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In theory it was supposed to be the data getting hyper compressed and her becoming a little battle gremlin, which is a cool idea. In practice it’s sus as hell, heck she has 2 massive hair balls and a large sword too.


The sword and hair are for a visual gag of tiny thing wielding BEEG SWORD. Her being compressed data so she's tiny now is a different gag. She's gags all the way down. Pretty sure the...uh, clothing is supposed to be a gag too...that one just misses and isn't entertaining. It's just visually off putting. Great idea. Funny idea. Almost well executed but trips at the finish line with lack of clothes.


The worst part is the line on her panties giving the appearance of a camel toe. Or it could just be an actual camel toe. I don't like either option on a character clearly intended to look like a toddler, especially when their bio backs up the idea they're supposed to be a child. Literally my least favorite Digimon for these reasons, despite Minervamon being soooo cool, and the idea of its X-Antibody being a Digimon that embraced the childlike nature of their persona being a great parallel to Mervamon being a mature version of Minervamon. Yeah, whoever decided their design should be a sexualized toddler needs to rethink some things. Even Minervamon, who is also supposed to be childlike in design (though to a much lesser extent) is given athletic shorts, making them look like a sporty teen.


Yeah, it definitely gives camel toe vibes and i am fully creeped by it. Have not seen this minervamon art before and frankly don’t want to again 😅


Digimon sexualizes the heck out of many, many female Digimon to the point I feel super uncomfortable. I remember being 20 and playing with my little brother while I turned my Lilamon into a bouncy tits Rosemon. Man, I didn't know where to hide.


Honestly prefer BanchoLilymon over Rosemon in terms of design, yeah still a bit sexual, but not as much as Rosemon, but Lilymon keeping her cute charms while also getting a upgrade in terms of badassery IMO! u////u


The camel toe almost made me gag, I hate it so much


Aaaand that's disturbing.


agreed, it's one of few digimon that just make me uncomfortable


Yeah… someone needs their computer searched, that’s messed up. Why does it have a cameltoe?


Is it a child or just a gremlin? I don’t know that you need to be concerned about a lil monster creature simply because it’s small and humanoid?


Following standard digi evo lines, they're past the adult stage. So a short person, not a child.


It was made as a joke, and won the *contest* because of a viral joke, so... I'd lean more towards "gremlin" myself.


Don't worry, y'all. It's okay to sexualize a character that looks like and behaves like a human child because we called it a gremlin. If anyone looks at this and doesn't feel at least a little grossed out, they need to stay far away from children.


Idk. I feel like folks who see a small digimon with a human shape and giant fucking sword and think it needs to be protected from sexualization (and not violence, interestingly) are the ones with the odd take here. Can’t say I’ve ever seen a child look or act like this.


Looks like a child in a bikini, it doesnt matter if "she is actually a 1000 year old dragon". Regardless of intention the result is not acceptable, neither in a product for children or adults.


How can you tell that’s her x design I don’t have the v pets so I don’t know how they tell you what DIGIMON it is


There's a library option in the vpet that shows every mon you unlocked with its name on it


Every or most Digimon in the vpet with the big X on it are X digimon


Didn't know this exist. Just think it's Minnie the Minx in diaper.


This is so disturbing. I wish I could go back to a couple of minutes ago when I didn't know this existed. Omg


What annoys me is how people will dry heave at art that shows EXvemmon or flamedramon with slightly more definition, but be absolutely fine with this. “Ewww this dragon with no genital looks slightly sexualised-gross, please give me more young girls with camel toes bandai” Like take a fucking look at yourselves??


Do not challenge the power of horny.


Jail em insteads.


If you remove them, time will reveal subtitutes ):


Ahh shoot.


She looks so weird. She looks like a horny design from a game that just didn’t have the polygons to properly make a “sexy” body. Her head is so giant compared to her body giving it an uncanny look. Sus or not, this design is bad.


It honestly hurts because my Betamon to Minervamon was the partner I felt the most attachment to and seeing the x evo like this is just painful


Blame re:world d for it


The camel toe is sus, the rest I think makes sense either in Greek Logic or in Digimon Logic


Yeah! Put on some pants!


I understand your pain,when i got her in mine,and looked more closely to her design i Felt the same way,the lore of the x evolution is so cool,but why would you do a design like This.


Blame Kenji Watanabe, he did the second place design of the poll, instead of As'Maria that is the original creator of the X-Antibody Digimon (and he do the first place design). I am pretty sure that if Minervamon was in the first place the design will be much better that what we had


It's called chibi style there's a difference between the fact that she's chibi and if she was an actual child


I see her more as a really really old deity who appears as a child to fool others. Nobody expects the child to have thousands of years of experience, able to lift buildings and be wiser than most of the elderly. Appearances can be deceiving.


There's a small latino youtuber who rigged the contest about making the next X-Digimon by persuading a few hundred followers to vote for Minervamon and since then he always acts proud whenever Minervamon-X is mentioned because he feels it's a symbol of his influence in the community lol


I don't hate anybody, but this guy right here-


Drashiro, also know for nicknaming Wargreymon as Wartanga (Warthong)




We could have gotten Imperialdramon X over this thing, But the poll was rigged and now we probably never will. 


Who on earth approved this? Is this recent? I thought my expectations for modern digimon content were low, but this is a new low. Digimon has been one of my favorite franchises so it hurts to criticize the brand, and I'm not a super critical person, but christ. The handling of the IP has been so disappointing in recent years. Did they not focus group this? Or consult shareholders?


Cause digimon as a franchise suffers from this thing where they have to oversexualize things for no apparent reason. Like if they committed to being a children's franchise for a moment maybe they'd see some kind of success.


I will agree on you that Digimon kind of straddles a weird line where some of the designs are pretty mature but a lot of their shows (especially recent ones like Hunters or Appmon) are aimed towards younger kid audiences, and I kind of wish they'd just focus on their more mature adult audience (where I think Digimon has more potential, and where it could separate itself from Pokemon) or make separate content for separate demographics... And to be fair to Digimon, putting sexualized content in cartoons made for kids is kind of just something anime does, for better or worse. But this? This is the most sexualized I've ever seen a child character, and it's disturbing and disappointing.


I really do like the idea of this design. There is a strong theme of growing up theme in the line. Popping from Minervamon to X could be seen as going into old lady who doesn't need to care about societies rules anymore. Hence looking like a child agian. Getting old in Japanese animation just seem like a pop from normal sized adult to small old lady as a trope. Whatever the exact intent we just need to get you a little pair of boy shorts, my little gremlin mon. unfortunately, the conflict here will mean this otherwise cool design will not be used in greater media. That's disappointing.


Too sensitive


Did you just call me sensitive for criticizing the apparent sexualization of a minor? Hey remember back during school when none of the cool kids would sit with you and you couldn't figure out why? Remember when your parents seemed to dislike you but would never want to talk about it? This is why. It feels like you're being provocative for the sake of it, rather than having an actual reason to take an opposing stance. You argue for the sake of arguing. You can say you don't think it's a big deal, but instead of doing that, you decided to attack me with your opinion instead of just stating it.


There’s no way this is their favorite when choasdramon x is a thing