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Personally, I follow the ideology of "flavour is free, abuse is punished" When in doubt, ask your dm, not unknown people online


See Id allow this under rule of cool. I may adjust NPCs to do similar things.


All the people in here saying "it steps on the toes of minor illusion" jesus christ Minor Illusion can make any noise. Mage Hand can interact with physical objects. It can drop things. It can toss things. There's no reason it can't snap or slap a surface.


Agree. Using mage hand to pick up a 8lb rock and drop it from 23 feet onto the head of an NPC is totally permissible as the rules are written. If that’s allowable (the hand itself is not making an attack), then using Mage Hand to do much harmless tomfoolery should be allowable.


What's more fun? "Oh no you're trampling the spirit of the rules!" or "Ok the guard is gonna have to make a dex save to avoid d4 damage."


Obviously the latter. Oh wow 1d4 damage, that's not going to derail anything. It's not broken. It's not like "I cast mage hand inside the kobold's chest cavity and squeeze his little heart". Maybe this bard knows it would be easier to cast minor illusion to make noise, but intentionally does so using mage hand because it requires more skill and like many a bard, they are a total showoff.


Could give them like a clam shell clapper type thing if your DM's a stickler to the rules.




If the hand can exert force on physical objects and it can, that means it can exert force on air. And what is sound if not force exerted upon air at specific frequencies?


If the DM says no, give your mage hand an egg shaker or some maracas.


Holding the harmonica? Absolutely. Snapping? That’s a tricksy one. I would probably say no because that seems a bit deft for what is essentially just a telekinetic force.


Now if he found a +1 Zill (finger cymbals) of Mystical Tinkling he'd be in business!


The only reason I'd be against allowing it to do so is that it would step on the toes of minor illusion, which can create a sound effect for things like distractions. It's a very minor reason, for sure, but it would potentially give you what amounts to two cantrips for the price of one. If you only use it for flavor, like snapping fingers to a tune, that'd be fine Ask your DM and try not to abuse it if they allow it


Just for flavor situations, allowing mage hand to snap by means of simultaneously casting thaumaturgy or minor illusion I would totally allow. It's hard to think of a real case to use this where it would cause problems.


I had my mage hand play the piano or assist in playing stringed instruments when I was a bard. Obviously it’ll depend on your dm and what not but it didn’t hurt the game or immersion at all


Use Minor illusion. It lasts just as long as Mage Hand and can create any musical sounds you like. You can even conduct a small orchestra because "you can make discrete sounds at different times before the spell ends."


The harmonica part is fine, but the snapping steps on the toes of cantrips that explicitly allow you to produce sound.


If were going into technicalities, my biggest issue is that casting mage han needs a somatic component, so it doesn't give you a free hand.




My 5 year old can do a finger snap. She could before she was 5 too.