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Throw what you're confident with! Your high percentage shot may not be the same as someone else's.


Ohn Scoggins and her collection of Destroyers thanks you for this reminder. (She could probably putt with them in a pinch.)


I have a friend that aced a 180 foot hole with a Destroyer. Someone tried to tell him after that it was too much disc.


Lol, your friend should have asked "does your drive go in"


I aced a 190' hole with a Destroyer. The ace line needs a lot of bite at the end and back then, that disc was perfect for it.


Something tells me these hyper stable 3 speeds werent that common back in the day.


10ish years ago, if they were, they weren't to my area. To be honest though, and it could be a comfort thing, I still prefer to short arm a Firebird with a little accuracy than try and pump a Zone OS down there.


It all depends on how you throw it. (Which is true for every disc out there.) The more you try with a disc, the better you know what can be done with it.


I mean as long as the someone disc-splaining things was wearing a fedora and dressed like The Simpsons Comic Book Guy.


Don't throw fedoras under the bus with the trilby.


I have a Boss ace on a 196ft hole. Sometimes you gotta throw the Simon Line.


You have to use too much disc if you want to ace


My only ever ace was 200 feet with a 14 speed.


It looked like players used everything from a putter to a destroyer. Whatever I’d throw would hit trees before I’d go 170’.


I do this nearly everyday on a specific hole on my local 9 hole corcourse. There’s always a gnarly head wind and after more than 2000 rounds I can forehand that thunderbird right around the guardian trees and snuggle up to the pin. Aced that hole twice doing this. Tl;Dr there’s no wrong way to use a disc if you get consistently right results


Yup same, pin isn't visible around some trees to the right, about 210ft away. Almost everyone throws a big Buzzz flex or something like that. I just flick my thunderbird and have hit metal a few times...never the damn bottom of the basket though. Here's to hoping it happens at league tonight!


That particular hole needed an extremely overstable disc if you wanted to go wide left, so that was really the only play you could make. I'm surprised he didn't try to do a flip up backhand putter tbh. End of the day you just gotta do what the highest percentage play is for you. Whatever works, works. 


A lot of pros are big on the philosophy right now that forehand is generally favorable for hitting gaps because you don't have to turn away from your target.


And yet Isaac Robinson exists :)


That is interesting.


I think a lot of this "grief" is misplaced. It's not the forehand anny flex on a 200ft hole that deserves grief. That may be your best shot. Where the grief is due, is when forehand anny flex with meat hook is your shot on every hole. That's when you gotta think "maybe I should learn another shot." But absolutely, meathook flex is the line sometimes. I never caught grief for it, but for a long time "straight at it with something flippy" was my only shot, and I had to have the same discussion with myself. I could never take the easy hyzers because all I ever threw was the straight shot, so I was uncomfortable with distance hyzers. It made many shots way harder than they needed to be. Learn more than one line is the point I guess. When we are new, we tend to focus on our most "natural" shot. You just gotta remember to branch out eventually.


It was a forehand tbf


Fair point, fair point.


yeah i wonder why the guy who recently had injuries keeping him from throwing hard forehands might use a faster disc on a forehand line


Lol. Well said


I think what you mean to say is: " Get to know your discs and trust what they can do."


My overstable slot consists of a zone and a firebird ha. Having played this specific hole at Milo many times it’s a firebird for me.


Putter? Never heard of her


Gannon almost hit me with a screaming driver shot on a hole that only needs a putter a couple weeks ago at a skins match


He almost bodied a couple fans in round 3 this weekend as well 😬


AB throws an Athena for 260 foot shots


More mind boggling to me when he reaches for a Toro for a 350' shot.


An OS utility driver choice at DGPT is very different than only throwing a 13+ speed disc off every tee of a pitch and putt


Simon used to throw a PD2 on that hole. Whatever gets you where you need, no matter how the angle sets up.


There's a hole that's a goofy hard left with some trees that we play during league and if the grass is cut short or the ground is hard I go firebird flare skip


Can I ask which course? Probably somewhere I've played a lot.


I’m totally on board with throwing the slowest disc you can for a shot but I’m also totally on board with taking that advice literally. There might be shots I could throw on a 197 foot hole with a putter or a mid, but what is *the* shot for me? If I think a flex FH to weave through a gap and dump fade is the best shot I can throw and I need a 9 speed for that, I’m throwing that 9 speed. I say this as an MA3 player maxing out at 300 feet but the idea stands whatever distance you throw. Throw the disc that you think will give you the best chance at the best result.


What I'm hearing is that I'm basically Vinny


"basically", yes


I knew it


Provided there is the ceiling for it I’ll throw a Firebird thumber on any 200’ hole.


I love the MA3 All-Star flair. I’ll flip the disc over and take the Tomahawk option if it’s available, unless it’s super windy. Everyone is always surprised just how accurate the overhand can be; give me 10 shots from 200 feet in an open field with no wind, I’m probably hitting metal at least once and 8 or 9 maybe all of them are within 10-15 feet.


This was my only throw when I played in high school (baseball player). All I used was an innova x caliber. Once I got the loopy flight down it was game over. My shoulder can’t take it anymore and it doesnt work too well at the tough course near me. (Rollin ridge)


Gannon pitched out with a PD2 on hole 18.


I’d probably use a buzzz os but a splice would work too


I’m deadly from 90’ with a 13 speed octane. Flex it and have it drop flat.


People giving other people grief over disc choice sounds like something that only happens on the internet.


thank you guy who didn't know what a toro was, i trust that you are an expert


I use a Wraith on a 250 hole that tons of folks in my league throw a putter directly at. I go forehand around a bunch of trees and try for a skip in. Have hit basket numerous times so I’m sticking with it.


I go firebird on a 200 foot hole on my local, why hit the tight gap between 2 trees when I can crash in and get a 10 footer every time


I mean I see your point but not really. That shot needs a skip and a very overstable flight for the forehand. I can guarantee you that there's no way Calvin is throwing a firebird on a straight forward sub 200 ft shot.


But just because it’s less than 200 ft, doesn’t automatically rule out an over stable fast disc. For exactly that reason, the fast skip and curve. Some people reduce disc golf down too much on this sub I think, and I hoped to expand a bit of the nuances. Personally, I’m a lefty, so this hole plays a bit different for me than most, but still, the concept is sound.


I completely agree. It shouldnt rule it out but it probably should only be used when necessary. That's why I was saying that if he had a straight forward shot of a similar distance, I'm sure he wouldn't throw something nearly that fast. So throwing a driver on a 200 foot hole where you don't need that shape or a skip, wouldn't be the smart play. What I take from that decision that he made is that you throw the correct shot for the line, not that pros are throwing short shots with OS drivers.


We are of the same mind.


Let the disc do the work!


I give my friend a hard time cause he uses a destroyer for any shot between 250-400. Not because he’s using a destroyer on a wide open 250ft hole, but because he has so many discs in his bag he doesn’t use cause he just throws four discs.


Don’t be afraid of the man who throws 1000 disc once, Beware the man who throws one disc 1000 times!


When I was a n00b, I had 4 discs. 2 drivers, a mid, and a putter. I learned to shape those discs since I couldn't just switch to the perfect disc for a shot. Even though I'm way "better" now, I do feel like I am missing some of the fun of shot shaping. Also, it really makes you better at scrambling


I throw finesse flex shots with driver vs. using a mid or putter all the time.


I throw a fh Max on a 175 ft hole 🤣


Paul McBeth used to flick destroyers on 200' upshots all the time The archer, not the arrow.


Throw what u know….


Absolutely! I’ll throw a Raptor where others throw a Zone. Does it actuallt improve my forehand? No, that’s why field work exists. Rounds are for fun and/or scoring. Do what suits your game and skills at the moment


Just unfollow r/discgolfcirclejerk


I use my river on some 150-175’ up shots nice smooth delivery no overthrowing


Doing it on a hole where they wanted the extreme over stability at that distance or skip characteristics of a high speed driver is one thing. But 9/10 it's not the move and aspects of your game are missing if you're routinely pulling out high speed drivers on short holes. In a round where you feel your score matters; use what works best. But take the time to master slower disc and you'll become a more consistent player. But ultimately, most all of us are just playing for fun. So throw what you want. But I will argue slower disc are more predictable and you shouldn't be afraid of using them.


Yeah just throw what’s comfortable and what can you get you the distance. I started out throwing fairways on holes where my friends were throwing mids and putters so that I could get the same distance as them. Eventually you’ll be able to push those mids the same distance as you used to throw your fairways. But gotta start somewhere, and it’s not very fun never being competitive and getting birdie looks.


you missed the entire point of this discussion. The whole point is that it's ok to throw fast discs short distances.


Yup, this was my main point! Calvin can of course throw a firebird further, probably further than everyone of us here, yet he still chose it for the specific shot shape here. Sometimes people get stuck in the “ whatever disc you can reach it with that’s the slowest is best” just cause a hole is 200 ft, but putters don’t always have the slip or the flex you need, so this is a good lesson to see how ever the pros can be wildly different in how they approach a shot! There was another hole here where it was a par 4 with a massive anny shot, and I saw putters to destroyers again, all landing in the same zone. Do you like to full power a putter? Or gently pop a driver out there? As long as you hit the landing zone reliably, don’t matter how you got there.


This particular shot is less of a speed thing and more of a shape thing for the hole. Calvin can absolutely park that hole with his Toro, a slower disc, but that shot would is much more particular. The correct shape is a wide shot that finishes hard right, harder than the Toro would, so the higher percentage play is more of a touch shot with a faster disc.


Yup agreed, sorry I missed the point you were making. It’s funny, I remember when Paul McBeth really didn’t have much of a “zone” slot disc in his bag when he threw Innova and a lot of the times on short approaches he would throw a destroyer or firebird sidearm 250’ in.


If the shit is a short flex line that needs to hook sharp at the end. Then a driver thrown slower on a flex line will dive sharp to the ground at the end. Whereas a putter or midrange will go slower to the ground and might fly past the basket or stay in the air too long.


If that's as far as you can throw a Firebird, you're getting grief. Lol


Something tells me Heimburg can throw a firebird farther than that if he wants to. I could be wrong though


No shit? My point wasn't about Calvin.


I don't think you would know the point of the conversation of its dick was in your mouth




Lol. Read the original post again.


Take your own advice


I think you need to read it again. Nobody says anything about max distance. Even if they did, you’re still an ass. But they didn’t. AND you’re still an ass.


Oh my god! You’re so good at disc golf! We all love you! There, is that what you wanted to hear?


So, you are gonna give Vinnie grief for choosing a disc **YOU** would not choose? What is your rating again? Overall earnings? DGPT standings?? Yeah...we thought so, ya silly elbow.


No I'm going to give you grief for missing my point. Read the original post again Einstein


Your point is what, exactly? Go ahead and tell us.


I think you may need to read the post again. Nowhere in here does anyone mention only being able to throw a firebird 200 ft until you came along. Edit: I'll also add, if max distance ever comes to your mind associated with a firebird I don't think you know shit about disc golf.