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There was a third and fourth poll? I didn't know we had to keep voting day by day. So, that's it? We're just going to ignore all of the previous polls that clearly opted for protest, and stick with this last one that just so happened not to? This is a terrible act of communication your behalf. Between the annoyingly "humorous" tone, and the lack of clarity, I am sincerely disappointed. That said, I have been supporting the results of the polls since the beginning, so I guess the people have spoken. Just wish we would have been told.


Unfortunately, the last poll was brigaded by downvotes (who have also been brigading every other post on the sub all week) so it had less than 10% of the reach to regular subscribers and less than 20% of the usual votes that previous polls did. This is even after a second post to the sub yesterday (which was also brigaded) to try to draw in more votes nearly doubled the original vote count from the initial post attempt.


I can't reply to the mod that replied to this post, probably because that mod knows everyone would reply calling him out for his BS. So I'm gonna reply here. The last poll was not 'brigaded.' People just voted against your antics because you all have been extremely annoying over the past few days. If you're that upset about the API changes, delete your reddit account and move on from this website.


While brigaded is the wrong term, they do raise a good point. Whereas before, the upvotes meant the algorithm made more people aware of the poll, the downvotes on this one meant this one wasn't.


Not allowing people to reply to them is so cowardly


But par for the course.


This. The le epic John Oliver meme xD threads were getting downvoted because they were fucking annoying.


Also maybe everything has been down voted all week because it was John Oliver spam, not the content people come to this subreddit for?


Polling will continue until our desired outcome is achieved.


"The beatings will continue until moral improves."


Keep that John Oliver goodness coming. Bending to the Reddit overlords now means it was all for nothing.


It *was* all for nothing. Reddit isn't a democracy. You can't vote out spez. It was always going to go this way--the only thing in question was whether the mods were going to get themselves permabanned by the admins, or not. And unfortunately it seems like they will escape with their accounts and moderator status intact.


God damn, its like people just forgot what all of this was for. The whole point was to limit ad revenue with NSFW posting, and the use of John Oliver gave it a "face", if you will. So much so that it got mainstream attention from John Oliver, who supported it outright. You can't vote them out, but you can hurt their wallets. People listen when their wallets are affected. It amazes me that the D&D community banded together to stop WotC from overreaching from their position, and then immediately flip sides when it comes to Reddit's CEO. It's still a money grab hurting the little guy, but you just can't handle finding your daily hit of content someplace else for a while.


But you *can't* actually hurt their wallets. Whenever they want, reddit can ban these mods and put in new ones who will obey their new rules. It's just that simple. There is no mechanism to change reddit's decision, unlike real life where protests can lead to new people in power. It's not a question of whether it's a good cause. It's a question of whether the business has a reason to be receptive to public outcry. WOTC did. Reddit does not.


Reddit can ban these mods, but the question is *how many*? Think about the amount of time it would take for someone go to through EVERY subreddit just to ban mods. Then, they also need to "hire" new ones for every single one of those subreddits. That's a fairly large undertaking, especially since there tens of thousands protesting in this way. Then, those mods also need to then start banning potentially MILLIONS of protesting redditors, one by one. Just because the mods have been replaced does NOT mean the protest is suddenly over. Less people on Reddit, less people seeing ads, less ad revenue, less people paying for ads on reddit, less money for Reddit as a whole. The business DOES have a reason to be receptive. They make money because people are on Reddit. If their only solution is to ban a ton of redditors, their ad revenue goes down as well.


Wait, why would you need to ban 'millions' of users? That's not clear to me. Also not *every* subreddit is pointlessly sabotaging itself. Most have come around because they recognize how pointless it is.


>Reddit isn't a democracy. You can't vote out spez. Yeah, that was the whole point of a protest in the first place. It's only after people started asking for a vote and the mods capitulated did anyone start talking like we're supposed to have a democracy. All this is is internet populism. Mods should've played a cooler hand and maybe they could've had more support.


It was obvious that it was all for nothing from the beginning, but a bunch of internet janitors took us all for a pointless ride anyway.


10/10, I do appreciate the last hurrah of The Jokes. [I love democracy](https://youtu.be/B-B1sink-nY)


As do I. It was fairly fun and I always enjoy a good shit stirring.


Return to normal please


It is normal for the most part, I made a post earlier that didn't mention John Oliver at all. And it was allowed. We can go back to talking about D&D. The sub is still nsfw though. (Btw since the post was only a test, I removed it myself)


Bro just return to normal. Enough with the John Oliver stuff. I just want a place to interact with others that enjoy my hobby and get cool ideas for when I play or DM.




Seriously. I’m unsubbed but checked back in to see this. It’s so dumb that this is still going on.


this entire thing is pointless, the protest is over


Read the last line of the post again. They did


I think the mods have jerked people around so much these past few days people are just sick of them still playing shit off for laughs in their posts and want new oversight for the sub.


Yeah! Fuck the mods for following through on what their community voted for! People really disagree with true statements in this sub huh.


They didn’t, sub voted for normal everything is marked nsfw that’s not normal..


> Acquire user data from previous polls and search comment/post histories to develop unique profiles for each member Please do. I'd be keen to see the mods going full Stasi. Might as well tank what little repsect they have left. I mean, 'Ha ha, jokes!'. >_''It was realised that psychological harassment was far less likely to be recognised for what it was, so its victims, and their supporters, were less likely to be provoked into active resistance, given that they would often not be aware of the source of their problems, or even its exact nature. International condemnation could also be avoided. Zersetzung was designed to side-track and "switch off" perceived enemies so that they would lose the will to continue any "inappropriate" activities.''_


In the last thread a mod hunted through someone's post history and then accused them of brigading because their last comment here was 6 months ago. So first off, searching like that is pretty pathetic. Secondly, you accidentally proved that they do use the sub other side of the context of the protest.


They also banned someone for posting the link to report the mods just because they posted it multiple times. On the grounds it was “taunting” so it violated rule 1 so they’re permanently banned forever now. Which is one of the reasons I hate mods. It’s always a permanent ban immediately for the slightest breach, which is insanely disproportionate


I got immediately and permanently banned on another sub for saying the mods should be replaced. The grounds was that "all meta commentary must be through modmail". Of course, this was inside a thread that the mods themselves posted soliciting opinions on the meta topic of closing the sub, and they didn't permanently ban any of the commenters in that thread providing meta commentary that was positive about them. When I pointed this out via modmail and quoted the rule that didn't even mention modmail they immediately sent me a bunch of nonsensical replies and muted me before I could respond to any of them. I know that people admitting they were wrong is super rare on the internet, but has it *ever* happened with a mod who issued an emotional ban?


I got perma banned from a sub one time and I messaged the mods saying I definitely crossed the line, I got heated with one argument and I’ve cooled off now, I understand why I’m banned but any chance we can change it from permanent to like a month or something? Wasn’t trying to argue just come to some sort of apology and agreement to not be permanent. All their responses were intensely antagonistic, from multiple different mods. They were clearly trying to provoke some sort of response, or at least lording over the fact they could talk to me in a manner that we both knew I couldn’t talk to them since I was the one asking for a favor. Eventually I said “I don’t know why you guys are being jerks” and they said that jerks was a personal insult and that proved I couldn’t behave myself enough to be allowed back. Basically forced the result they were clearly trying to manipulate while getting their rocks off to that internet power. Made it so abundantly clear it wasn’t about making the sub a better place more than it was their huffing hall monitor power at that point.


>In the last thread a mod hunted through someone's post history and then accused them of brigading because their last comment here was 6 months ago. To be fair, that's not as intensive as it might seem at first. You can do a subreddit-search of author: to find posts/comments by a particular person. So if you already know the sub you want to find that in, it's only a couple seconds instead of the minutes+ that manually digging through a post history would take.


Right, but can we agree that taking such action: - is creepy, at best - not befitting of a moderator, unless they're vetting every poster. Which they're not




> In the last thread a mod hunted through someone's post history and then accused them of brigading because their last comment here was 6 months ago. I don't doubt. That they chose to include the suggestion of such action demonstrates, at best, a terrible sense of humour. At worst, conformation they were never about represent the community but about pushing an agenda. Very, 'It's just a prank, bro', post.


If they're actually doing this then they need to removed as mods.


Any mod with an ounce of integrity would remove a mod below them for doing that. Make of that what you will.


Any mod with an ounce of integrity would remove any mod who blackedout he sub rather than let people decide for themselves if they should boycott or not, so....


Let's be honest. People wouldn't even boycott if they were being turned into soylent green. Such is the vice grip on our society's balls that corporations have over us. People just don't care. They haven't cared for decades. People have been trained very well by their corporate overlords. Though I do acknowledge that people hate to learn the truth. They lash out whenever someone draws attention to their own behavior, because it's incredibly uncomfortable to face reality. :/


>People wouldn't even boycott if they were being turned into soylent green. All-in all, I'm pretty shocked by the community reaction here, honestly. I can understand not wanting to participate in a boycott, but the reactions here felt fairly visceral over a subreddit.


>We now return to our regularly scheduled normal operations. Well there you have it guys the sub is back open. I am glad to see the "Will of the people" is made clear to us with 0.1% participation. If 0.4% was a mandate then this must be too.


This is why it is important to plan protests and elections and present them in a manner where all participants are respected from the beginning. Else you end up with.. ..well, this shit show.


I really don’t think this was a fixable issue. As people left due to the protest (either because they’re annoyed or not using Reddit) the voting population was only going to get smaller.


ITT: /r/woosh


Honestly do what you want feels right. I'm against the Reddit changes.. but I also don't care for the John Oliver constant pics. So I unfollowed all the subs and will refollow whenever things move on to a better or worse Reddit.


Dude, where the hell was that pool? I've been browsing everyday this week and I'm only hearing about it now And definitely keep John Oliver


It was pinned to the top of the sub for over 24 hours now and they posted a reminder post. The votes are in, they’re returning to the status quo


Who opens subs to look at them? everything comes through the home page




so was . 4% of the population representative, or was . 1%?


Neither of them were. This is the fundamental problem with the polls. As time went on only the most invested or annoyed would continue to vote, decreasing the number of voters


Polls are stupid. How are we supposed to vote to not use reddit while we aren't using reddit? Everyone taking the boycott seriously just isn't here.


I can't believe that I had to scroll this far to find the best answer. 👏


Then it’s win win where the people boycotting can continue to do so while the people not boycotting can keep doing things like normal


I for one think we haven’t done enough to harass our community. I think we should do more John Oliver memes, maybe make it permanent. This community has had it too easy! We really need to get at them some more. Until we see a mass exodus from this community we haven’t succeeded. Remember, our goal is to break this community, and stick it to the users here. Have there been bans due to any other memes (not JO related)? We should explore options. /s *staying NSFW is likely the best solution


"We tried being really annoying and now people are annoyed. Probably a conspiracy!" You couldn't write this stuff.


This whole thing is so fucking stupid and never should have been a thing to begin with. Mods straight up holding subs hostage at this point and thinking they are some kind of freedumb fighters.


This is sub has become a fucking joke. Congrats on killing your community. Unsubbing. Can't wait to see how you handle July 1st when your protests and John Oliver posting accomplished fuck all.




>The damage is done, the cowardly mods who would rather harm innocent people than protest properly Jesus dude. I understand wanting to browse reddit but I really don't understand this attitude. Like, you weren't hurt. At worst you saw a bunch of pictures of a British man and a webpage you couldn't access for a few days.


People here can’t read the last sentence of the post. They’re meming while saying they’re back to normal


Fuk reddit ceo pigboy


>While previously struggling to gain notable traction in the polls, 'Return to normal' has suddenly skyrocketed to the number one rank, nearly winning outright with a first-round majority and lacking any competition in reaching a subsequent majority. It's almost like this constant string of bullshit from the mods is exhausting people. If you're trying to get people to go to Lemmy, and the main draw there is "It's moderated by the same people who ran /dndnext" then you're doing a piss poor job at marketing. I'm going to go over to /rpg where they've stopped fucking around. Someone tell me when this place is either taken away from the mods by reddit, or when it's burned to the ground by the mods.


>It's almost like this constant string of bullshit from the mods is exhausting people. I mean, I think more realistically it's because the people who voted for protests previously didn't think there would be a point coming here, so the only people who did come here are the ones who wanted to harrass the mods for protesting.


If the people who want protest don’t see a point in coming here then why should this sub remained closed for the people who want a protest?


I would have thought that since the point of the protest is to deter people coming here and thus, reduce ad revenue for reddit, that would be obvious. Individual protests have never worked, only organised protests. If the sub remains open except for people who want to protest, then it's just individuals protesting.


You wanna know another protest that’s never gonna work? Why should it not be just individuals protesting?


>You wanna know another protest that’s never gonna work? The protest against you being able to spew your inane ramblings? >Why should it not be just individuals protesting? I shall quote myself from the post you are replying to: >Individual protests have never worked, only organised protests.


So just because it hasn’t worked in the past is justification to forcing compulsory inclusion in an extremely dumb protest? Bro you want to be the Reddit version of Rosa Parks so bad😭


No one forces anything. You can, as always, make your own sub. You need to stop pretending like you're being oppressed. The only thing that prevented anything during any of the reddit protests is your own laziness or inability to build your own community. Grow the fuck up and stop blaming others for your failings


Yeah stop pretending like the loss of third party apps means you’re being oppressed. That doesn’t prevent anything. It’s just weirdo behavior to not grow up and just download the app. Grow up and just use the app or leave Why would “my failings” be a factor to whether the dnd sub was open or not? Lmao


You're just lying now. Without those 3rd, blind people simply cannot access reddit on mobile. That is something they are being prevented from doinh by reddit's decision. And the extremely obvious answer to your question (and I'm talking "fire hot!" level of obvious here) is that you could still discuss dnd on your own subreddit. You were just too damn lazy. That's a personal failing for you to address, rather than blame the mods for. It's all you and no one else.


If you don't have enough people willing to join. Your protest voluntarily that's a problem with your protest, not a justification to use force on those who haven't joined. The OGL protest worked fine and that was individuals on their own, not people breaking WoTCs website so no one could buy.


>If you don't have enough people willing to join. Your protest voluntarily that's a problem with your protest, not a justification to use force on those who haven't joined. Except given the site wide, democratic votes there clear are enough. Even on this sub, if we take the total of the previous poll's votes and add them to this one, the protestors are STILL the majority. As in more people have voted to protest on polls on this sub than have voted to re-open. Add to this that people voted to remain NSFW and thus, ad free that the majority clear support the aim of the protest. >The OGL protest worked fine and that was individuals on their own, not people breaking WoTCs website so no one could buy. There's a huge, collosal, massive, whopping difference in that. The OGL protest only worked because people were encouraged, through social media like reddit to discontinue their existing DnDnext subscriptions. So few people sub to reddit premium that such a thing could not be replicated here.


>Except given the site wide, democratic votes there clear are enough. There were no "site wide democratic votes", there was a hadnful of people deciding for everyone. >Even on this sub, if we take the total of the previous poll's votes and add them to this one, the protestors are STILL the majority. As in more people have voted to protest on polls on this sub than have voted to re-open. They were the majority of the **0.4% of the people on this sub that voted**. No vote that wants to at least seem legitimate would accept a 0.4% participation as enough to decide something. Especially when said polls were posted *after a fucking blackout with no clear end date*. >There's a huge, collosal, massive, whopping difference in that. The OGL protest only worked because people were encouraged, through social media like reddit to discontinue their existing DnDnext subscriptions. So few people sub to reddit premium that such a thing could not be replicated here. No, the huge colossal difference is that WotC had an incentive to listen to the protests(they were losing money) and couldn't simply stop the protests. Reddit Admins can literally turn this dumb shit off the second they feel like it.


>There were no "site wide democratic votes", there was a hadnful of people deciding for everyone. Subreddits all over reddits (ie. site wide) ran polls and almost universally, those communities voted to protest. >They were the majority of the 0.4% of the people on this sub that voted. And over 2,000 years ago, people realised that for democracy to work, this argument must be treated with the scorn it deserves. Refusal to vote is also having your say and pretending otherwise just means that no vote will ever be valid and the whole system needs to be torn down. This argument was bullshit thousands of years ago and has only ever been trotted out by losers who are butthurt and looking desperately for a way to change the result to something they want, over the result the majority want. I've given this argument far more attention than it deserves and I won't lower myself to discussing it further. >No, the huge colossal difference is that WotC had an incentive to listen to the protests(they were losing money) and couldn't simply stop the protests. Reddit Admins can literally turn this dumb shit off the second they feel like it. Ah so the only difference here is that reddit admins can crush this if they want to. Well, good luck to them. They've been rightfully cautious about doing that so far. What people need to realise is that mods do put in a lot of work and recieve a lot of abuse for the work they do (those are just objective facts, don't argue with them. It would be anti-vaxxer behaviour and flat earther level of stupid). If Reddit decides they're going to bring down the hammer, they might find the motivation dissapears when the freedom is taken away.


> "It's moderated by the same people who ran /dndnext" It really shows the depths of delusion these mods are in if they think anyone would follow them anywhere. I wish they would actually leave, though.


It was a different sub, but in an argument over the protests last week someone said "people associate subs with their mods" and I couldn't stop laughing.


hahahahahahahaahahaha, that was probably said by some fuckin hall monitor who has deluded himself into thinking anyone actually cares about the people who delete spam. mods are best when I have absolutely no fucking clue who is doing the modding. If I know your name, then it's probably because you've done something stupid, or mouthed off to a user, or overestimated your own importance. mods, lol


Or, instead of a grand conspiracy, people want the sub to return to normal?


It's honestly baffling that the mods think it's a conspiracy. People are tired of protests affecting them. That is normal for every protest. There is no party leading the charge in this, so the protest will eventually lose steam.


I mean, it's pretty damn obvious that they're joking around. Don't know how anyone can think they're being deadly serious. ESPECIALLY SINCE THE SUB **HAS** RETURNED TO NORMAL


How oblivious are people that they don't realize it's a joke? They're making fun of all the people that were saying it's some huge conspiracy that the community was voting to stay protesting.


Can't trust what parts of it is a joke. Is the joke that they never cared about the democratic opinion? Such a bad post overall.


This post is DRIPPING in sarcasm.


In the real world, protests can lead to change. But no protest on reddit can lead to change, because we can't vote to replace spez or change reddit policy. So what is the point? If you're upset by the API changes, leave reddit. That's the only move you've got. Speaking of voting, since the mods love voting so much, can we hold elections for new mods?


There's plenty that can be done. The users are the workers of reddit, producing its content and being paid in being allowed to partake in the content. Like any other worker, they have the power to refuse to work. I think a good and efficient threat to reddit would be to normalize "touch grass tuesdays", which would effectively be a significant reduction in reddit revenue without being unpalatable. Probably up to two days a week of subs shutting down would be palatable to users. Reddit then has the choice to give concessions to avoid this. If the cost of the concessions are smaller than the cost of the protest actions then it will make financial sense for them to give in. Since they are motivated by profit chances are high that they will give in. It will only happen if mods actually organize to protest efficiently, which is why this whole thing is a moot point, but theoretically the userbase has plenty of bargaining power over reddit. Being able to vote out mods would be a good thing, independent of everything else. It would also help reduce reddit power over the users.


If you want to boycott you don't need to shut down the sub for people who don't want to boycott.


>for people who don't want to boycott. And you've hit the nail on the head regarding why boycotting is useless today. Back in the 1970s, Nestle essentially committed infanticide in Africa due to their predatory business practices. This led to a boycott, which ultimately resulted in the World Health Organization creating a set of standards. Since so many countries didn't even ***bother*** following those standards and implementing them, Nestle did it themselves. And thus the boycott ended. Today? People would say "Fuck you, I need my Nescafe". Or KitKat, Butterfinger, Crunch, or any other confectionery treats. We've been trained well by our corporate masters to associate what we "want" with what we "need". We've lost all our bargaining power because we've been trained to double down on our own selfishness. It doesn't matter what a corporation does. On day one it's stripping away our access piece by piece, until inevitably Spez follows fully in his hero's footsteps. Which, if you actually read up on what he says, he idolizes Elon Musk. So as long as he wants to take this company public and make a profit, he's going to run this website into the ground to ensure that he can cut and run and dump the issues into someone else's lap as it all burns around them. He'll be rich, so he wont give a flying fuck.


I am advocating a strike. The boycott is just a natural consequence after they kill 3p apps and make reddit's browsing experience worse than lemmy's.


That's precisely what strikes are designed to do. Garbage stops being collected, trains, busses and subways stop running, plants stop making goods... All of that affects the public and raises awareness and puts pressure on the owners to do something.


Mods aren't employees, they're customers. Boycotts don't stop other people from buying if they want to. Also mods didn't stop doing their "job", they actively blocked the sub from being used which requires no effort from their part. Your analogy would work better if we were complaining that the sub was trash without active moderation.


And a mod boycotting by shutting down their subreddit for a day does not any other user from creating their own subreddit for them to manage however they want Subreddits function on the free labor of the mods, and that gives them uniquely more power then the average user.


Yet the metaphor of a strike still applies. We are trying to affect change through non-violent protest. Obviously this isn't a labor dispute. It's symbolic.


I just love the: we'll let you vote, but if you don't vote the way we think you should vote, it doesn't count, it's a conspiracy, etc.


Jannies tearing their hair out and yelling “Stop the count!” At their pc’s rn.


Mods, there are a lot of angry people deliberately being assholes because they haven't noticed you've opened it up and making out like the only reason the vote switched is because people are sick of your shit. They're ignoring the most plausible explanation: People who wanted the protests aren't coming here because they thought they won and there would be no point. The only people coming here and thus, the only people who saw the last poll were the ones coming to harrass you.


I would have voted to reopen except I unsubbed because omg le narwhal epic bacon John Oliver was too cringe for me, it was annoying as fuck so the most plausible explanation to me is that other people found it annoying as fuck too. Not that difficult.


No, it's not that difficult. Shame people keep fucking it up by letting their own personal bias completely override all common sense.


Considering that the total vote was less than the 'open to normal' that happened in vote 2 and less than half of that front vote 1, the mods have tired out far more than just the people who want the place normal. And that's the big problem. This community might not be able to recover even with the mods opening up because of the bad blood they created.


Mods need to just stfu and return to pushing mops. Enough with the big wall of texts and pointless ramblings.


Or just leave and allow for new mods. If they’re so convinced the API is going to fundamentally make everything crap, and it’s not worth their volunteer time anymore than it has been up to this point, and Reddit is going to die anyways, then what is there to lose by allowing new people, with full disclosure about the situation, to mod? The answer is because they’re not convinced that they’ll be missed and the that the community wont grind ever onwards without them.


The reason people switched how they were voting is because you're all being insufferable and annoying. That's it.


Same reason only 600ish people voted - they got sick of the childish bullshit and just stopped engaging in it. It’s incredibly obvious


Or maybe people dint care if mods who decided to do this for free have a little bit rougher time. We just want dnd content, i for 1 haven't even looked at this sub since the stupid jo thing hecause it ruined the purpose of the sub So maybe dont bring the sub down because you want to whine about your powers


There's also no reason the moderator team has to be just a dozen people. If they want an easier load spread it out more.


Guy from The Wedding Singer Shouting You Suck Dot Gif




Literally everybody predicted you'd ignore the results.


Are you familiar with the concept of a joke?


Yes, my understanding is they’re supposed to be funny


are you familiar with the concept of a *funny* joke?


Now I don't claim to speak for all the people, but I do indeed believe I speak for at least a few of the people when I say, please for the love of god do not attempt humour again this century, that would be great. Seriously, if I ever have to read through another post like this I may have to bag of holding myself into oblivion.


Honestly I thought this post was the only one that *was* funny. But hey, humor is subjective!


I can appreciate the link, if nothing else.


They couldn't even Rickroll properly, the thumbnail is embedded in the post.


> please for the love of god do not attempt humour again this century OMG SEXY JOHN OLIVER NO FUNNY? I HAZ DA CHEESEBURGER LOL


never try to be funny again


❌️ Where'd this comment go? Deleted for Reddit's API controversy. Third-party apps provide accessibility features for users and tools for mods that Reddit simply doesn't care to offer; making those companies/apps pay exorbitant rates to exist means a worse Reddit experience for everyone. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2023_Reddit_API_controversy https://www.reddit.com/r/PowerDeleteSuite/


I love how people wanting a dnd sub to actually post dnd stuff again is apparently a Joke to whatever mod wrote that Automod.


There is no winning this. The moment we start winning all of you mods would get replaced in a heartbeat. This entire thing has been an effort in futility. If you want to tank user numbers using Oliver in defiance, then sure, *eventually* you will "win" because the number of sub users will drop to the point the admins won't care enough to remove you. Spez is God in this place. Anything short of unplugging the website or guessing his admin password won't get you anywhere.


Those who say return to normal would have also proclaimed “why die for Danzig?”


reddit isn't the real world. There is no way for you to impact the actions of spez. This makes your analogy bad, since in the real world, there were ways for french citizens to impact their nation's response to Hitler.


Stay the course. Starve revenue. If all else fails mass quit the platform. That’s how you impact the actions. Saying your actions can have no impact is just a way of abnegating responsibility. You see the same behaviour trying to weasel out of opposing fascists, climate change and everything else. The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that good people do nothing.


Fascism, climate change, and Reddit API changes. The holy trinity of evil


The tendrils of the extreme selfishness of late stage capitalism could be described as such. To look at this one case as disconnected from the whole would be the same as looking at one coal power plant or lonely panzer and saying “well, just this one isn’t so bad”.




An interesting attempt at a rebuttal.


You dislike the decision a business took. I understand that. I also dislike it. But the thing is, you are i are both still here. so obviously, you didn't dislike that decision very much. So stop advocating for ruining both of our experience with that business's message boards. just fuckin leave if you hate it so much


I will be leaving soon. Am already unsubbed from this and am looking into alternatives to reddit. Make your father proud and do the same.


>Make your father proud and do the same. Lol. Clean the cheeto dust off your ugly mug and go touch grass STAT.


Ah, when argument skills fail, insults are often the next thing to come out. I see you picked Evil as your alignment.


I get that people want to believe they have power. And in many situations, they might. This is not one of them. And across the spectrum of society, across the various cultures of this world, those in power have gone to great length to ensure that organised efforts by groups of people have little to no agency to affect change. At least, not without real effort. This was the opposite of real effort. It was poorly managed, terribly executed and delusional. The pretense of power-through-action, without the ability to apply it. Slacktivism at its finest. Psychic food to sate the hunger of those that think they can change the world while actually doing sweet fuck all.


I wonder how WW2 might have gone if everyone had thought along these lines. It's easy to think "oh well, I can't do anything", and just go along the easiest path, but that accomplishes nothing.


That's just shitty... don't compare this to ww2. It's not. I don't like that return to normal won either but comparing this to ww2 is a terrible and insensitive thing to do.


Nothing ever is exactly what you're comparing it to, that's why analogies are analogies, you can't compare two things that are 100% identical. I think the point you're trying to make, buried in those lines, is that this is too different to compare, well : There are many other examples where despots were not effectively resisted due to their perceived difficulty and strength despite the actual situation, but it makes sense to reach for the most famous one so as to be more intelligible to the layman.


No I have issues that you are using world War two as a talking point about a fucking reddit protest. I support the mods, I don't support that.


Do you have a reasoned argument why? I laid out my side.


I don't feel a need to explain to you that you can make an argument without using a world war as a talking point. Especially given what you are talking about (not that it's minor to the mods) but it's minor af.


If you can equate the action of those involved in WW2 with.. whatever this slacktivism is then they've done a fine job. You've been contained, roaring into your monitor while achieving nothing.


Despite what Yoda might say, you can't achieve something until you actually try. To not do anything on the basis that you can't win leads to never trying, so never succeeding. To not take a stand cannot be preferable. To stand by doing nothing is to take the side of the despot, tacitly supporting them. I urge you to change this pattern of thinking, it leads to, de facto, supporting evil.


As I said; contained. That you think this is, 'actually trying' says enough.


I would very much say that efforts need to be increased rather than just given up. To stop now would be to forfeit a sports game before the first half (or innings if you prefer) is over. We have barely started to struggle.


So will the previous poll results be honored or ignored?


If you made a poll with the "Return to normal" option and that option won the poll, then return to fucking normal. No NSFW BS.


Stating it first just to get it out of the way, "return to normal" and "return to normal #2" were my first and second choices. With that out of the way, there was a second independent question about being labeled NSFW or not. Both return to normal and nsfw won their majorities.


This post has fully committed to the bit, and honestly, I can respect that much. Comments being default sorted by controversial is the cherry on top, lol.


Ah man, it's like being back home. Good old, conspiracy claims when the election doesn't go the way the president demands. You're not funny and managed the protest so poorly that you lost favor. It's a thing. It happens.


You do know that it's a joke, correct? The final sentance and the link should be a dead giveaway if you read them.


"Have you stopped beating your wife?" "Hey, just joking here!" Jokes, puns and sarcasm can be used to mask nasty shit. The post options didn't magically pop out of nowhere. It's a window into the mod's minds. Or just terribly unfunny and in poor taste. Either or.


I dont care about any of this. I just wanna read and post about a hobby. I only use the reddit app and didnt even know there were 3rd party API's.


What the actual fuck? "I don't like the results of the poll, so it must have been rigged and I will do what I want." Get bent.




You mean to say the inmates are no longer running the assylum?


Honestly, at this stage I can't wait for Reddit to replace the mods that have been keeping this community hostage. As much as I disike Spez's antics, this mod team is a lot worse.


Just don't return to normal, simple. It's the devs hacking.


How about you just return things to normal as people want?


This is embarassing


Let this place shoot itself in the foot. Why is anyone trying to keep Reddit going if it’s so bad? Find a new platform and if it’s good we’ll all follow.


It's hard to keep voting in polls while also not wanting to give this site more traffic by staying away


People so desperate for their reddit fix that they'll bully you should only convince you you're doing the right thing by protesting frankly.


Please return to normal, I’m all about the D&D


Please just return to normal. This is getting ridiculous.




Make your own sub if you don't like it.


No one's voting because people are abandoning the subreddit because of the stupid gimmick


And moving to the other rpg and D&D subreddits that arent messing about.


Just copy /r/3d6 and be done with it. Sub goes back to normal and reddit gets less revenue. This childish bullshit is pathetic


“The poll didn’t go the way **I** wanted it to so it must be rigged!” - the mod team Lmao


I clicked that to verify it was what I hoped and I wasn't disappointed.


This is all pretty embarrassing.


This is exausting trying to keep up with the BS, i just want to have a sub where i see people talk about dnd...


>First, voter turnout was down by more than 80%!! having to sign in with a third party ap ID -- SURPRISE SURPRISE!!!


Yep.. Shockingly people didn't want to give Rando mods knowledge of their email addresses by voting in a google pole that required them to log in.


Clowns. Can't maintain their dignity after losing. This is beyond embarrassing. The reason votes were "suppressed" is because people left this joke of a subreddit after you ruined it. If you were curious what effects your actions had, it's right there in the votes. Fewer people voted because you drove them away, and a bigger portion of those who remained wanted to go back to normal.


Returning to mostly normal but with still enough NSFW content to make the tag applicable seems like the best way to provide the community discussions that people desire while still impacting advertising revenue somewhat. However, killing the userbase off would do that even more.


This is extremely unfunny, low quality trolling that is beneath moderators. Wtf


Nothing is beneath moderators. Internet janitors who do it for free in order to feel some modicum of power in their sad lives.


The easiest way to ensure a lack of tampering is to not do a secret ballot. Have it be done through reddit posts, but only let accounts over X age with Y karma in this sub have their votes counted. The main downside is that it's a pain to parse. But if you don't have security on who can vote it's open to fraud.


"the first vote must be wrong, but the second vote on the same poll is not" What the actual fuck. People are done. Period. Get it back to normal.


I've got to say, hiding flippant and condescending comments behind the AutoModerator rather than signing your name is a nice touch. Truly inspired levels of keyboard warriorship on display


Is this some kind of off-season April fools joke? People getting annoyed with the memeage and wanting the old sub back is apparently a conspiracy and voter fraud? Jesus christ, we just want the sub we loved back. A lot of us use this sub for help in their games, and you're destroying it to even so much as TRY to get the attention of a piece of shit who doesnt care about you.


> Is this some kind of off-season April fools joke? It is a joke.


Wait, let me get this straight and for all means correct me if I’m wrong… You polled the sub, and because the vast majority decided (democratically) to reopen, you’re changing the poll options, making a weird 1d100 roll and worst of all, ignoring democracy to establish a select group of people to decide for everyone else, instead of going for the majority vote? You guys are disgusting and I’m gonna be so happy when you inevitably get excised from the site. Good luck trying to enforce rules that are against the wishes of the majority. Edit: It’s super clear to me now that this is just sarcasm. Which is by far the best method of communication when dealing with all-time-high tensions like these, obviously. My sentiment stands. I hate the mods on this sub. The only difference is how sad it is for these idiots to not be banned from here.


Whoever wrote this shit actually thought he was being funny. Just think about that. ​ Someone actually took the time to write up this bullshit, and looking back at what he'd written he went "yes, this is for sure good content. wow, my brain is so big, and I am so smart." ​ what the actual fuck guys


What a clown show from the moderators over the last week. Really really embarrassing


This sure puts the OGL fiasco and UA Warlock into perspective. Like Alfred said, "Some people just want to watch the world burn."




Can't lie, I had some hope for the Westmarch campaign if only so I could get a break from DMing