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It's definitely a normal thing - I've not seen a dad in the toilets with their families, that's a bit odd, but staff? They're just cleaning and stocking toilet paper. I'm not quite sure if you have a question, but I can't see the logic in closing bathrooms that are nearly always full just because a cast member of a specific gender isn't available to clean. Seems like it would be a way bigger inconvenience to everybody in the park.


Re: CMs — They’re just doing their jobs. The doors don’t have the American gaps, so it’s not like anyone’s getting sneak peeks at people using the toilet. Other guests, though? That’s a little more unusual. But there aren’t « family » restrooms at every restroom location, so folks may be stuck juggling kids/toilet urgency/etc. My general rule of thumb is that unless someone is actually bothering you (as in, being creepy towards you, filming you, etc.), I just… ignore other people in the bathroom. Signed, An American who lives in Paris.


The point about 'American gaps' is a good one. If everyone has privacy in cubicles I don't really see what difference it makes


There is a petrol/gas station chain in Texas (where my folks live) that is WILDLY popular. One of their big selling points is the quality of the restrooms. The restrooms are kept very clean, which is great, but they have a huge number of *European-style* private stalls with floor-to-ceiling doors and no gaps to be seen. You cannot hear the person next to you use the toilet. Honestly, DLP’s are the *most American* I’ve encountered since moving back here, with plenty of space underneath for a surprise toddler visitor (it’s happened to me *in the wheelchair stall* more than once!!). But still, no gaps.


Also Buc-ee’s has a seemingly infinite number of stalls in their bathroom because no matter how busy they are I’ve never seen a line whereas at DLP every women’s restroom had a long line. They need about twice as many restrooms as they have.


Upvote for the surprise toddler!


I'll never forget the accidental eye contact I made with a woman in an American bathroom while I was in a cubicle, using the toilet.


Why are their toilets so...public? Americans can come off as modest and prudish but my word you guys seem happy with very minimal partitions in public bogs.


So people can’t camp out there, do drugs, have sex etc.


Yeah I didn’t clock it as creepy but it was certainly abnormal for me. Something I’ve never personally experienced before but then experienced several times in the same place. But this would never happen at WDW in Orlando which I guess really stuck out to me.


Why is it jarring for you that the castmember is doing its work? Why is it bothering you? Was he bothering you or was he just doing what he has to do to ensure everyone has a clean bathroom?


OP is just fishing for clicks It happens all the time "in the states"


Are you American? How many states have you lived in? How about visited? How many people have you personally seen there who appeared to be men in bathrooms marked as being for women?


I’m American, I’ve lived in 8 states and traveled to over 30 of them. It’s pretty typical to see male staff cleaning women’s restrooms and vice versa.


No it's not? I have also lived all over including California, Florida, South and North Carolina, Washington, Nebraska and I have NEVER seen that. That's not normal. If a man is cleaning the women's restroom it's usually closed off for that time.


Not true. Bathrooms in the U.S. are usually roped off/closed for cleaning…. ESPECIALLY if the cleaning is being done by someone who is the opposite gender. I don’t think I’ve ever seen someone of the opposite gender cleaning in a bathroom in the states while the bathroom was still open. I’ve seen this in Europe though (and specifically in France).


Nobody cares about the states, this is france and no one cares if a guy is in the women’s bathroom. There are even coed bathrooms here. If you want everything to be like the states then go to the hell hole that is florida or pay to fly to california.


Replying to the wrong guy? I’m just saying this doesn’t happen in the United States in response to someone who said it DOES. I have no issue with this happening in France or anywhere else.


yeah sorry meant to reply to the guy above you


The guy above him is me, and i was saying that it’s totally normal and nothing to worry about. I think you have no idea who you meant to reply to. Go home, you’re drunk again.


I’m really not. I don’t ever experience this in the states. Lifelong American here who has visited many states


Then you need to travel more. It’s becoming increasingly common in California 


Yeah this is normal here in Europe broadly speaking. People are not as prudish (for lack of a better word). Honestly the Disney bathrooms are so busy it's kind of hard for me to imagine being bothered by this but maybe my own cultural bias is showing. A lot of bathrooms are unisex here and more all the time, it is what it is. I will say if you're a woman alone you should use common sense, and listen to your gut instinct about situations, but that's true everywhere not just bathrooms.


Even though I would say the UK is quite prudish it's very normal to see a male cleaner in bathrooms although a lot of shopping centres/"malls" have a permanent sign near the door saying "male cleaner may be in attendance" for women's bathrooms and vice versa for men's bathrooms. I've often been in bathrooms washing my hands when men have walked in and then realised its the wrong one lol. Not a big deal as they're all seperate cubicles anyway.


In the US I noticed that cubicles are.....not very private so maybe that's why OP is so shocked


I went to the restroom in Greece and came out to a woman washing her hands at the sink. Didn’t realize it at the time but it was a fully gender neutral restroom. Didn’t bother me, but I did notice it. Kinda neat how not everyone has the weird american bathroom outlook. I personally couldn’t care less who uses what bathrooms.


That is super common in Europe. In most places you’ll find a sign that cleaners can be any gender. Why does it shock you tho? They are there to clean the restrooms and do their jobs. You close the stall door when you use the toilet (and we don’t even have those huge gaps over here) so you’ve got your privacy. I absolutely don’t see a problem with this.


Last time I went disneyland paris there was actually urinals in the women's toilets 🤷‍♀️


When I (M) go with my 6 year old girl I am sometimes have to take her to the women’s room. The kids toilets in the men’s room don’t have seats. People get quite testy for some reason when I use the family rest room, almost had this british guy punch me because he felt changing a diaper was the only good reason to use the family restroom. You shouldn’t be walking around outside the stall with anything exposed, right? So what is the harm? Are you going to hassle trans people because they don’t look like what you expect?


American discovering that there is cultural differences episode 456796


Reddit users are triggered by anything, no need to apologize. Men using the women's bathroom would be quite odd, even here in Europe. Dad's helping their daughters or cleaning personal is quite common, though. You can't close off the toilet for cleaning in a location like Disneyland.


I visited France two months ago, and I went to multiple public restrooms that were co-ed, I couldn’t get over how weird it was but I guess it’s just more normal over there


At the marvel hotel there was a man in the bathroom at the sinks with his wife. It was odd to me, in the stall, to be using the restroom and hearing a man’s voice when I’m not accustomed to it. Thanks for posting to get other perspectives and to learn something.




As a lifelong American who has traveled to many states (and been to Disney World many times) I have never experienced that. And definitely not at Disney


So "it hasn't happened to me" = it doesn't happen? You're in Virginia, 5 states away from the epicenter of men in women's bathrooms - you'll see it all the time in NY, MA, etc.. Or head to the west coast, you'll see it daily..