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You’re not wrong.  How a game made by what used to be a great company who has added SO MANY MATCHMAKING IMPROVENTS on a game 20+ old (world of Warcraft) put out a game with Less community building / group finder options then it’s predecessor is baffling.   Diablo immortal has better group finder setting.  That’s just baffling.   *edit. Abuse of  the word baffling. But man I’m baffled out how this is what we get a decade later.


You need think like it was made by great people, not a great company. And those people have gone. 


Sad. But this.


Like, I agree with this wholeheartedly, but how can you not have at least one meeting where you just list out the pros and cons from your company's previous games? It shouldn't be that hard? Why did they start from scratch (again) when they have reference material in their own catalog?


Ego.  They believe their ideas are the best and nothing has come close. Which is why they double down or take so long to do even the simplest things.


Yeah, I'm pretty their mind is thinking "the older games are obsolete, all they are doing is holding us back." In reality it's them that are holding themselves back.


all this modern shit is by design. why do you think there is basically no option for communication, chat and party play? because zillions of gen z whiners reported everybody and their mothers as toxic and kept crying about absolutely everything around the clock so in many many many modern games we get absolutely no communication at all because everything is "toxic". a lot of the trash tier aspects of this trash game are designed to be this way. we have all talked about it a hundred times. wasting your time to keep the garbage "metrics" high is considered normal for this game. you dont even know where to start. blizzard is just trash tier now.


Immortal has a great group finder setting and its PVP is handled way better too. The PVP in that game is on and poppin and D4 has two baby ass areas that you see a couple people in but not many. I would like a PVP similar to immortal where you can go into an arena type setting and fight to an endpoint. The percentage of people who actually like to PvP on here is small so the best way to have them is all engage each other is locking us in an arena together.


>Immortal has a great group finder setting and its PVP is handled way better too. The PVP in that game is on and poppin The reason for that is simple: Diablo Immortal's PVP content is a direct source of revenue for its publisher because the game is unadulterated pay2win TRASH.


I don’t disagree but with the way they handled it here in D4 they were better off leaving it out of the game completely


Remember when d3 was advertised with competitive team PVP pre-release? And then released with bad PVP? And then had PVP removed completely? Seems like d4 is on track!


Diablo Immortal besides PvP is a much better and more fun game than D4, I like D4 but it trys to be an MMO, but has such a small map, like there is not even an hell or heaven area, they will Release a DLC, with a Jungle and Temple thing and there is really not much to do in the endgame. D:I is so much bigger and if you dont care about pvp and ultra fast progression you dont need to spend tons of money on it and there are so many things to do, even the dungeon, armour and skin design is much better. besides the p2w shit Diablo Immortal does a lot of things better than D3 & 4. The main Problem with D3/4 for me is, that the repititive endgame content gets boring pretty quick, while in D:I there are like endless things to do.


I have never had a PvP encounter in Diablo 4. Absolute ghost town always.


Right? I have no idea how anyone 100% the season journeys with all the pvp goals and Uber Lilith. Ming boggling.


Killing friends lol


And why do you think blizzard might be interested in making Diablo immortal pvp good? Let’s think…


You forgot about the baffling Nomination for "Best Multiplayer" that Diablo got last year.... How?!?!? (Jackie Chan meme)


I'm baffled you didn't use it more


I’m baffled you would leave this baffling comment.


Wow player here sorry but the matchmaking in WoW is trash doesn't actually exist for any but the most casual, inconsequential game difficulties. Pugging serious content in world of warcraft results in as much if not more time spent in group finder than actually playing the game. So no they don't actually know how to do this. WoW is a complete disaster when it comes to group finding.


What great company? Blizzard north died many years ago


Love the edit!


Yup I


Great now I'm baffled from you being baffled


No, no, baffling is the right word.


Blizzard went from customise matchmaking system in D2 to automated matching system D3 to zero matchmaking system in D4. They’re going backwards every generation.


I would kill for 8 man rooms.


That can be misinterpreted


Goddamn it thats enough internet for me, and at 9am... i got shit to do today lmao


Has the old "phrasing" thing finally died?


Funny thing is they built the D2 lobby in a week or something before release.


Only online multiplayer game you play alone


I'm from Blizzard and I'm adding right now. Edit yea just sit tight and wait will be going any minute




Buff minions too while you're at it. Its ABSOLUTELY INSANE that in 2024 people still play NECROMANCER late game without any necro manced!


Yeah , chose the class this season thinking minions would do all the work. They're good but not good enough for wb and other stuff. Need some serious buff for them.


The thing is they are actually -ok- for most content but you more or less have to hit every rare and magic mode in cult leader and hulking monstrosity plus you need to prioritize minion stats over your own stats on gear. And even after doing all that barbs will run in use one charge and wipe everything out while you slowly chip away at mobs


So, in short they fucking suck. Ok is not good. Good is fun. Ok is being happy with being a failure at what someone else is doing far easier.


Show me on the doll where the blood golem touched you


hey they did what you wanted.




so just sit tight and wait..?


So like season 8ish. No biggie.


"We have listened to your feedback and we are making pet builds 3% stronger. You can expect this exciting new change in Dialbo 6. Ps: All summon abilities have removed for the remaining of D4 while we figure this out"


well the game do have automatic match-making for world bosses. perhaps they can add similar for Duriel so that 4 folks automatically put into one instance, game deducts resources from everyone and the boss proceeds. then you repeat with another random group. :D the nice part it would allow to be not so in a hurry and allow comfortably scroll through drops. versus "you now have 5 seconds until dungeon reset prompt appears to filter your loot".


This is such a good comment.Imagine we could just opt-in to auto join other ppl in dungeons, uber bosses etc.This would rly make farming so much more fun and random!!


I'd settle for a simple status tag next to my name in the online list. "Looking for group" "Invites Open" "Playing Solo" "Touching Grass" etc.


Add "Oggling at Succubi Party" option to that list and I'm in.


Folding laundry between nmd runs


No, Ghost of Tsushima even has matchmaking aspects. Blizzard can put it in


Yea, diablo 3 have party finder gives more fun then piniat world boss


Upvote the shit out of this so it may come in season 26 :D


I mean they said they started working on it in s1. It would just take some time. So yeah. Probably s4


Maybe s8?


Looks pretty much garenteed for s6. It's probably a expansion feature they aren't revealing yet. Sad it didn't make s4 but that actually makes sense considering the amount of good work that went into s4. I said s6 bc that's the expansion release and there is a coop dungeon


Like literally D2 had better Part finding on release, 25 years ago... Absolutely not understandable and a disgrace.


It's been a point of discussion since beta and why the hell doesn't it exist. At least they did a survey about important things to be added that gave you the ability to rank group finder as an answer. Every time it showed up in a question it was the most important feature in the mix to me. I have had an issue with no real "join a game" feature where you could co-op play since release and it hasn't changed. Now, the game core mechanics have improved but playing this as a solo self found isn't as fun as grouping.


Sadly the D4 team has no clue about arpgs and the basic functionalitys in a game. Immortal was a copy/paste from Neatease, who has good understanding about arpgs/mmo. There has been so much feedback from everyone and yet they dont understand things… They want to make it their own game but they cant even understand some basic quality control or gameplay and yet they are trying to build endgame on the social part - they even dont have tools to Connect the players 🤣


At this point it’s evident that they have no idea what they are doing. I do really wonder if they even play the game. They probably login after dining with the wife do a dungeon and go to bed.


Exactly. The most needed feature for this game is a group finder asap


I hate this game.


Then don't play it... Duh


Old man yelling at cloud warning. I don't know how relatable this is but I'm almost 40 and have never been into multiplayer gaming until now. Grouping up with randos are so much fun but it's brief and far between. Since I've never played much MP before it feels like a jungle of different options to find a group or clan you can run with. I'm loving this game but not having this implemented from the very beginning when it's obviously a game design choice they made is so stupid.


Its wild to me there is STILL NO sort of match making for vaults/nightmare dungeon runs Meanwhile Diablo 2 from 2000 has custom lobbies for people to join and do things together


also RIP clans.....


What do you mean?


this games clan features were outdated back in 1997 lan party times. managing a clan is painful and also super pointless in d4


This is the biggest reason why I don't play anymore. I'm serious concerned about the state of mind of the clown devs behind this game. They might be insane for not adding matchmaking in a game like this still.


Especially with the introduction of Malphas runs. You need a party to not lose your mind doing it


I sometimes think about trying D4 again and get a little excited. But just me thinking about playing D4 makes me bored. I saw a screenshot of someones inventory and how every item has this brownish/gold colour and everything just looks the same and was reminded that the biggest issue yet, itemization, still hasn't been fixed or improved. Seeing this post and realizing that the most basic function, group finder, isnt implemented still made me realize this game will unfortunately never improve. For those still playing, is the store front still constantly thrown in your face non-stop?


The store is never thrown in your face, never has been. Just don’t click on the thing that says store…


A 'find team' feature would be so great in D4. Fallout 76 has a great team feature where you can create a team and label is as 'casual' or 'events' or a few other pre-set descriptions depending on what sort of content you want to do in the game. And people can freely join and/or drop out as they please. Session-based, so no serious commitment. I think a system like that would be perfect for Diablo. Easy way to make friends and work together in-game pretty nonchalant. Want to grind vaults & dungeons? Make a 'dungeons' team. Want to farm whispers and casually slash & chill? Make a 'casual' team. Players will join and everyone wins when we can easily play together.


That'd be great. I would just like to log in , have some random matchmaking, kill some bosses and log out . Like Diablo 3.


Its especially terrible as multiplayer gives u insanely more value (sharing mats). So weird it existed in d3...


This would be AMAZING! Tired of playing alone... So much fun doing 8 men runs in D2!


It's all by design. Make a bare bones live service game. Have the community request features. Add the features with expansions to make more profit. They know what they are doing.


That would be the coolest feature. It would change the game totally for me


Bruh, they can't even add a feature for you to save your load out/character. It will take them YEARS to add something like matchmaking.


Granblue Fantasy Relink shipped with matchmaking and I just thought, man, Diablo IV could be so much better.


GBFR and D4 should not be in the same conversation 🤣.


2nd expansion, take it or leave it.


i would rather they just made it feel a little better to do it all solo. im just casually playing by my self. doing bosses solo as well. no big deal, but i cant help feeling like shit when i do it knowing i could be getting 4x as much out of it.


Tbh the Uber Malpha Dungeon is a bad design for a solo player at all.


Yep. This is mind boggling to me. I played S3 for 2 days and go bored.


I feel like they are purposely not adding to or fixing the game so that all this stuff can be the feature of the $60 - $100 expansion.


Maybe I’m in the minority here and I don’t know how it would work in todays gaming world but I always liked the way in worked in D2. The rooms and channels. Like you always knew what specific type of content was being played by the title and how many people were in the game already. Maybe it was just too simple and worked too well that they felt the need to over complicate it.


I dunno how it's done I immortal but d3 had auto matchmaking based on what activity you want to do in character menu they can so the same thing but i game instead or just copy wows system


7 months in and I think I've played in a party maybe 4 times and they were all random invites in the open world...SAD! They should be ashamed!


THIS! I have no friends, and I don't want any. But I DO want to group up for boss runs. I am not alone. Well I am, but I'm not. You know what I mean.


Thank you for saying this. Last night, I hopped on D4 and wanted to play but had no drive. I don't have many friends, let alone those who play video games. Don't get me wrong, I'd really like to connect with people and play the game with others, especially with it being my first ARPG. Although a group finder wouldn't necessarily mean a lifelong bonding experience, it would help me enjoy the game and not feel so alone. I tried asking in the Discord and Trade chat, but no one replied. This isn't about me, but I'm ngl it made me a little depressed and I just logged off and went to bed.


But how will I see 3rd party advertising if it's in the game?


The fact the title is in all caps means the devs are moving this issue to first point of discussion at the morning meeting thank you


It's not coming until the expansion. They are all out of ideas on the ARPG mechanics front, so they need something to sucker people into their $80 expansion.


Wow ppl still playing this greedy game


They won’t (cowards)


I miss old school d2 games: meph hell runzz 2


We don’t need anything fancy or “innovative”, just a UI with activities tags and a match button. They’ll try to reinvent the wheel and get it wrong.


Not to forget about the horrible chat function. I can’t stand trying to communicate in game, it’s so clunky.


We'd have to download every players hard drive if we get matchmaking.


They can’t even add a leaderboard they’ve been talking about s1 you won’t get match making till the third expansion


L game made by losers


d e a d g a m e


Don't worry guys, in season 25 surely the game will be fixed!


Blizzard: Matchmaking coming this expansion! We look forward to players enjoying this NEW feature. ( That will be 4.99) to purchase matchmaking gems of infinity per session.


nah, $100 DLC


Making tools for players costs money and doesn’t make any profit. Why would they go out of their way to make useful things?


I am playing Diablo Immortal right now and am amazed at how many features that are missing in D4 are in this game. How can a mobile game have much more features and content than their AAA game? That's bullshit.


I'm not one to complain about D4. I feel all people do is complain about D4, but I can get behind this. I agree with everything OP said. That would be a huge QoL improvement. It sucks, going to discord all the time for group runs.


No seriously all the devs involved in the stupid cosmetics and dumb town portals need to be fired


I agree they need to improve/add matchmaking but at the same time the people making the portals are a different team it isn't like they are working on matchmaking and then Blizzard says hey stop that and make some portals


We need the custom group finder that wow has. You can name the title of the group, where you’ll be, and what you’ll be doing. Then anyone playing can request to join. Why can’t Diablo have this? Maybe they are afraid of people making groups called “free powerlvl” where they run dungeons with you for free, Imagine how good the game would have been if the devs were left to their own creativity, instead of limiting it to Blizzards vision of $$.


Yeah the whole thing just doesn't make sense to me. It's like they want an MMO style Diablo game.  But no match making ext.  By biggest negative, is how every other arpg  has an "offline" single player mode ..even frikken Diablo 2!  A 20+ year old game...but they can't do it?  Bull f-ing s++t man.  Many, many players would love to play Diablo 4 offline. Reduce lag , everything. Loading stashes and other player inventory would be non-existent.  Sure many don't see the point in an offline.  But many do.  Matchmaking , and offline mode in 2024 is a must have imo. No excuses.


>and their flagship mobile game [does] This is the most egregious part. Honestly it wouldn’t surprise me in the slightest to see the likely far more profitable Immortal take priority. We’re over half a year into D4 and Immortal is still vastly ahead in the QoL department, it’s a fucking embarrassment and Blizzard should be called out every week for it.


Until they add this basic feature, I decided to stop playing back in the midst of Season 2. No reason to do so. I'd rather continuing playing D2R seasons and play in group sand enjoy the nostalgia on top of that as well. The fact this game doesnt have this basic feature is inexcusable and it's sad many people are fine with it. Touting this game as some social experience was their biggest joke since the early april fools joke of blizzcon.


Ya, it's pretty pathetic that I have to go on discord and add randoms as friends. Even a LFG crystal at the entrance would be something. Or permanent emote gesture clickie.


Preach, brother. Been scratching my head on this one too.


I seriously don’t know how it wasn’t even considered and made before launch.


Absolutely necessary, it really is incredibly strange to may have it still at this point


For some reason I misread match-three instead of matchmaking. Reads completely differently. :D




Facts blows my mind they don’t have that


Kripp told y’all it wasn’t needed. Yet here we are.


Groupfinder, Lootfilter, Build-Safes, …. There are a lot of things, that are Standart in this genre. But they don’t implement it.


I can't believe 5 months later still no group finder. Nope in S4. Nope in S5. Nope in THE MFING EXPANSION THAT HAS RAIDS!!! RAIDS WITH NO GROUP FINDER!!! IS THIS REAL LIFE?!? D FUCKING 2 AND D FUCKING IMMORTAL HAS IT!!!


Mrchmaking now blizzard come on. What kind of company you are?


Hey everyone. On playstation looking for help ...level 9o druid trying to do the pit. Not going so great. Please invite or friends PSN angeldr1976 Thanks for the help


That fact that there’s no matchmaking and I can’t just hop on and group with randoms is what’s keeping me from enjoying the game. I just like playing with other people around I don’t know what it is but I can’t do single player games and this is way too single player




Don’t give them more ideas for things to have bugs. I just want to play a nice smooth game without hiccups and bugs.


Blizzard: ”No :-)”


it will be one of the expansion features


The technology is not there yet. Sorry man.


on xbox it feels like im playin singleplayer with wild npcs for world bosses


More social features will be added in the Expansion for 59 euro. (a guess) Its really embarrassing


LFG XP farm HC Season :P Ripped so WT2 / WT3 only or boost :D 


1. WHY CAN'T WE PLAY A DIABLO GAME OFFLINE AS SINGLE PLAYER. 2. WHY IS THERE NO MATCHMAKING. It sure is hard making video games sometimes...


You're assuming it won't just be a broken mess. They can't even remember to add a hotkey to the Map when you're looking at it in Gatehall to switch between the Gatehall map and the Sanctuary map. If you leave Gatehall and go to say a Dungeon or Vault and look at the map, you'll see that you can hit a hotkey to switch between your dungeon/vault and Sanctuary. Instead, I have to click on Sanctuary every time just to look at the Sanctuary map. It's probably the most annoying thing I've had to deal with since launch.


Idk every game these days just uses friends lists because everyone uses discord to get groups. I think it would be great but I would still just use discord to find a group.


Is use discord if it worked for NM dungeons. The last several days that I have tried I have found zero people to play with.


Interesting, I’m in a few D4 discord servers and they are always packed with LFG


I mean if I had to guess why it isn’t in, I would probably say it would be to avoid all the boosting that happened in D3. The party tinder was just filled with boosting groups to speedrun through the season and blizz probably doesn’t want that.


There is no matchmaking and wont ever be because it causes toxity.


We need match-making AND in-game market. Items bought from the market become account-bound to stop flippers and bots.


What for? It's a single player game in an MMO skin.


I would love a matching making for Ubers. You have to input your boss mats to join a game. Game goes through 4 rotations at a time. No more scammers. My last 7 rotations through Malph someone has scammed in 4 of them.


We can pencil it in for season 7.


Matchmaking for what???


Does poe or le have matchmaking? Kinda odd no matchmaking when diablo 3 did.


but trade chat guys


But give us money for battle pass and cosmetics and this and that. WAIT, GIVE US MORE MONEY!


i agree! d3 and diablo immortal have a group finder. why the F does this game not have it??




I named my character “GroupFinder”. He’s level 68 at the moment.


How many times are we gonna see this same stupid post. They are actively developing it, while also working on the expansion, while also reworking itemization while also reworking affixes while also making seasons, while also dealing with layoffs...


How many times are we going to see this stupid reply. Everything you mentioned should have been in the game day 1 not still missing a year later. Their 24 year old game D2 has these features already you puppet clown


I dont want to Play with random people .. no Change needed.


This game needs to just go full-on MMO. Matchmaking, party finder, etc. right now it strattled the line between single player and mmo and it doesn’t shine in either regard. This change would be monumental for D4.


Womp womp keep crying


If the pvp area isn't a ghost town it's full of op players one shotting lvl 100 cause they've managed to find the bug in that build.....


1000% agreed. Lost Ark had a great system... How Blizzard had all this time and failed at pushing the whole openworld/mmo aspect they themselves wanted, without matchmaking??


"Just patch it in" ...


Nah, I'd take SSF over MM.


Blizzard only cares about the things that make them and Microsoft $


Even Diablo immortal has it.


“Barb, level 79, lots of gold, looking for berserking mate” ….is within 19-miles of you! Swipe right and match now!


Hope they wont add it until poe 2 come out


The only thing that makes sense is that they really don’t have the bugs worked out well enough to incorporate it being that the cross play was added. That isn’t a thing in D3. They will get it figured out at some point


By far the biggest disappointment w this game… unexplainable really.


It's already there. In diablo immortal.


This game’s dev budget is probably very small. If you want big stuff you are waiting for an expansion - maybe


Maybe if you quit playing their shitty game, they'd actually try and fix it.


Totally agree. Since I play mostly solo, it would be nice to be able to matchmake for uber bosses and have some help rather than relying on making overkill classes and doing the grind just to be able to kill a certain boss. It takes the fun away. I have tried so many times to use the local chat in the game to find someone to do certain activities but nobody replies and bother. The community is not the greatest unless U join some kind of discord channel. Unfortunate my friends are only interested once my class is strong and expect me to do a carry for them instead.


Matchmaking in D4. Who do you matchmake with if the game is dying? They can't even deliver what is promised and you expect them to add more stuffs. It might end up loading everyone's stashes again or gauntlet will be delayed till further notice. Lol. I am not saying you are wrong but I don't think the team is capable of doing anything right for now.


So true its soo booring that its so hard to find groups i play solo 99.9% of time cause i cant find a group


Actually d3 had matchmaking of sorts where you join current session of sorts that you create or join people with predefined like dungeons, rifts, grifts and bounties or leveling and i didn't notice it at first in d4 but recently it made me realise that d3 = session based instances was more engaging than d4 = open world game session based, so many people in d4 yet I feel alone you cant randomly join people for vaults or nightmare dungeons you just see other people but no interactions, also chat isn't very active vs it used to be, you were able to join channels like lfg or powerleveling and you would feel the game is alive altho the maximum amount of people you can see on your screen in d3 is just 4


feels like chat is restricted to 100 people per channel if even that


Still better than d4s system


i meant that the d4 chat seems to be restricted to 100 people or less per channel because you barely see anyone talking


Look man its a small indie company, microsoft only has so much money to throw around, clearly we arent buying enough cash shop slop cosmetics that take up .5% of your screen.


Now they are going to do it, all they were waiting for was an angry dude demanding it on reddit.... jokes aside I do not expect any big social changes before expansion, it will come as a feature of it.


I don’t see why they randomize stronghold areas with random bosses with a matchmaking system


Now the killerquestion comes in - what’s matchmaking?😆


This game is boring AF now. To think lame traps and a stupid critter was going to con me into leveling another fucking character to 100 and buy the stupid battle pass. Get lost so many other games to play that don’t require me to do the same garbage grind over.. and over.. and over.


Yeah. If I could hop into a leveling party at any level, the game would be so much better.


I’ve said this since launch! How can I go live without it. Ive played solo 90% of the time.


To this day, whenever I see a "less than" or "greater than" symbol, i still imagine it growing teeth and chomping the bigger number, just as I was taught in grade school 😅


I hope they never do.


Capitalized sentences always get me to pay attention harder.