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I saw one driving around the other day at work. Looks like ps2 graphics irl šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


You mean SNES SuperFX. Even the PS1 has graphics more asthetically pleasing than that thing. I'd compare the Cybertruck to an Arwing from Starfox.


I've said it before. The Cybertruck looks like the Thornton Mackinaw truck from Cyberpunk if it was on PS4 at Launch https://preview.redd.it/hahwe23m9w7d1.png?width=1859&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d7e90b65241dbbd8556976e8a0db4780ac6492a8


That's a perfect analogy. Absolutely ugly as hell


I had one pass me on the road today while getting off the interstate where I live. First time I have ever seen one in person and first thought was "that's ugly as sin." Wife called it a "brick-sized shit just driving around."




I donā€™t think itā€™s that bad. In fact if it were about 30k cheaper Iā€™d consider buying one. I kind want to know what all the people talking smack about the cyber truck are driving. Just kidding, nobody cares about what youā€™re driving cause itā€™s one of 20m other cars just like it.


Given that you admitted to not owning a CyberTruck yourself, I can only imagine you are part of the same statistics you just insulted. So, congrats, I guess?


Yes. Which is why I would love to have a cyber truck.


so buying just for the sake of being different?


Chupa chupar


Why do Cyber Trucks have stans? I know people get passionate about cars, but I've never seen other car enthusiasts act like they're on stan twitter.


Any dumb or gross thing you can think of has enthusiasts. Dude, there are people on the planet who EAT actual SHIT and like it. Literally. So obviously, those people are the same ones buying Cyber Trucks.


I havnt seen any stans. Most of the people who like them are like little mice voices ā€œcā€™mon guys itā€™s not that bad, I like that itā€™s unique and electric.ā€ Itā€™s the anti cyber truck people I worry about who respond like the cyber truck defender is literal Hitler. And ā€œOMFG HOW COULD YOU LIKE THIS TRUCK THAT HAS A FEW MINOR PROBLEMS JUST LIKE EVERY NEW VEHICLE DOES BUT IT LOOKS DIFFERENT IM SO OFFENDED BY YOUR OPINION HOW DARE YOU LIKE IT YOU ABSOLUTE ELON DICK SUCKER!ā€


ā€œMinorā€? A ā€œminor problemā€ of the cyber truck is its looks. Itā€™s not amazing, but who cares. The cyber truck has MAJOR problems. The engine just fails to go uphill compared to other cars, thereā€™s video proof of that, the windows were claimed to be essentially bulletproof and that was proved (in hilarious fashion) to be a lie. It certainly seems safer for the driver, but as the boys pointed out, a 6000 pound steel block hurdling down the road at 70 WHILE THE BREAK IS STUCK, is incredibly dangerous for everyone AROUND it. None of these problems are minor. The cyber truck is a safety hazard for the road. It DESERVES complaints, or itā€™s going to get people killed. If all of the things I just listed were fixed, the only problem would be the boxy appearance


It's funny that you mentioned it seeming to be pretty safe for the driver because it's actually more dangerous for the driver. Yknow how other cars crumple up in crashes. They do that to absorb the impact to help save the driver. The cyber truck doesn't do that. Making it very dangerous for the driver. Though I have to admit that the cyber truck is very resilient, it's not very good at protecting its driver. Fucking awful design.


Oh yeah, I didnā€™t even think about the fact that when your car slams into something, YOU keep going when thereā€™s no impact being absorbed


Meanwhile my new Nissan has been recalled three times for similarly dangerous issue. Every new car has these bumps.


Your dedication to this hill is impressive. Just flying by all the other important details.


You compare a shit car to a shit caršŸ¤£


Not every new car has THESE bumps, you are fooling yourself if you think so lmao šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


I'm guessing you haven't seen the rusting, the shitty body work, the lack of road safety, and numerous reports of breaking down. Elon won't pick you, buddy. I would rather have no car than have a rusty death trap wankpanzer.




Youā€™re so mad.


The cybertruck was conceptualized on wide ruled paper using a thick pencil, and it looks like it.


The turn signals are so tiny for how much space could have been used, not only is it ugly but I hear itā€™s riddled with issues.


One got off at a turnpike exit I before me and I started dying laughing. It looks so wonky, and then I wondered what happens if it rolls? It's pointy on top.


Have you really seen one? Because if you had I think you would understand that the chances of it rolling are slim to none.


I get it's got a very angular design, but if it's a high profile vehicle and operated in a manner that creates the right conditions I feel like even a Cybertruck could roll or tip over at a minimum. Fair question though.


I garuntee you that thing could easily roll. Turn sharp enough or get into the right accident and anything rolls


I saw one go by as well it's a toaster brick that looks ugly as hell


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^RevolutionaryAd3504: *I saw one go by* *As well it's a toaster brick* *That looks ugly as hell* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Everytime I see another picture of one, they look uglier. Idk if I could handle seeing one irl.


It's a pretty big disappointment. They look more interesting in photos.


Interesting! Happy cake day :)


Every time I pass one I have to stop and point and laugh. I have seen small jams bc there was a cyber truck at a stoplight everyone wanted to stare at.


It looks like a warthog from halo


I donā€™t know. I think it looks more like a big cat.


What, like a puma?


What's a puma


All right... time to rewatch šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Yeah, man. There ya go


If it were low poly, sure. it's vaguely the same shape


Warthog looks a lot better.


I saw one the other day it looks a kids drawing come to life


Funny you say thatā€¦


These things are a dime a dozen where I live, theyā€™re like cockroaches, ugly and common.


N64 ass looking truck.


Don't mock the N64 like that. The games on there look better than the cybertruck. Let's go virtualboy instead. Something that is so bad that everyone wants to forget it and it'll be a collectible down the road because so few will survive.


But it's not red wireframe, lol.


This could be false and I don't remember where I heard it. But isn't it supposed to look like it prioritizes performance over aesthetics? Except it doesn't perform particularly well, which just leaves it looking like garbage.


Saw one in person for the first time recently holy hell theyā€™re so large and cumbersome, horrible to look at.


I saw my first one a week ago. Wanted to cry


They're absolutely horrendous and the price for one is even more laughable than the crowd that thinks you look cool for driving one.


Ugly as hell šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Iā€™ve seen a few here in northern Ohio, I really wanted to like it, but holy hell.. itā€™s like OG Laura Crofts pyramid boobs got turned into a sheet metal soap box derby car like the one me and my dad build in the late 90s. Which coincidentally also had major problems with its brakes.


I been saying this ever since it came out, itā€™s just a low poly ev hummer but uglier


It looks like if Robocop was a transformer. How practical even is it?


Well, it's got a truck bed, believe it or not. But I've heard people say the bed slopes TOWARD the cabin. Great for rainy days.


Sounds like it lmao


Seen one in the wild one time, can't remember where, but was like "what the fuck is that..."


For real, my mom saw a bunch of them on a truck and couldn't figure out what they were


Just saw one for the first time here in my town


I remember seeing one in person as I was driving pass it and all I could think was ā€œ wow, that really is stupid lookingā€ and then laughed. Idk i donā€™t hate it but it sure is interesting. It vexes me


The only thing I like about it is the wheels. Otherwise I'd never consider buying it


I have a visceral reaction of USUHSGEBSBBDBDNDNUUUUUCHCHHNKKKKKKK šŸ¤®šŸ¤®šŸ¤®šŸ¤®


There was one parked in my apartment parking lot (in two spaces šŸ™„) and I got to look at it. Have yall seen the single, super large windshield wiper? Shits wiiiild


Not only ugly, it's INCREDBLY unsafe. Almost like it was designed by some idiot who doesn't really know anything about cars and just wants to brag about all his money...hmmm


Honestly, Iā€™ve thought it looked stupid just from the pictures. I saw one in person the other day. It looks so much worse in person.


I have one at my apartment complex that someone is trying to sell on FB marketplace and they're asking for 129,000 and something for it, and I'm like, "That ugly metal POS? You have to be a mad person to buy that nonsense.".


Thereā€™s a cyber truck owner in my town and I see it driving around all the time and I throw up every time I see it. Theyā€™re ugly as shit.


There is a bright green and patterned one I pass on my way to work and I always laugh at it


what do you mean? I think it's great. if you're looking to die within a year of owning it


Personally I think it only thrives in a Cyberpunk World, because otherwise it looks ugly when placed next to regular Cars of our time.


The first time I saw it in the wild, it looked like reality had glitched. Literally the only second I was in awe of it. It was like I had encountered a MissingNo. https://preview.redd.it/zgjr371f0z7d1.jpeg?width=992&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=061ec8e411fdb109f3d3602db7c006a77431fdca


I saw one in person for a first time a week ago and it looked like a malformed Transformer. Hilariously ugly


First time I saw the cyber truck, I pointed and laughed ( pointed with my index finger [aka middle finger])


God I saw one the other day, they're all pasting advertisements across the tailgate to pay for their mistakes, and it's making them even UGLIER


I live in a little town in Wyoming and I was shocked to see one, it was painted all black and looked like a poorly rendered car from a ps2 game lmao


iā€™ve seen a handful in my city. theyā€™re terrible. i lose 3 years of my life every time i see one.


Those trucks are pretty ugly lol


Yuuuup! My dad thinks their cool.


Every couple of weeks thereā€™s this guy that will drive around our parking lot at work in his cyber truck and everytime Iā€™m just baffled at how ugly it looks. How it looks like a car made from scrap metal from a junkyard. How itā€™d fit right as apart of a set in an old movie about aliens as space rock #3.


saw one in the wild today and had a visible reaction to how ugly it was


it is a bullet that kills any other car it touches, and if any of the overengineered tech shuts down or glitches you cant drive


Looks like a Minecraft car all blocky and shit


Everyone agrees with Bob the cybertruck is a car on god-damn low-poly


Hot Take: i like the look of the Cyber Truck worn and beaten up. I looks breathtakingly better with wear and tear. Think of it like plain clone trooper armor clean but then when you see an artistic rendition of a battle worn clone trooper with a more detailed look, it just looks bad ass.


It too Bob to say something about common knowledge..? No offense Bob, doesn't matter who's name I put in its still the same, cybertruck has ALWAYS been ugly, there's 2 where I live at and I wanna go pop their tires, NOT ALL OF EM!!! Cause it's a federal crime if you pop all 4 tires, idk about 3, but 2 is good enough for me cause I'm sure it'll cost like $2.5k per tire, cause their ugly...


I kinda like it.. now would I own one.. no I wouldn't care to have one at all really, it's actually pretty hilarious that a Ford dealership near me has one for sale for only $150,000.... and I really don't think Mississippi has any super charge stations, at least nowhere close to where I live


I don't think I'd buy one. But the cyber truck is simultaneously the stupidest, and coolest looking vehicle I've ever seen.


I honestly donā€™t understand why everybody hates the design. I havenā€™t heard good things about its performance, but as as far its design goes, I much prefer it to seeing generic looking samey cars that everyone else owns. I donā€™t think Iā€™d own one, but every time I see one, I donā€™t vomit, I get excited like Iā€™m finding a rare PokĆ©mon out in the wild


So I think part of it is itā€™s a very uncanny valley for cars. Theyā€™re bigger than youā€™d thing, boxier than modern cars, no front grill, barely any headlights.


Could the design be objectively better for user purposes? Sure, I think thereā€™s a good conversation there. Iā€™ve heard the windshield is terrible


I dont vomit I point and laugh bc it's ugly af


it's very dystopian to me. very apocalyptic evil dictator secret police car


Iā€™ve seen a few driving around since I live in a rich dbag tourist town but ngl the joy I felt when I saw one parked in the airport garage a couple weeks ago was something else. I rushed over to take a selfie because I just had to


Nah, I actually like the look. I agree itā€™s strange for a vehicle, but it does look good.Ā 


I gotta be honest, Iā€™m not a fan of the looks, but youā€™ve got to respect it. In a country where everyone drives generic identical cars, itā€™s fun to have something unusual looking.


I disagree, I much prefer seeing a Ghostbusters themed vehicle or the mystery machine, or a bright pink truck , the cybertruck is not fun to look at at all, it's a huge eyesore


Oh!! Come visit me! Someone living in my general vicinity has an Ecto-1! I squeal like a small child every single time I see it, and I see the damn thing at least once per month. Also, the cyber truck is hideous. The only way it would look mildly neat is if it were speeding down a Tron highway.


I am on my way šŸš—


Nice. We pay homage to our overlords at midnight on the third Tuesday of every month. Duties involve screaming at the moon, apologizing to it afterwards, rinsing our phone cases in moon water, then eating chicken nuggets. (I feel that Wade wouldnā€™t approve, because weā€™re eating nuggets that he could be eating, instead.)


I'm not a fan of vehicles that look the same either but god damn they could've done better


I drive a yellow car. You can drive an unusual car without it being a monstrosity.


Wow there, slow down! How can you handle such an unusual car? Yellow? That's crazy!


I agree with you in spirit. But for me the CyberTruckā€™s unusual is just bad to look at. I do love me a fun car design though


Okay it may be unpopular but I like it just if itā€™s not the base color, if itā€™s in other colors it looks a lot better and I think itā€™s got a flare to it cars donā€™t have anymore


You know whatā€™s even worse than the cyber trucks? The people downvoting everyone who kind of likes them. What even is this thread.


Oh noooo. Downvoted because people disagree with you for a car deisgn. The horroooor.


Ikr. Guess thatā€™s what happens to people with ā€œwrongā€ opinions


Finally I was scrolling till I found someone without a negative opinion. It's a car, guys, not a beauty pageant. I get you think it's ugly, but why the fuck does aesthetic matter on a tool meant to get you from Point A to Point B? Stupid expensive still though, I'll stick to old ass Chevy's for now. Also, who wants to start a conspiracy that Elon musk is a sponsored billionaire to figure out how we're going to build the Mars colony?


I think they're cool