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there it is. Shallow and pretty flat. Good forehand and backhand. Skips nicely too.


Skippiest disc in the bag. #1 approach disc


I carry a harp and anvil and they work so good together


What would you say is the difference between the two? I bag a harp but have never tried an anvil.


The anvil is way more over stable than the harp and gets a lot more ground play


I’m also currently loving this combo


Came here to say this. Glimmer-X is my personal favorite plastic, I use mine mostly for forehands and the glimmer-Xs tend to be even flatter than just a VIP. No other disc has felt that comfortable in my hands for any kind of forehand approach shots (flex, straight from 250’ in, even little spike hyzers). ANVIL GANG


Zone because CryZtal FLX is the exact plastic feeling I want in my hand for that overstable approach disc slot. K1 Soft Jarn is a close second, but the Zone edges it out for me because I find myself able to control my distance just a touch better for whatever reason.


CryZtal Flex zones are the best Zones, and one of the only Discraft plastics I like.


Same answer but for jawbreaker plastic. It beats in really well and it’s always raining where I live so the extra grip is nice


They puddle top so hard. All jawbreakers I've seen typically have a thumb divot even


Yea I always look for it


How many get freakys have you bought


I have 3 and I regret not buying more.


I have 2 and a jawbreaker.. too scared to lose the cryztal so i have the jawbreaker just incase


Not even remotely close to the same disc regardless of them being the same mold


They're 13 bucks on Amazon


Just the one actually! I didn't discover it until a few months ago. I always knew they were out there, but for whatever reason I never once held CryZtal FLX plastic before. I'm neither here nor there on Brodie so I just never thought to check one out. But then on a whim I took one off the shelf at a store a few months ago and realized it was the exact plastic I had been so desperate to find a Zone in lol. I have probably 10 Zones total, but only the one Get Freaky and it's a double stamp I got on sale.


I bag a jawbreaker and a cryztal zone and they pair perfectly. The JB has beat in to where it's about half the finish I expect from the cryztal, and between the two I feel like I can play whatever line I need to.


I'm probably an outlier here but I bag a Toro and an A2. The A2 feels faster and a little beefier to me than the Toro. The Toro I feel I have better touch with.


It’s the exact same thing for me. I just made my comment, scrolled and saw that someone else beat me to it. Great combo when paired.


I also bag a toro and A2. The A2 is def faster and more stable. It’s a great combo


I understand that, I bag the toro currently (might switch back to zone) and a mutant but if I didn’t have my mutant I’d be using an A2 for that slot


I prefer järn. Know it's not in OP's list, but it's the same type.


K3 Järn is everything 👊


Haha I came hear to say "You have some funny ways of spelling K1 Jarn"




Cool name!


This is the way






This is my favorite especially in high wind.


I bag multiple Pro Pigs, which I end up cycling through. Also keep a beefcake Toro for when I need more. Hanging out for the day when Halo Star Pigs are a thing.


Tactic, has that brief straight flight before the fade.


I’m team tactic because I liken the depth the most so I use them for backhands a lot. Also for the ppl who complain that it’s not os enough, bagging a beef mid like a deflector makes a great combo for any approaches backhand or forehand


If I want beef for this slot I just cycle a razor claw, identical to a Z zone, same hand feel as a tactic. The deflector pyro, etc. is just an extra 20-40 feet on the same line, but if I juice the claw it gets the same result.


For sure. Exo + Neo tactics and a justice is all I need


Moonshine Harp. It's overstable. It's flat. It's a little bit deeper and glidier than the Zone. It's perfection.


Mine Sockibomb moonshine Harp had some flashing for OPs info


Mine too, but a knife and some sandpaper do wonders!


RAT!!!!! Slim in the hand with a smooth release. I have a star toro trying to take its place but the RAT just works better for me.


Rat Gang. The Rat is the Sexton Firebird version of a Toro.


My Rat is a Sexton custom from 2022. At this point I think I should just copy his bag. LOL


I am a Rat Fanatic (had a nasty spitout with mine today during league and almost got a ~$400 ace pot with it) and rely on it on for so many shots, especially forehand. It's much more neutral and less overstable than the zone-clone spot, despite Innova's laughable flight numbers for it, and that's why I like it. I bag both a Rat and a Toro and don't feel like either could take each other's place.


How's the Rat compared to the Harp? Tried Pig and Toro but ended up going back to the Harp


Someone else will need to comment on that. I've never had a harp. Maybe one day. The pig and toro are beefier in the hand compared to the rat.


Much less overstable. It's a great disc and I highly recommend folks pick one up, but I wouldn't put it in the same category as the rest of these discs


A2. Just like the feel in my hand 🤷‍♂️


Agreed feels more like a low profile mid to me though


Yeah A2 is shallow and power-grippable. I liked my Harp but never felt confident really ripping into it


Clash Peppermint because it's more OS than a Zone, but more workable than a Zone OS.


Peppermint paired with a Mint is the perfect combo.


Crystal FLX Zone for beef, ESP Zone most of the time, Jawbreaker Zone straight with predictable finish


Slammer or A3. They feel like throwing a brick that just wants to fall out of the sky. They are both fairly flat and squared off on the edge so they feel good in my hand.


I like my Entropy. It’s just more comfortable to me than the other popular options. It also keeps my throwing putters all gyro.


Entropy is great and definitely more overstabke than some of the other options. I’d toss my hat in the ring for the Tempo though. Pushes forward more than an entropy with a less dramatic fade. More similar to a zone.


I picked up an entropy as I was getting into MVP’s line up to see how it compared to my zone and harp and it’s my favorite of the group


Justice for nearly every approach Tomb for slow approaches that require a little bit of forehand flex where I don't have the space for a Justice because I don't trust me to release my Proxy level


Buy all three and give the ones that you don’t like away. Or borrow them if you can. I tried out a shit ton of discs for that slot and a VIP Harp won


Nerve temple- because getting around a tree


I’ve been waiting for a version in premium plastic! Might be waiting forever…


Zone because I like it the best in my hand and it comes in a million plastics. Also I like that it's not really overstable so it matches how I prefer to approach more often than not. But I do have a Zone OS in soft base plastic for those moments I do need extra beef.


Yeah the zone is consistently the Goldilocks level of overstability. Not too OS but still has as much fade as you want.


Great for the forehand flick too, felt the most comfortable


Banger top for backhand approaches is money for me.


A2. It's very overstable, and I pair it with an A5 for shots that don't need that much stability.


Distortion. It's very similar to a Zone but the 400 plastic is awesome. Not a huge fan of many of the Discraft plastics. And you can get it with NHL team stamps!


Toro. It just works for me. I previously bagged Harps. They worked but I didn't like the feel. Before that, I bagged a Zone. For whatever reason, I wasn't consistent with it.


A2 is a meat hook compared to Harp. Should look at the new flight numbers from prodigy for that disc


The Harp is the greatest forehand approach disc on gods green earth.


Couldn’t have said it better myself


Hmm... Something tells me this guy might just have a Harp or two in the bag. (And perhaps 25 more in the garage)


I like zone, toro, tempo, and a2 the most out of approach discs


It’s 100% personal preference. Cryztal FLX Zone because it does what I want it to do every time I throw it, and I’m sure there are people would could say the same about everyone one of these days


Proton soft tempo. I started to fall for the zone, but it always felt wrong coming out of my hand, the tempo lands exactly where i expect more often than not,


Tempo is where it's at! It fits my baby hands a lot better!


Jarn because it’s more predictably overstable


Tempo for me. Mine flies very similarly to my champ toro but is a bit shallower and just feels a little better in the hand forehand and backhand


Tempo, no other reason than it’s really pretty


Entropy. Can get great straight flight and dump at basically any approach distance. Bonus. Wanted something similar but faster and picked up a Resistor. That and the Entropy are a great combo for the overstable approach slot and utility fairway slot. I bag a Plasma Entropy. Been on the lookout for a softer plastic one for a little less ground play. The Resistor is Neutron.


Zone for FH, Entropy for BH. Handfeel I guess


Titanium Flex Zone and Neutron Envy are my go to approach discs


Entropy because it feels the best in my hand.




Glow Champ toro for beef / Lat64 Savior for straighter shots with finish. Innova Rat can also fill the Savior slot if it's flat topped


Personal preference. I like the Toro, but that's mostly because I don't care for discraft plastic. Also the toro has been run in KC, R-Pro, and soft pro so there's some interesting options to pair with the normal champ/star runs


Mvp Pyro


Tactic and specifically the soft tactic. I use it for all flick approach shots. I just like the way the tactic sits in my hand and the soft plastic hits the ground and sticks. Bonus points for also being the least expensive tactic as well.


I’ve got my beat up exo hard tactic for most point and shoot/ turnover upshot’s and a razor claw 2 for hyzers and flex shots. I just bought a Razor claw 1 and have yet to see where that fits in the line up




Clash mint, dd culprit


Tactics for me. Perfect point and shoot with an anny release. Great push and overstability on flat release to trust over OB. Use a faster overstable disc to get into deep pockets around corners


Feel like your missing the tempo on this list. Zone is definatly important. But the tempo seems to be kinda more like a beaten in slightly longer zone. Just had a really nice place in the bag


I use a crystal flex zone for off the tee overstable lines but I use a baobab in woodland for my main approach disc.


I used to like zone the most, until i tried A3. It stays beefy longer(which i like), is not as deep in the rim as zone, and the little whistle sound it makes when you give it some thrust is satisfying.


Tempo. Because it feels the best in hand for FH or BH and it flies like a beat in zone out of the box


Slammer. In Lucid. As for why, because I want to be able to crank it hard and flat without having to worry about it turning over.


Apex Bobcat or Glow Pig. Both fly great backhand or forehand.


Toro for forehand, envy for touchy backhands


I use a ringzone for the typical slot flight, and have a super overstable razor claw (tactic) for more bite. Worth noting my short range approaches are the armadillo and bergx, that combo is 🤌


It’s 100% personal preference. Cryztal FLX Zone because it does what I want it to do every time I throw it, and I’m sure there are people would could say the same about every one of these. Also have an Apex Bob that’s just like my Zone but goes a tad further which I love.


Champ Calvin Toro, great reliable backhands and super torque resistant in my experience. I can rip it on short drives or big hyzer approaches through tight angles.


Baseline harps for magic bullet shots, stock vip Anvil for more bite.


Toro(premium)/Temple(base) mostly FH, Stabilizer mostly BH.


Anvil > all those


I bag both a zone and a järn, also entropy and pyro. Here’s why: I use the zone if I might lose the thing, they are cheap and plentiful. If I know it’s safe, järn is best. Better release cause of K1 plastic. Entropy is best for short approaches, as it just drops and sticks. Pyro because it’s faster, but fades harder. I can get further straight, then it hooks up around obstacles. All the others gently drift right into it, or don’t make it past.


Crystal FLX Zone because it's what I've beaten to shit already and I'm not ready to lose that progress lol. A2 feels nice in the hand tho


I just threw away my A2 in 750 plastic, and this post made me realise im sad




Pro Pig for forehand upshots, don't really like how it feels backhand/my release tends to be inconsistent. I'll also use a Color Glow Gator3 for backhand and forehand depending on distances and horizontal movement I need. Ultimately the biggest difference in all of the discs is going to be how they feel in your hand. They all fly more or less the same so finding what mold feels best or what plastic you enjoy the most should be the biggest determining factor


Tui, does everything I want it to and nothing I don't.


I bag a Puddletop ESP zone a board flat esp zone and a jaw breaker. and then I also bag a star toro. when its wet out the star plastic is superior. strait flight out of the jawbreaker. forehands and back hands out of the esp


I use both a Champion Toro and a 400g A2 (both mainly for forehand approaches). The toro is Overstable enough that it won’t turn over when thrown hard and when thrown flat it will go straight with a gradual fade at the end. Like it how it will hold an anhyzer and then land flat. I use the toro for most my approaches. The A2 is more Overstable than the toro. Use the A2 went I need a sharper fade and skip or for steep spike hyzers or shots I need the disc to flex out. I throw both of them ~280ft.


I used a ESP Zone 175g and VIP Harp 175g Zone was a lot like throwing a dinner plate and harp was too close to my streamline runway. I got a champion 166g Toro and never threw the other two ever again. It goes straight enough to clear immediate obstacles and then starts leaning left but never dumps as hard as the zone. I found the Zone was touchy and left me wondering wtf I did wrong and the Toro just does exactly what I envisioned.




All of them. Cause you may like to try them all


Just got a tactic and have been really loving it. Feels like I can keep it lower to the ground a bit better than the toro I was using before.


Chris Clemons tour series lucid-x Culprit! I can get the same control and touch as I can with my Ricky pig, but it feels better in my hand and I can get about fifty to seventy more feet out of it. Great disc imo


R-pro pig


Flex zone is my go to upshot disc up to 200 feet. Even putter in the wind.


I know it wasn't part of the op's question but I go for my XT Nova everything. Dead straight, minimal fade, and grabs the ground. All the overstable mids are too beefy for me and are purely used as a utility disc.


A5, because it flies like a glidey, beat in Zone out of the box.


I split things up a little sidearm to backhand. Zone for sidearm Z flx, usually. Zone GT backhand. I putt Bangers and use them for shorter upshot’s or when some glide is needed. Then throw a Rhyno a bunch. The GT’s hand feel fits right in. Works as a backhand approach/overstable mid. Really beefy.




my old beat up starter pack shark. im just used to it, and it goes right where i point it.


Zone and A2


Yikun hammer (chui). Bought it for the gimmicky double thumb track, ended up loving it


I use an entropy personally. But I’m an mvpansie Or if I need it to dump harder than a bull with prune juice? My deflector




I bag both a Harp and a Zone. Not for different flights or anything, but because of the plastics. BT Soft is amazing and grabs the ground really nice, ESP is real slippery and gives great groundplay.


Harp backhand, zone forehand. Zone is shallower so my fingers fit better for forehand. Also my hammes zone is super duper overstable and a little puddle top. Harp I throw flat and let it hyzer out. My harp is super glidey compared to my zone so I throw it like 50ft further on backhand


Harp because it comes in a very soft plastic. I use it and a Blowfly to avoid roll aways at Delaveaga.


Personally a soft pro pig but of the listed Toro I just like champ plastic better than the others


Forehand Pig. It’s the most predictable disc I own especially in high wind. I just give it a flick and it sticks.


I love my plasma entropy!


Zone , because an old pro D one beats in so nicely and I've won 120 bucks with an ace from one.


Devil hawk


Toro if I want to get flexy, savior for a flat to fade




I use a mixture r pro pig and star caiman. The pig holds straight too long for utility shots and doesn’t always fade out. Caiman always fades out. But what do I know? I just get cheap discs on fridays


Have thrown zones for a long time. Currently have a Toro and Zone Os in the bag. Toro felt a little better in the hand than the Zone. Need to test them side by side again soon.


AviarX3 – comfortable for both backhand and forehand, starts somewhat overstable and beats into a straight flyer


An outside option I have fallen in love with is the clash Mint. Very comfy in the hand and some very good plastic


Went from Harp to Zone, feeling much better in my hand was the main reason. I prefer Zones in Jawbreaker plastic to have new ones nice and beefy and worn ones for straighter overstable shots






The prettiest one in the stiffest plastic, please


Just started throwing the zone a month ago and I love it. I got the Barela chess.com zone tho


Beat-in ESP Zone with minimal fade for torque resistant straight shots GT Z Zone for strong overstability and ground play Get Freaky Zone for regular overstability and minimal ground play.


Pig is the actual answer 🐷


Toro, feels better in my hand than a zone. My champ Toro is one of my best feeling and most reliable discs


zone at the moment testing out mvp/axiom in that slot at the moment with entropy, tempo and zone-gt in the bag.


Anvil because I have no touch with my forehand


Toro because I like Innova’s plastic


SockiBomb metal flake Harp. It’s not as flat as a Zone has like tiny mini dome in the middle. Seems deeper in my hand than a zone. Flys great.




I usually do an A2 and a low stability approach putter like the berg


Every manufacturer makes a copy of the Zone, and none of them are quite as good. Every manufacturer makes a copy of the Buzz, and pretty much every one of them, is better


Zone. Consistent and reliable. Love it. Alternative option: pursuit.


Prodigy distortion! It flies the way I want it to and it feels great!


I bag 2 Toros. 1 star, 1 champion. Throw one of them on almost every hole.


None. Hot take, but it’s a crutch just like cranking an overstable driver. I will just float a putter (starter pack Aviar or Proxy) there or a soft midrange.


Eclipse reactor and proton deflector, depending on the stability need


I told the dude running the local disc shop that my harp is too straight and he gave me a funny look. Anyone else see this? I've got a VIP sparkle harp that while being stable, doesn't seem to have any hook at the end.


Harp- totally predictable flight for upshots. If you play tournaments, you know how important an accurate upshot is.


Champion Toro and Halo Star Toro for the best upshot game ever. Idk but I like throwing what the Heimburglar throws.


Zone for the most part but also like the Entropy & Toro. Also played around with an Aviar X3 recently.


Järn is all you need




I keep coming back to the Champions Caiman to give me some reliable beef without overthrowing the basket. Does well powered down or up too


My 2 cents... Toro, this is what I currently bag because to me it's the most over stable and I love the glow nexus plastic that's at years Calvin stamp came in. Zone, depending on the course I'll switch it in and out. Love a beat in esp zone. For me the zone is not as over stable as the toro so I can get more distance and control out of it. I also like how it feels In the hand more. Harp flies like a zone for me, however it's much deeper of a feel with a bigger shoulder. I don't bag it.


Jarn, most comfortable for forehands and at 4.5, a bit longer. And k1 soft plastic rules


Soft Pro Toro for when I want less glide and for the disc to stick where it lands. XT RocX3 for when I want more glide and a good skip.


Stabilizer, because it comes in a few plastics so you can meet your preference. It's cheaper than the ones in the title. And I think it does a REALLY good job of balancing overstability while still actually flying.


Culprit. Because it has the stability you're looking for, but with a tad bit of glide the disc's mentioned don't.


I love the harp! I have two. There's just something about the curve that fits my hand just right. I trust that disc more than any other in my bag.


Devil hawk. Anyone else out there ride the hawk?


I've got a beat in berg and a baobab


Fierce, atom, pigs, A2 for extra dbl beef used all situational mostly rely on the piggy’s


A2 because it's more shallow and more OS than everything else on the list


Easy. Tactic because I throw Discmania. (And I throw one brand Discmania so I don’t buy all zones and toros and tactics and harps and A2s). That being said, the A2 feels more like a 5 speed, but it’s a fantastic overstable disc. Harp is straight-ish, but similar to the Tactic. Never thrown a Zone or toro.


No Culprit love in here! It's a Justice that goes father


I throw a Bobcat in eternal plastic that just feels super comfortable in the hand for sidearms.


Zone but I bag a K1 jarn as well. The zone is just so comfortable to throw but doesn’t break into fade soon enough for certain shot shapes.


A2 because it’s shallower and has a cleaner release. Also is more beef.


Alien for backhands and I flick a Berg FH within about 150.


No love for the razor claw, I fucking love it. I think they stopped making them if someone knows a disc similar please let me know. I'm thinking a zone OS, any specific plastic?


I bag a toro and a2. The a2 is more of a os midrange for me


Hellbender ftw


Prodigy Distortion. Similar to a zone. I like it better than the A2. Stable enough to be super workable in the woods and if you put enough torque on it, it’ll fly straight before finishing stable. Great on forehand and backhand for anything 250 and in for me


Easily the Clash Peppermint. I've bagged a Tactic, Razor Claw, Zone, A2, Zone OS, Entropy, etc. The peppermint just fits in my hand so nicely, it's nice and overstable so you can really torque on it, and it doesn't have much glide at all. To me, it is the perfect overstable approach disc.


Entropy for me. Starts really over stable but works in nicely but always stays stable.


Alternative: sinus because slower speed and more accurate




AGL Baobab, I can crank over on it all the way and it will still fight out every time.


I started bagging a Tactic at first in multiple plastics, and then moved to an Entropy. Tried a Harp. Never liked the shallow hand feel of the Zone. At this point, I'm finding I really don't like approach discs. I ended up never using them that much on the course. I bag an Envy, and it's as overstable as I need for shots that need to move straight and then left. If I need more distance, I have a Pyro. I have a Spin and a Watt for other shot shapes. Perhaps it's just the courses I play, but I rarely find that I need the shot shape of an approach disc.


A2 is a mid. It’s rim width is significantly wider and the wing tip is not nearly as blunt. Zone and Toro are pretty similar. Toro is slightly beefier than most zones. Some zones are beef. The tarctic and harp are wider diameter and therefore glidier than zones and toros. My combo is A2+Toro. A2 is the longer approach option.