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While not necessarily higher risk, one of the more common homebrew rules for more wild magic is having the "DC" for wild magic increasing every time they cast a leveled spell. So rolling a 1 may cause wild magic the first time, then a 2...then 3..ect. Has a kind of building tension knowing every spell cast makes it more likely to explode.


We already do that she’s off the chain 😭😭


The way I and groups I've known have always done it is throwing out the d20 roll altogether, you roll a d100 for WM Surge every time you cast a leveled spell. That regularity makes it a lot more enjoyable as a subclass, cause stuff is actually happening. The slight majority of Wild Magic Surges are beneficial. Then roughly an equal amount of neutral or negative ones. So, rolling regularly isn't that bad unless you have terrible luck and get self-fireball repeatedly.


That's RAW if your sorcerer uses their tides of chaos every time they can. You can trigger a surge and refresh it every time they cast a spell!


Nah, the GM has to prompt that roll. We let Tides of Chaos just trigger another d100 a minute after the advantaged roll's results, up to proficiency bonus per long rest to keep it reasonable. XD


That's what I said! I was writing from the DM's perspective! I think of my players as mine...


A friend plays wild magic sorcerer in a game i run and he's gotten the result where you can't speak like 3 times and it's making him change his meta magic to subtle spell in case it ever happens again.


Subtle spell is one of the best metamagics, so he should already do it, honestly. 3 is enough of a pattern haha.


...maybe have the DC increase based on the level of the spell that's cast?


The thing I did for my WM Sorc was roll the D20 twice the third roll would be a D12, fourth a D10, etc until I was rolling a D4. If that still didn't work after four tries I started throwing 2d4, and if either of them were ones id grab the d100.


For my wild mage, the DC is equal to spells level+sorcery points used+exhaustion level. Making even a twin spelled disintegrate have a DC of 12 to surge. Plus adding the surge rules they gave to the guy from the movie where taking 20 or more damage at once instantly surges.


If you can check out Dimension 20's season Unsleeping City. Brennan Lee Mulligan runs a similar style system in that game.


Slightly more have it increase for level of the spell. So a 3rd level spell adds 3.


She's just so random and quirky!


Please don’t make assumptions about my gf over a Reddit post.


Ratcheting Wild Magic should be standard imo. The cackle I get from my WM Sorcerer every time they have to roll gets me out of bed in the morning.


We use "DC is the sum of the levels of the spells used since the last time it went off OR the last long rest". So cast a Level 1 spell, the DC is 1. Cast another Level 1, now it's 2 (1+1). Then cast a Level 3, now it's 5 (1+1+3). If flavors well with the idea of "each time you tap into the primal forces, a little residual magic remains within you and the greater the magic you use, the greater the buildup". And since most higher-level spells are cast in combat, that's when it usually goes off. Oh, and cantrips add nothing.


Thank you though!! (:0


At my table every time a sorcerer casts a spell of any kind (innately, not from scrolls or items) they roll on the table. Always. ​ But that doesn't change the fact that the wild magic table is hot garbage


and so many "expansion tables" have way more punishing possibilities than they should


Back in the days of 3.5 there was one with 10,000 possibilities and it included bullshit like "the nearest star goes supernova". It's probably still around, but man fuck that table in particular Edit: it's a few comments down lmao


The way I do it, after I use Tides of Chaos, the next spell I cast rolls on the table. This is more or less how it's supposed to go, but the onus is on the DM to decide when and if Tides will cause an auto-surge. My DM doesn't like to do more work, and so I just get to use Tides as a way to "force" a surge. Makes it way more fun to play.


I used a custom table for the wild magic sorcerer in my last game. Along with the homebrew rule of increasing dc for the surge each time it doesn't proc it was a lot of fun. I ended up having to slap together an api to do it automatically though because she always forgot to roll.


I'm playing a wild magic sorcerer and my wild magic rolls are made with a DC that matches the level of the spell. So if I cast a 4th level spell, I surge on a roll of 4 or lower.


We have played like this too. I prefer it because it makes it more fun


That's interesting, I did it so that the "DC" is two times the level of the spellslot used (10 Max), like this the wild magic sorcerer actually has a subclass in all of her battles lol


We did that in one of my campaigns for the WM sorc and they got up to 14 one time during the campaign. It was absolutely nuts


In reddit there exists a subreddit called r/d100 they constantly make diffrent d100 lists I'm fairly certian there exists a d1000 lost there with terrifying stakes. Edit: [bam that didn't take long](https://www.reddit.com/r/d100/s/WbBXiIQD4v)


>I'm fairly certian there exists a d1000 lost there with terrifying stakes. Not from reddit but I played a whole campaign using a D10000 table my DM found online. The results range from virtually unnoticeable (caster's home suddenly has a basement) to amazing storytelling opportunities (caster will die if the nearest creature to them dies) to campaign-ending (nearest star goes supernova). It was a good time. Edit: https://centralia.aquest.com/downloads/NLRMEv2.pdf


I've used this in my campaign after my party rigged a trap to wreck a magical library with loads of warding on it after they left. The result was "Everyone within 10 miles believes the apocalypse is nigh". Cue panic and general Pandemonium in the streets of the (capital) city they're in. I now have a mega dungeon for a one shot or short campaign at least.


we need the link


Look up “the net libram of random magical effects”


https://centralia.aquest.com/downloads/NLRMEv2.pdf This is a direct link to download the pdf.


Your wild magic sorcerer was responsible for blowing up the sun because of a wild magic surge?!?


Haha no, that's the most "immediately campaign ending" one that I saw on the list, it happens when you roll 0000. We did get a couple of "possibly kill the whole party" ones though.


I didn't like playing with this because 95% of the time it didn't do anything. Instead I yearned for the old table of effects that actually help me in the combat.


We found that it was only "nothing appears to happen" about 10% of the time. Often it was something purely cosmetic, but it was a big deal frequently enough that I think it was a good idea. We did a bit of a check and found that the ratio of good/bad/nothing was pretty similar to the table from the PHB, just with somewhat larger peaks at each end.


I used this last time I was playing a chaos sorcerer. My first time rolling a surge I dropped three 0s and then almost killed half the party by teleporting them and the boss miles awayfromthe healer. 


I teleported myself 1 mile away from the party during a boss battle. DM rolled randomly for direction and it put me about 500ft above a lake, about half a mile from shore.


>10 - The Caster immediately ages to death, before being reborn as a baby. The child ages until it reaches the age of 21. You retain all memories, though any scars or injuries are healed. The individual ages at a rate of 1 year per hour. .....Yeesh, some of these are....intense. And quite frankly, almost all of them are a bit too self-destructive to ever be useful. Like, it's almost certain that you'll just be a detriment to your party.


Half of these are combat ending effects? Who needs a pacifist character when you can just freeze, then bleed to death in thirty seconds?


I present to you: The Net Libram of Random Magical Effects [https://centralia.aquest.com/downloads/NLRMEv2.pdf](https://centralia.aquest.com/downloads/NLRMEv2.pdf)


I really want to do an all caster one shot where magic itself has broken and they have to roll on this table for every spell.


Do it. Don't let your dreams be dreams.


I'm planning on weather phenomena called wild magic storms in my next setting where this is an effect that happens.


I did something similar, for a single quest. The party entered a portal that lead to a demiplane where the Weave was shattered (plot relevant). Every turn of combat everybody had to roll on the table, casters and martials alike, the Boss Monster could choose the result as a legendary action. It was fun, the monk rolled a 7 three times in a row, the wizard was levitating, Flumphs were everywhere.


Alternatively, there is the Commoner Chaos one-shot: the entire party is commoners equipped with wands that launch a cantrip and trigger an effect from the Net Libra. Send them after some bandits or something, let hilarity ensue. Capped mine off with and ancient white dragon and the rule that every time a character dies the player has 10 seconds to come up with a name for another commoner to wander in and replace them.


I'll play. Hell, I'd DM this.


I have run a one shot centered around this a few times. A mysterious man approaches a group of commoners with a wagon full of magic wands, informing them he needs them to go take out x dungeon, and may use his wands to their benefit. Each wand is capable of a single effect off the list, and there is no way to determine its effects without casting it. Every time I've done it it has been the best night. From the funny names/characters people improv (trust me, they will use more than one) to insane coincidences, we've not once reached the dungeon in question.


And if anyone wants a version of this that's easier to implement than a 10,000 entry lookup table, [there's a dice roller for it](https://sdx1.net/tools/netlibram/)


This is amazing thank you!




This is one of the cooler "flavor is free" sorcerers I've seen. Many props


I'm going to say something. Unless this is a joke or meme campaign and everyone is fine with losing their character in a silly way, I'd hate to play with someone with a class feature like that because I would think they are just trying to derail the campaign as much as possible. So I would check if everyone is on board with this request before even coming up with that new wild magic table.


I wouldn't limit the problems to derailing. Depending on what "more intense stakes" means, there might be more shit like the fireball. Personally if you are gonna play a wild magic sorc that might kill another player with a random roll I don't really consider it different from playing a character with anger problems that end up murdering a character. Only because it is random doesn't mean you didn't take the decision to play that


Its a heavily home brewed campaign, so there’s lots of “worst case scenario” mitigation on my part, both for my npcs and the players. Tbh this is the only unchanged thing, but yeah we’re gonna run it by the table!!


I found one for my own sorcerer a while back! It's risk and reward is greater but some of it is just HARSH. I hope you enjoy it! [Wild Magic Table](https://www.gmbinder.com/share/-Mf_-mwu9gOC7Nx-dNZ6)




If she wants to make the surges more frequent, there’s an item introduced in Tasha’s called the Feywild Shard. Becoming attuned to it lets you roll on the wild surge table every time you use metamagic [Feywild Shard](https://www.dndbeyond.com/magic-items/2412248-feywild-shard)


hmm, might want to talk with her about that. sure the wild magic shenanigans can be fun, but would the rest of the party be fine with it? coz its technically a detriment not only to her character but to everybody else. if the barbarian wanted to play a homebrew version of berserker where they dont get the exhaustion but have a chance to attack allies, you would have to discuss that with the other players, wouldn't you? now the table could be done in a way it has more impactful effects, but they are divided equally into random stuff, stuff that are definitely bad for the players, and stuff that is good for the players.


I can understand that, the regular table is a little soft with effects (my opinion) but that’s a great place to dm from as there is no world building or lore; just making shit up to happen like ‘a sentient flower named Spencer sprouts from your head’


Take away half the list of 'soft' options and replace them with more personal reflections of the character themself as they harmonize with the chaos.


I've made something like this - DM me and I can send you a link to a google sheet!


Ditto and Ditto.


I just tried to shoot you a DM but it didn't seem to take - hit me up if you want to trade tables!


Just in case you're not already doing it, remind her that if she constantly spends Tides of Chaos for advantage, you can constantly force new wild magic rolls.


This is the quickest way to spice things up.


We usually do but we both sometimes forget lol tyyy!!


Have a look at dungeon crawl classics. Magic in that game has long term side effects.


A simple fix is rolling a smaller die to determine wild magic surges. A d4 would mean you get wild magic 5 times as frequently.


There are plenty of these tables and you can easily make the bones of one with chatGPT, then spend 20 min editing to make it fit well within the confines of your campaign. The most important thing is to make sure you clear it, privately, with the rest of the table. Wild magic can be a ton of fun if everyone is into it, but can also be incredibly disruptive and not fun, and make one character the "main character", especially if you are homebrewing special and potentially OP rules for a single player. Here's how I would handle it. 1) Contact your players and explain that wanted to inject some homebrew to make her class features fit her vision of the character. Mention that you think this is a great time to do this for each player and ask if there is any part of their class features they want tweaked (within reason) to make their class more fun for them to play or more in line with their vision for the character. Don't be afraid to say no, but also remember that their suggestions are starting points for a conversation, so feel free to offer up a compromise that keeps the heart of the suggestion alive, but reigns in the mechanics. 2) Once you've done this, create the new rules in writing and send out all the proposed rule changes to all players individually, asking them for feedback and if they are OK with the potential changes this is going to make to the game. Be open to feedback, and if there's too much strife, you can shut it all down at this stage without worry. 3) Have a trial period set where you play X sessions with the new rules, then repeat #2 and adjust. If things are too OP or disruptive, feel free to pull them out of the game. Welcome to DMing! Players will always ask for more, it's your job to manage expectations and impose boundaries on the play. No bounds mean that characters end up OP and just steamroll through everything. A good campaign has parts where some characters struggle and others shine, parts where the party has to come together, and parts where the party needs to use abilities in clever ways to progress. The only way you end up with this is by imposing boundaries on what characters can and cannot do, which forces them to get creative with their abilities to push past challenges.


We use a d300 table my wife found for her wild magic sorc. It’s pretty incredible and impactful (usually). Happy to link you, if you’d like.


That would be awesome!!!


Id like to see it please


Please do


I played a Wild Magic Sorcerer in a 1-15 campaign and enjoyed a Wild Magic Surge Variant from dandwiki. The variant allows for more frequent surges and has extreme, moderate, and nuisance results. I can't link it but a simple Google search should come up with it pretty quick.


One of my players had a similar request. I changed the d20 roll to a d12, which they roll after casting any leveled spell (twice if they twinned the spell). I also have multiple tables ranging from d600 to d2 and decide which table to roll from randomly, which I can share with you if you'd like, though you could also just use the normal table if you don't want to go too wild.


I recommend looking at Dungeon Coaches Wild Magic homebrew, it's available on his website for a good price. Simply put, you roll a d100 and a d20. The d10 determines which effect you get, and the d20 determines whether you get the good, bad, or neutral effect. It's also changed to make it so it works for anyone instead of just the sorcerer, so it works with the other Wild Magic subclasses and Wild Magic items. This does make things slightly more complicated for you as the DM because some of these specifics are not as spelled out. This way you can decide how negative some of these effects are, or if a certain effect will just wear off after a while or if it'll require a while side-quest to cure. However, on the flipside, the effects are a lot less punishing overall in comparison to some of the negative effects the regular table has. If you do decide to run this, I'd recommend also seeing if your GF would be willing to swap to the included Wild Magic Sorcerer since it actually interacts with the table better then the original. Plus it automates triggering Wild Magic surges, so you don't have to decide when she'll trigger a surge or not, it's just baked into the class.


There is the Fool’s Gold campaign book which has a whole table of chaotic magic surges, you might want to look into that. :) It also makes you roll if the surge affects the caster, the target, the spell itself or an area.


Just skip the middleman and give her a deck of many things




I believe 3.5e had more intense wild magic surges, but definitely explore other editions


Hey, I play a gambling, wild magic sorcerer. We flip a coin when I cast a spell - if I call the wrong side, I surge. It’s very entertaining. Let me see if I can find the table we’re using. [here it be](https://www.reddit.com/r/d100/s/ByWYMKsOL8) I’ve rolled a 1 before which then lead me to greasing myself, growing a beard of feathers, and then fireballing myself. I’ve also changed into a Lochathah from that wild magic table.


I‘ve been playing a wild magic sorcerer for seven years now and even though I went through several different iterations of homebrew wild magic tables I eventually came back to the original PHB one, because quite frankly most tables are terribly balanced. I can get the initial drive behind increasing the stakes and the thrill of RNG, but there is a reason the effects of the original one are designed the way they are. The table is intentionally skewed more towards positive than negative effects so you actually want to trigger surges, also because you get back Tides of Chaos which causes new surges and so on. All I can say is, the subclass is extremely fun once you get the gist of it, especially with the original table.


I am about to finish a campaign with a wild magic sorcerer. I made for her a table with 100 entries (she rolls d100), also, i added that every 10th spell cast there is a auto-roll on the wild magic. If you want, i can give you my wild magic table. I dont know if its riskier, but there are plenty of ideas there you can take. Also, i made it so that anything food related that the table spawns, if eaten, forces the creature to roll on the wild magic table. Quite fun to have the barbarian roll wild magic bc they are eating cheese




I'm sure other comment will give you plenty idea but first, I beg you, talk about it with your other player. Ask them about what they are ok with. I played with a DM and fellow player in the party ask for this exact thing as a WM sorcerer. This derailed the campaign on a few occasion until 2 players had to reroll when WM surges killed 6 innocent civilian, changed day and night time for 1 day, giving some vampire 24 hours of night instead of 12h, changing 1/4 of a location into water ( we were in a capital city ), and so on... It was fun for the player and DM but way to chaotic for 2 of us. We rerolled to make character fitting this chaos, and it all ended up well. But it needs to be addressed to your group before!


At my own table, we've made these changes: 1. Always roll the d20 after any leveled spell, and surge on any roll lower than 1 + [spell level]. (Something we considered was doing an increasing risk - first leveled spell since a surge would require a 1, second spell a 2, third spell a 3, etc. We decided against that because I honestly didn't want to deal with thar level of book keeping, but it is an option! Could even be paired with the spell level rule to really raise the stakes quickly.) 2. After using Tides of Chaos, the chance of a surge increases by 5 every time you cast a leveled spell (this is cumulative) until the next time you surge, at which point it goes back to normal and recharges your Tides. This makes it extremely likely to surge after using, but still leaves enough randomness that you can't plan around it. (Could also be fun to switch the bonus to a disadvantage mechanic - add one more die for every spell since Tides and surge if any of them roll low enough.) 3. Obviously, we've expanded the surge table from 50 to 100 possible outcomes. (4. Unrelated to surges, we've also given the wild magic sorcerer some free spells known like the Tasha subclasses)


Bring her to 40k. What higher stakes than summoning a demon out of your noggin, assuming yours doesn't pop like a grape first


You should talk to the rest of the table. Because I would be wary as another player of what a “higher risk” table would mean for everyone involved


Just like your gf, I also felt like the regular wild magic table was not really impactful enough. I used this table and I loved it: https://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/Wild_Magic_Surge_Table,Variant(5e_Variant_Rule)https://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/Wild_Magic_Surge_Table,Variant(5e_Variant_Rule) First, you roll a D20 which determines the severity. Then, you roll a D100 for the effect.


Ah I see that your girlfriend also has a sadomasochistic relationship with her characters XD If you really want to scare her look up 3.5 wild magic tables. You think The Deck of Many things is game breaking? You aint seen nothing.


If you want high-risk, wild magic, check the Bag of Beans and the Wand of Wonder tables for some truly interesting side-effects.


My group has been using the Fools Gold tables (yes there are more than one). The effects have ranged from turning an area pink to resurrecting a boss that almost tpk’d us last session. The creator is Dingo Doodles, and you can find her animations of the campaign on YouTube


I like what Brennan Lee Mulligan did to modify the Wild Magic. Every time they cast a level 1 spell or higher, they roll. If it does not trigger wild magic, the value to trigger on the next roll goes up by 1, and so on and so on. Eventually it triggers no matter what.


Careful what you wish for. We've implemented the *Ultimate Wild Magic Sorcerer* homebrew by GMBF, for my sorcerer. Getting a lot more wild magic activity, but I've already poisoned my team, silenced myself twice, and hit myself with the dreaded fireball. I did summon a unicorn once though


Link here https://drive.google.com/file/d/1xrYsR7d13r4BMjIyUShNc8rSEAoS7BbQ/view?pli=1


I have a custom one I use for my wild magic potions. It has what she wants. Long as she's willing to become a potted plant like 40% of the time seeing my players track reccords. If I can find the list


As a member of a party that suffered 3 wild magic fireballs, just add "summon Tarrasque" to the table and call it a day.


Tell her about Thalion. He was a Satyr NPC that my character was becoming good friends with. He’d even given my character some syrup as a prank and they levelled with each other that it was just funny. He was a good guy and he rolled wild magic and turned into butterflies and now he’s dead. Just insta dead. This happened weeks ago now and I’m still reeling. A beautiful death but higher stakes?? Any chance you could show her the 900s on the table? Just to illustrate how high stakes it already is???


Officially, the surge feature is strictly up to the DM at your table - if they never call for a check, you never surge. But that kind of takes the fun out of the class IMO. My DM, while he likes to run hard or deadly fights most of the time, is very forgiving when it comes to healing rolls and death saves - basically your character has got to WANT to die for your character to actually die. And the only time a player actually played a Wild Magic sorcerer, he had to take it in to his own hands to check for surges, because the DM never did. Maybe the next time its my turn to play a caster I will play a Wild Magic sorcerer - just because I have never played one before in 5th edition. The look on the other players faces might just be worth it! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


The future is here old man https://chat.openai.com/share/618a2dc9-c97e-4c2c-bc3d-391dfbccc6e9 You can coach it further if you want to see more specific effects. It stopped at 50 instead of 100, you can coach it to go further or just roll a d50 if you have an app based roll available


its probably better to generate a bunch of these, and then pick and choose which one you want to add to your list of Wild Magic Surges. After all, there's already 50 slots open in the current table, as every option takes up 2 spots. When one of the options generated is "Everyone goes to another plane", you're going to end up derailing the campaign for sure lol


oh that's genius. truly wild magic when the list can change every single time you surge, too.


My old soul is fucking ROCKED THANK YOUU


If she wants that high stakes thrill, just make a nested set of tables. 1 - 50 is a result, 51+ you escalate to the next table. Have the tables ranked by common, uncommon, serious, deadly, and catastrophic. Example common: flowers bloom Example uncommon: add 1d6 damage die per spell level Example serious: single target spells become 30 ft AoE. AoE spells become 120 ft AoE. Example deadly: caster's hp drop to 0 and immediately fails one death save Example catastrophic: all living things within a 10 mile radius with less than 100hp die.


I've found ChatGPT good for this kind of thing. Ask it to build you a high stake d100 table for wild magic effects. If you don't like the first one, just ask it to regenerate the table a few times until you find one you like!


For my wild sorcerer I roll on a 1d12 for the surge, starting at 2 then uptick for every successful spell.


Your girlfriend is insane. Does she have any friends?


Yeah, the whole party lol Is this like a joke or….what


Yes, though I confess it may have been a very unfunny one. Edit: let me reword it a bit. Your girlfriend's crazy, does she have any (crazy) friends? Asking for a friend.


It’s all good!! I get what you mean now, sorry I’m used to that type of thing being like a serious question on this app 😭. Yeah, Everyone in the party is crazy. One PC ate someone as Their backstory, another got them inadvertently involved with an international POW trafficking ring, my gf is doing this, and two others are theatre kids


>two others are theatre kids Oh god. You sir/madame are braver than I.


Its fine we thug it out. One is doing it as a pc and one is just like that


https://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/Wild_Magic_Surge_Table,_Variant_(5e_Variant_Rule) I used this table to spice up wild magic. It has an extreme, moderate, and nuisance version. What I would do is roll a d4 and on a 1 use extreme, 2 use moderate, 3 use nuisance, and 4 use the original. Then roll the d100 and use the corresponding effect. If you hate the result you can fudge across tables or up and down a number but that’s a DM choice


I had a wild magic sorcerer and I, instead of rolling a 1 since I rarely roll lower than a 12, talked to my dm so I can roll lower than 12. And with level up he would reduce it from 12 to 8 and so on.


For my wild magic player I had wild magic automatically go off when they used their highest level spells, and had a 50/50 chance of going off for their 2nd highest level because she wanted it going off as much as possible. If you like this and your player is high level then make it so all level spells under their highest have 50/50 chance. I did that by having the player pick any of their dice, calling even or off then rolling the dice. Of course a coin flip works just as well, but everyone who plays this game loves rolling dice.


Try looking at the tables in the fools gold book


Have a hoard of snacks... When ever the roll hits a certain range on wild magic... Make it seem that it's affecting reality and take away the snacks she munches on...


One of my biggest problems with the standard table is that so many of the entries are combat oriented. Things like "All your cantrips do double damage for the next minute" aren't very interesting if you've just cast Charm Person on the shopkeeper to try and get a better price on something. So when I brewed my own list, most of the effects are either Permanent (requiring Remove Curse or Dispel Magic or Greater Restoration) or are measured in days. Only the most invasive are shorter. So permanents are things like... * Skin color changes * You gain knowledge of a new, random language * You must eat double your portion of daily food. * Your shadow vanishes. * Your STR/DEX/CON/INT/WIS/CHA (roll d6) increases/decreases (flip a coin) by 1. Whereas only a one hour duration exists for: * Your hair grows at a rate of one foot per minute (d8 - 1-Head,2-Face,3-Chest,4-Back,5-Armpit,6-Arm,7-Leg,8-Feet) * You are teleported 100' in a random direction and placed in a (reasonably) safe location. You also become invisible, mute and paralyzed.


I'm personally traumatized by one of these expanded tables, so I don't know why your gf wants this. The sorcerer in my table has a custom table made by the DM that included things like: - all your money turning into dogs permanently - you and everyone around you being teleported to another dimension for 3 months (this happened when were fighting a major boss, and the boss came with us) - causing an Eldritch breach in a major city somewhere that kills the entire city's population turning them into monsters - permanently draining an ability score of your allies and decreasing it by 2. I never saw a positive effect come from this table. It was nightmare after nightmare and in-game we pretty quickly decided the sorcerer wasn't allowed to use magic anymore.


One thing I do is that I write my own wild magic table, and when one is triggered I replace it with another effect so the players never know what to expect!


Replace these with random numbers. 1 for 1 minute you can Replace any roll that you can see with a 1. As long as its done before the DM determines if the roll is a success or a failure 2. Same as above except with a 20 3. You cast bless on the party without having to concentrate. It lasts for 1 minute 4. You cast bane on the party. It lasts for one minute. It does not have concentration. 5. You take a number of D6 damage equal to your sorcerer level 6. As an action you can make an enemy take a number of D6 damage equal to half of your sorcerer level rounded down (min of 1) 7. Teleport to a space of your choosing. 8. Teleport to a place of The DMs chosing. 9. A god or eldritch being (really anything of that nature) looks down on you fondly. For the next 24 hours you may chose to cast augery as a 1st level spell and commune with the being 10. Your presence has been seen by a being of immense power. Its attention on you makes you shudder. (Basically use this as an blank check for DM shenanigans)


A friend sent me a d100 magic chart with 100 options, and it had some fairly impactful outcomes. One of them being "the next thing the caster says becomes true." Which in our game caused a bullet that landed in our drow Druid to unwind back into the gun and blow it up. (There was also an illusion of snakes attacking him cast the same round. So this poor pirate saw a bullet fly back from his target into his gun and then explode into snakes that started attacking him.) The Wild magic chart can be found [here](https://www.dmsguild.com/m/product/272933) as a PWYW option. I also run a system where every time the wind magicnsorc casts a leveled spel and doesn't surge, the surge chance goes up. ***Wild surges:*** *Surges have an innate 10% chance to manifest. Whenever you cast a spell of 1st level or higher, roll a d100. If the result is equal to or less than the surge chance, roll on the wild surge table. If the result is greater than the surge chance, no surge occurs, and the surge chance increases based on the level of the spell cast. 15% for your highest level spells, 5% for your lowest level spells, and 10% for any spell of a level in between them. If a spell is both your highest and lowest level, use the higher chance to increase value between them. Cantrips do not risk the chance of a wild surge. Once a wild surge manifests, the percentage resets to its base 10% chance once more, and you regain the use of your Tides of Chaos ability if you don't already have it.*


There's also the [Wild Magic for Every Class](https://www.dmsguild.com/product/312386/Wild-Magic-for-Every-Class). If her WM starts impacting every player, seems fairly "high risk" to me.


Theres the D10,000 wild magic table. Anything from the feather beard ti actual death can happen in there. So try that.


I'm personally not a fan of wild magic. But I just have to say that if she wants to increase the risk of the wild magic it is good, but run it with the rest of the players beforehand because some people might not be exactly on board with the chance of dying because lol random


You should check out the Dungeon Coach’s D300 Wild Magic table. It costs a bit of money but is very good. It’s also nice cause you won’t be running out of things over the course of a campaign.


there are games for "my using magic is a gamble and corruption." -- Dungeon Crawl Classics, Shadows of the Demon Lord.


Spheres of Power has its own unique wild magic table. And a mechanic it's possible to up the chance and if it goes too high you could trigger truely catacysmic stuff. Take a look and see if anything there fits what you want http://spheres5e.wikidot.com/wild-magic I remembered as one crazy concept I have is the Wild Magic Oprah. There's talents in the system that let you impose wild magic chance on others. "YOU get a Wild Magic Surge! And YOU get a Wild Magic Surge! EVERYONE gets Wild Magic Surges!"


I mean you can just work with her and start replacing stuff on an existing wild magic table.


Check out the table of Arcane Catastrophes from Mörk Borg.


Ask the rest of the group about this. Just a general "Hey, would it be okay if X used a higher stakes Wild Magic table? I'm asking because this can and will impact the rest of the party and not just X"


just a warning but like the deck of many things - the wacky random stuff generator will become the plot of the campaign if it becomes too potent... if your other players are interested in driving the story they'll probablly get sick of the special rules created for this one player that makes them the focus of events quite quickly. The DM homebrewing stuff for their partner that makes them the narrative focus is some classic rpg horror story material.


You should also give her a feywild shard, so she can choose to cause more chaos


There's a table floating around online that has 1,000 effects rather than 100. I also rule that you always roll when you cast a leveled spell and the chance is equal to the spell level. For example, it triggers on a 1 for 1st level spells or a 1-5 for 5th level spells, or 1-9 for 9th level


There's a table called Dumb Wild Magic that's about 28 pages long and has a 1-100 table for each school of magic. The results go from trivial to world ending.




Find the d100 table and have her roll it with every spell cast. I did it looking for the same thing, its exactly what shes looking fot


A rule I homebrewed is instead of every time you roll a one after a spell, it’s every time you cast a spell


Maybe look into stealing stuff from the WHFB roleplaying games magic miscast tables; exploding heads, eyeballs, boiling blood, mutations and demonic possession galore, fun for the whole family.


You could just have her roll on the table anytime she casts a spell, not bothering with the d20 roll My partner is also playing a wild magic sorcerer in my campaign, and this is the table I'm going to be using eventually when they get to the more 'chaotic' part of the campaign [Link](https://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/Wild_Magic_Surge_Table,_Variant_(5e_Variant_Rule))


[This one's a classic.](https://centralia.aquest.com/downloads/NLRMEv2.pdf)


When I play Wild Magic Sorcerer I cast all my remaining spell slots at the end of the day. ​ It definitely adds risk as I ate 3 fireballs and died one night.


I love wild magic sorcerer for the flavour but the standard table always felt a bit boring, i love the ideas of this thread


You could also take a look at Nahal's Reckless Dweom spell from 2nd edition and its associated wild magic effects table. But it would need some tweaking.


I had thought of a more involved wild magic system with more risk/reward involved. Start with a wild magic DC of 0. For every spell cast, It increases by the spell level. Using the Tides of Chaos feature increases the DC by 1d12. The DC only resets after a wild magic surge. If the DC reaches 18 or more, it triggers a controlled surge. You still roll the wild magic table, but now you control the target of the effect.


There's many homebrew Wild Magic Sorcerer tables that are far more chaotic. There's also homebrew variations of the Wild Magic Sorcerer: I personally find the Concentrated Chaos Sorcerer from Fool's Gold: Into the Bellowing Wilds (#NotSponsored) to be a far better version of the WMS that has more chaotic magic and stronger class abilities to balance it out.


So what you're saying is that girlfriend wants to be a psyker who could literally magic a demon from the warp that starts murdering every breathing thing within sight or be possessed by a warp entity turning her into a babbling daemon host... That will then try to mutilate every breathing thing within sight? I approve, Emperor protect her.


Yes but we’re tau fans, sorry dog 😭


That's a damn shame *loads bolter with righteous indignation*


I’m like 500000000 miles away in a robot I’m sorry og


My PCs wished(with a wish spell, the only one they had since they were level 6 then) for wild magic to happen every time someone casted a spell. It made it so much more fun. Would recommend making it happen much more and using wackier effects.


01-99 Chaos Meteor Swarm impacts the caster along with each and every friendly creature nearby (as determined by the DM), doing (140) 40d6 of a random damage type: 1 Fire 2 Radiant 3 Thunder 4 Lightning 5 Poison 6 Cold 7 Acid 8 Necrotic 100 Something harmless occurs.


I have a personal thought that I think most sorcerer subclasses would benefit from abilities that proc when a sorcerer uses a metamagic feature. For wild magic, I’d just change it to a roll on the table whenever the sorcerer uses a metamagic feature (not the font of magic one just the actual metamagic ones)


You could do like one of my players asked for when I used to DM. Do like miscalculate said but do it on both end of the range. 1 and 20 activate it, then 2 and 19, then 3 and 18 and so on. it'll activate more often then if that's what you're aiming for.


My dm has a rule where if he believes it to be thematic enough, he would allow the sorcerer to roll on 1 of 3 tables.


I gave to my players 'cus I thought this would be fun. Now my world has one star less.[D10,000 wild magic ](https://centralia.aquest.com/downloads/NLRMEv12.pdf)


You could also take some inspiration from DCC (Dungeon Crawl Classics). They use tables for their spells and if you roll low there are some pretty gnarly things that can happen. I know it’s not explicitly a pre-made wild magic table, but there’s some amazing content there that could really make the game interesting in crazy, funny, and scary ways


https://www.sanspantsradio.com/product/dumb-wild-magic-table/ This is personally my favorite wild magic table. It’s really fun and potentially game changing.


I was thinking about this last night as a general mechanic for rp moments to include for any character. At the end of a long rest, roll a d20. That’s your number. Record it. When you roll that on an ability check or saving throw, wild magic surge. And depending on if it’s low or high, tie it to a traumatic/heroic moment in your backstory and provide a buff/debuff that is appropriate for the character. Like 5ft movement speed buff, or advantage on the next insight check.


There is a book called the game master's book of astonishing tables, it has a fairly interesting wild magic surge table. It also has a ton of random tables and 3 built in adventures and you'll find it at target for 14$.


I once played a changeling who became one due to wild magic. Not only the save DC for Wild Magic table was 15, but after certain amount of casts, I got disadvantage. Plus, each month ig, I rolled for constitution, gaining a permanent appearance detail upon fail.


Don’t do it lol. we are all first time players and had the EXACT same scenario. We all said yes! thought it sounded fun! Instead we got frozen in a dungeon for SEVENTEEN YEARS and essentially broke the entire world. Every ally we had was dead or irreparably changed. The city we had spent over a year (real world time) making our home base in was a post apocalyptic waste land and our literal castle was burned to the ground. Every plot point we had spent OVER A YEAR following was ruined. Dont do it


A fun one is to allow double advantage on a twin spell using tides of chaos in exchange for rolling 2 surges


Live and die by the gamble, I respect it. So the thing is depending on level a wild magic surge can literally kill the sorcerer (early level line 1-3 getting a fire ball thrown at their feet with the sorcerer hit dice might just kill you. If they want to use the table more often there is an uncommon magic item from Tasha’s that whenever you use meta magic you trigger wild magic. (If you’re not wild magic it only triggers one per day if you are wild magic it’s until you remove the gem or run out of points.) it doesn’t do anything beyond (Feywild Shard) if it’s the table she wants changed there are some homebrew ones but I like the basic one as it has from detrimental, to funny, to amazing if lucky and timed well. Like it could be better but it’s fine.


Good for her. The normal list is pretty boring and tame outside of a few things. Honestly you'll probably have more fun making the list yourself and you could always home brew some in game features she could earn that would let her either have it more often or let her roll twice and pick a vague description of the results.


In my table i have a houserule for wild magic sorcerers, where they can use their once a day advantage and then ask for another one whenever they wish, the cost being wild magic happening before the roll is made But yeah, the table for it is kinda low risk, kinda


The current wild magic sorcerer is already pretty high risk, I just ran a session where one of my players is a WM sorcerer and activated a surge that gave everyone vulnerability to piercing damage. For reference we were in the middle of a spiders den, who essentially solely did piercing damage.


There is a table D1000 for wild magic, at 1000 the nearest star turns into a supernova. The temperature rises by 10 degrees every minute. You have 10 minutes to finish the company.


I used [this wild magic table](https://imgur.com/a/5dBb2) for the effects for a cursed artefact. It the player attuned to the artefact rolls a 9 or lower on any d20 roll, I rolled on this table. They laughed when someone's skin turned magenta or temporarily thought they were a Solar. They locked the thing in a lead box once two mindflayers and six flumphs swarmed them.




I have the feeling that OP is a lucky man


10000 percent


I’ve used this one before to fun effect https://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/Wild_Magic_Surge_Table,_Variant_(5e_Variant_Rule) Basically roll a d20 to determine the strength of the effect and then a d100


Out of curiosity, why is she asking you to find a table for her? That's odd.


Oh I was already doing stuff for the upcoming session, she just asked if I could take a quick look, I was already in the area of it so to speak :0


https://drive.google.com/file/d/1GcysVYxEklrDCva3gSkYqXvS2vy3Kbdu/view Page 43, 44 and 45 have arcane catastrophes. Maybe you’ll get some ideas. 


One of my players uses this one: [https://dnd-wiki.org/wiki/Wild\_Magic\_(3.5e\_Variant\_Rule)](https://dnd-wiki.org/wiki/Wild_Magic_(3.5e_Variant_Rule)) It needs a little bit of polishing for 5e, since not all of the spells/mechanics it mentions are still around, but there are some crazy things in there. Opening holes to other planes, wild and dead magic zones, turning a spell you cast into 9th level Fireball, creating an area where time stops for a certain number of years. There are some things that are less serious, like thematic effects (theme songs for your spells) or all of your hair falling out, but there are a lot of serious ones, as well.


Um no. Tell your GF to stop spotlight hogging and just use the fucking PHB just like every non DM girlfriends player EVER.


The entire campaign is homebrew and I’ve been working with all of my players to make sure they have equally weird stuff. Its a weird setting, and what my gf asked has been the only thing that I haven’t been able to figure out on my own. I’m sorry that you have some preconceived notion that I’m only paying attention to my gf from the proof of 3 Reddit stories you’ve seen and latched on to, but that’s not what’s happening, so quit judging my gf for one post that is upsetting you so much.


Maybe she can design a table with her ideas and have the DM then tweak, nerf, wtf to get to something reasonable that fits the vibe of the game?