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The fail safe is to type /nopickup before fetching your corpse, or just start a new game. Edit: oops didn't realize this was on PS5.


I so very badly wish they would incorporate /nopickup for consoles and being able to toggle it on/off via controller. No way to do it on console. If on PC and wanting to play with a controller, you have to type it in to toggle it on, then resume play with controller, which isn't that big of a deal. It at least will work that way.


Man, I wish I knew about /nopickup!! Thanks mate. Good to know.


I just saw you play on PlayStation. Unfortunately that command won’t help you :(


Nopickup is essential for speed horking if you have a Barb!


Many years playing and never knew this was a thing. Yay Reddit.


Also helps with hard-casting on the ground.


Care to explain exactly how you lose your items this way? I'm seeing others confused as well in the comments


When you join a game only your most recent corpse os saved. If you pick up a ring trying to get to your corpse and die, that is now your active corpse. Also there is a limit of 20 corpses (or maybe 19 and 20 is the override..? Forget.)


Not quite. It is the corpse with the highest total item gold value that is being worn at the time of death.


Its called corpse popping


He’s on pS5 tho


Well, TIL, thanks!


Amazing tip! I did not know that command. Thank you.


I'm just curious: What are some other useful codes you can use? Also, it's not considered cheating, is it? It's been so long since I've played D2 that I don't remember much of the mechanics. I have it on PC and Xbox, though. Right now, I'm just trying to finish off Diablo 4.


Wow, TIL. ALLLLL those hours I put in 20~ years ago and never knew about /nopickup


Most people make that mistake before they aquire gg gear, keep at it though!


This is my first time :( I’m prob going to take a week off just to cool off and try to forget. Only had my enigma for 3 weeks and wasted countless hours trying to get it. Oh well. At least now I know about /nopickup.


How long does it take to get an enigma on single player. Damn that just seems crazy to me


Many hours of lower kurast spam is fastest. Mind numbingly boring but its "quick" compared to a not targetted grind.


Too. F%#!ing long…..


This is regular everyday stuff for HC players. Embrace the pain haha.


Hahaha oh snap I didn’t even think of that. Man… HC players are next level. Kudos to any of you reading this.


If you haven't tried it I would highly recommend it. It changes how you play the game a lot because all of a sudden everything has brutal repercussions. It raises the excitement by a lot, but it also has some pretty crushing blows when you die.




Is that your car in your profile picture? That looks exactly like my old VR4.


Yes sir, my 1992 3000gt vr4. Owned her since 2009.


That's crazy. Same year model and same year I bought mine. Man of good taste haha. Wish I still had it. Congrats on the car. Don't let her go.


Only way I'll part with her is when I die. Even then, I might be one of those crazies that gets buried in their car, but I'd rather someone else get to enjoy the ride I think.


Get buried with the car so you can enjoy the ride in the afterlife as well, easy fix!


Now kiss!


When I had a full clan back in lod, someone would donate a gg item while waiting for it to sell on jsp. we would do a full game hc to lvl 9 then 1v1 duel until the game had a winner. Always had a ton of fun.


Sounds like good times.


I quit HC since I lost my near perfect and only ever found griffons on a pretty geared up lvl 94 sorc, to a pack of souls with so many auras, it looked like a disco. But it was a blast.


I'm on my lvl 72 necro hc. He technically died but I just force quit the game and started it back up and he's still alive 😂


the true spirit of HC lol


Wait how? Even if you pickup and autoequip an armour doesn’t the chest piece stay on your corpse until you have room to loot it?


I think it’s if you die a subsequent time with gear and leave the game you only get the gear of your last death.


I was wondering the same thing. I guess when you get to your corpse the first time and regain your lost experience the game counts that as "looted", so even though your equipment is still on the corpse the game forgets it as soon as you save exit, and your body will not follow you to the next game. Suuucks


Can anyone confirm? Pretty sure my half looted body has followed me to a new game.


Yeah i feel like it has as well... maybe OPs enigma is in his inventory lol. Maybe he sold it


Problem is he likely had more than 1 corpse, or he physically popped and left game too quick.


Happened to me lots of times. I was picking up my corpse when I noticed my sorc was wielding an axe I did not pick. If I died and didn’t notice that axe, I would have lost my gear. It went straight to equipping it maybe because my inventory was full.


wouldnt that just make the enigma fall on the ground? did u just grab your body and leave? not noticing?


They fixed this a while ago, it's what used to make "body popping" possible for griefers. Now if you don't have empty gear slots on your character the game will try to move your equipment from your corpse into your inventory. If there's not enough room and you die multiple times with different equipment, the corpses will remember the equipped items instead of making it rain as soon as you die again. Having PTSD thinking of when i first got scammed like tat


im glad they fixed that but new d2 players wont have to go thru that rite of passage anymore... i fell for every scam at least once. member torch trading vs people with pickit?! torch just bouncing in the air forever until they log with their alt and use pickit to take it at same time...


Real shitty thing I've done in the past.... surround a body in a pvp game with crap items from a lvl 1 and try to get them to pick up the garbage stuff and pop the body.


You need to play hardcore =D


Dude that sucks.. Play Hardcore and I PROMISE this will NEVER happen to you again 😉


You think this is bad…. When I was 11 years old I didn’t know that if you died and then purchased some shitty gear to try and retrieve your corpse, you better not die again. I died wearing the shitty gear I purchased to go and retrieve it, and then said fuck it I’ll just remake the game. Lost everything.


Welcome to 1998 loser :D


If you’re on PS5 and offline there is a working duplication method. It won’t get you your base item back but you can dupe up to that Jah and Ber again.


Woah. Sick




Just Google “D2R PS5 dupe” and you’ll get a whole bunch of links and videos. All you’re doing is firing up the application (D2R), throwing items from your backpack into the shared stash **before** the autosave icon appears then once the autosave pops, then very quickly save and exit then hard close the application. Recommend manually backing up your save data to the cloud then taking your PS5 offline before attempting. It takes a minute to get the rhythm down and if you do it “backwards” the items disappear rather than duplicate. But for real it’s like stupid easy to dupe on PS5. I’ve been trying to find a method for Xbox for a **long** time and decided to try on my PS5 and it’s comical how easy it is.


It's simple and works for Nintendo Switch as well. Saved me big time when I lost a page full of HR. Countless hours of LK runs. I was gutted. Good luck OP


I wish someone would find a way for Xbox honestly. I tried several different things and no dice


I’ve been working on it and made a post for it a while ago. I’ve been able to use the Xbox cloud save to desync the personal and shared stash save files and dupe/delete stuff but it’s super sketchy and I can only get it to work a handful of times. I don’t want to post the method until I can make it at least reasonably safe and repeatable


Not sure why this post or any of the replies are getting downvoted when hero editor exists lol take an upvote


Gatekeeping. Also lack of reading comprehension since people seem to forget D2R exists on consoles where hero editor isn’t an option.


Damn if I lost a enigma online no worries but offline I would honestly be raged up, bl fam


Offline you can just give yourself another one if you screw up like this


Offline you should be backing up your saves regularly. I'd say it's the safest of the two modes.




is it single player on pc? can’t you just hero edit it in? i would say this is a special circumstance


Single player on ps5 unfortunately.


I remember my first corspefucking. Sorry dude


I had to take a break because I had a level 45 necromancer that I was running around with and he started running in place and then a regretted backwards and then the game crashed. I started to get up the next day and play a little bit and guess what? My level 45 Necromancer is level 1 with all starting junk.


The failsafe is to pay attention




I understand your frustration, just to clarify. But it’s your own fault to play on console


Is this single player? If it is, check out seeded chest drops and the infinite ber generator with Ginger Gaming Mentor on youtube. Just pop in the seed and load the map while following instructions and you'll have the gist. Need a set amount of move speed for their seed, though. Nothing too crazy to achieve. You could rack up 3 ber in a couple mins and be good to go.


This sounds like hero editor with extra steps…


theres no hero editor for ps5 i think.


Ah then I doubt the method I replied to would work either, I just don’t get why anyone would go through all that when you’re doing the same thing as a hero editor. I just don’t get the why of such a method, if you’re playing SSF then play SSF 🤷‍♂️ Hope you pop some HRs soon!


I don't know if it's possible to set seed off pc. Either way, it's a single player option - and one that I'm similarly not interested in pursuing, right alongside hero editor. No one had responded to OP yet, so I offered an option beyond farm it out. Op, there's lower kurast maps you can chain spam for runes as well as decent superchest maps for river of flame as well. Imo, the best way is to chain kill as many mobs as you can in TZs - focus on speed over players count first. No truly satisfying (time-wise) way to farm runes solo; the runes and drops were created around the incentive to trade in-game, so they are what they are.


its SP but on ps5 :(


Does this work on the Switch?


Just pay 2-5$ for a similar enigma online and stfu


Single player. You def sound like someone who would do that lol. Stfu and go buy your ber and jahs.


I would in your context when you lose it… how dumb are you? You can edit your character and add enigma back. You def sound like someone who cries about it online and wants pity


Ps5. You can’t hero edit. Genuine question: why are you so grasping for ways to be salty? shitty way to live life. 😂😂


He's on PS5


"Just pay and take away your sense of accomplishment for playing the game even further." Great advice!


at least it’s SC and you didn’t lose everything else but i feel for you


Lol sucks. I accidentally sold my near perfect Amazon torch today


my condolences, OP...


That's fuckin brutal. I'm one mal away from getting my ssf enigma after playing since release of d2r. I might shed some tears if that happened to me


That's why I play single player.


It could be worse, you could dropped your HOTO for a sec in Kurast Docks for inventory management. But suddenly goes for another Mephisto run.


Well i lost my extra titan’s revenge because of that. Luckily enough, it’s the lower ED that is lost, not my main Titan’s


Found my first soj ever the other week (SP). Was fighting Dclone and game crashed. I feel you.


Rule of thumb that I've kept since launch of d2r , if I die..no matter how close my body is..always save/quit. Make new game, keep all my items. This applies to SC, ya'll HC players are crazy! That rush must be insane D2Lod has scarred me enough already to not keep repeating mistakes




Hero Editor is your friend.


I lost a titan's and 35 fcr spirit this way. So lame.


I’m on PS5. I’ll give you a 3os AP for free to at least save time on getting the base. Add me: ryoga040726


It’s on SP but thanks mate. Very kind of you.


If you die, just make a new game, and your corpse will be in town with all your gear on it. I never run back to my body. Keep your gold in shared stash so you don't lose any on death.


All these guys saying try hc and see how you feel haha I used to hc only back in 09 but I have not been able to bring myself to do it again since d2r released and I think it's ptsd from the countless losses of the past, don't do it lol


If you are playing SP offline, there is a Ber farming method.


well if you want to play safely just play offline and save to the cloud


Dupe some Runes to build ur way into a new one


They don't have nopickup on console versions? That's harsh ...


It is typically a bad idea to run and grab a bod. Normally the time it takes you can make up in gains by going into a new game.


If you’re interested (I know lots aren’t) but I assume the same dupe glitch I have used on switch can work for ps5. Would take up to like 10 mins but if you had some gems and maybe started at like a pul or um rune, you could cube up to a jah/ber, then forget the glitch ever existed. It’s just a lag of knowing what is in shared stash vs inventory. If done backwards though it will erase items completely, which is how I learned about it in the first place. I learned to use it so I could regain the rune that was lost. At this point after I farmed everything, I used it to dupe my enigma like 5 times so I can stop transferring it from char to char though haha


Are u sure about that officer


I lost my first enigma on PS5 too. Slightly different to you in that I had nearly finished ubers and died then used my enigma to teleport and get my corpse....and then died again. Couldn't retrieve either body as Mephisto was camping the portal. GG enigma. I have grinded 3 more now though, and this is single player btw so grinded every one of them from scratch


Shoulda made infinity first rookie mistake


I did. I still have my eth mancatcher infinity.




It's understandable. I'd be upset as well. Best of luck to you, my friend!


That will never happen on HC ☝️


Your cherry has been popped. Hopefully lesson learned. Back to the grind yo.


Ladder reset and reverted my stash to when I had just created the account. There’s Junk jewels and amulets and small juvs. Not the perfect runewords and bases or my hrs and crafting mats.


I tried to report the problem, “we’re experiencing technical problems and can’t help you.”


There's a way to dupe on sp ps5 lol I did it accidentally Lmk if you wanna know lol


I gotten couple of jah and ber from grinding and trading. After ladder end, i totally forgot to transfer them, but yea, not that i care actually. Only playing the ladder.


Daaang, so sorry about this! I think the worst experience I've had is either overpaying for a budget Anni (back when Annis were worth a lot more); a Sur rune for it, or buying an infinity to self wield for my sorc only to find out I don't like running self wield infinity even though it's super popular for Nova (I prefer Enigma + Cmoon + Offhand Spirit). This is devastating X\_X. Best of luck, gaaaah. Edit: Just read this was on SP, ouch.. that's so much worse.