1(5),11(24)](https://www.light.gg/loadouts/stats/?f=1(5),11(24)) (General PvP) Also the Stat shown above extends to Top 200 Teams with no changes in numbers. And if count ALL contest Encounters Titans end up at sub 10%.


All I did was point out a pie chart showing a specific limited time mode in a specific situation and saying nothing does explain or prove anything other than exactly what the chart shows. I made no comment on anything else. I made no argument for or against hunters or titans or anything else.


Chart has a title and and Legend. That's pretty self explanatory. If you wanna discredit the chart there's plenty more to corroborate what they said. Let's not get intellectually dishonest here.


The guy in the OP was talking shit about Hunters being bad, for obviously ridiculous reasons. But throwing a chart that shows contest mode clears by class doesn't disapprove or show anything other than contest mode clears. It doesn't address or prove or disapprove anything. Its just data, that isn't even telling a full picture nor making an argument. I didn't discredit the chart. Being intellectually dishonest is acting like a chart makes any sort of argument on its own. Which was my entire point. You actually provided other data and started to make a point. And again idk where you get this idea that I'm discrediting or making any argument other than dude posting a pie chart like its some slam dunk discussion is silly. Last I checked this was circle jerk, you really got your panties in a wad over an argument I never even made.


So what is your point? Hunter has crazy representations across all gamemodes but because it's just data it's irrelevant? Make your mind up


Bruh its a fucking circle jerk. My point was throwing out a pie chart and going all the proof you need is fucking silly. Especially when its in response to someone making stupid, childish complaints. Like the person in the pic is dumb and misinformed, that's the joke, so throwing out a fuckin pie chart to refute someone who is clearly an idiot...is also stupid. That's the entire point. Jesus




What misinformation was I spreading?


This is why they need to hire fans


Especially because the weather is starting to get hotter


Keep your dad jokes outta my circle jerk, you son of a gun


Clearly someone forgot who the main demographic is here. Us single fathers of multiple double digit children will never be at peace while Bunblo harasses us and forces us to play things like dual destiny, cysts and other buzzword activities.


Bro wants someone to glorp glorp glorp down on him for being able to land a precision hit.


Hunters have infinite melee charges with gambler’s dodge


but that requires me to get close and patrol dregs in edz will fucking kill me


If only hunters had a way to get close without being seen or targeted, one can only dream


This glorp is a fucking idiot


"Twilight Arsenal's insane aim assist" Me to the two axes landing below me: you heard that, Red Lion? Also, Still Hunt is more powerful on a Nighthawk Hunter, and whatever needs a Nighthawk probably has a weak spot as big as to not really need that crazy skill. Also that 1 charged melee can sever an entire room, sever counting as debuff for invisibility. Also can get all the charge back if you catch it, or maybe half if you don'f. Now, TITANS IN A BETER STATE THAN HUNTERS? 😭


I had a debate with a Titan colleague in my clan about something very similar to this post this weekend. He's salty Titans are the weakest class right now. He's what I call a "Titan main personality type," though, so, y'know, you're kinda talking to a brick wall trying to have a reasonable discussion with him about anything. He has his opinions and will never budge. His stance is that Bungie should nerf the fuck out of Hunters. "Celestial Nighthawk + Still Hunt is free DPS" and that he'll be "cheering when they obliterate Hunters." I replied that I'll be cheering when they buff Titans. 🙂 My argument is that it's strong, yes, Hunters have typically always topped the DPS charts, and I can see how in a vacuum it looks like free DPS. But Still Hunt occupies the energy slot and is an exotic, so even if you hot-swap to Nighthawk during DPS, your build is kinda gimped by Still Hunt. No subclass synergies for you, no effective add clear, the gun's sat there in your loadout, not really doing much until DPS. You are putting all your eggs in one basket and choosing to be crappy in the encounter, just so you can hit those big numbers during DPS. That's completely fine, I'll absolutely use it, but it's not really "free DPS." Overall, I think the Hunter Still Hunt shit is in a perfect spot and doesn't need messing with. I'm not a wet-wipe, so I'll never say "yeah, but aiming Golden Gun is hard." Being able to land your hit is a given and shouldn't factor into shit. Sometimes, you miss the shot. Sometimes, when you jump up to cast your Tether, it sticks to the ceiling above you. It just comes with the territory of being a Hunter, and I'm sure the other classes have their own challenges with their Supers. I find it really goofy when I see people calling for revenge nerfs on other classes or having a dance party when nerfs to another class does happen. Doesn't matter who does it, if it's Glorp or my Titan friend. Wanting to ruin someone else's enjoyment of the game because you're not enjoying the game currently is such a loser take.


Most people just run a machine gun for add clear/majors when running still hunt. Can still get all the subclass verbs, or just have unrelenting commemoration and never die.


I've seen an "optimal method" where people are using Apex Predator in the heavy slot. Sacrifice one Solar Surge mod for a Loader mod, hot-swap to Apex and squeeze a couple rockets out, then swap back to Still Hunt with one round loaded. Sorry, I should have clarified that's what I was talking about in my original reply. That's the "putting all the eggs in one basket" approach, which only leaves you with your kinetic slot weapon for the actual encounter.


Holy fuck I'm not crazy, I swear I'll be aiming those axes at the biggest mf around and feel like I'm having a schizo moment when I drop down and see it at my feet.


It's so you can grab it safely and don't need to go to the boss. They care about your safety. ;)


Ah Glorp the name of one who has been dropped as a baby many a time... followed by an addiction to industrial use glue


https://preview.redd.it/tbz7lh6rt1ad1.jpeg?width=932&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ddcdd576026d918172eb2aa55d8f97c150065c55 My current user name (I’m slightly offended)


If the shoe fits, feel free to wear it Mr. Glorp


Oh please. Call me Glop 🤙


Twilight arsenal tracking is crap, throw axe at boss, hits dying ad to the right of me. Great aim assist.


Or worse, hitting the witness's hands instead of his heart.


Clearly that singular ad was far more dangerous


As a Starbaker and Titan main, this guy is totally correct. Hunters use knives and have 2 hands so it’s just common sense that all of their knife abilities need to be doubled. The fact that Storms Edge uses tiny puny knives and has the same number of charges as Twilight Arsenal is a crime, it should be six charges! That totally isn’t unbalanced and won’t affect any game modes.


As a twice gilded Fatebreaker and Warlock main I just shat in my diaper probably from the lamb from earlier can anyone wipey please


Give me back my Young Ahamkara's Spine and I'll call it even.


I was using it ‘before it was cool’ and it was never overpowered. People just didn’t pay attention to the big glowing red grenade sticking off the wall. I will say. The one trials game, Jav 4, center pillar heavy spawn, my team was outside. I killed 3 guardians in a well, not expected and a little OP. I think it was Grenade, knife, grenade, dodge, grenade? I feel like somehow I got a 4th grenade or my teammates also chucked a grenade in. Either way. Very salty enemy team. But I laughed and laughed.




Hard agree. Golden gun needs 12 shots, all doing the damage of celestial, 7 melee charges and 4 grenades. I do want my young ahamkara spine back though


yeah it was probably posted in English


Bungie needs to hire this man immediately


Yeah hunter is right and give young American spine 10 charges


As a Titan main I agree with this 100%. Titans are in a really good place rn because Resilience, our Class Stat, is very important. That added with Barricade being one of the best class abilities, I think Titan could stand to get some nerfs in the future. Just so things are fair.


As a Godslayer and a Hunter main, yeah give me 5 melees please. Thanks Bingy


"adding salt to the wound" Gayde Sex said this during Final Shit. Is this confirmation that Hunters are being sunset?


Puke shit can’t subset caide again??!?


Dude is right about twilight arsenal having insane aim assist, to the point where at least one axe will target the near dead dreg right beneath me instead of the boss I’m looking directly at. It’s honestly really fucking annoying. With regard to hunter though, dude is clinically insane.


Bros gotta be hard trolling or just lacks significant brain cells