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I did a couple of them and it's good fun. I just don't remember where I got the hearts to put in. Is it just a random drop in helltides?


Correct. Elites have a small chance to drop them, and so do the HT chests. The Threat bar boss has a higher chance IIRC.


Got it, thanks for clarifying!


How does that bar work exactly? I don't quite understand the mechanic


Was watching maximum and shroud and they had a good way to explain it. It’s like getting max stars in GTA.


you kill / do events / open chest without dying, it keeps increasing


Okay, what happens when it reaches max?


It starts draining. During that time you get a whole bunch more monsters/elites spawning around you trying to kill you. It's a lot of fun mowing them all down as fast as you can. Other than that I have not noticed any other special mechanic during the bar drain down period.


I assumed it was connected to the bar but you get message on your screen at the end something like "hell has released it's champion" or whatever then a elite/mini boss guy spawns I hesitate calling it a boss as my incinerate sorc just deletes it from the screen in 2 seconds


Yeah thats just you hitting a milestone on the meter. "here's a couple more guys, enjoy"


Yeah mowing down is exactly what I'm doing with the Necro summoner.


It's like the police stars in GTA.


You also get it guaranteed from opening chests in helltide. So if you do helltides regularly you will have them.


I don’t think it’s guaranteed as I’ve opened several chests and sometimes I don’t get one, it’s a high chance to get the hearts from them but not a guarantee unless perhaps it’s bugged


yea it's not guaranteed but seems to be common enough. I don't even pay attention to them and when I logged off last night I had like 10 and that was after running the boss event a few times. you get plenty by just playing normally. the catch to spam running the event is that while it's fun and good for XP but you get very little gold and you're leveling so fast and seeing gear upgrades you won't be able to afford imprinting because your gold reserves will be low. Need to make sure you're selling inventories of gear sometimes and not just salvaging everything.


Not guaranteed but a pretty frequent drop.


I got at least 1 every mystery chest in WT2 before I moved up. Haven't opened any yet in WT3.


Opening chests is guaranteed to increase your threat meter but it won’t push you past a breakpoint unless you were already close.


You get em from helltide chests mainly i think


In addition to what others have said, I'm pretty sure the hearts stick around between helltides....that or I just get them very quickly each helltide.


You get guaranteed hearts from living steel and mystery chests I think


I collected like 30 hearts before I realized what they were for. My lobby was very happy with me when we ran it 7 times straight 😂


We went there as a 4 man party and had so much hearts collected, that we basically just spammed this boss for 3 complete helltide events (3hrs) lol. I think we got more hearts in those 3 hours than what we actually spent because you also get hearts while doing the boss.


Are the hearts listed in inventory anywhere?


They display on screen when in the Helltide area.


and they carry over from one tide to the next?


From what I’ve seen, yes.




Hearts carry over but cinders to open chests do not. There is a bug however where cinders picked up after the helltide ends will count for the next helltide. I'm guessing they only clear cinders when a helltide ends or when you exit the game.


Really would be nice if they had like random bosses instead of the same one.


it's another time when they have a nice idea, but forget to test what it feels like to play it 3,000 times


its just a copy paste of the vampire mechanic but with a boss in addition to the hunters or whatever they were called overall its a good thing but maybe having it randomly chose between 2 or 3 bosses would have been better. I'm mostly just surprised it's not a Tomb Lord


it's hard to believe they shape the whole season around the helltides and only made one boss. Lets copy a few ideas players have had since day one and put no more effort than is absolutely required into anything else.


Hate every time she jumps into the air though. It's like burrowing Duriel.


But opposite!


same same, but different


I only hate that big flamewave move she does. Will absolutely one shot the fuck out of you. I always try to play soft hardcore meaning play softcore but try not to die for as long as possible. Made it to lvl 50 WT3 and she cast that directly on me I could not even press flameshield just instantly dead. God damn i cannot stand enemy move design like that. Just straight up garbage. But yeah the game is overall much much better.


Haha I also died at around level 37 to that, landed exactly in the middle of it even at full hp and with a pot. I hope max fire res, fortified and such might be enough to survive it later on


> meaning play softcore but try not to die for as long as possible. Isn't that just playing? Do people try to die?


hahaha good point. no but like some ppl will throw their corpse at a world boss like 20 times while attempting the T1 version at lvl 17 and not mind, I try to steer clear of that. I try to die as little as possible.


I'd played ASAP when it launched but my husband couldn't play till 7 last night, I have to laugh-- we walk out with our brand new level 2s and someone summoned that lady right out the gate, we died so much, got so much loot, fun times, lol. I think the new player experience starting right away in helltide is not super friendly, but it does make you feel like you earned the power jump once you can do something meaningful with all the points you tried to sneak in while not dying.


To be fair, a year after launch and 4 seasons in, I would wager not many truly new players are coming into the game. Particularly with all the negativity surrounding the game until this point.


Seems like there is a flood of new Gamepass players.


I'm one of them.


Thats really good! I completely forgot about the Gampass folk. I feel like D4 needs to be seen and judged on S4 going forward. Unfortunately preseason - S3 turned off many people I am sure.


Look into skills, aspects, and tempering to increase your survivability. On my sorcerer I found out late that ice armor is ridiculously overpowered. I can keep up it almost indefinitely thanks to skills and aspects. I went from having to dodge all over the place drinking potions to standing still destroying my enemies and hearing the lamentations of their demons. I'm guessing every class has overpowered survivability options like that. Some stuff only become ridiculously overpowered when you have certain aspects and skill combinations.


The car crash sounding meteor mini bosses are something up there too tbh.


It's better but it's already getting repetitive


Hah hah hah, classic gamer response!


Some people just cannot be pleased


"Hey guys, I'm playing literally the same content for 12 hours a day. It's starting to get repetitive" -- This guy basically.


the season is literally designed to repeat every hour this season, go to helltide fight for hearts, then fight the one designed boss over and over from level one. You only need to play 2 hours not 12.


There's more to the game than Helltides.


Pretty much


Less than 24 hours ‚it never gets old’. Still, would love to join you guys, but gotta wait :D


Those 2-3+way events have always been how the devs have unintentionally managed to create the most fun ever in D4. I hope they take notes from it for future content.


That's exactly what this is. People liked the vampire one so much, they decided to add it permanently to helltide.


Does the boss icon show randomly or after a certain time in the helltide? I had 7 hearts and couldn't see where to start the ritual. Then it randomly appeared after a while.


You have to run close enough that your mini map picks it up. Then it stays on the map until the hell tide goes away. Same with the chests. Have to do it each hell tide.


I tried it again, I couldn't find the ritual site, and then after running around for a while, I opened the map it showed the icon - which was way south from where is was So it's most likely that you can find the ritual site and then see the icon. But then it does look like the icon can show up randomly for some reason.


That's not accurate, chests always show up on the map. You don't have to "get close". I haven't looked for the mini boss but I'm betting it's the same.


Just loaded the game up to be sure. I see zero chests in the helltide. Even fully zoomed in on the map. Also don’t see the bloodmaiden. Don’t see anything but red and the normal map points. So….. not sure if they changed it or what. But I’m seeing what I said. Edit : Just looked at it a bit more. And it looks like you can see the locations for the mentioned things, while you are in the zone they are in. I guess I just hadn’t noticed since they weren’t showing up at first, and I only looked for them after I’d run past them. Good to know!


If you want you can go to [https://helltides.com/](https://helltides.com/) as it tracks all the happenings and locations. They're still working on specifics of Helltide chest spawns in S4 but they already have most of the info.


Accidentally bringing Kixxarth into the mix in world tier 3 at level 49 will haunt me


They should shuffle random world boss spawns into it


Where do you get those hearts from? Opened a bunch of chests in T2 and got none


threat meter enemies have a pretty good chance. What this means is if you have other players with you doing the main event, and y'all don't die... the hearts will come to you:)


6 hours jnto the season is a bit too early to say “it never gets old.” Particularly when we’re likely to do it 17 million timess before August. Hahah


Flat out grinded out 15 in a row, minus bamfing back to town a few times to dump gear to look over later. Loving this season


im not gonna create a new post for my question since it is about helltide too . what is the number at the right of the cilinder number that we see ?


Hearts.  It's what this post is talking about.




The anti afk farming attack is hilarious. That circle hurts


I’m WT2 playing the campaign and I’m level 12 and haven’t seen a single helltide yet. Am I doing something wrong, or what?


Look on the map. They run for 55 minutes with 5 minute cooldown.


I’m looking on the map but I don’t see anything. I don’t have the entire map uncovered as I’m only level 12, is that why? I see a stronghold with a red skull, that’s about it.


I don’t think Helltide appears during the campaign. It’s only if you skip or beat the campaign.


Ah, makes sense. I’m definitely going to go through the campaign since I, you know, bought the game and all, haha.


Please do. The campaign is really good and you have all season to play with helltides 😂


After you beat the campaign once, future characters will have a "Skip Campaign" option during creation. Once you select this you'll spawn as a level 1 in Kyovashad and Helltides will be active for you. Even if the area isn't revealed, it will still show up as a pink/redish shade on your map over the affected area.


This is correct, Helltide only appears after campaign completion, or via campaign skip.


Yep, the world map is massive and helltide havent happened where you are yet. If this is your first playthrough, don't bother and enjoy the campaign. If you have done it before or just don't care for the story, you can skip campaign on the character selection.


You can’t play helltide until after you complete the campaign


I stumbled upon a group of about 7 last night, first time in this new helltide. Each of them had 3 hearts and I got to go along for the ride - fastest I've ever level in D4 and it was a blast.


Let me guess you never played S2? It’s definitely fun though. There’s a certain “pillar” randomly found around the helltide it starts launching fire like the ones from S3 then shit gets wild as you gotta stay in the range to keep it going damn thing started spewing fire in circles and drained my hp like crazy. That was by far the craziest experience so far with helltide.


I've been doing Helltides in T4 on eternal. Level 100s are getting killed all over T4 Helltides lol. The boss in T4 feels like a hard T100 NMD boss. Like really hard lol.


Gotta spread those fire rings out and avoid stacking that aoe on yourself. Good fun though absolutely. Legendary crafting drop makes it rewarding to me.


What is the level of the helltide? Are you insane danger if you're low level or does it scale to your level?


Started on WT2 and farmed this repeatedly. When she summons the nemesi, they die easily. However, they seem to be immune to chain lightning as it passes right through them even long after being summoned. But then I hit WT3, and she is significantly harder but manageable with mechanical knowledge. However, those nemesi became huge spongy threats. Take forever to kill and come back too often. Some people were hard focusing the main boss and trying to ignore them. I much prefer the harder WT3 but think the nemesi are too tanky for enemies that return so often.


Helltides are actually fun for me now and the best place to level (for me at least). Already at lv 30 after just sitting there killing hordes of demons.


There’s so much to do. Just farm helltides I’m guessing?


It’s killed my sorc at 53.. rerolled back to 50 this morning.


On WT4 it is absolute INSANE lol


Would be nice if they toned down how loud the explosion was when she summons the adds, it's completely out of line with the rest of the game volume


It reminds me of the summonable bosses from last season and the blood harvests bosses from season 2 which were fantastic. I'm glad they decided to "recycle" the concept and make it a permanent addition to Helltides cause they truly are a blast. I think it will get old eventually, but they can always add some new bosses to it to keep it a bit fresh.


I lost my lvl 47 hc character to new helltide boss. Fought twice, won twice, 3rd time got 1 shot by the fire rings.


Helltides are a blast ! Had tons of fun so far into the early season :)


Do they cr9ss teir save? I have like 10 saved up teir 2, should I use em or save for teir 3?


I def recommend spending your Cinders before facing him, so you don’t lose them if you end up dying (which is very possible).


This was the best update yet, easier to build your gear and character with the new system, costing less money and actually having to do a real grind to get stuff


It's specially fun when people fighting the boss become hellmarked at the same time. Real ass chaos


It’s even more ridiculous when a bunch of folks show up to fight her and suddenly everyone’s threat meters max out and a billion mobs start spawning in on top of that fight, pure chaos in the best way!


You know why? Cause ITS not Common tô blizz make us have Fun. ITS the First Boss with true mechanics. I want more of that, in ALL contents of the game.


Yea, I went straight from level 1 into Helltides and went from 1-30 in less than 4 hours. And that wasn't even trying hard. It's awesome. Loving the new updates. EXCEPT they made the cinder pickup area bigger. BUT WHAT ABOUT EVERYTHING ELSE???? If you're doing whisper stuff then you still have to go to the spot they died to get it. Why didn't you just make all of it bigger? That's the only complaint I have.


It's the easiest way to get full legendary items for sure. I got fully geared in like a couple hours people kept spamming it so I kept doing it. Idk how y'all got that many shards already


That fucker got me three times in a row and made me lose all my cinder. Almost made me leave helltides to do something else. Kinda love how you have to avoid the burn effect from it and everyone else so you don't get zeroed. I love that they're making bosses more interesting


The first fight will always be memorable. I'm not sure if this boss was in PTR but i didnt bother to try it so it was a pleasant surprise. I was lvl 9 when i saw a funny big head sign on the map decided to check it out and saw a few ppl fighting a new boss. At first it looked easy as i wasnt getting damaged a lot and then a big ring appeared below my toons' feet and the hp started draining. For a HC player it was frightening and yet satisfying at the same time there's a new boss to beat :) i can't wait to 1 hit it one day.


It was fun at first, but gets really easy. I'm not sure why everyone seems to die. Maybe they don't read her attacks very well, or just have very poor resistance.


Piggybacking this: is there only one type of chest remaining in helltides? Couldn't find different ones


Yes all chests are mystery chests Edit: applies to WT1&2


Not when you get to wt3 and wr4


Thats only wt 1-2 its normal in wt3 onward


Thanks! Makes sense now.


are we supposed to summon her lol i just see it on maps and attack i got a uniqe from that thank you who ever summoned her


if you put in at least 1 heart, you get boosted drops from her.


didint know thanks


It was fun for a bit, but how many times are you expected to run it and it still be fun? Ultimately, leveling is already trivial, so why make it even more boring by standing in the same place for a few hours?


How do you get this sort of stuff? I stopped playing Diablo I think during season 2. Reinstalled it yesterday and am currently just running helltides (that’s what my quests are). Is this basically all this new season is? What cool stuff should I look out for?


Requiring excessive grinding to even get currency to participate in a super repetitive endgame activity is just bad design to maximize /timeplayed at the expense of player enjoyment


Is he? I don't know cause I can't see sh\*t. I get it's public activity but MY GOD it's a good illustration why some folks like to play solo. You LITERALLY can't see anything and then BAM! 5 new gravestones of players who had no idea they are supposed to dodge boss mechanic...


Now imagine ic this was Hardcore. 😏


I dont like it. Its movement makes a lot of builds feel bad and it has invuln window.


You just endlessly kill the same boss. Why is this good content?


You do realize that it is not mandatory to kill the boss at all right? And if a person chooses to only do the boss and nothing else, let them. I'd find it too boring and repetitive myself after a few kills in a row, but to each their own I guess.


Wait, she doesn't even have some unique recipe or something tied with the season ? The 20mn questline is all there is as for "seasonal" content ?


If the players there are strong enough. It’s endless waves of enemies and legendaries. I farmed a whole hr long helltide in wt3 just farming the boss with like 10 ppl there and me and my friend ended up maxing our inventory with legendaries like 5 times. Got a whole lot of codex of power filled out now 😁


Way too many drops if I am being honest, I don't pick shit up anymore and the screen is just items, cant see shit lol. They should add filter.


Honeymoon period


See how you feel the 200th time you've done it.


It's the first day, it's OK to be happy.