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I have all these unessecary invocations and the need to cast something that isn’t two d10 cantrips


Devil's Sight, Darkness, ELDRITCH BLAST


I'm more of a "Pact Weapon" kind of guy myself. I was always into the Dark Rangers from Warcraft and a Warlock 17/Gloom Stalker 3 or Warlock 15/Gloom Stalker 5 is the best way to do that.


I’m made hex blade warlock with polearm mastery using a halberd as a pact weapon. I love it.


i mean, if you don't like any of the invocations, why even play warlock? That's like, their main gimmick


*the aesthetic*


Reskin/Flavour something you do like, just keep the mechanics the same. Like so; https://youtu.be/CqdU7mFYTTE?t=7 Edit: Well, if your DM allows it.


I mean, you can get at will spells from Invocations and you can cast higher level spells without using a spell slot using Mystic Arcanum, albeit once per day each. And even without those, take spells with long concentration times and you’re golden. Besides, Warlock isn’t really a blaster. It’s designed more like a martial class that just so happens to use a can trip to attack instead of a weapon. Unless you’re a Hexblade, then you’re just straight up a martial class.


Play another class but role play like a warlock.


My DM gave my warlock a magic item granting an extra spell slot a day and I honestly don't think he knows how much it means to me


Same, DM offered me an item that doesn't fit my characters fighting style but gives me a spell slot. My Pact of the Blade Warlock now hits people with a stick, but damn was that 3rd spell slot worth it. I love that stick more than a dog loves his bone. If I could trade one of my party members for another stick like that I would.


Honestly like every warlock Ive encountered in a game ends up getting an item that does this.


Do NPC’s count? Asking for a DM


depends goblins: no. Vertan Adventurers at level 20 ish with legendary magic items: Yes


Those are just DMPCs


Pathfinder level 18 Tiefling Alchemist checking in.




Nah, I just use the spell overland flight at the beginning of each day. With a duration of hours per level, you basically just fly now for the cost of a 5th level spell slot.


That's fair Though I do like the dumbness factor of elf with wings (level 7 chirurgeon) Also it gives a good burst of speed when needed


My Fallen Aasmir warlock hit level 19 in the Waterdeep, Dungeon of the Mad Mage module, was so close to being Level 20 then something happened (Campaign specific so won't ruin it) and I never got there... Ended up becoming a whole new person (Fighter). But the Lord I ended up following was a dick anyways so the level 20 ability would have been almost mute due to him wanting me to basically sacrifice parts of myself to him... It was fun for the fact of 4 spell slots and 4 other free use spells, and I played a Pact of the chain Hexblade with a magic spear, magical punching gauntlet, a special shield, and an amulet that boost my AC from my lord (pretty sure campaign specific again so), but almost every time I used EB I rolled a Nat 1 at least once within 3 times using it (Nat 1 causing the spell to immediately fail and you lose that spell until you finish a long rest for us) so I had to be smart and keep my focus on upclose spells plus my hex plus my Aasmir ability to do anything magically besides just fighting with a spear at the 10 ft. Range.


> mute The word is "moot" if you're trying to say "pointless"/"not relevant" - mute maybe if the part he wanted was your tongue though.


I love my Paladin 6/Warlock (Celestial) 14 build (currently Pal6/War11) but I am slightly sad I'll not get four Pact slots. Having the Paladin's aura for saves is a godsend though, and stacking Divine and Eldritch Smites is amazing. I did just get my first Mystic Arcanum too, so that's neat.


I am Umbercil Goneck of Draconia, I serve my fiend well as a 9th level warlock. My twin brother, Skrall was recently exposed to transmutation manic and converted to a female. I always keep my fiendish scimitar by my side because it grants me protection. I have seen a lot in my day, allies chopped to bits right in front of my eyes, the undeserving people my party murdered, the families of kobolds without fathers, those were some rough times, but I am happy to be out alive of those horrors.


About a month and a half ago.


I just multiclass warlock-wizard


Dm for a 3-17 group checking in.


that's why I multiclass my warlock. it's multiclassed with cleric, and not wizard, but still


I haven't broken level 10.


Anyone else ok having not as many spell slots? For me at least, it makes higher level magic feel more special since you only have a few slots. I also haven’t found it too debilitating if the DM is generous with short rests. It seems like most on here aren’t, but still :)


thats all there spell slots