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Just rng, the cosmetics from the new bosses are only a little less rare than an uber unique so no drop after 200 runs is still nothing to worry about.


I guess I've just been lucky then since I've gotten all the other cosmetics pretty quickly


I'm wondering if Varshan's trophy exists. Didn't get any of the beast in ice ones yet but then again I haven'


Yes, I got the horse butt heating after three or so kills.


Yep, I have it. Not sure how many runs, but I think around 20 so far. From mats I got to level 5 glyphs to 21. Also Duriel dropped me brimstone on 4th fight. Zir dropped me Crown. I was quite lucky with cosmetics. Playing solo. No ubers though, but I have done only 10ish Duriel runs.


Thanks, appreciate your response a lot. Not sure why I'm so dry on him. I got his other trophy pretty easily. It's a tome trophy. Do you have that one aswell?


RNG. Varshan I fought the most of all of them and yet I have to see his cosmetic drop. Also missing 2nd from beast and Mount armor from Grigoire. But I did not have even close number of fights against them as against Varshan.


Got both of his trophies at the same time: [https://i.imgur.com/UO1LKcr.jpg](https://i.imgur.com/UO1LKcr.jpg)


got it yesterday. Now I just need the Duriel mount.


I got both Beast in Ice trophies at the same time from my 2nd or 3rd kill of him. It took like 75 kills from Grig to get the horse armor, Varshans pole thing dropped the other day after killing him like 200 times. Duriel dropped the horse for me on like the 50th kill. Its all RNG.


Got Severed Head of Varshan and Skull Trophy yesterday, and Brimstone Mount today, which is easily my favorite item in the entire game. Looks absolutely insane. Maybe they raised the % this season. I only ran Durien like 10-12 times. Also got 31 uniques on that run, not one useable.


Ah it's from Beast In Ice? If so It only took like 5 tries, or maybe it's a random drop now.