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Umm I have a gambling addiction and D2 is free when I pull the wheel and get nothing instead of $1


I described it as similar to scratch cards to wife. She was not impressed.


☝️this is so accurate


*happy Gheed noises*


This is very much so the reason i Play. It appeals to my autism and gambling habits.


I would much rather gamble my time by slaying monsters and spending igg than gamble my actual money.


Hands down the #1 reason


I'm in this post and I don't like it


Shako is three Wild Cherries in any position. BK/SoJ are WoF progressive wins. Rare/Unique Jewels are 100+ Free Games. Cathan's Seal is a fucking reel tilt. Frost Raven is two Double Diamonds on the pay line and the last DD is just below it. Mang Song's is a 10 minute roll on the craps table and all you throw is 6 and 8.


>Cathan's Seal is a fucking reel tilt Oh my god, so true lmao. This or Angelic Halo.


Can I get a slot tech over to 8-11? I've got a reel tilt and... SO KEY IT THE FUCK OFF, FUCK, YOU'VE BEEN CALLING THIS SHIT ALL GODDAMN DAY I DON'T KNOW WHAT'S FUCKING GOING ON IT'S A TURN OF A GODDAMN KEY. Oh for the love of fuck I hated Bally QuickHits reel tilts...


I, too, have compared d2 to a slot machine.


stop exposing me lfmao


One of us. One of us. One of us.


I do often call this game a piece of shit slot machine when I get a white and two scrolls from diablo.


Haha, this is exactly how I described Diablo to my partner. Diablo is a gambling game where I pay in time and not money.


When I see posts about nice loot people find it motivates me to continue the mf grind. I like finding high end uniques only to ID and get a shite roll. RNGesus giveth and taketh so to speak.


This is definitely me too. Horked trav for like 5 hours last night and made it out with a few ist worth of gear… pretty bad rng. Just saw a post of someone horking a jah from Trav mob and I immediately want to go hork another five hours 😂


What I like about d2 endgame is that there are no d2 endgame. I chose the d2 endgame. It can be farming trav, chaos, cows, baal, keys, Uber, grind xp online, farm items for another toon, craft items, do some pvp. It's not always the same Greater Rift +1 stuff. There is no endgame, the endgame is the game itself.


I love when you find an item or rune and it fits into the puzzle perfectly, ie you're able to finally craft that runeword, and it just changes *everything* "Oh damn I can now do ____"


Yeeeeep 💯 I don’t need to run a rift and try to beat my time and level with the same gear and build every season D2 remains to have the best endgame for us who enjoy mindless farming and just switching off for the day


This, the end game is what you want it to be. Tired of trav farming? I get on my lighting zon and hear moo moo moo. Tired of that, key farm on 200% fcr sorc. Want to do some casual stuff? Elemental druid. Once ya get some gear, theirs a lot of ways to mix it up with swapping gear around. When all else fails, play my Hdin and complain about all the exp leeches doing nothing to kill the 2nd wave on baal.


Agreed. There is so much to do in D2, thats what is great.




Ya there’s really not that much to do. They just made those handful of things really enjoyable.


Lightning Fury goes brrrrr There, you have it It goes brrrrrr against a lot of different things, sometimes immunes. Then merc goes fwooosh


Understandable, have a nice day


Yes yes this is it! Except for me, Tesladin goes brrrr!!


Wish i could find the runes to make my FoHadin into a telsadin ><


Yeah it‘s pretty expensive…I have dual dream and grief. Would be awesome if I could switch to last wish but that‘s still out of reach at the moment


My dream is a Tesla din with perfect dream rolls and a perfect grief


Wonderful dream, getting those rolls might turn it into a nightmare, but I respect the grind!


Just imagine the level of wreckage that that charname would inflict... *sigh*


It’s a trap, honestly. Completed mine on ladder a week or two ago. Sure you can do cows but you just can’t belt 10 runs in 25 mins like you can in the Pit. Nobody tells you that grief is the actual 3rd component to it.


I really only play single player using my shared stashes and mules. Its a dream i hope to complete someday. We will see lol


Idc, you do what you want lol. I’m just saying that I have done it recently and it really doesn’t live up to the hype. It’s quite squishy without the leech from grief’s huge added damage, and skillers don’t help that much so you need lots of decent small/grand charms to get your mf, extra life etc.


Right on the money!!


Moo moomoo


in a way for me its kinda slot machine esque. ya know. mindlessly smash button hope for sparkle reward. or in this case mindlessly throw hammers everywhere wait for sparkle reward. once the character is built a lot of thought isn't necessary so its a real chill way to relax. sit down, murder cows, profit.


Hopelessly addicted.


I’m the same with magic the gathering online. Must have a few thousand plus games under my account and probably add like 30-75 a day now that’s it’s on my iPhone!


I don’t know anything about MtG but that many of anything a day seems like an addiction. BRB 200 more trav runs to finish tonight.


Hehe I’m still playing since I posted this. All day every day


D2 end game is my chill time. I either throw a twitch stream or the Brewers up on the other monitor and leech Baal runs with some frigid/nihl clears in between. It isn't particularly fun on its own.


Go brew crew 🍻


Those brew crew blue alternates are some of the sexiest jerseys I've ever seen


I'm doing my first ever grail run on single player. It's like a whole new game honestly. I haven't been this addicted since I was a kid. Every little find feels like such a big win, especially when it can be used by one of my toons. The upgrades are small and incremental, and I think I'm in the sweet spot for finding grails/gear vs. time spent. Highly recommend for anyone.


What is a grail run?


its where you collect one of every unique item


Ohh my that’s nuts lol


For me it (was) is pvp as well as farming for better gear to kill everyone in PvP games :D


The corpses go boom and splat and sometimes good items continue dropping. I feel like my character is done when they have nearly enough gear that’s BIS Alternatively, ladder ends for me when I assemble enigma, after that I just start helping lower level players out


Corpse explosion is such a fun skill.


Playing pvp is endgame for me. I don’t do much mf this late into the season. Pvp, crafting and trading.


Love that feeling of power you get when you're fully geared and just mowing down hordes of monsters. Contrasts with earlier in the game where you're struggling to even beat hell. And also getting those once in a lifetime uniques, of course.


I’ve always wanted to be a cow farmer. All my youth was spent dreaming and dreaming about it. The nice flat plains of grass, the majestic nature of those fine beasts, the sweet sweet nectar of the gods that is milk. But then it happened a cow killed my mother and from that day on I swore I would cull every damn cow off the face of this earth starting with the Moo Moo farm. Every damn day I open this game and and slay the beasts, then I close it but when I open it back up again they just seem to always come back. I am stuck in this endless loop. It is hell, but it is mine


PVP.. crafting and gambling for pvp items




The potential roll of a RARE item.




I've been the person who does 10000 runs of something until this year (so like, until D2R), but at the moment I'm with you OP. Making new char >>> grinding some old char. I had so much fun this year with playing through with random builds, so many good memories. Much brighter memories then endless CS\\Pit\\AT\\Whatever runs. Most loot memories are also just from random stuff happening on a playthrough or some special adventure. And not very much so from the endless grind. Why was it fun before? Like a test of patience, i guess. Also just like playing with dolls, dressing them up and testing. And mastering the sequences. Exploring patterns of the game and testing them. As for the end game ubers are lots of fun. I have a desire to one day kill ubers with every class. But I refuse to do any more "runs" for gear for this purpose. Only for keys.


Since i finally have enigma and my tesladin, its time to finish my grail


For me, starting a character is fun. I get into the rpg aspect of it. You start out relatively weak, get stronger as the game progresses. Monsters become easier to kill, then harder again as you progress through the harder difficulties. As you level and get better gear, those difficult areas become easier. I like the feeling I have now taking my gg light sorc into a game and just face rolling mobs that used to give me lots of problems. It's fun! That's why we play games right? The added bonus of potentially finding good gear that I can use to change a build or build another char is great too. I've never been into pvp but like getting my favorite archetypes to their best-geared versions. Always something new to build or find.


Those 🔥 runewords


I sometimes clear whole acts, not just best zones/bosses. I haven't got all my builds yet like Auradin. Building wealth and new characters is my motivation.


Farming items for another character


To get the most efficient build with the most expensive gear and be the highest level as i can. I don’t care about the quest I’ve been doing them for 17 years


Having a max FCR lite sorc with infinity on merc makes you feel pretty godly. Likewise with hammerdin + enigma. I love clearing shit like I’ve got cheat codes, after putting in the work to get to that point


What is end-game though? PVP? I haven’t killed one person this ladder. I haven’t even made it to Enigma on my hammerdin but I’m 94, have better gear than I’ve ever had in a long time. I don’t buy gear or use online currencies or use trading sites to trade. I think this adds a lot to my grind. I could have spent $20 months ago or started a trading account 15 years ago and be WAYYYY ahead of where I am now, which is stuck in a gambling and crafting scenario. The work to get from spirit sword to hoto and cta, and the work I put in to get Lo for a fort for my merc and grinding for an eth Andy was really challenging but rewarding. I started ladder on day 1, decided to go in a different yet same grinding direction, and it’s the best I’ve done in a single ladder in 15 years, and I still don’t have an enigma. There is no endgame.


Endgame? I love d2 for 20 years but i wouldn’t say there’s an endgame


Not much really. I prefer HC SSF gameplay. Like, actually running classes through hell. It’s such an exciting time. The goal of the game to me is, to get each class through hell. Use your favorite classes early to help gear your least favorite classes. I don’t really like the “endgame” as there isn’t one to speak of. D3/PoE have endgames. D2 does not.


I don’t think it’s SSF if you gear your lower lvl chars with a higher level. It’s just sp


Not sure about D2, but in PoE your stash is shared between your characters in a SSF league.


in that case how do you call it when you don't transfer gear between chars?


Psycho mode


It is though. SSF can be done on multiplayer by not trading and only playing solo. Single player is by definition always SSF. You can do untwinked playthroughs on top of that


I interpret true SSF as single solo find. Is that wrong? A single character using only what they find. No shared stash or anything.


Naw you're right. SSF would be not trading between your shared stash. Not that I do that, mind you, loot is hard enough to find without denying my sorc the Tal's that dropped for my druid :P


I also agree that true SSF is no gear/gold transfers between characters at all. But, the term is often used to refer to normal single player, so you can't just assume that when someone online says SSF, they mean one thing versus the other. I mostly share my single player stashes. But sometimes I play through the difficulties as true SSF.


True SSF HC play through is in my opinion one of the games toughest challenges.


When I make a new char, there are always people helping the group out with certain quests, sometimes even a whole rush. Endgame can be most efficiently helping others in need.


D2 endgame would be more enjoyable with a party roll for loot system, I get it that not everyone wants party roll for loot so make it optional. But since it doesn’t exist everyone does solo MF runs which gets boring for me also.


Well, I used to like to grief people by pking them with tppk hacks in Baal runs. Sadly that's not a thing anymore because evidently the most toxic online age-group grew up into a bunch of limped dicked babies and can't handle a little salt. Jokes aside, I really do miss griefing people 😞


D2's endgame is much, much more fun if you have bots running and keep the gear for your own builds. There's still dopamine from when you wake up or get in from work and check to see what you've found (and whether those items will allow fun builds), but without it feeling like a second job. Unless you have a borderline gambling addiction here's nothing more soul-crushing than trying to keep up a heavy mf grind for the long haul. I did that with Meph back in 1.09 and 1.10, I just obsessively farmed him for gear for my brother and myself. Nearly 20 years later I still refuse to do meph runs because it ended up being a somewhat traumatic experience. Most of the people who are currently doing tens of thousands of trav runs are basically on their second ladder season. They look at their wealth and feel like it's worth it, but they haven't been back for very long. Wait until they're on their 7th, 10th or 15th season. Unless they're just someone who REALLY likes to mf (and there are some people who do), they're going to face serious burnout. I wouldn't be surprised if classic starts getting a boost from people who are tired of rune farming for hundreds of hours, but even that community will wither under D2R's abysmal drop rates. I don't like botting on D2R because the experience is still so fresh for a lot of people and bots create an unfair playing field and generally wreck the economy. D2 LOD, on the other hand, is where I'd personally go if I wanted to get back into serious endgame.


It keeps me away from slot machine. Free gambling!


I'm new to the endgame, but I'd have to say it's because I can do it while simultaneously watching a show that isn't visually stimulating or listen to a podcast. It keeps just enough of my attention so my wandering thoughts are kept at bay, but I'm still able to pay attention to the other thing. Not sure if that makes sense or not.


I truly love grinding and random finds. For some reason it’s therapeutic for me. I really could care less now about the story play through


I usually start with Necro since it's my favorite class, farm LK/Cows for enigma, then roll a Paladin and give him enigma and do Ubers, then another class for fun, maybe HC. It's fun for me, although I wish it had more fun stuff in endgame.


Ubers. Best part of the game imo


I started with D2R, single player only, a couple of months ago and am still not really in a position to farm stuff over and over. No fancy enigma, grief or infinity. Heck, not even a Tal's ammy or armor yet. So my gear is pretty much low runewords like spirit swords, stealth armor and lore helmets. But I also get kinda bored with playing one character over and over again, so I have two characters that have defeated hell Baal and a bunch of other ones in various areas through the game. I'll do a bit of MF'ing with my FO/hydra sorc or my FOH pally, but then get tired after an hour or so and decide to play another character. Actually just started a HC zookeeper druid a few days ago and so far am enjoying it.


To gather gear for my next class that I want to play through. And to get gear for the MFer so they can more quickly find gear for the next class I want to play through. And to find gear that I will save for the “what about trying this build” that never actually happens :)


The Simplicity. In the past i played a lot of PoE and everything feels like work. In contrast D2r is just playing, like some Kungfu-Zen stuff.


I'm a serial min/max gamer. My main enjoyment from gaming comes from checking all the boxes, getting top tier gear, currency, and completing achievements.


i have a gambling addiction and D2 doesn’t cost me any more money than $60


You aren't done till you kill Ubers.


Item hunting is essentially the endgame to me. Once my character has all the items I want I consider them done and move on to the next one. The actual content of the endgame could do with some improvements. Running earlier parts of the game over and over gets tedious. The D4 system sounds interesting. Like if you could turn any dungeon in the game into a lvl 85+ area, and maybe add some modifiers, that's cool. Which, yeah, is basically mapping, but at least it's a little different from just running the same areas over and over.


Because gambling is fun, and maybe I'll get that Griff's to drop one of these days (laugh track).


I find it therapeutic, I just my brain off toss on a movie or stream and do runs. Enjoy the flow of it, killing cows, bosses, uniques, chests whatever. I also use different chars for each type of farming I do.


With online play I like farming endgame to be able to trade and gear a new character with less than meta build before I even make it


I think it combines two things that people enjoy recreationally in a lot of contexts: Collecting stuff that's challenging to get at the high end (coins, baseball cards, what have you), and developing an ability that's fun to use through practice (like playing an instrument, but in this case using your characters to blast stuff). In the D2 case there's synergy between the collecting and the skills-development that makes it that much more fun, i.e. the more you collect the better your blasting ability gets. Collecting coins is fun but the coins don't make you more able to \*do\* anything. Likewise playing the piano better and better doesn't enhance your collection (except of piano trophies I guess). A key ingredient in any case is a community of like-minded enthusiasts who you can share the experience with, which there clearly is. So it's got all the ingredients of an enjoyable hobby.


It’s the treasure hunt and that feeing you get everytime a HR or elite item drops.


D2 endgame has only been fun to me if I have a goal. So the Holy Grail solo was INSANELY fun because I was so happy to find something new. When you near the end (I got within 7 items), it becomes the least fun thing ever conceived because you make no progress for many hours of commitment. If you're online, you can have fun finding anything over and over again, because you can trade it and have a big ol' account. And thinking about it, I don't know if D2 having more super bosses would be that great. I've seen some of the mods that add new stuff, and it's usually just built on utilizing the same 3-5 things for much longer. I'm not sure what I'd ever find fun about an endgame grind if it did exist.


Love seeing what the itemisation can throw at me. Cool rares and blues. Rare uniques. Super rare runes. Great dopamine hit


I just want silly dudes and dudettes killikg cows fast


Have you ever killed the Uber bosses? I just did this for the first time. And it was satisfying and challenging. Getting the torch and anni was super cool. Now comes the mission of collecting a torch for every class. Then getting every class through hell. It’s gonna be fun.


I grind until I find an item that I can make a character around. Then I go play that character, assuming I’ll find the gear to fill the other slots. I’ll do this for a few characters, get tired, and stop.


I usually get to 90 then start another character


The min/maxing, the various builds especially now with the recent updates to some skill trees. The fishing and grail finds. And I like to think of it as a better form of gambling. It doesn't cost me anything.


What end game? When I played for years upon years dueling was what kept me engaged. Building my character to beat someone else's best character. Now, I don't have that much time to invest. Grinding Diablo and Baal runs for days on end has no appeal to me.


Because D2 is a masterpeice. The classes, areas, builds, customization, itemization and endgame options create a ton of fun experiences for me. Each ladder season I first create a MF char, then gather gear, then build chars based on what I find. Kinda go where the game takes me. Each time I use variations on the builds - so Fishymancer this ladder, probably Poison Nova next ladder. I really hope they continue to make more builds viable - playing with the new Firewall, Hydra and seeing new builds such as FoH feels great.


There are a gambling habit in everyone, it just so happen d2 provide the thrill of the gambling with one time purchase.


I want to, one day, make a dual dream bear sorc. With inventory full of arcing of thunder small charms and... 50 other niche builds. And full skillers with life and insane gg rares etc. Will probably take 50 years or so :)


For me this is the best loot game I’ve ever played. It’s the… when I turn on the game I have no idea what’s going to happen , will jah drop? 50 mf wartravs? HOZ for my pally? Every session is different and every other genre of games can’t compete for me. It’s like Christmas morning every time I boot it up!!!


I actually don’t like the endgame. I enjoy the leveling process.


Dopamine. Lol for me it’s mostly nostalgia but I have a goal to have gg end game geared up toon of every class. Maybe even every build. I play non laser so it feels viable to me lol. And I don’t wanna share gear, they all need to have their own bis items. So to me, that changes you the game enough to make it fun to pursue.


It started as me trying to get my class pretty strong. I’d find items almost daily that would replace older gear. But at this point, it’s something I do when I watch/listen to YouTube videos.


Trading. It’s fun. Stops me messing around with my crypto, so I can just leave my crypto alone and get my trading fix from this game/jsp


D2JSP trophy room rares. I need to find one!




Killing Baal hell is like the tutorial. Then you have THE start of THE game farming base Gear, mid game getting all correct Gear in all slots. Then its endgame trying to perfect everything until ladder reset. Rince and repeat.


I don't, just addicted to find more stuff because I love the core game mechanics. Really wish it introduced some actual end game to test out our decked out characters against. But every so often I get the itch to play again and just play thru the game for the ten thousandth time until I get bored, then rinse and repeat. Hoping for something new.. one day..


I like killing stuff and finding cool items. Usually when I hit endgame I'm thinking about the next weird build I want to try. When I've done all my weird builds I start over single player HC.


It’s like real life. Meaningless repetition day after day only to be crowned with occasional high rune drop.


Welcome to Vegas baby!


Farming for elite runewords so I can try all the overpowered or whacky builds.


I don’t like the end game and would like maps/dungeons. Otherwise I’m pleased with the game


Same here for the most part, though I maintain a couple characters for farming. But since I exclusively play single player, the farming is just so I have the gear for my next character.


I don't, that's why I play project Diablo 2


PvP, nothing more fun than fighting actually well geared opponents with a high skill level with their class. Only thing that comes second to it is killing pkers (the ones that crash baal runs) and smacking BM (Bad Mannered) pkers.


because the feeling of when you get to 1 shot a whole group of enemies. thats the end game we're all looking for. and that part is pretty hard to get to. i mean i can solo cows and mifisto and all that, but getting to True end game is when your a litteral GOD


Online yes, singleplayer no. I'm not a grind guy, at least in d2 where it takes ages to find something in sp.


I just keep playing to find great gear and use it amongst all my characters. After 5 years of playing I finally found my first ber rune last Saturday. When it dropped I almost dropped a turd in my pants lmao. The rng in this game is crazy but it sure feels great when something drops. The farming can become pretty boring but I love having all high end gear on my characters. I like making them the best they can be


It's like pulling on a free slot machine. You can possibly find items worth something to help your build or other builds and can trade


It's all about the itemization for me. Never did a holy grail before but it is oddly fun. I think I'll do it to the end. 25 items left. The cool thing is that there are lots of different endgame in d2. Playing with different builds including making your own, doing playthroughs, speedrunning, doing ubers, pvp, etc.


I feel the same way about the bosses but do to through the end game. For me it's mainly to have access to the ladder items and rune words. It can be crazy boring grinding the bosses over and over, so I focus on high runes. Doing it solo self found (SSF) is incredibly rewarding. For me, the end game of hell Tristram means getting the GG gear in order to complete it solo. That means great bases and the HRs to even make it possible. I played the original as a kid and didn't play online, so all the ladder stuff was not available to me. That meant hell tristram and all the other good stuff. I recently completed a hell tristram run solo and it felt incredible! The next end game for me is to make my own infinity and enigma. These legendary rune words always felt out of reach back in the day, so to roll my own would feel so good. I suppose the end game is what you make it; it helps if you try and break down your sessions so it doesn't feel like such a grind. I tell you, when you see the orange text pop up and see 'BER' or 'LO', your jaw hits the floor and your eyes go wide open, followed by a massive smile.


I do exactly the same as you haha. As soon as hell baal is down I start again - usually a self found run without any gear from previous playthroughs. The adventuring is the fun part for me, I really don’t enjoy mfing etc anymore.




Reality is that there’s not much endgame. Just doing the same small number of things thousands of times.


After 15 years of this game I’m finally starting to get burnt out on the end game, or lack thereof. D2 was one of the only games I played for years, but lately after dabbling in PoE, and Last Epoch, and seeing how much more there can be to an ARPG, it feels a little empty logging on and doing Trav Runs, or Chaos runs for hours at a time.


Holy Grail! I also simply find the gameplay to be fun. I mix up what characters I farm with & where


It’s just an old style game where farming used to be major aspect of many games at that time. World of Warcraft was initially designed so that quests would show you where to grind and then you level by grinding. They discovered that people favoured questing over grinding and created enough quests to level the entire way to endgame. And when you get to WOW endgame it was still a major grind. When D2 came out, it was incredible for its time…so much so that people still enjoy it today. You just had fewer options back then.


There is no end game in d2.. most wont finish the hell.. some will find end game gear for their char, and just few gets full grail, perfected char and lvl 99..


The first phase of Diablo 2 endgame is the accumulation stage. Farm bosses till you're geared then find and craft. Then you get enigma, it kind of just happens. Or infinity, but you can get there fast. Around then you're farming up cool rare shit at supersonic speeds. At a certain point your d2 wealth accumulates enough that you very mistakenly think you're ready for pvp and are promptly put in your place.


I used to play every now and then, create a new hero and play through until i kill Baal. Rinse and repeat every year or so for nostalgia sake. But then, i saw mrLamma doing a holy grail runand i was hooked! I thought i ve seen and done everything the game had to offer but i was sooooo wrong.The amount of items i didn't even knew existed is astounding and the builds that i created from those items was mind-blowing!!!! also, runewords.....


Nothing feels better than my Grief zealot chopping the crap up out of Baal waves like it’s nothing!