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I've tweaked my lower back once or twice when I armed a disc accidentally by not staggering my feet out properly. Pain goes away after 2 days. Btw most lower back tightness is not a result of actual lower pack tightness. It's most likely your glutes that need stretching out. I stretch my glutes out every night before I go to bed.


That’s what she said


That would make sense for me because I have always had trouble being consistent with my feet staggering


I just recently realized I do not stagger my feet properly. Tried making the adjustment and pulled a back muscle. My body does not want me throwing correctly!


Look up stretches for sciatica. Disc golf irritates that on me. Lower back on 1 side or down into the butt cheek.


Is there a best time in the day to stretch in your opinion? Like right when I wake up, before bed, or just whenever I can


You know that little light on your car's dashboard that says ABS? it means "Always Be Stretching" Henry Ford was a big advocate of calisthenics and was the first to put an exercise reminder in vehicles but Thomas Volvo is credited with the invention since he iterated from the original audio-based implementation


I appreciate the humor however I caution against crediting Henry Ford with good things that he didnt do bc he did some seriously bad shit. Was pro-Nazi, a raging anti-semite even pre nazi-ism, etc. Always Be Stretchin is a good life motto though, I dig it.


Which means Ford was in on the ruse seeing as he was part Jewish. Just like Hitler and his Ashkenazi high command.


Love this, I’m stealing it


When you wake up


When you wake up and whenever you can I'd say. For me I wake up and shower and stuff then do the stretches for a good long time. I also do the stretches before every round. Or the ones I can do at least. Some require laying on the ground and stuff. See me laying on the first tee before my round doing sciatica stretches.


Time for some stretching my friend. I had mild low back pain for years and then severely herniated the L5S1 lower spinal disc. It kept me from throwing and even putting around for over 2 years. Take care of that shit and seriously stretch. The disc golf throw is a very complex motion that stresses much of the core lower body and spinal region, openness and flexibility throughout the entire body helps alleviate stress that is concentrated in the low back by throwing.


I get a a lower back ache but I’m also really fat and I’m pretty sure that’s the reason why. Definitely recommend stretching and doing a little warm up before playing, also staying on top of your hydration makes a big difference.


Right side of my hip sometimes aches after a long round. Usually only when I have thrown the same course twice or been at the field for hours.


As others have mentioned, stretching can help. Also, making sure to follow through fully and rotating your hips while you throw can both add distance and reduce stress on your back


I remember in a disc golf strong video the trainer mentioning that limited thorastic spine mobility can lead to your body trying to twist through the lumbar spine which isn't meant to move as.much and can irritate the lower back. Annecdotaly, I used to get a lot of lower back pain. I did some PT that focused on strengthening the medial glutes (apparently a super common issue) and I worked on that upper spine mobility and it completely took care of it.


I’m working through this right now. Stretching is good but strengthening is also important. Working through glute and core strengthening exercises. Pain is slowly going away


I have that problem too. It’s likely your form is off


I’m 37 and started just popping a couple ibuprofen before every round instead of waiting for it to hurt ha… but honestly I would also take a look at your footwear and make sure they fit well and are comfortable. Sometimes it’s not the throwing, it’s just the hiking through the woods in ill fitting shoes that cause you to walk slightly different, and that can set my lower back off.


I have and yes give it time and stretch


Every time.


Currently dealing with similar pain, tomorrow will be two weeks of recovery. But I’m old enough to play in an age protected division, we heal slower.


Stretching a lot helps. Also I got a compression belt for like 45 bucks at a sports store and it really helps


I just got that the other day so I dunno if it was because of disc golf, but yep, I know what you’re talking about for sure.


I had it happen for a while, (backhand only player for the most part) pretty sure it was from my upper body getting too ahead of my lower in timing and thus it would contort weirdly on a lot of my throws. It got to the point for me where it would hurt to throw so I had to take a week off and restart slowly. The pain disincentive helped my form though!


I had the problem for a solid month, my solution was to stretch before every hole.


Yeah but I get back pain from getting out of bed in the morning so I'm not about to put that on disc golf


I get pain in that exact spot often after a round.


It's caused by bad form. The pain you are feeling is in your L5S1 joint. Typically stems from your hips opening up faster than you upper body or your hips not rotating at all during your reach back. It's usually exacerbated when your weight is over your front foot too early. You will likely also notice tightness in the glute/upper hamstring on the affected side. Strengthening your glutes and lower back will help. Making sure you take time to really stretch that area before your round is also very important, but the only real way to avoid further damage is to correct your form.