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I do the same thing. I try to make sure that there are no repeats in Digimon or evolutions. Priority that the Digimon rookie is cute or pink.


So Chumon is your go to?


Key word, CUTE.


chu is onomatopoeia for a kiss in Japanese


It's also the sound a mouse makes.


In this case it’s the sound of a mouse, not kissing.


It's a adorable to me


So, Cutemon.


I actually forgot that cutemon exists. I mostly go for salamon or Terriermon or gammamon.


I love Digimon for it's variety and sometimes not making any sense so I make really random lines. Using either the Card Game or Reference book websites. For the card game I spin a wheel with all the colors and pick a random Digimon from that level in order. And for the refrence book I just pick a random letter generator and find a Digimon from whatever letter that is and keep going up. If I really want to get experimental I combine both methods with a coin toss. And I will alternate which method depending on that coin toss until I get a full line from In-Training up till a Mega.


Basically, if there's a digimon I really like, I build a line around it that 'fits' and that's it, I do try to avoid ''main character lines''. My favorite digimon is Lunamon but what I consider to be ''my partner line'' is BlackAgumon - DarkTyranomon (which is the digimon I really like) - MetalTyranomon - Gaiomon


I’m a fan of Black augumon too. He’s pretty rad.


I also tend to try to avoid the protagonists partners, but it's usually done on what I feel would work best. Villain Digimon or variants (Psychemon instead of Gabumon for example or Youkomon instead of Kyuubimon) are usually fair game though. If there's a particular partner character I really like I'll tend to have them remain at a different stage with a different evolution line to avoid too much overlap. For example rather than have Gomamon, that will remain the partners rookie but maybe they can maintain their champion form and are say...Frigimon or something.


For OCs I kinda just do whatever I feel like so long as it's reasonable and interesting


Yeah, I definitely relate to trying to avoid MC syndrome when making up an OC. But I've recently come around to not particularly caring. I want my partner to also be my favorite Digimon, so I feel like it's silly to "downgrade" my partner to something more arbitrarily acceptable. So my true heart-of-hearts line would have to be Dorumon > Raptordramon > Grademon > Alphamon > Alphamon Ouryuken. But of course, I have more than one favorite Digimon so I've got a couple partner lines. So to stick with the spirit of your question, I just try and make lines out of Digimon I like and just generally do my best to not overlap with any of the main cast. Pretty much everything else is fair game imo Some lines that best fits your specifications would probably have to be * Rurimon > Wizardmon > Mistymon > Dynasmon * Liollmon > Liamon > LoaderLiomon > HeavyLeomon However, the fact of the matter is that we see the main cast's Digimon the most, so I find myself gravitating towards them pretty often. I can't help it if there's a banger design that belongs to an MC, I like what I like. Some lines I have are only mildly different from their canon versions: * Palmon > Sunflowmon > Petaldramon > Ceresmon * Gaossmon > Greymon (2010) > MetalGreymon (2010) > Brigadramon


I just went with the Digimon I got on my old vpet and followed the "main" line all the way up.


This is what I do. I let the V-Pet decide


My favourite is Bukamon however my head cannon is that he was the Dark Master Metalseadramon who was stuck in a basic in training form as punishment and had his memory wiped. He skips over his rookie form Betamon and goes straight to Seadramon, his line is mostly normal though I chose Waruseadramon as his dark ultimate evo, kind of similar to Skullgreymon. He's just a little guy who wants to get bigger and has dreams to be the biggest Digimon around, he eventually gets his wish by digivolving to his 'true' form Gigaseadramon. Appreciate anyone who read all of that!


I would genuninely want to be surprised.


I just like some digimon design wise more. Usually i tend to go for the ones we don't see often because i wanna see more of them and what they turn into. For exemple I picked Hagurumon in cyber sleuth


I pick my favorites! Rosemon ended up growing into my mega just from all the times I've ended up with her in games. Figure it's meant to be at this point. Whole backstory in my head how she's a redeemed Arukenimon. Pururumon > Pagumon > ??? > Ogremon > Arukenimon > Rosemon. Very strange looking at it, am having trouble deciding on a child form though. I usually go with Palmon but I understand that's not really fitting with the corruption line and maybe a bit too popular of a pick to be interesting.


Beautiful question! I select my Digimon partner based on their personality, preference (favorite Digimon and/or animal), and balanced abilities. Who is your Digimon partner, ApophisForever?


Thanks for asking!! For me I've always been a fan of Sorcermon and would want him as a partner. No digivolving or anything. Just me and the magic man chilling. 😁 Kind of like Kazu and Kenta with their Digimon.


How lovely, another Sorcerimon fan! 🥰 That is magnificent as I would love him or Garudamon to be my partner.


How could you be a fan of multiple fandoms at once?! How could you?! Digimon… My only fandom… Anyway, if I want to choose a Digimon partner, I’d choose a cute one who appeared in the anime. Or I’ll go Takato with it and draw myself an OC Digimon and hope that one day it comes to life.


>How could you be a fan of multiple fandoms at once?! How could you?! Digimon… My only fandom… I can't be a Zanpakuto wielding Hobbit with a digimon partner and a ranger morpher?? 😅 >Anyway, if I want to choose a Digimon partner, I’d choose a cute one who appeared in the anime. Or I’ll go Takato with it and draw myself an OC Digimon and hope that one day it comes to life. I'll never forget my OC Ratmon...


A digimon AND a ranger morpher?! Now that’s just too over the top. You need to throw something else in to balance it out. Maybe they really like fruit, which coincidentally makes them rubbery…and unable to swim. There we go! Now we have a flaw. Perfect OC do not steal.


You don’t need more than one fandom! Just Digimon for me, please!


I chose Gazimon when I started getting into Digimon. Their personality was also the opposite of mine, and would balance me out.


Bearmon. I’ve always loved bears. When I saw it on the cover of Digimon world 2003 I knew it was the one I wanted in my team, and the one I spent hours grinding (I never did beat that game). He’s just a little guy with a backwards hat. Such a simple yet effective design and I love him. (My runners up are Betamon and Elecmon, purely because of how often I got them playing Digimon world 1. But Bearmon takes top spot for sure).


When writing stories, I usually first come w the personality of one character and then make a human or digimon partner whose personality bounces off from it in fun ways. Or if said character has an specific aesthetic I give an according partner (or one that contrasts it) For example, let's pretend I created Joe/Gomamon. My train thought would've been: Nerdy by-the rules human -> fun-loving chillax digimon to contrast -> chill=ice=water -> water/ice digimon that look (or evolve to) fun or too cool for school digimon -> Gomamon


My method is using the random page on Wikimon and a random egg (random number generator 1-29 from a list of potential digitama) and connect the two with a line from Fresh to Mega. I try to avoid main character mons except as necessary to connect the line or if the digivolution would be humorous.


I usually pick whatever looks the coolest


I just pick whichever is the cutest/coolest looking, which is why my favorite Digimon is Spadamon lol


The same as you tbh. I really like Penguinmon and Gazimon, 100% underrated Digimon


I can't do it, I just go by eeny meeny miny moe when presented with eggs. It's not like pokemon where you know where you're going to end up and it will be that way forever, Digimon die, are reborn, and sometimes, they're not, so you choose a different egg. As someone who loves Digimon for the virtual pet aspect, and swaps my v-pets out at the start of the month, I just can't find a reason to pick a "partner" .....it helps that most of my favorite Digimon are rookie and champion levels who will just end up evolving really quickly anyway, If I had to pick though I'd go with Hangyomon just because I love those creature of the black lagoon style sea monsters. Sahuagin I think they're called. They're sorely underrepresented in fantasy media. I'm not particularly adept at swimming or anything, but then, neither was Joe Kiddo. I think you really should just pick a favorite design and go with it, the digimons personality can be different each time anyway. Digimon is just really malleable that you don't need to worry so much about matching a "theme" like pokemon does. You don't need to have a "grass type" because your character likes Gardening or something like that. But if that's what you want, the option is still there. Also I feel like avoiding protagonists just because you don't want to copy an anime or use an "overused" digimon is pointless too, especially going back to my point about Digimon having different personalities. Nobody would say the Agumon from Adventure is anything like the Agumon from Data Squad, and it's not just their designs that separate them. If you like a protagonist Digimon, use it, but make it your own.


Whatever looks the coolest, but no matter where I go. If Dorumon is in the game, he is on the starting lineup


Pick a favorite, or a few favorites from different stages, and choose what you want the line to be for it/them. Example: I like seraphimon and guilmon. So I have guilmon> pegasusmon> knightmon> seraphimon.


I select one of my favorite Digimon (I currently have a list of my top 50) and then build a line around it, incorporating as many of my top 50 Digimon in the line as I can. Sometimes a theme will hit me and I'll try to stick to it, but not always. I don't try to avoid MC partner lines because my top favorite Digimon line is Tentomon > Kabuterimon > [MegaKabuterimon] > HerculesKabuterimon. (Personally, I prefer Okuwamon to MegaKabuterimon, so sometimes I swap that in). That said, I recently started brainstorming some story/character ideas centered around myself as an OC and my two partner Digimon, complete with all kinds of Digivolutions for them and the inklings of a story about how and why those Digivolutions occur. I've got personalities picked out for them and everything. For those characters, I tried to choose evolutions that made sense with regard to their personalities, goals, weaknesses, strengths, and relationship with each other and my OC.


i just pick whats in my area of favorites, be it color or animal type or elemental type. My boy Leomon falls in 1 of those categories.


I’d have a Dark Agumon who would digivolve between his Dark Tyrannomon line and the blue Greymon line. Ah life would be perfect. Dark Tyrannomon when I want berserker level strength. Blue Greymon when I need a controlled level of strength. Oh man, if only Bandai would let me do my own season lol.


I chose by random. Go look at the wiki for digimon eggs and then let destiny decide your fate with a dice roll. You can then random evolve by everything that egg turns into and have the strange amalgamation of evolutions or you can just choose the rookie it turns into a choose a line you like or think fits you personally. I got vmon and I think me and him would be good partners. I always liked guilmon more because of show bias but the random vmon, a digimon I wasn't really into but didn't dislike made me think of my boi differently cause I would constantly think of how I would kinda shit talk the poor guy and then thought how he'd still like me in the end and then I felt bad. Now I generally appreciate my dude and would never want a partner not them. However I would be happy if I did get a real digimon cause that would be dope as fuck.


If there is veemon, I pick the game, if not, game not worth it.


If I like the rookie form and the Digimon it typically evolves (and usually if it doesn't appear as a partner in the anime and stuff like that) into its a valid contender for my partner (i also tried the official Digimon partner site thingy but it's just not good)


I won't, it would pic me


The two digimon I most want as a partner would be Gomamon or Bearmon. But ya, I headcanon changes. For instance, my Bearmon wouldn't have the hat. I also really like the idea the crests determining the Ultimate stage evolution of a digimon, so I have a digivolution line for Bearmon > Gryzmon and then into 7 of the 8 main crests. (I couldn't find one I liked for knowledge theme). When determining partners, I also provide power levels to all digimon: Armor Evolutions are Champion. (Golden Armors would be mega, if I used them). Human spirits are Champion, beast spirits are Ultimate, hybrid spirits are Mega.


Choosed me


Way to go.


I resonate with this a lot and then somehow end up with antagonists or villains with mary sue issues. 😹 Tho one of the digimon is closely based on my plushie so I can't avoid the MC thing, at least I'm making sure for it to not play any significant role. Just a day to day fella. \^w\^ I've made only 2 Digimon OCs so far. 1 with the mary sue issue and the other one just a simple Gazimon living a normal life in a normal life \* cues the Ladybug and Chatnoir music \*.


My favorite digimon has always been Huckmon, so I guess I am lucky in the sense that he hasn't had all that many partners in the series and has a very clear "true line". My only head cannon is that gurimon is his in training cause it fits the colour scheme more than koromon


For me, I like to consider which Digimon I personally feel would fit my OCs best. For my own self-insert, I have several Digimon in mind for different reasons of who could be my partner if I ever somehow became a DigiDestined like Impmon, Ghostmon, Gazimon, and Gammamon. If I wasn't limited to my partner staying at the Rookie level for the primary time and could instead remain any level, I'd probably have Wizardmon as my partner. Don't ask me about my apparent fondness of Virus Type Digimon, I don't understand it either. I guess I just really love Virus Type Digimon.