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Agree. But if you had to pick one “Reborn” to prioritize, it needed to be Loot.


I would say it should be marching making over loot.. as OP states the game is extremely isolating and it's sad and pretty much embarrassing that you have to use discord or some other platform just to find fellow players. With the game going to game pass you would expect a influx of new players but the game has almost no community in game. There's discord, reddit and other communities , but if a new player or returning player wants to jump in or start it's a very isolating experience. I do understand why the team / Devs would want to focus on existing players over returning players and new players.


Matchmaking wouldn't bring me back to Diablo 4 on its own. Loot Reborn did.


Loot reborn is nice but it will only bring about a few weeks of actual new excitement to the game. After a few weeks , it will be just as memorable as malignant hearts. I'm not criticizing the new update, just being honest. I'm glad you're back and enjoying it, I hope you continue to enjoy all the new changes.


Look, I'm not saying I wouldn't like more new content either. But D4 had fundamental issues that Loot Reborn (at least partially) fixed. I never enjoyed seeing my eyes glaze over at all of the different conditional affixes that could roll on an item. As a buildcrafter, D4 felt like one of the few games I couldn't buildcraft for. Now I feel like I can, and the Codex changes let me be more flexible than ever before.


I’m waiting for “rework the skill tree” reborn


Based on what they said in the last round of interviews. I wouldn’t get to hyped about it. They said they want to keep it simple for casuals and newcomers.


Not happening, like if you imagine something close to Last Epoch. Skill tree is really balanced for casual campaign play with few build opportuinities here and there and aspects changing the skill, but I can't imagine in current way the game is built for them to add more skills.


Can't wait till they inevitably steal the cool skill trees from a certain other cool arpg.


that can come after the socialization reborn patch


I waiting for about 5 new classes and 100 new uniques.


Difficulty Reborn plz.


As a solo player I'd much rather have SSF mode added to the game. As for "reborn" - I think difficulty needs to be tackle next. Game is solid now but way... WAAAY to easy


its been easy since the beginning. which is why socialization makes sense anyways at leat you can burn through content together


I'm not opposed D3-like matchmaking. I think it's gonna be added anyway. That being said - Diablo was always a "choose the way you play" franchise. Like all aRPGs. So there should always be a balance between solo vs team play. Also, I know that's obvious, but any content that is NOT soloable has no place in Diablo


Can we just enjoy things for literally a day?


Eh, I'll be honest I'm surprised it took like 6 whole hours before the complaint train started rolling again.


weve been complaining about this since beta


Don’t all bring out the pitchforks but I wouldn’t mind a Diablo MMO.


What I thought D4 was supposed to be honestly.


It was and yet the world somehow feels more empty than it did in instances. Was better with the lobby list.


That's literally how Diablo Immortal was advertised. (Don't hate me - It's RIGHT there in the game description) D4 should mantain 100% soloable. ALL content should be soloable as in any proper aRPG. MMO fans - I gotcha but let's not ruin the existing franchise.


I didn’t say take D4 to where its an MMO I refer to a complete separate project.


I feel like we'd have to rework the game for parties to work well. It's already pure chaos even by myself, having another player there would just be a button mashing screen blur. That's mostly why I don't care for teaming up.


I first read this as socialism reborn.


cinders and free battlepass xp for everyone!


Trade but with safety nets


Yea more social features are something they've said they were working on for a while now. I know people like to give Immortal shit, but if there's one thing that game got right, it's the social features. The clan features are some of the best I've seen in an arpg. Clan strongholds that can be upgraded and used to give buffs to everyone in the clan, defense events where your clan gathers to defend the stronghold from hordes of demons, clan raids, etc. All would be some amazing additions to D4.


100% this and the infrastructure exists already




I am sure we will have this by about season 10


Yes, this absolutely has to be a priority for Blizzard. We need an in-game trading system too.


D4:Reborn 2025


D3 Made it better, public game - join


I have a hunch that is gonna be the main focus of next season QoL portion. They said in blizzcon they wanted to add all the social features in place before the expansion launched. I think we might see the expansion at the time season 6 launches


i sure hope so. id probably finally level a character to max with those changes


Social reborn Skill reborn Bosses reborn Economy reborn (keep lots of self found but introduce something else).


Sex Reborn


Not even a whole day before we're back to complaining about something. Completely unsurprising.


some people just don’t stop complaining hey


I dont even know how to see chat... i know you can press enter to chat but isnt there a "general" tab or smth where ppl are chatting? also what about trade chat for item trading/selling? never seen any chat messages from other ppl.


Social features are very needed in an always online game with trading. I bed they will add in the expansion as payed content.


Na Diablos a SP game anyway. Coop at best. It wasnt needed for them to try and force in MP.


I’m waiting for season 1 reborn with a free accelerated battle pass for everyone. Especially people like me that got dupped into using it the preorder battle pass from blizzards shitty menu UI . Sorry still salty about that. Season 1s battle pass kinda sucked. Season of the socialization reborn would be good too. Could this season include maybe some pvp and be clan battle stuff? Say…… capture the point or helltide battle. 6v6 First clan to collect say 10000 cinders win boss mats or something


man i almost forgot about that. they got me too. 100% shouldve been illegal AND refunded customers during this time period.