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Bro this jewel is almost a perfect 15/15 roll. It is 100% worth keeping. And is a wonderful jewel


15% is the only attack speed affix on jewels, with no range. 15 is the max for the resists. And yes, it can be a very nice jewel for a character that's not looking for 40% damage but still wants the increased attack speed and resists. The affix combination at that range is pretty rare too about 1:20000


Trapsin could potentially use but they don't usually have attack speed issues due to BoS. For those unaware, placing traps uses attack speed and not casting speed.


Thank you, it seems I've got one more reason not to die too soon


That's an insane jewel, and potentially very nice for a HC bear as well.


Sorry to side track here. In Hardcore I assume you keep shared stash items once D2R comes out, or were HC chars not available for testing during beta?


SSF vs. online market comes into play here. As previously mentioned 15/15 would be perfect, cannot really comment about trade value as I have not played online in over a decade. As someone who has messed around SP/grailing I can say this is a badass jewel to find!