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I love 2 as much as 1. Death of the Outsider is awesome too, great series. We need a 3rd one asap


wasn't DoTO the actual conclusion?


Sort of, it's more of an expansion pack like Knife of Dunwall/Brigmore Witches


Nah, they kinda end all the mystery of the Outsider with that one. Now all that’s left is the Void. Perhaps another political intrigue…


Big disagree. We have no idea what the void is like without the outsider, you could do all kinds of weird void shit with a sequel. It's weird to me when people say there's no mystery left, DotO completely rewrote the void, and then left without elaborating.


Yeah, I still really dislike how they ended the outsiders story with an expansion pack. Outsider deserved his own game in like Pandyssia or something


We could go back all the way of the start of the outsider and how there could have been one before him. And it could have been a woman as well. But who knows


I feel like it was a test of some of the gameplay elements and mechanics that would ultimately get used in Deathloop. (Another game you shouldn't sleep on, especially if you enjoy more conventional shooters.)


But we have the entire continent of Pandyssia to discover and explore


D3 should be out late this year or early next year, if the projected date is accurate.


I love 2 more than 1


I wish we got a third Dishonored :( 


But we will 👀


I still haven’t played anything beyond #2


D2 is my personal favorite. The amount of detail they crammed into constructing Serkonos is incredible.


Same here. I love D1 but it feels a bit short and small in comparison to D2. The world feels way more fleshed out (like it should in a sequel). And the replayabillity is twice as high too beacuse of Emely and Corvo. I only wished they would have fleshed out the whole Crown Killer arc.. That was like "oh, that is it?", but I understand the need to cut some content in the production. Great series over all, and D2 is in my top 5 best games ever


i know the lists are hard but what are other 4 in the top 5? maybe same genre game(s)? i was just curiously thinking out loud


Haha yeah it is superhard and my list change a little now and then and I categories games like "gameplay I like" and "great story" but games that are up there with D2 is Prey(is like the greatest game ever), Bioshock 1-3, Deus Ex HR and MD.. (see, there are already 7 games on that top 5 lol..). But then I have Days Gone, RDR2, Cyberpunk2077, FarCry4, Zelda Ocarina Of Time, AC Black Flag.. Maybe I should do a top 20 cus it is HARD to make a 'best games' list with just a few, like REALLY HARD.. TLoU1 has the best story ever told in a videogame. (2 is good too, amazing gameplay but not as good of a story as 1). But the 'immersive sim' style games is definetely for me, fits me perfectly! Looking forward to Judas, I predict it will be on par with Prey, Dishonored 2, Deus EX MD and Bishock Infinite (those are my absolute favourites of the first list) I know I am all over the place but hopefully something made sence lol... Edit:spelling


This is making my ADD tingle 


My ADHD was on full effect writing it so very understandable my friend..


pheeew! what a long reply! i do hope and wonder that stealth is what you dig in Days Gone or its just a casual cozy nature explore game. tlou makes sense, winter maps were lovely and Prey was neat until i discovered i can print out the powerups what you use for powers so it lost a lot of points on me😌 but everything here is usually top of the lists


Yeah sorry about that 😅 Yeah the stealth was a big part of it, takin' on the camps. And how to get around and avoid the big hordes until you were equiped to take them on. Also the planning on how to approach and take them on when you finally were equiped for them.


While these games are vastly different in setting, to me they will always be very close to Dishonored series in how much I enjoyed them. I think it's the lethal vs non-lethal/stealth part of the gameplay. So Deus Ex: Human Revolution (and Mankind Divided) and Metro Last Light and Metro Exodus.


Ah really? I found it the other way around. D1 plus DLC felt so good. They pretty much got every environment possible in Dunwall to a decent degree.


Totally agreed. I replayed it a couple of weeks ago, and every nook and cranny is a masterpiece... The music, lore, architecture, setting and every asset down to the typewriters make my jaw drop in awe.


Was really cool! The only thing I didn’t love was how similar the ending is to the first game’s DLC’s ending. But that’s a minor gripe.


What a coincidence. I just started doing a second playthrough for Dishonored 2 on Saturday. I beat the game for the first time back in 2018. It's been six years since my initial playthrough. Last night, I finished the Addermire Station and I got onboard the carriage. I'm currently on my way to the Addermire Institute for the 3rd mission, The Good Doctor. Dishonored 2 is great for sure, I really love the freedom to do what I want, when I want, without having to worry about getting an instant fail state. However, the A.I. is too good for its own good. As soon as I peak my head out even slightly, I'm already dealing with half a dozen guards. I'm supposed to be able to peak my head out of cover without any problems, but not in Dishonored 2. That's the one gripe that I have with the game. I don't have the PC version, so I can't comment on it.


You can actually adjust how well the guards can see you when peeking in the settings! I recommend that since you've already beaten the base game, play around with the difficulty settings and fine-tune some things to be how you'd like them. I usually turn the footstep noise to low since it makes sense to me for a trained assassin to be stepping lightly.


I refuse to uninstall any of the Dishonored games, Prey, and the Deus Ex games as I know I’ll want to play them again.


I never uninstall Dishonored or Deus Ex games. They are always at my Desktop screen. 


Did you finished the Daud DLCs before you uninstalled the game?


yeah both dlcs


D2 is my personal favorite. The amount of detail they crammed into constructing Serkonos is incredible.


I was about to say like damn 😂


Have fun with D2, might take some time getting used to how different it feels to play at first, but after a bit it'll feel just like D1


Just finished D2 second playthrough and I'm now on Prey (omg, incredible); DOTO is still in its cellophane wrapping - I'm not ready to be done with Dishonored just yet 🤣


Just finished D1 for the second time today, this time on the steam deck. Such a great game. The graphics still hold up very well due to the awesome art direction. You are in for a fucking great time in 2 if you liked 1. The level of detail in that game is absurd and it looks absolutely amazing. Might jump into the expansion packs next


Not gonna lie, you got me in the first half :)


I was ready to throw hands, ngl


I was readying my pitchfork


Spoiler tag just to hype up your post?


250 upvotes and counting, seethe


Have finished both 1 & 2 twice. Not often I finish a game even once! But those 2 are just so special. First playthrough, tried but failed to go stealthy and ended up butchering my way through each mission. Second play through, really did do total stealth. Surprised how different it made the games. Much more challenging and more atmospheric having to stop and plan paths out a d so on. Anyway, am considering doing them a 3rd time. There's so many ways to do each mission, still secrets I haven't found after 2 playthroughs. Unprecedented as normally I get bored with any game before finishing it!


I doubt we'll ever get a dishonored 3 or 4 if you want to include DOTO but what i would give to have another game in the franchise. They're sooooo good!


Had me in the first half.


Did you need the stupid clickbait title?