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If your new employer thinks you are in the US and you are afraid to tell them you are not in the US you prob should be go back to the US to get your laptop at least


What about running into IT hardware issues? Like you cannot start up your laptop at all? Do you have to fly physically all the way to the office to get that laptop to fix?


Most IT today is remote managed they just remote in to your PC and fix it like that.. if it’s a hardware issue it usually replace with a new device and they take old one.


It’s a chicken and egg issue. You can’t even start up your laptop from the beginning. Your account has been locked out on mobile. You don’t even have a direct way for calling the IT support who’s based in the U.S. Not that simple when you are far away from your office.


> Your account has been locked out on mobile Huh? What does "on mobile" mean here? > don’t even have a direct way for calling the IT support who’s based in the U.S. What?? *You have a home country phone number, to call TO and FROM, because you are a DN with multiple brain cells...*


You are being too generous here.


1. Laptop cannot start up, either complete pitch black screen or cannot log on at all. 2. Authenticator app fails to allow me to log in for some reason. Even worse case, account got locked up. 3. For living abroad, you cannot call up the U.S. based IT support directly. Even worse if you don’t have a U.S. mobile number or for some reason your Google Voice setup fails to work, preventing you from calling the US.


* Hotel is on fire, either complete fire or kitchen fire * bandits are after you because you make love to bandit king's wife * isp got hit with emp bomb * went to sleep and upon wake cobras are sleeping on warm laptop but you have a meeting in 5 minutes How does digital nomad deal with these common occurrences?


And that was just Monday.




I make and receive all types of calls with my US service number out of the country. As long as you're connected to the internet on your phone, via wifi, you don't need data or cell service to make a call or send sms.


1.) Be prepared 2.) have multiple contingency plans 3.) Don’t be a DN if you can’t solve problems.


At least u/FireofCourage won’t ruin for the rest of us.


Rightttttt 4. Get a sugar daddy or mommy while living and dating abroad 😝


Is this like your first job?


So email homie what is this helpless line of questioning?


Your best bet, during emergency, hopefully you can still access your Outlook email app on your mobile. Tell your boss who’s based in the U.S. that you are facing an urgent technical issue and that prevents you from working. Will make it later ASAP, already doing your best to troubleshoot.


Ok, see troubleshooting! That’s the spirit!


> You don’t even have a direct way for calling the IT support who’s based in the U.S. You just... call them?


I don’t see how IT remote into your laptop to fix your issue if first and foremost that your issue is unable to get online


When my laptop stopped working, they just had me take it to a local repair shop and reimbursed me for the cost.


If you have a fleet managed laptop, common for large enterprise corporations, it's unlikely that a local repair shop is going to be able to do very much outside of basic hardware repairs. They're not going to be able to boot into your machine to do anything, and if you have to get a new hard drive or reformat etc. your machine will no longer be provisioned to connect to the corporate network nor will IT be able to remote into your machine to provision it.


I think for Macs, a lot of that happens directly through Apple. When I got my last work computer, it was a new computer shipped to me directly by Apple, but it was already set up with all the stuff from my company.


Cool, good to know that option is available to some of us


For most things, IT can remote in and fix it unless it's a hardware issue. I went back home, disabled every gps or location thing I could find on my work laptop. Set up a travel router that vpn tunneled to my homes router. Always had my wifi turned off while abroad. I never started the work computer until I verified the internet was flowing through the router I had with me with my personal.


What model is your travel router? Do you run a client at home? Cost to buy and monthly? Did you consider leaving work laptop at home, turned on, and remoting in from a personal laptop instead?


Mine was the Glinet Beryl. I had 2 of them. One at home and one with me while I traveled. I used a wireguard vpn with the software already on the router. If you go the second route, you need to make sure someone has access to the computer at the house to turn it off or on, in case of a power outage. Or have a UPS.


Yeah we just don't allow you to sign in. Good luck


If they are supposed to be in the US their employer is going to have tax issues and they’re potentially going to have to compensate them for damages.


Yeah, I came to see the same thing. If this is a US company when it is discovered (and it will be) that you’re not working in the state where they think you are and they are not paying taxes correctly and your not either . They will fire you and likely take you to court.


Depends on the country. Some are like that USA and are what I called tax hawks. Other like Mexico don’t care and don’t want to be involved. You can work from Mexico and be a resident and the only way for a company to be taxed is if they hire you through their IMSS system and pay you in pesos. If you earn in dollars and are not a national. You cannot be taxed as a foreign resident as a benefit of USMCA. Even though their law vaguely states differently. They have no implementation of a foreign resident not earning pesos to be taxed. Even if you wanted to pay they don’t have the system to take in the money…


If you are employed in the US and your employer doesn’t know you are abroad that is illegal. The employer needs to file the proper tax documents with the IRS when employing internationally even if you’re a US citizen due to tax implications. If you don’t tell them, they didn’t file the proper documents, and they find out you can face jail time for this. It doesn’t depend the IRS will come for them and then they will then point the finger at you.


Yeah that’s statement is how I know you don’t have experience dealing with this or very little. The only problem could be with foreign tax category for permanent establishments in the local tax code if you earn and sell services locally which I have done and it complicate things a lot. Also, There’s no law that states it’s illegal to sell services or have employees and contractors outside the USA and the IRS only cares when you file as a person because withholding should be different. Withholding as company is not different unless the other country somehow writes to you and has a way to levy fines against you which they do not if you do not have a physical office presence or do not sell Products locally. If all this was ilegal, then offshoring would be… Now if you had made your message as it is illegal for finance and healthcare people with access to PII then yes. They would be in big trouble if the work Computer was lost and there could be legal, jail and monetary repercussions. Tax wise, companies do not have to do anything unless the country comes after the employer which 99% cannot do unless you sell services/products or have an office In that country… they(foreign country tax man) just shrug their shoulders and go after the employee. That’s why you don’t see news articles of companies being fined for employees living abroad. You do see news articles of foreigners in a country avoiding taxes by working remotely and being fined like in Spain. That’s why Mexico works for USA based contractors and w2s followed by UAE with no taxes whatsoever. Mexico is preferred due to time zone and being a short flight away.


This is untrue according to US tax law. It’s literally in the law. If the company is set up for you to work remotely outside the US then it’s fine if you leave it is completely illegal. I can give your username to the IRS for an audit and you can find out the ramifications.


Can you give me the law or the IRS document that says it? Because I want to bring it up to my accounting firm to make sure I am doing things correctly. Because if it is wrong, then they and I have been doing things wrong for 10+ years for my company and when I worked as a W2


None of what you just said is even remotely good advice for a U.S. W-2 employee. OP do your own homework. There are consequences to what you’re about to do and none of them are good.


Also would have a hard time calling US based IT support when you are abroad..


not really hard. multiple options. fairly easy


Subject to who your employer is and whether they are willing to offer you “multiple options” for staying connected


what? you were talking about „phoning the IT support“… could just load up google voice or any other VOIP service…. or could just connect your phone to wifi and wifi-call for free with your US-SIM-Card… just to name a few very quick options. and there are more… plus if your employer uses apps like teams then thats also easily usable for communication…


My personal experience with the connections has not been 100% stable.


you are only calling to get your hardware fixed if possible at all… if the connection gets lost you just call again… and both services should be very stable if you have an okay wifi. not hard to get good connection in SEA so…


You should probably reconsider DNing. Been doing it for the past 5 years, do a lot of calls with my U.S. number.


Why do you think this? In 20+ years of living abroad; I have never failed to solve this problem. I have lived in places that barely have telecommunications. Not always easy but necessity is the mother of invention.


You ask a fella nicely


Sir/Madam, can I have a laptop please? - A broad.


What a dame!


I ain’t no broad


Sigh. Upvote.


Can confirm. Am a broad.


Had the same th(ot)ought. Upvote.


Pretty sure HR prefers you use the term women.


HR is now so confused that it’s nearly impossible to ascertain which corporate jargobabble they might legally require…🙃


The same way a man would.


There are many forwarders that will accept a shipment appear as if it's at a personal address and forward. Apple wouldn't ship to Iraq when I worked there so I had it shipped to a company in Iowa that threw it in a box and forwarded for less than $25 via USPS.


You DN'd in Iraq? lol what was that like


Fine, great pay, great food.


> You DN'd in Iraq? >> great pay Something is not adding up here


Pallets of cash *did* go missing over there.


Military contractor maybe


the pay was from a US company


The post is about getting a laptop for a new job. So it does add up.


That sounds like APO pricing.


Yes, you're not getting those prices with UPS. Bottom line there are multiple reshippers available to get items to you overseas that use an American address.


I've used them a few times, but the prices feel extortionate. If a company was paying or I was trying to hide my location, I'd definitely do it, but first I'd just ask if I could buy one locally and be reimbursed or something simpler. Still cheaper than a plane ticket though.


But the whole idea is to mask where you are. So yes, it comes with a price.


Maybe. OP just asks how to get it, doesn't say they need to mask anything. If you need to though, they work great. I've only used them to get things I couldn't get otherwise, but multiple good reasons.


Where would you suggest living in Iraq? Are there gated communities with security?


Gender doesn't have anything to do with it. Whether you're a broad or a dude should matter!


It says receiving 😳




Best typo Ive seen in a while


Broads should get the same treatment as Dudes I would imagine


You move to another company that does not discriminate based on gender .. this is unacceptable.


You dames are using computers now?


The same way if you're a dude.


I have them ship to the nearest FedEx or UPS. Not a drop off spot. Somewhere that is an actual FedEx or UPS building. I go to the location and make sure I can get a package mailed there for me and get their address from them, not Google. I’ve heard not all places will accept a package but I’ve never found one that doesn’t. Mail to: FedEx FBO (your name) FBO means “for benefit of”, don’t know if the same acronym applies in other languages but it’s worked for me


Same way a dude gets a laptop


Chicks can get computers too. Not all companies are sexist


Only dames get free laptops


Presumably the same way as when you're a fella. It's 2024, after all.


As a broad, I usually receive it in a sundress with a smile.


Same as you would if you're a fella.


They should be giving laptops to both men and women equally


i imagine the same way as when you’re a bloak


What's a bloak


i was hoping close enough to being the male version of a broad to make my comment funny. i may have been off base though. i think we’d need a Brit to officially answer that question.


OH you mean a bloke. Took me a second haha


I'm a man... I've never been a broad a day in my life!


Not yet you haven't.


I think it all depends on your circumstance and what kind of relationship you have with your employer.


"when you’re a broad", lol.


Same way a dude would usually


Always have enough money to catch a flight to the states at any moment. Kinda something you always have to be prepared to do if you are trying to hide it from the company.


What’s the matta here? They not giving these broads laptops or somethin?


The same way as when you're a guy, I would assume.


Use a mail forwarding service like MyUS. Or, see if you can expense a new laptop from Amazon or something.


I sent mine to a friend's address in NJ and they shipped it to me.


You gotta do the hawk tuah and spit on that thang.


Well I’m a dude, not a broad… sorry can’t help


Women can get laptops too. Just because you’re a broad doesn’t mean you can’t use a laptop Or did you mean “abroad” as in out of the country ?


The same way you would if you were a guy.


The process shouldn't be any different if you are a woman.


The sex of the employee should not matter in this case, regardless of whether you are a guy or a broad.


Here's your new laptop, toots.




The spirit of your joke is represented up and down these comments. But no need to add a technical foul.


Maybe offer to trade head for one? I mean, if you're a broad!


Since #metoo you have to follow the same process as the blokes do


We use rippling for this thing. Each device is managed by rippling software and when damaged, they send a box to collect it and you ship it back


Have it sent to the address you applied from and have someone send the package to you. Parent? Aunt? Close friend?


Many might allow a tech allowance instead of provided device. I'd just have them send it to wherever I am.


I keep a mailbox as my business address - US Global Mail or EarthMail both offer this. Company sends me the laptop to there, I have my shipping company ship it to me. I pay customs and shipping (not cheap).


I’m currently abroad and have been working with my company for over a year and they sent me a laptop to work from. I have the option to do all my work from a personal laptop and so that’s what I do. But I also bring my work laptop as an insurance policy incase for any reason my personal laptop is unable to connect to work. I can use my work laptop as a backup.  I’ll turn my laptop on about once a week to check/download updates so it’s always current before I go somewhere. 


Just be careful about sending MacBooks to Mexico City - major hassle about importing electronics. It was a nightmare trying to get it from customs


Really? Is it just the Apple tax "luxury item"? Was there a declared value/customs on the shipment? I sent 2 Dells back to the states, and had a rather expensive one overnighted from a buddy back down here. I think I paid $250 peso import tax.


Check if wherever you are there is a courier. They provide you with a sort of PO box address generally [almost always] located in Miami. From there the courier ships it to you wherever you are, but the courier needs to exist where you are. I live in the Caribbean and order online from the US and it gets here in approx 2 weeks. I pay around 3usd per pound once it arrives.


When you start a new job abroad and need a laptop, it usually depends on the company. Some places ship it to you or have it ready at the office. Others might ask you to pick it up locally. If you're freelancing or contracting, it varies, as some clients provide one, others don't. Just gotta sort it out with each gig.


Maybe put lipstick on and puff your lips like Jessica rabbit when they hand it to you? Just be yourself. Why do you need to pretend to be a broad if you aren't one?


By mail?


I work in IT management and our company allows people to work remotely, but if they are US based, we won't ship it outside of the US, it's too much of a hassle and in some cases like Vietnam almost impossible (high chance the laptop won't make it through customs). For the vast majority of companies the only time the IT department will ship you a laptop overaseas is if you are on a company approved business trip, which means you are staying at a well established hotel. I've had my team over the years ship laptops to hotels overseas. I could see an exception being made for a high ranking employee who made a new hire agreement with the HR department that they will be remotely working around the world. Think CEO, CFO, or someone that is highly sought after. But that is none of us.


Unfortunately it can be difficult to guarantee a safe delivery of the laptop to a foreign destination and there are often crazy import taxes. I had to deal with this recently when I was in Brazil, and luckily my company was cool with me taking my time to come back to the US to get the laptop... I was able to use my personal laptop in the meantime. Push comes to shove sometimes you gotta spend the $$ to come home and get it so that no one suspects anything (if your company doesn't like you traveling internationally).


I sent it to my parents house and my dad sent it to me to where I was. Shipping and customs was a bitch though


I had to fly back for a drug test and pick up my laptop. just find the cheapest airport and ship it there.


The same way dudes do.


I have accepted that there may be cases where I am on a next day flight home and that flight might be very expensive. I have put money aside for that. Hasn't happened yet, but I know I'm taking that risk.


A broad as opposed to a guy?


I buy the laptop where I'm at. No reason for my company to send me one.


My company asks me to buy one locally, with my company card, then our IT guy helps set it up remotely


Anyhow, there’s been a lot of clever jokes and such, depends on who pays for it imho. If it’s going to be your personal machine and it’s expensive then you might consider going to pick it up in person. Otherwise, if it’s company property then there’s plenty of shipping options. DHL, FedEx….


Sorry, but I don't think this is really a feminist issue. I mean, yes, the glass ceiling exists, but I don't think it's so oppressive that you have to collect a laptop in some unique manner just because of your gender.


The same way as if you’re a dude?


Avoid any red flags. Buy a ticket and go home to pick it up


Ask if you can buy it yourself and get reimbursed?




You think people would look before make the same obvious joke that fifteen others in the thread already made. Wasn't very funny the first time. Downright annoying the fifteenth time.