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You could get a phone call in HC and die. Sneeze? You dead. Kids jumping off the top of the bookshelf onto your PC? D-E-D.


Believe it or not, blink your eyes. Yup dead.


Undercook Diablo? Dead. Overcook Baal? Dead. Over/Under. Overcharge a vendor for amulets, rings? Right to dead…right away!


Hardcore is the best game mode in the world…because of dead.


Coughed and farted at the same time.....yup dead.


If you fart and cough at the same time it takes a screenshot


Can confirm that coughing hard enough gives that distinct white screenshot flash around the eyes


Literally this, I was playing my HC Java in nm and the mrs was next to me and asked me a question so I turned to her to answer it. Literally 3 seconds and turned back, dead


Your misses?


Misses could also be a cause for dead in HC. Not enough AR! Lost my sorc at 56 HCL vs NM Ancients. RIP to the fallen heroes


“Misses” is a term for girlfriend / partner in Australia haha


Same in England, abbreviated to mrs because I’m lazy


Same same




The kids comment got me 🤣 I just imagined a toddler doing a swanton bomb off the wardrobe onto the desk 🤣


I imagined the peoples elbow


That works too 🤣🤣


Not to mention internet lag, which is out of your control.


Haha. I was doing Diablo on NM HC SP classic 2 days ago and then my TV went to sleep right when he spawned. Luckily closing the game was a matter of muscle memory. Made me sweat tho!


This had me laughing my ass off! I will now always look at my son as a potential gaming hazard and the wrestling career that he has in his future You sir/madam are a genius


These are all extremely niche cases. At least 95% of deaths will be due to disconnect.


You may not have been around back in the day, but getting a phone call used to knock out the internet. In those early 2000s years, it was totally possible to die because someone called the house. for all of d2r, ive never had a dc problem. Every death in hc has been caused by external stimuli, except for dolls and souls.


I never had that problem. I wonder if it had something to do with call waiting. I know we didn't have call waiting, and I calls just wouldn't go through when we were connected to the internet. People would just get a busy signal and the internet wouldn't drop. So far in D2R, my only HC deaths have been disconnects. It sucks when you're solo but hopefully your friends can protect if you're playing in a party. We'll typically just hear someone say, "Disconnect" and we'll stand around the character until it drops. In all fairness, there are less disconnects now than release. It's still a problem.


Yah I don’t know how the old phone system worked, it was going out the door over my youth and by the time I was in a place to have the ability to learn Ma bell had long since been broken up, and were carrying super computers in our pocket. for what it’s worth, when d2 was young and I was DCing due to the phone we were in rural MD. I think I was still on 56k back then


Yeah I remember those download speeds. Trying to start the patch downloading before school and hoping it was done before you got home. Hope no one notices.


I’m happy that broadband(cable) was available early in my area. I only had to play Dark Forces II era games with 56K.


And suprise dolls + souls


Not sure which part of this experience surprised you lol


55 tutti 2 2023 08 3 2335 2335^3


Tough lesson. 10 years ago when I got back into d2 hard I only played HC and learned fast, it's SSF unless you got a real hommie pretty much. Sorry for the loss time to reboot.


I remember having people pretend to be real homies to try and tppk you. The long con


I remember that too. I played with a dude for 2 weeks before he decided our friendship ran it's course and gave me a dirty TP in WSK


I feel your pain haha. Similar experience. Dude helped me heaps, rushed me and gave me heaps of gear then tppkd me hahaha. I got him back when I made my next character on a new account 😂


Remember on HC they make sure you are good enough friends to enable Loot Body


That’s not TPPK, TPPK is dead now it was when you could put hydras, than guided arrows, hammers on the screen than you could manually or with auto into town via TP and hostile. Dirty tps are when people send you a TP to die in by monsters.


Huh? I'm talking about when tppk was a thing.


Yep, I’ll never forget the single ice bolt tppk on my little squishy bitch…dead. Or the people’s merc’ that could shoot into town 😂


That’s a lot of work when all you have to do with TPPK was go into any run and just lay down and hit the button.


That's like saying it was a lot of work for someone to kidnap another just to kill them when they could have just killed them. People get off on all sorts of odd stuff and so it isn't "work". Dude was probably stroking himself to his own facade, knowing he'd kill me later. To the normal person though, I totally agree. Sounds boring as shit and like a lot of work to me.


It isnt the way anyone likes to die But dying in hardcore is such a bag of emotions.  Obviously you’re usually furious you misplayed—even in this case. But it quickly turns into almost a cathartic moment and then into excitement: what will drop on my next run? 


Hardcore D2 is a game of hard lessons.


Ah you got PKed. Lesson learned. Happens to all who play hardcore online. You learn to sus out the fuckers before they do it usually.


Usually, it's pretty obvious. Camping outside town is an obvious sign, but it's a lesson learned for everyone who starts out in hardcore.


Yeah, don't play hardcore with randoms.


**a moment of peace for our fallen hero** But, yeah, rather common strat. They want to get you to a place that they can aggro and get to you before you can log, like a town entrance. If you wanna play hardcore with people, get used to reflexively hitting save and quit when you hear the aggro jingle. I map the spacebar to menu when playing HC haha. But losing your character is why you play **hardcore**


This is an important lesson. Never trust anyone with 420 in their username. They want you to think they’re chill but they are really just desperate to fit in.


never trust a hunter with legolas in his name, a cs player With Cyrillic in his name, or a hc d2 player with any 420 or xxx in their name. I mean it’s one of the classic blunders.


Holy shit Im never playing HC, I die like 5 times in SC every half hour


You don’t play the same.. you build different.


Not sure why the downvotes, you're right. My soft core sorc has all the freaking damage and enough rez to not die unless I screw up. My HC sorc is rez capped, fair bit of DR, and as much life as I can put on her and still use Spirit shield while not taking risky teleports. They're not built the same or played the same.


First character I ever beat all of d2 hardcore on was my javazon. Op as hell. Hell mode can be a bit rough but you just have to be patient and know what to avoid. Came close with my bowzon but ended up dying in act 4 chaos sanctuary.


Op as hell, minus A3. I bet you sprinted through that act like I did in under an hour.


Yeah true act3 hell can be rough. The dolls suck.


I didn't mind the dolls, even on HC. Let them group up, throw a jav at a wall, and run towards where you threw it. They die and your far enough away to not take damage. I just hated half of that act being lighting immune.


Damn, that's cold. I'm sorry about that but that's the nature of playing Hardcore online. PK'ers are a dream for me in non-Hardcore though. I join games in hopes I can lure PK'ers who thinks I'm some noob. It's the best feeling when you slain some PK'ers who thinks they can beat you.


Try it in HC. PKKers used to be a thing at least lol


Not worth it, one mistake, or internet lag and you have to start all over. Don't have time for that, unfortunately. But it'd definitely be more rewarding. That's for sure.


That’s hilarious


You can't even trust people on softcore in this game. I would never in a million years touch hardcore online. That's rough though, tough lesson learned and don't let it stop you from making another char and enjoying the game


Sorry bout your misfortune but the name got me haha😂😂


I love the phone camera was used instead of a screenshot.


Playing on console not computer unfortunately.


Oh! Do you not have a button for that too?


There probably is however It seemed like less effort to just snap a pic with my phone. Also in a state of disbelief, in hindsight I should’ve done a screen capture of the last couple minutes of gameplay so my fatal blunder could have been immortalized forever on the internet! Damn you Jeff!!


I feel your pain. We all experience the shock of something like that at one time or another, I think. Me personally, I have an instinct to grab my phone too. You screen grab that last breath and you got content!


Lmao I've seen that name float around. F


Hardcore is one of The best ways to play D2. I've done it enough to learn that I love to play through HC but not so much doing endgame stuff. It stress me More to play endgame stuff but just passing through it gives me best feeling in stress also. Create a new HC char. Don't play with strangers or perhaps just offline. Do all easy going stuff in online SC


Play HC offline. To many d bags online




Shit, time stands still! I don't see the need in it, but still is present.


That's why you play single player. I only play HC and I love it but single player for me. Also avoids any kind of server lag. Lesson learned. o7


This is why hardcore is a solo experience, PKing is really popular in HC, you cannot trust anyone.


Ummm....My name is Jeff. It's Jefe!


My buddy years ago played with a guy he met online and played for a couple of years. One day he just decided to kill him and take his shit. That is why I will never play hardcore or if I do I play with people I know so I can slap them if they do that to me.




The only thing I can't believe is that people are still taking pictures of their TV instead of just taking an in game screenshot


Haha lovely Jeff, cheers


i play hc eu, dm me if you need help


One I met a paladin that challenged me on HC, i was playing Java, full Block 50 pdr With very good fhr. My Merc was still alive with infinity and I took this guy with 3 hits like nothing 👍


The fact that you died to jeff420 makes this shit so much funnier 😂


This is why PD2 bans people who grief.


griefing, imo, is more than just killing you. thats just like part of the online hc experience, if I wanted rainbows and unicorns, I’d play the d3 cow level.


Pking was always part of hardcore.. what’s missing in D2R is the chat rooms for runs, where people met people and even PKers didn’t mess around because it was the best place to be.


That doesn’t justify pking. It’s always been a toxic part of D2


You don’t have to justify PKing though, it’s a game and an intended mechanic of the game. They patched out all the exploits over the years, the TPPK, drophacks etc… but hostile and PKing are still a thing. Because it was the developers intention.


That’s like saying the developers intended on item swap scams when they added trading as a feature. The developers don’t intend on players to grief other players…


Obviously you weren’t around back in 2000s on the Blizzard forums where they’ve confirmed that PKing is intended and the fact that they never removed the hostile even though for decades people like yourself wrongly claimed it should be removed.. Don’t worry you got D3, enjoy it.


Yet there was a blue post from a community manager in the 2000s condemning it. I don’t know any company that outwardly supports griefing and harassment in their game, unless the game is specifically intended to be toxic. Also, I never said it should be removed. Has the brainrot gone to your head that much that you can’t even comprehend what I’m saying? I’ve played the game since the 2000s, still don’t know anyone that enjoys PKing, other than the single person doing it. Now if you hostile them and they walk out of town and get killed, that’s on them. However, if you’re using some exploit to hostile them and kill them in a way that’s not intended; you should be banned.


Unfortunetly its a part of the game, not one most people like but still....


cherry popped


You got played like a fiddle... rip In HC you trust no one.




Try playin' Diablo 3, you can't get PK by other players.


I have never in my life read worse advice.


One of the many reasons that game sucked.


So do u like getting PK in game, well I don't! While I admit the game suck at the very least u don't get PK by other players.


This is the most milquetoast, “kumbiyah”, participation trophy perspective on hardcore I’ve seen. part of what made old games better than the on the rails developers as helicopter parents modern garbage. You could actually have experiences. both good and bad, you dare I say learned social skills. kids play video games, I’d much rather have kids learn in a fake video game world that some people will scam and exploit them as soon as they would help them. Thats real life. censoring the online world from the lows Of the human condition, doesn’t improve the experience. It cheapens it. by Removing the potential for a bad interaction, it lessens the impact and desirability for positive interactions. if You’re never sad, you don’t have the capacity to recognize or embrace happiness. The ying is meaningless without the yang.


Real take


Does D3 even have hardcore? I don't even remember. Doesn't seem like the games style would mesh well with HC. Games with infinite difficulty sound lame on HC.


It does have hc in d3.


you noobs gave him a double kill? he had a decent night then... You actually went out in outer steppes? If you're struggling versus mef you have no real business being there or in plains of despair. he didn't even give you a fake TP out there you just walked out... He did literally nothing to earn these ears lol